Fang Xun’s strength is obvious to all, and he once saved the Coral Palace Qianhe and a group of soldiers from under the mouth of the giant python.

If Fang Xun was willing to help, it would indeed be able to share a lot of pressure from the Coral Palace Qianhe.

It’s just that… Historically, there have been no outsiders ruling on the island.

Coral Palace Chizuru also did not want to set this precedent.

The matter of Haijidao Island should be left to the people of Haijidao to solve.

Just as she was thinking about how to refuse Fang Xun, Fang Xun spoke first: “The mountains and waters of Haiji Island are beautiful, indisputable to the world, like a paradise.

“I like the atmosphere and want to build a place to live here for a long time.”

“I also hope that Miss Chizuru will grant my request.”

Fang Xun wanted to build a residence on Haiqi Island, and this matter must not be hidden from the Coral Palace.

Not only can it not be concealed, but it must also be approved by the Coral Palace.

Instead of being vague and vague, it is better to bring up this matter in a generous manner.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is naturally a good thing if the two sides can reach a cooperation.

When the words fell, Xinhai looked extremely happy, a pair of big watery eyes could not hide his thoughts, and his eyebrows were curved with joy.

She originally thought that Fang Xun would leave after a few days of playing on Haiqi Island, and it would be difficult to meet in the future.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xun intended to settle in Haiqi Island for a long time.

Wouldn’t that mean that she could see Fang Xun every day?

It’s a pleasure just to think about it!

And the surprise is also Coral Palace Chizuru.

Over the years, she has seen many foreign tourists land on Haiji Island,

but those tourists only stayed for a few days and left.

No way, although Haiyu Island is beautiful, it is seriously short of materials.

Out-of-town tourists only want a novelty at first, and then they will find life difficult, and then carry a bucket and run.

People like Fang Xun who want to settle are rare, and the last person who wants to settle on Haiji Island is still that fisherman Jiang Xue.

Retracting his thoughts, Coral Palace Chizuru began to re-examine Fang Xun’s proposal.

If Fang Xun really wanted to stay, then he could also be regarded as a person from half of Haiqi Island, right?

Since he is from Haiji Island, it makes sense to let him help deal with the work.

“Fang Xun, of course, it’s no problem if you want to settle in Haiyu Island, and I welcome you to join on behalf of the people of Haiyu Island.”

Coral Palace Qianhe paused and continued: “Then in the next few days, you will work hard to help deal with the work. ”

After leaving the Coral Palace, Fang Xun and the Raiden Sisters separated into two ways.

The Raiden sisters go to pick a suitable location for building a house, while Fang Xun goes to the Sunset Shrine to help repair the defenses.


Fang Xun heard one after another of trees being cut down from a long distance.

Then he saw the soldiers with axes in their hands and working hard to cut down trees.

This couldn’t help but remind Fang Xun of a long time ago, when the Condensing Light Village was destroyed by the ancient rock dragon lizard, and everyone rebuilt the village.

At that time, Xiao Qiqi was the one who worked the hardest, holding an axe in his hand to perform a cloud to axe method, which made several young men stunned.

Time passed, and Fang Xun couldn’t help but sigh that it had been so long since he had been in the continent of Tivat.

“Mr. Fang Xun, why are you here?”

“Everyone let go of the work in their hands, Mr. Fang Xun is here!”

With Fang Xun’s arrival, the soldiers put down their axes and stepped forward to greet them warmly.

After all, not long ago, Fang Xun saved everyone from the mouth of the big snake, and this gratitude must not be forgotten.

“Lord Coral Palace is in a state of physical distress, and I will come over instead of her to cooperate with everyone to repair the defense device.”

Fang Xun said straight to the point, in public, his words were more formal, talking about Lord Coral Palace.

“Mr. Fang Xun, let’s just do these little things, how can we work with you yourself.”

“That’s right, Mr. Fang Xun sit next to him and rest, we can fix the device.”

The soldiers persuaded vigorously, and they did not want to find a way to do coolies.

In their perception, Fang Xun is a benefactor, a guest from afar, and it is not suitable to do the dirty work of cutting down trees.

Fang Xun didn’t answer the conversation, looked around and asked, “Does it take a lot of wood to repair the defense device?”

The leading general nodded: “Yes, we plan to collect the wood before proceeding to the next step.”

Fang Xun thought for a moment and further asked, “Then how much wood are you missing?”

“It’s a lot worse, it’s estimated that it will take two or three days to cut.”

When Fang Xun heard this, he couldn’t help but sigh: “In this way, the demand for wood is very large.”

At this time, he remembered that he had won the prop [Wang Shu Ruiyou] in the lottery before, which was a tree cutting artifact.

It is most appropriate to help these soldiers at the moment.

“Goro, can you do me a favor?”

Fang Xun turned his head and said to Goro beside him.

Goro was idle and had nothing to do, and followed Fang Xun to the Yunxi Shrine.

At that time, Fang Xun still thought that Goro was here to make fun, but he didn’t expect to be able to help so quickly.

Goro nodded without even thinking about it: “Brother Fang Xun, it’s okay if you have something to say directly!”

“This device is called Wang Shu Ruiyou, I will turn this device on now, and all you have to do is take it and run around the forest, is that okay?”

Fang Xun originally wanted to leave the work to Taro Maru

, but thinking that Goro was more familiar with the terrain of Kaijima Island,

this heavy responsibility also fell on Goro.

After all, Goro ran just as fast.

“No problem!” Goro took Wang Shuruiyou and ran around the woods.

But where Vangoro passed, all the big trees fell with a bang and turned into pieces of wood.

This scene made the soldiers of Haiji Island stunned, and they were surprised and speechless.

“This, what kind of technology is this??”

“Just a simple lap can withstand our work for two or three days?”

The people of Haiqi Island were shocked, and their eyes were full of respect when they looked at Fang Xun again.

Such divine power, even Lord Coral Palace did not possess it.

With Fang Xun’s help, the soldiers’ workload was suddenly reduced a lot, and they only needed to carry the wood and pile it together.

Of course, Fang Xun was not idle during this process, he

was scanning every soldier.

First, a large number of relic mechanics attacked Haiqi Island, and then there was an out-of-control sky-swallowing giant python attacking the people, behind

these events it was said that no one was doing things,

and Fang Xun definitely did not believe it.

This person who is hiding behind the scenes must be arrested, otherwise there will be no peace and stability on Haiji Island.

I saw Fang Xun using the mind reading technique to sweep over every soldier present.

However, a sweep down did not yield anything.

These soldiers have no bad intentions, they are all loyal people to Haijima.

Just as Fang Xun withdrew his mind reading technique, a voice sounded from his ears.

“What is the origin of this person named Fang Xun? The device he brought directly disrupted our follow-up plans!

“No, I have to go back and report this quickly!”

Watching a soldier mysteriously leave, Fang Xun was not in a hurry to step forward, worried about scaring the grass and snakes.

I saw that he touched the treasure robber in his pocket and whispered to the little thing: “Follow and take a look.” ”

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