Fire characters are known to be lively and cheerful.

Along the way, Amber kept talking, like a chirping sparrow.

she first told Fang Xun that if she was going for a tour, she could consider the wind rising land, picking star cliffs and starfall lakes.

these places have good scenery and are suitable for sightseeing.

“Big brother, if you need a guide, you can find me~”

“5”> ”

I will be happy to take you around Mond!”

little Amber’s eyes were clean and clear, and he said seriously.

< p idx="7"> perhaps because Amber is Wendy’s friend, and Fang Xun is Wendy’s friend, in the relationship of friends’ friends,

Amber is happy to help Fang Xun.

In fact, Amber may reach out to even strangers she doesn’t know.

After all, the first character Ye met that year was Amber.

after this, Amber took seven or seven of them to climb the tree to catch the wind crystal butterfly flying in the air,


skills are as fast as the wind, for future scout knights,

climbing trees is simply a trifle.

While the other children were still struggling with how to get up the tree, Amber had climbed to the top of the tree, supporting her hands and looking at the distant scenery.

“The scenery here is beautiful, don’t you come and see it?” Amber said to the other children.

If someone can’t climb a tree, Amber will jump off the tree and offer to help.

Gan Yu stood behind with a worried face, if the little moe babies fell from the tree, she could catch it immediately.

Fang Xun next to saw this, and said with a chuckle: “Don’t worry, Amber grew up blowing the wind of Mond, and is a child favored by the wind.” ”

“For her, climbing trees has become an instinct, how can accidents happen?”

it is also true that Amber sent every little baby to the tree.

In the process of playing, Amber has unknowingly become friends with Ning Guang and his group.

Amber’s warmth, friendliness and sincerity are important reasons why she has made friends.

Of course, Amber Jr. is not just good at making friends with children her age.

after Grandpa Amber joined the Zephyr Knights, he also formed a scout knight squad.

There are people of all ages in it, from the elderly to children,

although the

team is more complicated,

Amber can get along with them.

members commented on Amber: “Although little Amber usually makes a little noise, for us, she is a refreshing breeze in summer. ”

“Amber, that child, maybe even the wind god will like her when he sees her.”

and in fact, Wendy liked Amber the kid… Often run to Amber’s house to rub wine.

In Wendy’s eyes, rubbing wine is a sign of liking.

“Big sister, this is for you.”

Amber said to Ganyu.

not only thanks to Gan Yu for his kind help before

, < P IDX="33"> The main thing is that Amber noticed that Gan Yu was staring at Windmill Ju intently,

Maybe this big sister is interested in flowers?

thinking like this, Amber picked a handful of fresh windmill chrysanthemums and gave them to Ganyu,

Of course, in addition to Ganyu receiving windmill chrysanthemums,

Yae Miko and Yujin also have shares.

When Yae Miko asked Amber why she sent flowers, Amber replied, “Every beautiful big sister deserves flowers.” ”

Amber’s answer made Gan Yu and others couldn’t help laughing, the little girl was so cute.

Immediately after, Amber made a garland on the head for each of the friends, even Fang Xun and Wendy.

“Little Amber, why did you suddenly think about making us a garland?”

“because that’s the tradition of Mond.” Amber said bluntly

, “Every foreigner who comes to Mond, the Mond people will send a woven garland, of course,

this time is no exception.”

“It is rumored that if you wear a garland, you will be favored by Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, and you will get good luck.”

“May the wind god protect you!”

it’s not hard to see that Amber is a big fan of Barbatos.

because Amber’s big eyes sparkle whenever Barbatos is mentioned.

hearing Amber’s words, Fang Xun’s voice was full of ridicule: “He really didn’t fool me.” ”

seems to be because the wind is too loud, Amber did not hear Fang Xun’s words, and heard the two words of protection.

Wendy next to him is not happy,

“50”> “Mr. Fang Xun,

how can you say that?”

Wendy looked angry: “You say this as if I had a serious time.” ”

“Besides, it’s Wendy, what’s going on in Guanbatos?”

looking at Wendy’s face without changing color and heartbeat, Fang Xun also obeyed,

> he had never seen such a brazen person as Wendy.

if Amber knows that the wind god she worships is actually Wendy, the old sixth,

“56”> I don’t know if her faith will collapse.

At this moment, there was a violent vibration from the earth, accompanied by a deafening explosion

, for a while, many birds and beasts in the mountains and forests collapsed and fled,

Amber’s expression suddenly changed, because the location of the abnormal noise was the direction of the Earth Spirit Shrine,

most importantly, Amber’s grandfather’s scout knight squad is also on a mission nearby.

“Grandpa, they may be in danger!” Amber blurted out subconsciously.

Wendy and Fang Xun, who were still calm just now, immediately became serious and rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

Fang Xun thought that Amber brought a lot of joy to everyone along the way, he didn’t want Amber to be sad,

“64”> Moreover, the Earth Spirit Shrine was close at hand,

and he didn’t want anything wrong at this time.

As for why Wendy rushed over, he remembered that he seemed to have buried a few bottles of dandelion wine nearby,

don’t be blown up.

Amber is not as fast as them, but at the moment she is also running desperately,

“68”> she silently prayed in her heart,

grandpa they don’t want anything to happen.

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