Night shouted to the crowd

"Natsu, Gray, Elmanf!"

"In! In! In!"

"The three of you go rescue Levi!"


"Bisca, Elzac!"

"In the!"

"Remote assistance for everyone!"



"I'm in Night Brother"

"The one who holds the ghost"


"Everyone else, crush them, everyone! The war has begun, for Fairy Tail!!"

"Oh! Oh!!!"

"And me too!"

Everyone saw Erza rushing back, and their momentum increased greatly.

"Erza, you are also responsible for rescuing Levi!"



A moment later, the Fairy Tail and the Phantom Ruler started a war.

"Prepare to fire the second Jupiter cannon"


Joseph looked at the retreating Ghost members.

"What a bunch of losers, they can't even defeat hundreds of people!"

"Come on! Ghost Soldier!"

"Just live as long as you can in the remaining time, you Fairy Tail rubbish"

""Lebi, I'm here to save you." Happy took Natsu and flew directly to where Lebi was and ran towards her.

"Iron Dragon Stick" An iron stick hit Natsu directly, and Natsu flew out

"What are you doing, bastard? Who are you?"

"You are the Fire Dragon in Fairy Tail, but you are not our president's opponent. I am your opponent!"

Natsu said as he looked at Gajeel who was covered in wounds.:"But you are covered in wounds, I don't really want to fight you."

Gajeel was reminded of the scene when he was killed instantly by Ye.

"Humph! That's enough for you!"

"Iron Dragon Stick!"

Natsu crossed his hands and wrapped them in flames, blocking the Iron Dragon Stick.

"All these injuries on your body must have been caused by Ye beating you!"

"I'm using you as a reminder! If we're going to fight, just fight. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Natsu and Gajeel started fighting.

The others also met their own opponents.

Gray met Juvia, a water element, and Elmanf met Thor, an earth element.

"In Lower Sol, Gentleman Sol"

"Get out of the way! Don't stop me from saving people!"Beast Arm. Black Bull

"Oh?"You can do it with just one hand. I know your business. No! I know everything about you Fairy Tail."

"Take it, no matter how long you try!"Elmanf punched Thor, who dodged it easily.

"you.....She used to be a sister, right?"

Elmanf was stunned when he heard the news about his sister.

"Sand Dance!"

Thor took advantage of Elmanf's trance and surrounded him with Sand Dance, blocking his sight with sand.

"Where are you? Come out and fight me if you dare."

""Concerto of Rocks" hit Elmanf with rocks one by one


"There is still one minute left before launching Jupiter. An emotionless mechanical voice came out.

"Hahahaha, your guild's night will be gone in one minute."

Elmanf laughed confidently:"With yourselves, you have no idea how terrifying my brother-in-law is. Looking at your ignorance now, you are really pitiful!"

"What did you say? No one can survive such an attack."

"Then let's wait and see"

"Ten seconds until Jupiter launches, 9, 8, 7、........‘Jupiter's loaded"


"Get away at night!"

"Boy, you can’t move! Hahahahaha"

Mira wanted to rush towards Ye madly, but Lucy held her tightly."You can’t go over there, it’s too dangerous.""

"No! I can't watch the person I love die in front of me, Lucy, let me go!"

Lucy hugged Mira tightly."No, absolutely not!"

At this time, a voice came,"Mira!"

Mira stopped struggling after hearing the voice. The voice was very familiar. It was Ye

"Mira, trust me! I don't care about this little thing. Lucy, keep an eye on Mira!"

"I understand!"

The magic cluster cannon once again gathered powerful energy and fired towards Ye.

"Fully armed! Ghostly!"

"I saw Ye, his whole body turned black, emitting a dark purple light.

Jupiter and the ghost energy collided with each other, but if you look closely, Jupiter's energy was consumed by the ghost energy outside the weapon.

After a while, Jupiter's energy was consumed, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the intact Ye appeared in front of everyone. Seeing that Ye was fine, the momentum of the Fairy Tail people once again reached a peak!

"Oh! Oh! said the harpy.:"Night is the strongest!"


Mira looked at the safe and sound Ye, and her worries finally subsided.

Joseph looked at the safe and sound Ye.

"Damn you little brat! This guy really has some skills."

"Turn on full power, the Demon Giant is activated.

The people in the Ghost Guild felt a strong vibration.

"What's going on? What happened again?"

Natsu and Gajeel both felt sick.

"How disgusting!"

Everyone outside saw a mechanical giant appear before their eyes.

"What a joke, this is too exaggerated."

Joseph looked at the shocked Fairy Tail

"There are more exciting things to come, so look forward to it!"

The magic giant raised his hand, and patterns and words appeared in the air.

"What is that? Text?..."

Kana yelled:"This mechanical giant is a magician itself."

Lucy thought as she looked at the magic circle.:"That is the Shattering of Inferno, a forbidden magic, we must stop it quickly!" The vibration inside the magic giant stopped.

"What happened?" Elmanf wondered.

"What happened? You don't need to know, you just need to know that this means the failure of your Fairy Tail is coming."

"Okay! Let's continue with the topic we were talking about."

"Who wants to say anything to you! Go to hell!"

Thor hid underground to avoid the attack and came out from the other side. :"You failed to take over the Beast King, right?"

"I told you to shut up!"Elmanf punched the ground again.

Thor dodged and continued.:"Your sister was killed by you in order to stop you, right?"

Elmanf's emotions suddenly changed."Don't say anything more!"

Thor looked at Elmanf who was in self-blame and said:"There is a flaw!"

Thor emerged from the ground and kicked Elmanf hard.


"Nonono, you are too weak!"

"Do you like to rub salt into other people's wounds?"

"Of course, I like it the most because it is very interesting."

"Then I will beat you up and take in the soul of the beast king all over my body."

Thor said in horror:"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to control yourself and go berserk?"

"Rage? I did go berserk every time before, but my brother-in-law is the strongest creature on earth. The Beast King is nothing in his eyes. I could have controlled the Beast King a long time ago."

"I don't use it on weekdays because I'm afraid my sister will be sad after seeing it, so there are still many things you don't know, go to hell! You bastard who likes to play with other people's hearts!"

Elmanf defeated Thor with a series of consecutive attacks.

"A worthless waste, humph!"

The people outside found that the speed of Purgatory's shattering painting had slowed down.

"Look everyone, the speed has slowed down,"

Mira thought.:"It is very likely that the power of Purgatory's destruction comes from the four elements of Phantom. Now that it has slowed down, it means that one of the elements has been defeated!"

"As long as the four elements are hit, the magic will stop!"

Mira looked at the magic giant in the distance and thought,"You have to work hard!"

Makao looked at him with a worried look on his face and said:"Mira, don't worry, Erza, Natsu, Gray, and Elmanf are just one each, they are very strong"

"Yeah! I know."

Lucy was thinking about how to stop the magic giant, and suddenly an idea came to her!

"Open the door of Aquarius, Aquia!"

""You little bitch, why did you call me out again? You are so brave!"

Mira complained:"Lucy, is this really your star spirit?"

Lucy said helplessly:"Yes~"

"By the way, Aquia, can you use magic to create a hundred-meter-high wave to knock down the giant?"

"Haaaa! 100 meters! What are you thinking? Of course not."

"How lame! She is clearly a water spirit!"

Aquia said angrily:"It's not that I can't do it, it's that your magic power is not enough!"

Lucy said:"It's okay, just use it as you like."

Aqua looked at Lucy who looked serious and stopped trying to persuade her.

""Go to hell! You big fool!"

Aquia waved the water bottle in her hand and instantly caused a huge wave to rush towards the magic giant. The magic giant was pushed back a few steps by the waves, but fortunately, the magic casting speed slowed down a lot.

Lucy was drained of her magic power by this wave and fell to the ground.

Aquia taunted:"I've already told you that you can't do it, why are you trying so hard? Remember there won't be a next time! I'll go back first."

Mira looked at Lucy and said worriedly:"There's no need for this, Lucy."

"No! I also want to do something for the guild!"

Inside the Magic Giant,

Erza found Joseph.

Joseph looked at Erza and said,"You must be Erza, the Queen of Fairies. Do you think you can stop me by yourself?"

"Humph, I am enough for you!"

"Don't overestimate your abilities!"

"Change clothes! Black feather armor!"

"Black Feather. Moon Flash! Erza rushed towards Joseph quickly, and Joseph dodged the attack with a light flash.

"The fairy queen is only capable of this, it's really disappointing."

Erza kept swinging her sword at Joseph but couldn't hit him.

""Dark Arrow"

Joseph fired several black arrows and hit Erza.


"Dark erosion"

Purple magic bound Erza.

Joseph said slowly:"Fairy Tail was just a small guild in the past, but it has been developing better and better in recent years. Whether it is you or Fire Dragon, your reputation has spread throughout the streets and alleys, especially the monster Night, whose reputation has spread throughout the entire Aslant continent."

"Fairy Tail is on the verge of surpassing me, Phantom Ruler, and becoming the top guild."

"And now you have recruited the daughter of Heartfilia, how far will Fairy Tail expand!"

Joseph tightened his grip on the ropes.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Why! Why! It's just a second-rate guild!"

Erza said disdainfully:"You look so ugly when you are jealous now!"

"And the eldest daughter of the Heartfilia family you mentioned, we don't know anything about it."

"Stop pretending, it's Lucy, her full name is Lucy Heartfilia"

"What! How could it be Lucy!"

"So the head of Heartfilia asked us to bring back his daughter, who was the fuse of the war."

"We don't know the rich lady Lucy you mentioned at all. The Lucy we know is just a person who works hard for the monthly rent of 70,000 yuan. The one who goes on adventures with us, laughs with us, cries with us, and fights with us is the wizard in our guild, the wizard of Fairy Tail!!!"

"But you said she was the fuse. A flower cannot decide where to grow, and children do not have the right to choose their parents. People like you don’t understand what kind of person Lucy is!"

"I'll understand soon. Do you really think I will send her back safely? Don't be silly! I will take good care of her until all their money is gone. Then all of Heartfilia's property will be mine! Hahahaha!"

"Despicable villain!"Eluza struggled to break free, but she couldn't.

At this time, Elmanf took advantage of Joseph's fantasy and rescued Levi.

"Erza! Rebecca has been rescued! The other two have also been rescued successfully!

"Well done, Elmanf, go and inform Ye"

"Damn it!"

"Just now! Joseph, your conspiracy will not succeed."

Elmanf quickly walked out of the magic giant and shouted:"Everyone! The Rebies have been rescued."

Elmanfu came to Mira and put down the Rebie trio.

Mira hurriedly said:"Send it to Grandma Polyusica as soon as possible."

Ye looked at the three people who had been rescued, and his domineering color rose to the sky again!


Ye jumped up to the sky above the giant and shouted to Natsu Gray, Erza is leaving here soon.

When the others heard Ye's voice, they realized that Levi had been rescued and they hurried to leave.

Natsu hurriedly said:"You should leave quickly, or you will be stuck!


"Ice shape slide"

"Let's go, it will be too late if we don't leave now"

"Aren't we enemies?"

"I can't just look at a girl and be indifferent."

Juvia blushed as she looked at Gray, and walked stiffly to Gray, and slid down the slide together.

""Tian Shou Jiao!"

Ye's powerful blow directly shattered the Purgatory Shattered, the entire magic giant knelt on his knees, and bursts of electric sparks came out of his feet! The magic giant was paralyzed

"Joseph!!! Get out of here!"

"You little brat, you destroyed my guild again, I'm going to crush you! Let me show you the power of the Holy Ten."

Ye looked in the direction of the voice and saw the embarrassed Erza, falling to the ground.

Looking at the knocked-down Erza, Ye's already angry heart was further fueled.

"Damn you, Joseph!"

"Damn you, little brat!"

"Dark spiral!"

"It's just a trick!"

Ye rushed towards the dark spiral, and his fist covered in armament color instantly shattered the dark spiral.

""Go to hell, Joseph!"

Ye punched Joseph, but missed.


"You're too slow, kid."

"Although your makeup and clothing taste are as bad as a rat in a stinking ditch, I have to admit that you are really capable."

"But it’s just good!"

"It's time to end Joseph!"

"You bragging brat, hit me first, then talk."

Ye smiled and came to Joseph again and punched him. Joseph moved away again, but just as Joseph came out, he heard Ye's voice in his ear,"Hey! We meet again!"

Joseph said in surprise:"When!"


Joseph was smashed directly into the ground

"It's impossible. I don't believe it. I don't believe it!"

Joseph teleported again. Every time Joseph moved to a new place, Ye would come to him in advance.

Seeing that teleportation had no effect, Joseph flew out and cast magic in the direction of Ye.

"Dark beam, dark spiral, despair!....."

After Joseph finished his magic, he panted and said:"Solved it?"

"This is the power of the Holy Ten, it's not that great."

A weird voice came from the ground.

"What! You're not dead yet, little brat?"

"Just you? It's too early."

"Moon Steps!"

Ye was seen running towards Joseph quickly, stepping on the air.

"Armed! Lan Jiao"Ye

Jiao waved his sword, and a black blade flew quickly towards Joseph, who quickly released magic

"Dark Spiral!"

Dark Spiral and Lan Jiao collided in mid-air, but there was no explosion. Lan Jiao directly cut open���The spiral hit Joseph.


Joseph fell from the sky. Ye had no intention of letting Joseph go. He continued to chase Joseph by stepping on the air.

"Armed! Finger gun combo!


Instantly, blood holes appeared on Joseph's body.

Ye used a hook to speed up the falling Joseph, and Joseph streaked towards the ground like a meteor.


Joseph stood up with great effort, sealed the bleeding blood holes with magic power, panted, and looked at Ye who was slowly walking towards him.

As Ye walked, his hands were open, and with every step he took, the ghost energy on his body became stronger. The combination of the domineering color and the ghost energy gathered into the shadow of an evil ghost above Ye's head.

Joseph looked at the shadow as if he was about to be swallowed.

Not long after, Ye had arrived in front of Joseph. Joseph came to his senses and looked at the close-up Ye, and quickly stepped back.

"Darkness is encroaching!"

Darkness surrounds the night

"Hahahaha! I caught you."

Just when Joseph wanted to torture Ye, he found that Darkness couldn't get close to Ye at all.

"You have used up all your moves!"

""You damned brat, stop being so arrogant!"

Joseph concentrated all his magic power, and the huge magic fluctuations made the sky dark clouds.

The Fairy Tail people in the distance felt the strong magic pressure and couldn't help but worry.

"Such a strong magic, is Ye okay?"

"Don't worry! This level can't defeat Ye at all."

Everyone looked back and found that the voice was Erza.

Mira said:"Erza, are you okay?"

"It's okay, this little injury is nothing."

Then everyone continued to look in the direction of the night.

Joseph's hand condensed magic

"Death storm!"

"Go to hell, you little bastard!"

"Armed! Iron block"

Ye looked at Joseph with cold eyes, letting the magic hit him.

After releasing the magic, Joseph looked at the shocking scene in front of him. The intact Ye stood in front of Joseph.

Joseph didn't believe that the magic he was proud of had no effect on the boy in front of him.

Ye continued to walk forward, slowly opened his arms, and when he walked in front of Joseph

"According to Fairy Tail's convention, you will be given 3 seconds to repent."

Joseph was completely stunned by the previous scene and lost his mind, and did not hear what Ye said at all.


Night's hands slapped Joseph's brain at a very fast speed.


After being hit on the head by Night, Joseph felt tinnitus and dizziness. Blood slowly flowed out of his seven orifices, and he gradually lost his breath.

Joseph didn't understand what happened before he died, and he fell to the ground without a breath.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! We won!

When Makarov arrived, he found that the cheering people walked towards Night's direction. When he saw the dead Joseph, he exclaimed

"You are an excellent wizard. You have won the title of Saint Ten at a young age. If you work hard, I think you will have a great career in the magic world. Unfortunately, you have evil intentions and were blinded by jealousy, which led to this tragedy."

Ye looked at Makarov and said:""Okay, old man, it's time to go back."

Makarov said slowly as he looked at Ye's back.:"Has the brat from before grown into a towering tree that can protect the guild from wind and rain?"

"Should I retire early?"

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