Not only in Victoria Housekeeping.

At this moment.

On Liufen Street, on the street where the Rabbit House is located, and on the Zhongkou Forum, people are watching today's news reports.

Some people sneered at the Rabbit House, thinking that the Rabbit House had taken the credit, and wrote a long complaint on the Zhongkou Forum.

Some people believed in the Rabbit House, changed their views on the Rabbit House, and were ready to give the latest commission to the Rabbit House.

On the Zero Hollow Front.

Scott Outpost, in the Obsidian Camp.

No. 11 was sitting in front of the TV, watching the news on TV intently.

When she saw that the Rabbit House killed the Dead Road Butcher, she couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise in her eyes.

When she saw Amby in the picture, the surprise in her eyes disappeared, her eyes became firm, and she couldn't help but clench her fists.

"Zero, did you kill the Dead Road Butcher?"

No. 11 stared at Amby in the picture, and she didn't look away until Amby disappeared from the picture.


The phone rang.

No. 11 opened her phone and saw a message from her boss.

He urged her to quickly close the net and find the rebel branch and wipe out the rebels.


The rebels were erratic, and it was not so easy to determine the location of the rebel branch.

At least two plans were needed to deceive the rebel spies who had infiltrated the army and the rebels who were contacting.

The first plan.

According to the characteristics of spies worshipping Phaethon, No. 11 had contacted the shepherd and asked him to help find a suitable rope maker to play Phaethon.

The second plan was to find a few people to play the betraying defense army and contact the rebels.


No. 11 was going to play the rebel herself.

But she hated betrayers the most, and she couldn't act like a betrayer at all.

She also considered finding someone from the army, but either they were too weak or their beliefs were too firm to act like a traitor.

After thinking it over.

No. 11 thought of the agency.

If she found a few people from the public to play the traitor, it might be more like the role than she played it herself.

Until now, she saw the cunning rabbit house in the news.

A slick rabbit boss, a robot that doesn't care, a handsome and serious young man, a traitor who likes to eat hamburgers.

This seemingly strange combination may be able to play the role of a traitor better.


No. 11 doesn't like this combination.

To be more precise, she doesn't like someone in this combination.

After thinking for a long time.

The phone rang again, and the boss was urging her again, asking her if she had made a plan.

No. 11 picked up the phone.

She sent the plan of finding a rope maker to play Phaethon and finding an agent to play the rebel to her boss, and promised to launch the plan within three days.


She received the news of her boss's approval.

On the 11th, he turned off the TV, took a deep breath, and muttered to himself, "I really don't want to commission your firm..."

Go to other firms first.

If there is a suitable one, I won't go to Cunning Rabbit House.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

During these three days, Su Li returned to his old business.

Every day, he got up early and went out to walk the bird, walked all the way to the Dingman Coffee Shop on Liufen Street, drank coffee and listened to the radio.

He sat in Dingman Coffee Shop for a whole morning.

Sometimes when he received a commission, he asked the client to help pay the bill, and then asked Nicole to take Ambi, Billy, and Maoyou to complete the commission...

Sometimes when he didn't receive a commission, he sent the bill to Cunning Rabbit House and asked Nicole to help pay the bill...

Sometimes when he met Zhu Yuan and Qingyi, they took the initiative to pay the bill for Su Li without Su Li saying anything...

The bad news is.

In these three days, he only received one commission task, and it was the kind with very low pay.

The money in the Rabbit House is almost gone.

The good news is.

After the accumulation of the past few days, plus the reward for killing the butcher last time and saving Canvas Lane.

The role-playing progress has reached 19.7%...

According to the system prompt, as long as the role-playing progress reaches 20%, you can get another powerful ability-Rock Ridge.

Once you have this ability.

Su Li's output ability, defense ability, and control over rock elements will be raised to another level.

Su Li is already a little impatient.

Seeing that the coffee in the cup is running out, Su Li called Master Dingman.

"Mr. Su Li, do you want to pay the bill?" Master Dingman's voice came before he arrived.

Su Li shook his head and said, "No hurry, another cupNew Elido Special. "

It was almost noon.

If he couldn't wait for the client to show up, he would have to send the bill to Cunning Rabbit House.

Just before the last cup of coffee was about to be finished.


A girl with white hair and glasses, who looked 70% similar to Ambi, appeared at the door of the coffee shop.

It seemed that she was well prepared.

She walked straight to Su Li and said, "Calm Knight, can we talk somewhere else?"

Su Li raised his head: "Calm Knight?"

The girl nodded and said, "Yes, Calm Knight, I have a commission for you. It's not convenient to talk here. Can we change the place?"

Su Li understood instantly.

The wallet came, and the order came.

"Of course we can change the place." Su Li said, and turned his head to look inside the coffee shop: "Master Dingman, check out."

"Mr. Su Li is so lucky. Today, another person checked out for you. ”


Although the girl was somewhat reluctant.

But for the sake of the plan, she still frowned and handed Dingni to Master Dingman.

After paying the bill.

The two came to a remote alley together.

The girl looked serious: "Calm Knight, you can call me No. 11. Please remember that this conversation today has never happened, and you have never seen me. What I am going to say next is a top-secret confidential matter."

Su Li corrected: "My name is Su Li"

No. 11 continued: "Your name is not important. In this operation, your code name is Calm Knight. I saw the report about you a few days ago. You saved Canvas Lane and killed the Butcher on the Road. You can complete these two tasks in one day. Your quality is very good, and you have reached one-third of the Obsidian Camp."

Seeing that Su Li did not refute.

No. 11 began to talk about the content of the commission: "Recently, our army has found news about a rebel branch. I entrust you to play the role of the betrayed defense army, try to contact the rebels, and find the specific location of the rebel branch. "


No. 11 did not want to give the commission to Cunning Rabbit House.

But after looking for several agencies in succession, the rope maker who played Phaethon was found, but no one was suitable to play the betrayer.


He came to the coffee shop and handed the commission to Su Li.

No. 11 looked serious and serious: "What do you think, calm knight, do you dare to take this commission?"

Su Li's face was normal, still as calm as before: "Deal, please transfer the commission deposit to the account of Cunning Rabbit House."


(Continue to add more, ask for gifts, ask for free love power, ask for urging for more——)

(For everyone's reading experience, starting from tomorrow, the update time will be adjusted to noon or afternoon, what do you think?)

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