The freighter’s horn attracted the attention of many residents, who came to the beach to stare at the big guy who covered the sky.

On Kaiji Island, most of the residents use fishing boats, and this is the first time I have seen such a condescending sea beast.

“That’s the flag of the Solstice Kingdom, what are they doing on Haiji Island?”

The people gathered around and whispered.

“I don’t know, but I always feel that it’s not a good thing, so let’s hurry up and inform Lord Coral Palace!”

“Lord Coral Palace is recuperating from his injuries, and now all the affairs of Haiyu Island are fully handled by Mr. Fang Xun.”

“Where is Mr. Fang Xun? Hurry up and invite him over! “Questions were raised.

Goro looked around and scratched his head in confusion: “Strange, I saw Fang Xun’s brother coming just now…” While

everyone was talking, Fang Xun had already boarded the freighter of the Winter Kingdom.

He did not sneak onto the ship, but came to deck in good faith.

Most of the freighter was loaded with supplies, but few figures could not be seen.

At a glance, Fang Xun saw that there were only three advance teams of fools standing on the deck

, the Thunder Hammer Vanguard, the Ice Hammer Heavy Guard, and the

Fire Hammer Guerrillas.

“Presumably, Your Excellency is a diplomat from Haiji Island, right?”

At this time, the Thunder Hammer vanguard stepped forward and greeted him politely.

Fang Xun did not borrow any external force, just relying on the power of the wind element, he was able to cross the sea and board the ship, and this alone could impress the fools.

Fang Xun thought that he hadn’t figured out what identity to show up with, but the fools helped him think about it first.

“Well, I did come to communicate on behalf of Haijima.”

Fang Xun neither denied nor acknowledged the identity of the diplomat.

Because he was indeed a temporary worker hired by the Coral Palace, but far from being a diplomat who spoke on behalf of Kaijima.

As for what the fools think, that’s their business.

“Diplomat, we are willing to give all the supplies on board to Haiji Island, which is a meeting gift for the Winter Kingdom.”

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard said while making a gesture of invitation, as if to take Fang Xun to check the supplies on the ship.

However, Fang Xun stood in place without moving, his eyes staring directly at the Thunder Hammer Vanguard.

“Without merit, what is the matter with the visit of everyone from the Winter Kingdom to Haiji Island?”

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard prepared the speech in advance: “Oh,

that’s so,”

“The benevolent Empress of Solstice Winter knows that Haiji Island is short of materials and the people’s life is inconvenient,”

“Specially ordered to help Haiji Island improve its living conditions.”

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard paused and said with a chuckle: “Of course, it would be better if we could meet Lord Coral Palace.” Only

then did the fools reveal their true faces.

Helping Kaijima is false, and negotiating with the Coral Palace is real.

Fang Xun knew very well in his heart that

once he let the fools enter Haiji Island, then the war between Haiji Island and Narugami Island would enter the countdown.

If you want to maintain Inazuma’s eternity, you must drive away the fools who want to get involved.

“Lord Coral Palace is in a bad body, don’t see outsiders, you go back.” Fang Xun waved his hand and said.

“But…” the Thunderhammer Vanguard looked embarrassed.

They took a lot of effort to come to Haiqi Island from far away, but they didn’t even see the figure of the Coral Palace, so they thanked the guests and let them go?

“It’s nothing, either you can wait for Lord Coral Palace to recover and come back, or you can talk to me now.” Fang Xun said without raising his head.

After a short silence, the Thunderhammer Vanguard made his decision: “That… Let’s wait until Lord Coral Palace recovers. The

Thunder Hammer Vanguard chose the former without thinking.

Because the negotiations with the Coral Palace must not let the second person know that this is a death order from the superiors.

Fang Xun nodded, not surprised by the choice of the Thunder Hammer Vanguard.

In fact, he has no interest in the cooperation plan between the Fools and Haiji Island, as long as the Fools leave honestly.

As for the materials, what the fools give can be given, and what the fools can’t give, Fang Xun can also give.

The fools were like a ticking time bomb, and Fang Xun had no reason to keep it.

“Boss, what should we do now?” Looking at Fang Xun’s departing back, the Shui Zheng heavy guard spoke.

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard shook his head: “The intelligence is wrong, let’s not act rashly for the time being, and wait for the adults to reissue the mission order.”

“By the way, what was that person’s name just now?”

“He said, his name is Wendy, that’s the name, right?”

The Thunderhammer vanguard fell into deep thought: “Wendy… How does this name feel familiar? It seems to have been heard somewhere? ”

Seeing Fang Xun return, the residents immediately came up and asked various questions curiously.

“Mr. Fang Xun, you’re back! What did the people of the Winter Kingdom tell you?

“Yes, why did they come to our island of Haiji?”

Facing the curiosity of the residents, Fang Xun took a deep breath, “The fools say that Haiyu Island is just a sparsely populated projectile land” ”

If we don’t want Haiji Island to be erased, we must hand over materials to the Winter Kingdom.”


Too much deception!

These fools are really deceiving people!

Some young and vigorous residents could no longer listen, and angrily picked up the harpoon to resist on their shoulders, quite a feeling of breaking the net with the fools.

Many residents were still relatively stable, and immediately hugged those young people, which was able to control the situation.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Xun continued: “They also asked us to hand over Lord Coral Palace, and later we will arrange for the fools to govern Haiyu Island. ”

Resident: ???

Dog Day Solstice Country, do you think that Kaijima Island is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by anyone?

The residents who had originally advised to stabilize the situation were also angry at this moment, and they all took up their respective guys, with the intention of desperately trying to fight with the Winter Kingdom.

“We are all civilized people, don’t be impulsive, don’t rely on brute force to solve problems.”

Fang Xun said while taking out a piece

of paper, “This piece of paper has a bomb recipe written on it, if the people of the Winter Kingdom come again,

you can use the bomb.”

What Fang Xun told the fools was that you could wait for Lord Coral Palace to recover before coming back,

but he didn’t say that the people of Haiyu Island would welcome them.

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