Zhan Yue

Chapter 1232: Power of capital

"I came back so soon?"

After entering the game, Lin Xi sent a message.

"That's not it!"

"What's the plan in the afternoon? I take Ruyi and Mingxuan in the Eternal Secret Realm, and then I will go to the Eternal Secret Realm for the last day. I will not change the map to go to the Eternal Secret Realm.

"Yes, I didn't arrange, a day of idleness."



In the afternoon, Fanshucheng seemed very quiet. Everyone seemed to have just eaten and drank. Even the sound of the stalls became weak, while A Fei and Nan Mu Keyi were busy. A Fei had already overcome the catastrophe with my help. Successfully ascended and became a "Ascension Realm" inscription pattern master. It is said that inscription pattern technique can reach 11th level. Now I am working hard, shouting that 10th degree inscription pattern technique is half price for seal engraving, I just want to quickly reach 11th level. Nan Mu Keyi, bowed his head to concoct medicine, was very focused, even the young lady wearing a short skirt and equipment walked by without squinting.

With my hands behind my back, I patrolled the thousands of stalls in the hunting square, just like old farmers patrolling their own one-acre three-quarters and observing the growth of the field. With the same concentration, the eyes of the ten-point steamer were secretly opened, and those Unidentified equipment, more or less, still have a lot of oil and water to fish. As for me now, I have the salary of Xiaoyao King to receive every day, but I am not in a hurry to level up and make merits.

Soon after, I started with two small best products, one was an orange ring with 11% vampire and 3% crit. The equipment was unidentified. The girl who sold the goods didn't know that this thing was the best, so they put it in a pile of unidentified equipment at a fair price. For sale, according to the glossiness, the orange equipment will be sold for 800R. As for my hands, with the double-plus crit and blood-sucking attributes in front of me, it is definitely not a problem to sell it to 8000R by ten times.

The second little best is an unidentified robe, 200-level prehistoric equipment, with a 17% damage reduction overbearing special effect attribute, this attribute is definitely explosive, the general prehistoric equipment can increase to 10% The damage reduction is heaven. This 17% damage reduction is definitely a god-level equipment for those mages who are eager to overcome the calamity. It is very likely that a robe can greatly increase the success rate of the ascent of the disaster.

Of course, as the red unidentified equipment, the starting price is also expensive, and it took a full 5W to get it.

In the game "The Moon", there is a kind of person called the "arms dealer" who specializes in purchasing various "wild unidentified" and "unidentified players build" equipment, which is sold in stalls, and the price is not high or low. Take the prehistoric equipment, the price of the 180-200 prehistoric equipment at the current stage is about 1W, so these arms dealers have increased the price by five times and sold it to 5W, but there are still a lot of "rich" "Big guys" will buy and appraise, in anticipation of big special effects, super special effects, etc. It is precisely because of these big guys that arms dealers are doing better and better, and they are very prosperous.

However, the robe I bought will definitely not lose money. When I start with 5W, I will get at least 10 times the damage. It is aimed at this 17% damage reduction, which is already a dream for many Mage players. The robes are very versatile. The mage wears harder, the priest wears it can't kill, the magician wears it extra arrogant, and the musician wears it beautifully.

"Tsk tsk..."

A Fei took the time to look up at me: "I found it."


I nodded: "At least earn 40W."

"Too shameless, let others survive!"


I sat down beside A Fei and began to collect materials to refine poisons. We can’t collect the materials for the 10th level of sadness and crisp breeze. The number of refinements is also limited, but the 9th-grade Seven Star Begonia, 8th-grade Snake Bone Powder and 7th-grade Viper There is no limit to the beauties, and these poisons are the magic medicine for the player team battle PK, the more the better, so I have to increase the inventory, so that Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Kamei, Mortal dust and other players have a pile in the leader-level player warehouse. The pile of poison can be taken out and used in the PK at any time. As a result, there are naturally fewer people who dare to provoke a deer.


After a while, someone passed through the square. The acquaintances were Feng Canghai and Martian River. Feng Canghai did not ride a horse, so he wore a brave armor and walked through the crowd with the Martian River with a mountain and sea-level sword on his back. Close to the people, and just behind the two of them, followed by a young man in a robe carrying a staff, a little immature, with no one in his eyes, with a faint sneer as he swept over the crowd, his ID called The pool was a thousand feet deep, but what really caught my attention was that the professional title above his head turned out to be a "drug maker."

"Hey, it's time to show off again." A Fei sneered.

I saw that he seemed to know everything, so while refining poison, he asked, "What is the origin of this name?

A Fei sneered: "Hidden class, similar to a secondary class, transferred from a mage, with a natal skill called poison making, which is similar to your refining poison."

I frowned and said: "So powerful?"

"Not that great."

A Fei said: "A little girl I had soaked in Fenglin Volcano has already inquired out. It is said that the Poison Master was hired occasionally from the Pharmacist Guild. The Poison Master can be as high as level 8. That is to say... this person can refine the two poisons of the Supreme Femme Beauty and the Snake Bone Powder. As for the Seven Star Begonia and Sadness Breeze, his professional formula is incomplete."

Nan Mu Keyi approached, with a gossip on his face, and said: "This man started to gain fame when he took out 2,000 bottles of blood crow poison a week ago, and quickly caused major guilds. At that time, it seemed that... the Shinhwa, Prague, and Wuji guilds had attracted him, but in the end he was signed by Fenglinshan Mountain. Feng Canghai offered him an annual salary of 1200W and hired him as Fenglinshan Mountain’s imperial poisoner. There is a clause in the contract that all the poisons refined are given priority to Fenglin Huoshan. Tsk tsk, it is said that this product was a worthless university graduate at the beginning, gnawing the old at home, a certificate of job change as a poison maker, Let him ascend to heaven directly."

A Fei sneered: "I heard that this person was treated very well in Fenglinshan Mountain. I heard that after he was single for many years, Feng Canghai almost recommended himself as a matchmaker and introduced him to the beautiful players in the guild. Just a few days ago, he I really got into a female mage from Feng Lin Huoshan, her figure and face, tsk tsk, it's okay!"

I frowned and stopped the "rubbing poison" in my hand.

"What's wrong, what is the boss worried about?" Nanmu Keyi asked.

I said lightly: "The highest one can only refine femme fatale and snake bone powder, but it's actually okay. It's not like Seven Star Begonia, Sad Crisp Breeze and other high-level poisons that completely control the battlefield, but I have another one. I am worried that Feng Canghai hired this poison maker not for his ability to refine poison, maybe just to target me. What if the poison they refine is not to poison our people, but to poison himself? The poison is For those with CD, once the target is poisoned, they cannot repeatedly use the poison for a period of time. If they continue to use low-level poisons on themselves, our high-level poisons will be directly neutralized. This is the same as the principle of saving the country by curve. solved the problem."


A Fei slapped his thigh: "Why didn't I think of this? Feng Canghai is such a shameful... really scheming!"


Nanmu Keyi rubbed his hands and said: "The boss can actually think of this section. It's really amazing. This kind of predicament and far-sighted pattern, I am afraid that it will be too difficult for me in my life."

A Fei rolled his eyes: "Are you a doggie, will you die if you slap a horse one day?"

"I will, I will."

Nanmu Keyi said: "Doesn’t it mean that you will lose your direction when sailing without a rudder? At a certain level, the boss is my rudder, who can guide the direction. I don’t care what others say. I only care about telling the truth. To my heart."

I nodded: "Russ can teach!"


Feng Canghai, the Martian River, and the lake with a depth of one thousand feet are not far away. It seems that Feng Canghai and the Martian River are responsible for purchasing poison-refining materials, while the pool is a thousand feet deep and concentrates on rubbing poison there. It is only tens of meters away from us. Ge, even, when Feng Canghai looked over, there would be a very obvious smile in his eyes, which meant rich.

Just when everything was not right, the sound of horseshoes came from outside the city, and another group of people came in. This time it was from the Dragon Knight Palace. The leader was the Dragon Knight Palace lord Shijiu Nianhua Zhou Datong. There are two deputy leaders, one is Zixiong and the other is Xia Chongyubing. It seems that Xia Chongyubing's deputy leader has been seated firmly. After the Bahao people left the Dragon Cavalry Palace, she actually became the biggest beneficiary.

In the city, there are two high-level tribulation players already waiting, one is a tribulation swordsman who is about 35 years old, the other is younger, and a tribulation swordsman who is about 25 years old, both of them are quite well equipped. And there is the "Leader" emblem on the chest, one is the leader of the T3 Guild Blazing Blade, and the other is the leader of the T3 Guild restricted area.


Zhou Datong got off his horse, fisted at both of them, and smiled: "Let’s go, let’s go into the Great Sanctuary and discuss it carefully. If everyone has intentions, we will arrange a meeting in reality and set things down. ."

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The leader of the Poetry and Wine Years is here."

A few people entered the Great Sanctuary together and bypassed ALFY's booth, just like bypassing a pile of shit.


"What is this going to do again?"

I glanced at the backs of several people and said, "Fanshucheng seems to be going to make a comeback?"


Nanmu Keyi smiled slightly and said: "The Penghao people took away a group of people and restarted the Dragon Knight Guild, which directly caused a serious loss of talents to the Dragon Knight Palace Lord League. This is not...If this continues, I am afraid that T2 will not be able to keep it. Not to mention the name of the strongest T2, so Zhou Datong can only buy, buy and buy. Since it can't keep people, then the old ones won't come and the new ones won't come. Just re-sign a few more powerful teams."


A Fei glanced at the Great Sanctuary, his eyes full of disgust: "I am afraid that the two T3 alliances of Blazing Blade and Forbidden Zone will soon become two regiments of the Dragon Cavalry Palace. Tsk tsk, the power of capital is really omnipotent. !"

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