Lucy and

Gray meet up with Lucy and Gray and they meet Cabrico, one of the Seven Infernals.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am one of the seven followers of the Devil's Heart Purgatory, my name is Cabrico."

Lucy said in surprise:"Mountain....goat?!"

"Be careful, Lucy, this guy always has a strange feeling."

Leo muttered softly:"Kabrico? I feel like I've heard this name before."

Gray said:"Defeat this invader first."

""Ice Style Lancer"

When the magic hit Kabrico, it did not cause any damage to him.

"How is it possible? Why is there no damage at all?

Elfman and Alba Green were also attacked by Lastiros at this time. The two were being chased by the huge monster.

Elfman said:"What kind of monster is this!"

Alba Green complained:"Are you still in the mood to care about this? Do you have the right to call others monsters?"

Lastyros smiled.:"This is my guardian beast, Berkushas of the Wind!"

""Fairy machine gun!" After countless small lasers hit, the smoke cleared and the intact monster appeared in front of Alba Green.

Alba Green said in disbelief

"How is it possible? It has no effect at all."

"Don't just stand there, receive the Soul of the Beast King!"

Elfman took Berukushas's heavy hammer.

"What are you doing? Why don’t you just petrify it?"

"The petrifying eye only works on humans, not on those he summons!"

"Stupid woman, I'm talking about that guy"

"Are you stupid? Of course it doesn't help that he wears glasses."

"Then you are of no use at all!"

"Believe it or not, I will petrify you first!"

Rastilos said slowly.:"Two people in love will always have disagreements."

"She and I are not a couple!"

"He and I are not lovers!"

Alba Green shouted:"You stop him first. I have an idea of how to deal with him."

Alba Green took advantage of Elfman holding the monster back and ran towards Lastiros.

"In fact, he is the same as Lucy. When dealing with this kind of summoning magic, the caster himself is the biggest weakness."

Alba Green rushed to Lastiros, gathering magic power in her hands, ready to kill him directly.

Lastiros said lightly:"I am the Lord of the Underworld. These hands are dark swords that can cut through everything. Fall! Fall to the other side of darkness!"

Lastyros' hands turned into devil claws and directly knocked Alba Green away.

""Alba Green!" Elfman saw that Alba Green was injured and hurriedly shouted her name. This also exposed his weakness and he was directly knocked away by the monster and exited the beast king mode.

Elfman said painfully:"this.......What is it?.....What magic?.."

Rastilos said arrogantly:"Telling this to stupid people like you, can you understand?!"

"What did you say?!"

Lastyros continued:"This is the magic that is closest to the abyss of magic, but unfortunately, this magic has very serious side effects. Ah! What a sad fate this is for me!"

"But as long as Jellal is found, everything will be different, and a new era of magic will begin again."

"The world of great magic!"

Alba Green said in surprise:"Big"

"That's right, in a world with only magic, those who can't use magic will not be able to survive. No! Even if they can produce, it will be a place like purgatory."

"By then, Jellal will become the king of the world, and by then, the great magic world will come!"

"Those without magic power will be eliminated, and that will be the wizard's paradise! I have been looking forward to that time, always~"

Elfman said angrily:"Do you know that only 10% of people in this world can use magic, and the other 90% are ordinary people!"

"Yes, then 90% of the people will be killed. They simply cannot survive in the great magic world. Death is the best destination for them."

"I won't let you succeed!!"

"This world should be diverse. Without those people, the world will not be able to function and will eventually perish!"

"There is no need for that. Magic can replace everything! There is nothing that magic cannot do. It is useless to tell you, a person with strong limbs. You simply don't understand how great we are."

"What you are afraid of is nothing more than your so-called guilds. These ridiculous guilds have no meaning at all."

"I won't let you laugh at the purpose of the guild's existence!"

"The companions in our guild need, rely on and trust each other. Wizards provide help and ordinary people provide rewards. This trust accumulated bit by bit constitutes this world, and this is how the guild was born!"

"I've told you so much, but you still don't understand. You haven't even approached the Demonic Abyss, so you don't understand how powerful Zeref is. By then, all of you can only watch your so-called companions die one by one in front of you."

Elfman said firmly:"If that day comes, my brother-in-law will definitely be able to stop you. He is the most powerful wizard I have ever seen."

"And the Jelf you mentioned was knocked unconscious by my brother-in-law's punch. All your plans will be in vain!"

Rastilos said in surprise:"What! You have already met Zeref! It's impossible that Zeref is the strongest. Who is your brother-in-law? Where is he?

Suddenly a huge explosion sounded, and a huge wave of magic swept across the island.

Elfman laughed.:"You have already felt it, haven't you?" said Rastilos:"You don't understand how terrible the president is."

"You don't understand how terrifying my brother-in-law is."

Makarov shouted hurriedly.:"Brat!"

"Don't shout Makarov, your dear member has turned to dust.

Suddenly a voice came from the smoke.

"Ah! It really hurts, you old man!"

Brunotte was surprised and said,"What! He didn't die after being hit by the president!"

"The person who can kill me has not yet been born in this world."

"I think you can go to hell now!"

Hades said hurriedly:"Bruno, be careful!"

Bruno said confidently:"I was careless just now, I won't do that again this time!"

Ye came behind Brunotte and said:"What did you just say you can't do?"

Brunotte exclaimed:"What!"


Ye kicked Brunoth away with one kick. Brunoth turned in the air, and the strong gravity pressed down on Ye again. Ye's body shook slightly, and he gathered strength in his legs. He kicked the ground hard and rushed towards Brunoth.

At this moment, Hades released the dark chain and tied up Ye directly. Ye tore the chain apart with brute force, then grabbed the chain and pulled it hard, and Hades was dragged over.

Ye punched Hades in the face, and Hades flew back again. The chain connecting the two was torn off in mid-air.

""President!" Brunotte shouted

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