Zhan Yue

Chapter 1216: Kneeling north

"Why, do you dare to enter the Five Lei Teng Grand Formation?"

Sylvia glanced at her beautiful eyes and smiled: "If you have the courage, then come and fight! Say so much to do, you really can't win a quarrel, a rotten trash half of your body, living in The northern king is second, what's the use? Obviously the army is oppressing the realm, and the army of billions of monsters is outside. Do you dare to dragon?

A word made Stuurem furious again.

"Go ahead."

In the void, Lin Hai's voice came: "Don't go over the city, no one dares to move you."

"Yes, my lord!"

Stuurem raised her head and looked in the direction of the observation deck in the city, and saw Senior Sister Yun still sitting there calmly, with wisps of light shining all over her body. A glance at her gave a feeling of trembling swordsmanship. Is... cultivating sword intent? Moreover, this process has been a long, long time. It seems that from the beginning of the war, Senior Sister Yun has been cultivating the sword intent, and she has not handed out a sword in a real sense, and most of the previous shots were made with Yan Xi's finger and heart cutting technique.


Stuurem's figure swept over, his body became larger, and he raised his left hand. With a "hum", a hammer of death connected to an iron chain appeared in the air. In the next second, the hammer of death turned into one. The black storm pierced through the sky of the Five Lei Teng Array, and then his body swept into the Array, in front of the city wall, swept the indestructible blade in his hand, quack laughed and said: "Kill, enjoy the taste of blood Right!"

The sword light rolled over, and the area he was raging was exactly the position of the Mythical Guild. The eyelids of the Dawn of Purgatory jumped quickly, holding the bow and roaring: "Retreat, full of invincible skills!"

For a while, with the brilliance of "buzzing", less than 10% of the people turned on the invincibility skills, but the rest of them were not so lucky. Amidst the billowing sword aura of Stuurem, The vast majority of players were directly shredded. The average damage of this sword is about 120w, which is a spike. Even the players who reloaded the robbery couldn't bear it and were directly hit by the second!

Above the earth, after a sword swept, the corpses were all over the ground. Except for some invincible players retreating into the city, almost everyone was killed in seconds!

"Is it that way?"

Sturem laughed, and he was upset. With his palm raised, the hammer of death hovering in the air suddenly fell, and fell like a nuclear bomb on the right side of the Mythical Guild. This time he opened up an invincible opportunity. No, it was smashed so quickly, causing a group of players who were fighting with the remains of unicorns to die directly, and even the remains of many unicorns were not spared, and they were smashed to pieces by the hammer of death!



I suddenly turned around and looked at the city: "You control Wu Lei Teng, let him be so reckless!?"

Sylvia gritted her silver teeth: "Come!"

With that, there were wisps of thunder on the runestones in her hand, and in an instant, thousands of thunder and lightning vines came from all directions. Hundreds of vines instantly entangled Sturem’s sword-holding arm, making He couldn't swing the next sword, and more vines slapped through the air like a golden whip, leaving golden burn marks on Stuurem's face, shoulders, and chest.

"Are you tickling Lao Tzu?"

Stuurem raised his eyes and couldn't help laughing, "I want to guard the Dragon Realm even with this ability?"


He just finished speaking, Sylvia has already slapped down in the air, and her palm strength has condensed into dozens of golden vines, leaving a very eye-catching blood mark on Sturem's face. This is ranked No. The second king has also begun to lose blood, holding the thunder and lightning golden vine that is wrapped around his arm with one hand, and roared: "Sylvia, what kind of thing are you, dare to challenge Laozi? If there is no small world of five thunder vines on their own , Lao Tzu can crush you with one finger!"

Sylvia mastered the runestones, her face paler because of too much effort, and said, "So what, I happen to be the master of the Five Lei Teng Mountains and Waters Forbidden World, what can you do?"


Stuurem was silent, lowered his head and trembled all over his body. Streaks of blood-red runes continued to spread throughout his body, as if he was awakening some ancient power. The next moment, the corners of his mouth raised lightly and smiled: "Smash! "

The huge force exploded, and the many five thunderbolt vines that entangled Stuurem burst into pieces, and he slammed the wall with a heavy punch, and shouted, "What are you guarding?"


The city wall shook violently, and Sturem’s punch directly pierced a small piece of the city wall, leaving a huge hole in it. A large group of soldiers from the Flame God Legion was blasted to pieces, and even the dawn of Purgatory flew into the city with the crowd. If it was not well equipped, I am afraid that this punch would be enough to kill him.

"Too presumptuous!"

Sylvia raised his palm, countless golden vines broke out of the ground, and the prohibition of gathering the entire Dragon Region's mountains, waters and air luck was activated, as if thousands of sharp swords were pierced from the ground, they attacked Sturay. Mu's body.

But who is Stuurem, the ancient Titan god, and the demon **** who has refined a lot of death rules, the strength in the Northern Territory is second only to Lin Hai, and the brutal physical power is even more terrifying, just stepping on the five thunders. The vine’s forbidden attack, flattening countless golden tender vines with one foot, and swinging a sword to harvest more tender vines, there are great signs of stepping into the dragon realm to kill.

At this moment, on the observation platform, Senior Sister Yun, who was warming up her sword intent, suddenly opened her eyes and glanced at Sturem.

He immediately closed his hand, the sword light passed by, slashing dozens of swords at Sylvia, and laughed: "Go away, the time is not yet ripe, after a while, when the city is in ruin, This king will cut your head again!"

In the air, Sylvia was full of dragon energy, desperately guarding the runestones, evolving many golden vines and sky full of thunder and lightning, which resolved the opponent's Sturem's dozens of sword auras. On a certain level, Si Tuurem was right. As long as he left the world of the Dragon Realm, it was really not difficult for Stuurem to kill the Silver Dragon Queen. Maybe it was just a matter of a few swords. The difference in strength was really big.


As Stuurem retreated, everyone regrouped again.

In front of a deer position, the remains of a unicorn fell down. In this battle, we “digested” more than 30 unicorn remains. It can be described as an outstanding battle, but the luck is not good enough. 30 unicorn remains. Actually, not even a mountain and sea level equipment was released, and most of the other guilds were in the same situation.

For nearly an hour, at around 7 o'clock in the morning, everyone had already felt visibly exhausted. At this time, the remains of the unicorn had almost been killed, and behind him, a warhawk knight flew over the city head respectfully. Said: "The envoys of the southern countries have all arrived in the Dragon Region. Your Majesty asks the King of Northern Liang to go to the Dragon Region Hall to discuss matters."

"Got it."

I turned to look at Lin Xi: "I will go back."

"Well, there is no war for the time being, let's go."

A jumped into the air, turned into a rainbow light and flew towards the Dragon Domain Hall. This hand was enough to make many players drool.


Inside the conference hall.

Envoys from various countries gathered together. Regarding the Xuanyuan Empire, the Emperor Longwu Xuanyuanying and Baiyiqing did not hear about the wind, and the Sangong and many lieutenants were all present. And I did not sit in the direction of Xuanyuanying and the wind did not hear, but Sitting in the seat of the Dragon Territory master at the upstream position, Sylvia couldn't leave the big formation. Basically, the Dragon Territory was fighting, and there was no representative.

"It's all here."

Xuanyuan should raise his head and look into the air: "Master Yunyue?"


A figure fell in the sky, sitting next to me, dressed in white, it was Senior Sister Yun, but this figure was somewhat nihilistic, it seemed that Senior Sister Yun's real body was still on the observation deck to warm up her sword intent, and she had no plans at all. Left.

"Everyone is here."

Xuanyuanying glanced at the people and said, "I believe the envoys of various countries have already seen the battle outside today. The Dragon Region has reached a precarious point. When the mountains and rivers are broken, not only my Xuanyuan Empire, but the nations where you live will also be affected, and no one can be spared."

Everyone nodded.

"What do you think?"

Bai Yiqing looked at the densely packed envoys of various countries and said: "Your Majesty invites envoys from various countries to the Dragon Region, so that you can see the battle in the Dragon Region with your own eyes, and then make a decision. At this moment, the southern countries have their lifeblood. I believe I don’t need to say more about this kind of thing. My Xuanyuan Empire’s meaning is quite clear. Now I invite the southern countries to send spirit boats to transport troops and monks to the Dragon Realm to help fight. They must be elites from all countries, otherwise they will come. It is also to die. In addition, the materials of the various countries should also be sent with the army. Spirit crystals, heavy artillery, weapons, magic weapons, heavy weapons, etc., the dragon domain needs all the forces in the southern part of the Moon Continent to gather together before it can defend. Got it."

"Envoy of the Daxiang Dynasty, what do you think?" Feng did not hear the name directly.

An envoy wrapped in a turban stood up with a look of embarrassment, and said: "Our Daxiang dynasty can send troops to help, but...the spirit crystals, monks and other materials that can affect the luck of a country are really difficult to move. What I can decide...I can use the spirit boat to transport 10,000 cavalry to the dragon realm to help in the battle in a short time."

Just after he took his seat, an envoy of Huanglong Kingdom stood up and said: "I was originally a small country in Huanglong Kingdom. The mountains and rivers were poor, and there were few troops and monks. Spirit crystals and the like were even rarer. Many, I am willing to promise that Yu Shu will go back immediately and ask the spirit boat to transport three thousand soldiers to the Dragon Realm to help fight. As for the monks...the masters on the mountain are not determined by our little country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Immediately afterwards, an envoy wearing a crown stood up and said: "I, Nanhe Niuzhou Jiye Country is willing to dispatch a thousand soldiers to help as quickly as possible. In addition, ten monks and some supplies will be sent on the way. Far away, it can only be like this. "


The speakers came one after another, but none of them saw any sincerity.

"What do you mean?"

The corners of Bai Yiqing’s indifferent eyes flicked, and he smiled: "You guys are planning to watch my Xuanyuan Empire fight until the last pawn, and be your barrier to the north? When the Xuanyuan Empire is destroyed, the mountains and the mountains will be changed. What shall you do after the iron hoof of the Demon Territory is flattened?"


With a loud noise, Emperor Longwu Xuanyuan Ying got up, looked at the envoys of dozens of countries with contempt, smiled suddenly, and said: "The broken mountains and rivers are right in front of you. All men of Xuanyuan can fight and die in the northern battlefield. When I Xuanyuan After the empire who dared to fight and those who wished to fight died, they accompany the same monarch and ministers to kneel north, kneeling and begging for mercy to the alien army, and survived the world."

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