Liyue, Ozang Mountain.

Ruoda Dragon King finally followed Zhong Li to the gate of Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch Immortal Mansion.

Right now, I am about to see my old friend who I haven’t seen for many years, and on my pretty face is a joy that cannot be concealed.

She jumped all the way to the gate of the Immortal Mansion like a little girl, and then gently knocked on the Immortal Mansion.

“Liuyun, Liuyun! Are you at home?

“Open the door quickly, an old friend is coming to see you!”

After all, it has been a thousand years since I saw Liuyun borrowing the wind true monarch, and I am looking forward to meeting my old friend in the end.

However, there was no response from inside the cave.


At this moment, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to ignore the affairs outside the window, and was concentrating on studying complex organs, those powerful organs were created by her and Gui Yi in combination with wisdom thousands of years ago, and

now Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to upgrade the organ but fell into a bottleneck,

she couldn’t think of a better way to upgrade the mechanism.

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to plan to come out of the immortal cave to breathe, and also to clarify his thoughts.

Before leaving, Liuyun took advantage of the wind true monarch to look back at the organs, and couldn’t help but mutter: “If it were still there in the end, Benxian would not have such a headache,”

“The upgrade of these organs will definitely not be difficult for her.”

“It’s a pity that the past cannot be traced, and the deceased is no longer there.”

Can’t help but recall the end, Liuyun borrowed the wind to raise his head, and couldn’t help but sigh: “Thousands of years have passed in this blink of an eye.

“When I think back to my parting with the end, it seems like yesterday.”

“Even, my ears seem to have her voice,”

“It must be that I missed the end too much, so that I had auditory hallucinations…” As

he spoke, Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to pause slightly, and then listened carefully

, as if it was not an auditory hallucination, but someone was really calling her

, the voice was extremely familiar,

How is it like the sound of the end?!

Liuyun took advantage of the Wind True Monarch and didn’t care about studying any mechanism, and quickly flew out of the Immortal Mansion.

With the rumbling opening of the heavy fairy gate, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to see two men and a woman, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun is naturally familiar with Morax,

as for the other man next to Morax

, wearing a pair of glasses, looking Sven looking,

but Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun


never seen a raw face.

I only feel that the breath is a little familiar, like an old man.

As for the woman who followed Morax and hugged Morax’s arm tightly….

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and looked

at the woman, and the next second, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun was stunned, she rubbed her eyes, felt that she was dazzled

, but Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to look at it several times, and made sure that he was not mistaken,

the woman in front of him looked very similar to the

end of a thousand years ago!


, not to look alike,

but to end up in person!

Whether it is the sweet and healing smile or the bright and divine eyes

, they are exactly the same as the end of a thousand years ago

, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to feel that the end of the memory overlapped with the woman in front of him, seeing Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun’s

surprised appearance, finally chuckled and said: “What’s the matter Liuyun,

But if you don’t see me for a thousand years, you don’t know me?

“If you forget me, I’ll be sad.”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind true monarch to come back to his senses, and shook his head repeatedly: “How could I forget you, I was still nagging you just now.” Looking

at the end in front of him, Liuyun felt like a dream through the wind Zhenjun, and there was a sense of unreality

, but now that old friends meet,

they naturally can’t stand.

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to send out an invitation: “Let’s sit first, drink and chat.”

“It just so happened that some time ago I made a wine from morning dew and medicinal herbs, but I had no one to taste it, and today I finally have the opportunity.”

Liuyun took advantage of the Wind True Monarch to send out an invitation,

just as he had invited the two of them a thousand years ago.

There is a stone table in Ozang Mountain, where the three of them used to sit and eat and chat a thousand years ago

, but since the accident, the stone table has never been used and has been abandoned.

Over the years, Ganyu has come to clean regularly,

which also makes the stone table look like it is often seated.

When the Dragon King heard that there was wine, he immediately became interested, he was

not interested in anything else,

but he had a unique love for food.

At present, he no longer feeds on ore veins, and naturally wants to taste this strange thing in the world.

He followed Liuyun to the stone table by borrowing the wind Zhenjun and smelled the fragrant wine.

For the immortals, tasting worldly food is also a practice.

If Liuyun borrows the wind to be a true monarch and does not become an immortal, opening a winery in Liyue may be a good choice,

maybe even the drunkards of Mond will be attracted.

In the end, he didn’t see outside, and sat directly on the stone chair.

After all, she had come to Liuyun to borrow the Wind True Monarch Immortal Mansion I don’t know how many times, as if she had returned to her own home.

I saw Liuyun take advantage of the wind Zhenjun to wave his wings, and the jug of sake soared into the air to refill the cup.

After doing all this, Liuyun looked at the end with the eyes of the Wind True Monarch, and then asked: “End, what is going on?”

“How are you…” Even

if it was Liuyun who borrowed the wind Zhenjun, her heart was full of confusion at the moment

, after all, she witnessed the death of the end a thousand years ago,



Finally, he smiled, and then said: “It’s a long story, a long story is short,”

“Simply put, Fang Xun gave me a second life.”

In the end, it tells the story of Fang Xun attracting her soul and then making dolls for her.

In this process, Liuyun borrowed the face of the Wind Zhenjun to constantly change, indescribable surprise and surprise.

After the matter was spoken, Liuyun took advantage of the wind to ponder for a moment, and then slowly said: “For Fang Xun’s kid, I am also extremely optimistic.

“Even, I consciously or unintentionally matched him and Gan Yu, hoping to become a good story.”

As soon as these words are said, it naturally leads to final recognition.

“Wow, Liuyun, we deserve to be good sisters, even thinking about things the same!”

“It’s not a secret, I also think that Fang Xun and Gan Yu’s little girl are quite suitable,”

“Speaking of which, Gan Yu is also at the age of retirement, right?” It’s time to live a dull life, too

,” “By the way… Where is that little girl of Gan Yu now? Liuyun

took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to hear this, and replied with a chuckle: “I let her go through the experience.”

In the end, he

was a little curious: “Experience?

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun and snorted: “I noticed that that girl has recently reached a bottleneck period, and she must go through that bottleneck period to usher in improvement

,” “And I, there is nothing left to give her,”

“So, I let her go down the mountain to find someone who can help her break through the bottleneck.”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to pause, looked at the clouds in the distance, and said with a smile: “I think, in fact, in that girl’s heart, there is already the most suitable candidate, right?” ”

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