The final message ended here,

and the earthly lock also put away the light and

changed back to its original appearance.

Although everything was calm,

the words that were finally said lingered in Zhong Li’s mind and kept echoing.

“Morax, you big bad guy knows to bully me, you better stick to your attitude, don’t be with me in this life,”

“Otherwise, I will definitely give you ten or eight children, and then there will be so many dolls for you to raise, it will be too late for you to cry!”

“Morax, will I still be by your side after the Demon God War? I’ll be by your side, right? Definitely!

“I’m not with you yet, I haven’t given you a baby yet, so I don’t want to leave you.”

“I’m going to plant my favorite glazed lilies all over the mountains!”

“When the flowers bloom, they must be beautiful, right?”

“Well, I decided that when the glazed lilies bloom all over the mountains, Lord Ben will show you his heart.”

“At that time, you better not refuse me, or I will cry to you!”

“Morax, don’t always put on a face, like an old antique, smile more.”

“Although I know that we can’t be together,”

“but in my heart, I have already married you once.”

Zhong Li held the earthly lock

in his hand and didn’t say a word, he just stood quietly in place, his eyes looked at the bustling and lively Liyue, he didn’t know what he was thinking at the moment, his

back was very lonely,

and he couldn’t say it.

The next moment, Zhong Li’s whole body erupted with a shining golden light

, the rich rock element power made Fang Xun’s heart a little moved,

Morax did not hesitate to consume his divine power to fill in the

regret for the end?

I saw that the billowing golden light rose up into the sky, and the sunset that burned the clouds was also plated with a layer of gold.

The powerful divine power made the earth tremble slightly, and in the

next second, glazed lilies grew out from the ground,

quickly blooming all over the mountains.

The glazed lilies gently sway with the wind, blowing pure white petals throughout the Liyue.

Liyue is as prosperous and lively as ever, the streets and alleys are crowded, and

for the people here, it seems that time is never enough,

and they hurriedly devote themselves to their work.

It’s just that at this moment, the people all stopped their movements in unison, and they looked up at the glazed lilies that bloomed all over the mountains, and those glazed lilies

one after another were like forming a sea of flowers,

and there was no end in sight.

It was the first time that the people saw such a strange sight, some

people exclaimed unbelievably, and some people held the hands of their loved ones around them,

allowing Lily Lily to witness love.

Gan Yu is busy with today’s

work, she has no intention of seeing the glazed lilies all over the mountains, and then deliberately slowed down

, the work can be postponed

, but such a beautiful scenery if you don’t stop to admire,

it’s a pity.

Gan Yu casually put a glazed lily in his hand, and couldn’t help but whisper: “Who carefully prepared so many glazed lilies?”

“And for whom?”

“If that girl saw this, she would be very happy, right?”

At the tea house, Ning Guang, Beidou and Qiqi, three little Budian were lying on the chairs of the tea house,

looking at the mountains and forests with big watery eyes.

They also noticed the glazed lilies like a sea of flowers.

That scene is beautiful, it only appears in dreams.

Tian Tiezui, who was standing on the high platform, also responded to the scene and said: “Let’s tell a story related to Lily Lily!” ”

According to legend, a thousand years ago there was a kind demon god who was particularly fond of glazed lilies…”


Zhongli stood in the sea of flowers, he looked down at the earthly lock

, “In the end, I have done what you said,

and let the mountains be filled with glazed lilies.”

“Now, the floral fragrance of glazed lilies has filled the entire Liyue,”

Zhong Li paused, and said with some regret, “It’s just a pity… I didn’t let you see the scenery for yourself.

“If you were there, you would be dancing like a child at this time, and then pulling me to enjoy the flowers together, right?”

The Ruoda Dragon King also felt the pain of Zhongli’s wear and tear, and wanted to say something, but he couldn’t speak.

As if he suddenly remembered something, Fang Xun immediately opened the system backpack and looked at the spirit lamp.

The spiritual lamp can guide the soul with regret in the heart,

so is it possible

that the final soul can appear?

Fang Xun didn’t know, so he could only try to do it.

He took the elicitation lamp out of his backpack, and

the elicitation lamp obtained from the system did not need to use any external force to light the lamp, and

the only restriction was that the lamp could only be used at night.

And now that the sun has set, the sky is already shining with stars

, which is the critical point between day and night,

and you

should be able to use the spirit lamp!

Fang Xun placed the lamp on the ground and then lit it.

“In the end, didn’t you have a lot of regrets when you were alive?”

“Don’t you want to see the mountains full of glazed lilies?”

“Didn’t you want to say the unspoken words to Morax?”

“Now that you have a chance to make up for your regrets, shouldn’t you take it?”

Fang Xun silently prayed in his heart, praying that the soul that came to hear the call was the end

, because the spiritual lamp could only be used once a night, and

if he missed this opportunity,

he would really miss it.

Zhong Li also looked at the lamp that Fang Xun had placed

, although he didn’t know what the lamp was for,

he could more or less know that the lamp could summon ghosts to come.

To this, Zhong Li whispered: “In the end, are you here?”

It seemed that Fang Xun’s words had an effect, and it was like hearing Zhong Li’s voice,

and he saw the figure of a girl slowly appear in front of the spirit lamp.

It is obvious that the girl is characterized by long cyan waist-length hair and large wide sleeves.

Her skin was delicate and fair, her big eyes were smart

, and before she spoke, the girl didn’t say a word, and directly plunged into Zhongli’s arms

, “Thank you, thank you,


“I really, really like these glazed lilies.”

In the end, he couldn’t cry and burst into tears.

She saw and saw the sea of flowers that Zhong Li had carefully prepared for her, Zhong Li

looked down at the end in her arms, reached out to wipe away her tears,

and then chuckled and said: “The end… Long time no see. ”

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