Zhan Yue

Chapter 1226: Jian Qi

Inside the transport plane, the atmosphere was dull.


"what happened?"

Wang Lu checked my skydiving equipment and said, "For some time, it was confirmed that all collision points alarms were lifted and that collisions would no longer occur. Why was this collision point in Hangzhou ‘restarted’?"

"Mental arithmetic but unintentional."

I frowned and said, “There is a hacker in California. He probably got Starlink’s technology. He’s working against me. I write programs and he tampered with parameters. It’s like I’m building a house. Just like cutting off the girders, there are mental arithmetic and unintentional, and the workload is much smaller than mine. Otherwise, the collision point over Hangzhou will never restart."

"Bastard stuff..."

Tie Hanyi clenched a fist and said angrily: "What is this? It hurts others?"

"Some people are happy to see the chaos in our country." Qin Feng said lightly, with anger in his eyes.

I leaned on the inner wall of the cabin behind me, glanced at Tie Hanyi, and said, "Boss Tie, if I can find this bad hacker, can I just kill it directly?"


Tie Hanyi looked at me and frowned: "Lu Li, you are good at everything, but you are too careful in doing things. When you confirm that the other party’s fundamental interests are contrary to ours, you can kill people directly, even if it’s not the case. Do you need so much scrupulousness about your dignified Yangyan peak? Kill and kill, who can do you?

Wang Lu smiled slightly: "Boss Tie's words...somewhat rashly!"

I also smiled: "Well, I think so too, even though I am the peak of Yangyan, but... the rules are still to be followed."

Tie Hanyi grinned and found it amused, and said, "I just said that, and I didn't confuse you to do bad things. After all, as a team leader, I also have to abide by discipline. Ordinary people, or Yangyan Peak. Well, they are all citizens of the country, and they have to abide by the law..."

Wang Lu and I looked at each other and smiled. He seemed to have no effect at all.

But I have already made up my mind. If I can find the position of the opponent, there is nothing to say, kill! If even this kind of person shouldn't be killed, then what else should be killed?


Wang Lu looked at the time and said, "It's too late. Our departure time is slightly slower. When we arrive in the sky over Hangzhou, I am afraid that the collision point has already been opened. Then we will parachute and land directly. Lu Li and Tie Boss took the opportunity to join the battlefield. The rest of the people acted with cameras after they landed, anyway... save yourself."

Everyone nodded.

Soon after, when the number on my watch jumped to 12:33, I could clearly feel that the spatial rhythm not far in front had been sharply disordered and torn, and then there were gaps in the breath. On the other side, it gave me a faint suffocation. I looked up at the appearance of Haotian, Yu Yi, and Wang Lu. Their faces were pale, and it was obvious that the pressure they felt was not just my slight suffocation.

"It's tricky!"

Tie Hanyi gritted his teeth: "In a while, everyone...you must pay attention to your safety. If you can't fight, run away. There is no need to die."

Everyone nodded again.

Just a minute later, a word came from the front, and it was time to parachute.

The rear hatch opened, and the wind was violent. Tie Hanyi and I rushed down without even thinking about it. At this time, it was night, we were located in the sky above a mountain forest area, but not far away was a whole resort hotel area. Countless helicopters in the sky are lighting up, and a series of searchlight lights illuminate some giants in the jungle, gunshots in the ears are endless, and fire has already been exchanged on the ground.

I squinted my eyes and pulled the parachute abruptly, looking down at the earth. Those fast-moving things were huge monsters covered with black scales. They looked like giant pythons, their bodies were nearly two meters thick, and their heads were nearly two meters thick. Fierce, with a pair of black horns protruding forward, there seemed to be flames flowing inside the body, illuminating the cortex and scales translucent, and spit out a mouthful of fiery magma-like attack towards the soldiers in the distance.


Such a thought came out in my mind for the first time, but it was not quite like it. It was more like a branch of alien species, living in another world. After being disturbed, they rushed into the earth world and were raging everywhere. Build a new territory?


When I was about a hundred meters away from the earth, I directly raised my hand and pulled out Xiao Bai. The sword light swept past and cut off the parachute's rope. With a sound of "peng", the whole body spit out the sun and turned into a ball of flames that fell from the sky and rushed directly toward it. A dragon wandering freely in the woodland, breaking through countless trees, holding the sword with both hands, the Ninth Vein and the power of the mountains and seas burst together, and suddenly Xiaobai's sword body condensed with a golden sword light, and it fell in the air like this. !


Jianguang separated the world and divided the entire jungle into two. At the same time, the dragon's head was directly cut off, and the body was still cramping and tumbling, and the head remained silent, and death was only time.

"It's the brother of Suzhou KDA!"

Someone in the distance shouted: "Be careful, these things are too powerful."

"Relax, you guys pay attention to safety."

I lifted my sword and stood in the air. Just when I was talking to the other party, a breaking wind slammed behind me, and another flood dragon rushed forward, with a fierce twitch with a huge tail. I didn't even think about it, and my body fell straight. Down, the huge tail passed by the hair, and before its body shape could be adjusted, I straightened up the long sword, the power of the mountains and the sea penetrated into the blade, and pressed against the body of the dragon. Galloping forward, the blade pierced his body, opening his intestines from the side and breaking his stomach for several tens of meters. In a blink of an eye, the flood dragon also began to roll his body, with internal organs scattered all over the place, waiting to die.

Behind him, his breath skyrocketed and the fire blazed into the sky.

Tie Hanyi made a heavy punch against the head of a flood dragon, but under the punch, the flood dragon didn't hurt, and sprayed a mouthful of flaming lava against Tie Hanyi. Before Tie Hanyi fell to the ground, she sacrificed a thick body. The sun flame armor, under the fire spit of this powerful creature crossing the boundary, the sun flame armor "sizzled" and was being eroded and burnt through.

I frowned. Boss Tie’s defense is really strong, not much worse than my Yangyan peak, but his attack power is also really weak. It should be weaker than the average Yangyan mid-term, so Tie The boss, a powerful man in the Yang Yan realm, made a punch, and the dragon just shook his head and it was all right. If you change the Yang Yan, such as my master Lin Cheng, I am afraid that this effect will not be the same.

"Boss Iron, step back!"

I leaped forward, and at the moment when Tie Hanyi stepped on the ground and leaped backward, a sword was raised, and a sword light nearly 30 meters long was cut out. The sun was strong, and there was a loud noise. The dragon that was being chased was cut into flesh and skin. Although it was only a sword aura attack, it had already caused nearly half a meter of sword wounds.

Just when the dragon turned around and was about to make a showdown, I was already close to Chi Chi, kicked out, just torn its head and body away from the wound, the next second, a The huge head rolled out like a stone mill, breaking countless trees.

From a distance, an exclamation came.

A figure traversed the trees and fell heavily to the ground. His body was filled with ray of thunder. It was Yu Yi who was hit by a flood dragon and was severely injured, while Haotian was carrying a KDA special long sword. Counting swords was quite effective, leaving a series of sword marks on the scales of the creatures that crossed the boundary. Some positions were already **** and bloody. When the dragon launched the flame molten attack, Wang Lu appeared like the wind behind Haotian. The palm of his hand tugged on his shoulder and took it away, allowing him to avoid the catastrophe with an absolute speed advantage.

Haotian’s lethality is a little bit, but the speed is too slow and self-protection is insufficient, while Wang Lu’s speed is extremely fast. She has mastered the rules of space, and she can reach a speed close to “teleport” in a small range, so she cooperates with Hao Tian attacked and retreated together, enough to contain some opponents whose strength far exceeded them, however, it was only a containment.

"Go and see Yu Yi!"

I fell straight into the air, holding the hilt with both hands horizontally, the power of the mountains and the sea erupted, and Xiaobai of the saber sprayed out nearly ten meters of sunlight, so he sank into the head of this dragon, and nailed it to death in place. It's useless to roll the body, it's still dying.


At this moment, the black holes in the sky suddenly began to close, and the rules of the spatial structure were changing.


When the star-eye came from the watch: "The collision has ended and the procedure has been repaired."

"Good job."

I took a deep breath and sensed the aura around me. It's over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the transboundary flood dragons have been hacked to death by me, and I can't feel the breath of that intensity anymore.

"This is the end?" Tie Hanyi's eyes drenched.

I nodded.

Not far away, a master of the imperial qi peak level jumped down to check the breath of the dragon. He was wearing the emblem of the KDA captain of the Hangzhou area on his chest. Tsk tsk, since the brother Li Xiaoyao was not there, the Hangzhou side was actually just an imperial qi. It's no wonder that Sunan needs the help of Sunan.


"The crack... disappeared so quickly?"

Many people from Hangzhou KDA showed up, all staring blankly, while Tie Hanyi was holding a princess to Yi Yi and boarding a helicopter. There was not much greeting, so we returned with the key members of Suzhou KDA. The task of has been completed. As for why it ended so quickly, everyone except me is at a loss, and I don't seem to need to explain clearly, just know some things by myself.

"Just now..."

With a little excitement on Haotian's face, he smiled and said, "Boss, is that sword energy?"

"Roughly the same."

I nodded: "Focusing on Yang Yanjin can indeed increase the damage range a lot, but it is definitely still the most damage to the direct contact. There is no doubt about this."


His face is full of expectation: "This Yang Yan realm is really desirable!"

"Then pick up less girls and practice more." Wang Lu said.

A tinge of red flashed across Haotian's face: "What are you talking about, if you can pick up a girl, who will practice..."

Wang Lu and I rolled our eyes together.

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