Zhan Yue

Chapter 1117: Unscrupulous

Fish in troubled waters!

Just after the wind and crane effect ended, I directly followed a muddy water fish effect, and suddenly the fog hovered on the console, making the surrounding NPCs and players unclear, and I took advantage of the situation to rush back and forth with the double daggers, harvesting wildly, in Under the 2000+ layer of Soul Eater effect, basically 2-3 basic attacks plus the triggered chase damage will be able to kill a person in seconds, and the kill is quite fast.


Suddenly, golden threads descended in the air, and each golden thread was adorned with an arrow, like a rain of golden arrows. It was precisely from the offensive of Qingmou Tumo, she was unwilling to get close. , So I have been wandering within a controllable distance of 40-50 yards from me, and immediately retreat after releasing the skills.

However, it does hurt to clear eyes and draw ink to hit people. Under my 2000+ layer of Soul Eater, I still lose at least 3W of vitality per second. It is conceivable how high her armor penetration and real damage effects are. Even if I stack up to 5000 layers, I am afraid she can still move. The absolute defensive power stacking is no longer effective for this kind of almost half-length mountain-sea-level equipment.

Fortunately, due to my appearance, all players and NPCs in the city's open space, consoles, and city gates rushed over. The firepower was completely attracted, which was equivalent to sending me a large number of blood-sucking targets. Stepping out of the light messenger, he immediately reaped frantically in the crowd with his double-edged blades, killing him happily.

As a result, the damage caused by the clear eyes and the ink was not enough for my blood-sucking effect. In a blink of an eye, the blood bar returned to more than 95% again, and he was so angry that the clear eyes and the ink stomped straight.

At this moment, the densely packed national server players swooped down, and my 5000 warriors came!


"Watch out for aerial targets!"

Qingmou Tuomo directly gave up on hunting me, and a greater threat appeared. She directly raised her finger in the air and said, "Use all means that can stop them!"

With that, she turned around abruptly and said to an NPC captain, "Is your heavy artillery a display?"

"Yes, the princess..."

Captain Nawan made no promise and hurriedly drew his sword: "Heavy artillery, attack the air target!"

As a result, the artillery fire set up above the city gate began to fire continuously. Although there is a feeling of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes, once it hits, a large group of sparks burst out in the air, and it is also accompanied by a national server player. Falling, and the city wall had to have hundreds of light and heavy artillery against the air. In a blink of an eye, the explosions in the sky were extremely gorgeous and cruel. Many players were hit, and they were immediately fragmented.


A war commander screamed: "Aim and shoot!"

Accompanied by the sound of the machine spring, hundreds of ballistas ejected horribly long and slender arrows one by one, and blood spattered in the air. Players in the national costumes riding on flying mounts such as war eagles and flying mounts were directly shot. Wear, blood spilling into the sky.

But more people are still swooping down.

"Archer, it's in range!"

Qingmou Tuomo raised his bow, and a pair of eyes showed killing intent: "Don't let them fall down!"

With that said, Qingmou Tuomo directly opened the bow, and the speed of the bow and arrow was so fast that it was like a roll call. The "Peng Peng Peng" shot out clusters of golden arrows to kill the national server players in the air, and the city gate A large group of remote players from the Beautiful Life Guild armed on the top also gathered fire. For a while, it was like a big fire on the city, spraying raging players in the air.

Watching the national server players above my head fell one by one, my heart became more and more chilled. This battle underestimated the firepower of the Indian server. I mistakenly regarded the Beautiful Life Guild as the rest of the guild. As a result, 5000 riders battled. The player descended from the sky, how much is left to be truly alive? I'm afraid it's only 1000+ people, right?

This step is considered to be a mistake, and the opponent is underestimated, and the remedy is to go all the way to the end. It is impossible to change the tactics, and we can only bite the bullet and execute it.

"kill him!"

Around, the players from all directions came to kill, and I was waiting for an opportunity, my double-edged dance, my body continued to spin, and quickly harvested the opposing player’s life with the double-edged blade. Just ten seconds later, more than ten. Dao shock arrows fell in the air, "puffy" hit the chest, and one of them actually worked, directly stunned me in place.

The opportunity is waiting!

"The prisoner is broken!"

With a low drink, a golden three-character Prison Dragon Po rushed out from around the body, and then entered a short-term immune control effect. At the same time, the white dragon wall activated, and the body jumped up and down on a handle that became more delicate On the silver sword embryo, the first red deer rushed to the Antler Pass!


The air is full of messy sword intent, and the figures of fierce horses and stags descend, but due to the uneven terrain, these attack methods are based on the first plane from the sky, with fierce horses and stags galloping. On the city wall, there were also on the ground, and on the console. In a word, it became a mess. The 500 yards on the city with me as the center were all reduced to the raging range of red deer rushing into the city!


Qing Miao Tuo Mo was taken aback, and the reaction was extremely quick. He immediately stepped back to avoid the effect of the red deer rushing the city, turned over and hung the barb under the city gate, where it was not covered by the red deer rushing the city. For a moment, Qing Miao Tuo Mo stood at the city gate. Next, I looked up in my direction and felt the raging red deer rushing into the city. I trembled with anger, and burst out more than ten arrows slantingly.

"Peng Peng Peng--"

It’s a pity that these offensives were either blocked by the White Dragon Wall, or they were blocked by the Jian Gang guardian effect. There is no way, Prison Dragon Break + White Dragon Wall, originally an unsolvable cooperation, immune control, immune damage, enough to make I spent a few seconds of blank time before the red deer rushed into the city to release, and when I jumped and added to the body, I was doomed to the opponent's powerlessness.

As a result, the red deer rushed into the city with a single blow, and the defensive facilities on the opponent's city wall were forced to be disabled. A group of mages and archers were killed in battle, and the remaining 1,000+ players of the national uniform riding warfare system in the air were able to do so. Landing safely, they rushed towards the console one after another, and a group of brawny men "Hiyohiyo" went into battle shirtlessly, pulling the wrench with all their strength to raise the city gate.


Qing Miao Tuomo suddenly turned around and said: "The city gate is about to fall, and the heavy shield is going up. They can't let them rush in. The second regiment splits up to compete for the console and lower the city gate to me!"

"Yes, leader!"

In the sloping ground, a group of beautiful life elites took advantage of the moment when the red deer rushing over the city ended, directly rushing out.

But it was a little bit late at this time, the city gate had risen nearly two meters high, and at the moment when he cleared his eyes and extended the ink, he saw a silver radiance rushing towards him. It was Lin Xi who was driving in the white **** state. When Qingmou Tuomo shot seven or eight arrows in succession, Lin Xi directly raised the sky sword umbrella with his left hand, "fluffy" to block all these injuries, flew forward, and pierced Qingmou Tuomo's abdomen with a sword.


The eyes were clear and the ink was stretched, and the archangel's sword was blocked with a bow. The sparks splashed in all directions with a "knock", and the body was directly picked up by Lin Xi's sword and flew back. Just before she landed, Lin Xi directly mounted a antler stabbing. The skill is close, and the whirling slash + dragon hit almost instantly erupted, this time it came down too fast, and it almost eclipsed the clear eyes and the ink.


There is not much that Qingmiao Tumo can do. He suddenly raised the bow, and the golden light on the bowstring confided. With a sound of "Peng", he shot out an afterimage of himself, hitting Lin Xi's raised sky sword straight at the same time. She shoots and retreats, and the "Shu" has an effect of sacrificing righteousness on her body that is already bloodied. It was only at this moment that it meant that the first person in Indian clothing had temporarily escaped. Lin Xi's lightning hunt.

"Huh, it's more interesting..."

Qing Miao Tuo Mo fell on a high platform, his eyebrows raised lightly, and he smiled: "You are Lin Xi? There are a lot of masters in this generation of Chinese theater, it's kind of interesting~~~"

Lin Xi lifted his sword and rode his horse towards the city, clearing the way for the people behind him. He was too satiated. He raised his head and looked at the clear eyes and ink on the high platform, and said something that made the other party jump into thunder: "Keyin clothing still depends on the previous generation. The master is holding it, it doesn’t make much sense~~~"

Qingmu Tuomo almost vomited blood, raised his bow and shot Lin Xi violently.

It's a pity that Lin Xi didn't care at all. He directly blocked most of the arrows with the Heavenly Sword Umbrella to reduce the damage. Time to clear my eyes and explore the ink, there is no way. I only think that the entire Indian server can only be played by myself. However, I can only fight one against the strongest candidate in the Chinese theater. There are many people in the family. In the end, Only one can't be killed.

In the rumbling voice, a group of people drove straight in.

Qing Deng led a large group of deer cavalry closely following Lin Xi, and said solemnly: "Chong Chong Chong, follow Lin Xi's coordinates, don't fall behind."

Feng Canghai led a group of Fenglin Volcano's heavy-duty elites, raised their swords and rushed, and shouted in a low voice: "One group will rush to the inner gate with me, and the second group will clean up the city wall!

Behind is the painting on paper with a mythical iron horse rushing: "Catch up with the pace of a deer, don't fall behind."

After that, Yanshi did not attack and carried Wuji's heavy equipment in the impact: "Kill~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kill through the Antler Pass, don't care about the people in the city, we just kill through."

By his side, the troubled times came to the top one after another, and they rushed forward: "The troubled times war alliance, directly rush out of the Lujiaoguan, let's go sightseeing in the territory of Yinfu!"

For a time, many national server players rushed into a rampage, but not many people took care to sort out the eyes and ink, which made the first person in the Indian server especially sad. In contrast, it seemed that the Indian server was really not good enough.



Qingmu Tuomo made a decisive decision and raised his hand: "All evacuate from Antler Pass. The overall situation is set here. We don’t need to die along with Antler Pass. Everyone breaks through the encirclement and retreats toward the deep territory, and cooperates with the other guilds to fight and retreat , And strive to keep all the people in the Chinese theater of war within the territory of Lujiaoguan."

"Yes, boss!"

A group of Indian players agreed very loudly.

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