And Gan Yu on the side was also beautiful eyes flickering, very surprised

, she could not do anything about the black mud contaminated by the ancient rock dragon lizard

, she thought that if Liuyun took advantage of the arrival of the Wind True Monarch, things would turn around,

but she didn’t expect Fang Xun to remove the black mud,

which is incredible!

And when she saw Fang Xun using the wind element, as well as the fire element, Gan Yu was even more surprised in her heart

, so far, she had learned that Fang Xun had used wind

, fire, ice, water,

and rock attribute power.

A whole five elemental powers!

Why is Fangxun able to use multiple elements at the same time?

Looking at Fang Xun’s back, Gan Yu whispered, “Mr. Fang Xun’s strength is beyond my expectations.

“Perhaps, he can really lead the Qilin clan to rejuvenate.”

Besides, after Fang Xun

solved one ancient rock dragon lizard, he also did the same against another ancient rock dragon lizard, using the lumen stone medium to remove

the black mud, and the ancient rock dragon lizard

that lost the increase in black mud became extremely weak, and with a boom, his whole body fell to the ground,

as if he had been drained of all his strength.

Fang Xun planned to use Walnut’s elemental burst skill again to send away

this ancient rock dragon lizard, however, his movements suddenly stopped

, the reason is simple

, this ancient rock dragon lizard is not right, there is a lot of biogas in the body, once Fang Xun attacks this ancient rock dragon lizard,

It may cause a huge explosion of biogas, and

at that time,

it may affect Ganyu.

In this regard, Fang Xun also quickly stopped the movement in his hand.

Immediately afterwards,

he looked up at Gan Yu and explained the situation.

“Miss Ganyu, this ancient rock dragon lizard contains a lot of biogas in its body, and you need to kill it from a distance,”

“In this case, even if it detonates the methane, it will not hurt people.”

For a while, that group of treasure robbers could not be frightened,

and the meaning of Fang Xun’s words was not that the ancient rock dragon lizard was a moving explosive barrel?

The treasure robbers did not want to be blown up here,

so they evacuated to a safe distance.

Gan Yu also nodded, she is a bow and arrow character, she

can kill the ancient rock dragon lizard at a distance.

In this way, even if the ancient rock dragon lizard explodes, it will not implicate anyone.

I saw Gan Yu pull the bowstring and aim at the dying ancient rock dragon lizard, and then shoot out the bow and arrow.

At the same time, Gan Yu signaled Fang Xun to evacuate because it was about to explode.

Fang Xun naturally also quickly slipped away

, because there were too many variables in the explosion, who didn’t know what would happen next,

and there would be a collapse if it didn’t happen.

Just as Fang Xun was evacuating,

he unexpectedly noticed that there was a white rose blooming beautifully on the side of the road.

It is really beautiful, the most beautiful white rose that Fang Xun has ever seen.

Fang Xun remembered that Ganyu’s

favorite flower was a white rose.

If you can pick that white rose, Ganyu should be very happy, right?


, when everyone was desperately evacuating to a safe position,

they saw Fang Xun suddenly turn around and run towards the direction of the ancient rock dragon lizard.

In the next second, Ganyu’s frost arrow penetrated the body of the ancient rock dragon lizard

, and the bow and arrow collided with the hard armor to produce

a spark, and the methane gas met the spark, and

a huge explosion occurred.

With a loud bang, the members of the treasure thief group all felt the ground shaken, and did not stand firmly and fell heavily,

“Mr. Fang Xun!” Gan Yu’s pretty face became flustered, she didn’t

know what Fang Xun was going to do when she ran back again,

but it was definitely dangerous!

Without having time to think too much

, Gan Yu rushed into the thick smoke,

trying to find Fang Xun’s figure.

She saw Fang Xun lying on the ground, with a layer of jade shield on his body.

“Mr. Fang Xun, how are you, are you okay?” Gan Yu immediately stepped forward and helped Fang Xun up.

At this moment, she was anxious, worried that something would happen to Fang Xun.

“I’m fine, Miss Ganyu don’t worry.”

Compared to Gan Yu’s anxiety, Fang Xun seemed more relaxed.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and handed the intact white rose to Ganyu.

“Miss Ganyu, this white rose is very beautiful, I hope you like it.”

Gan Yu was stunned in place.

Just now, Mr. Fang Xun turned around in the face of the danger of explosion in order to pick a rose for her?

For a while, Ganyu’s eyes suddenly became a little moist, and she felt that her nose was sour.

“Mr. Fang Xun is really an idiot!”

Gan Yu, who was quiet and dignified to Wen, couldn’t help but blame Fang Xun at this moment.

This is simply nonsense

, Fang Xun can obviously dodge the explosion, but he wants to turn around and rush back,

and this is just for a white rose?

Where is there a person who fights for a white rose and does not even care about his own life?

In addition to being angry, Gan Yu was more moved

in her heart,

she didn’t expect that her casual words at that time made Fang Xun always remember it in her heart.

And not afraid of danger, just to make her smile.

Mr. Fang Xun is really stupid,

where is there such a stupid person!

Originally, today was planned to change the fourth, but because some things affected the mood, I was afraid that the things written out were not good, so the three changes, sorry.

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