Seeing Fang Xun appear, Gan Yu also quickly stepped forward

, only to see her say softly: “Good morning Mr. Fang Xun, I didn’t disturb your rest,


“Nope.” Fang Xun chuckled and shook his head, “Miss Ganyu, is there something wrong?” ”

That’s right, my master Liuyun borrowed the Wind Zhenjun to give

you a weapon,”

“She said that we need to protect Liyue in the future, and if you have a weapon at hand, your work efficiency will improve a lot.”

As he spoke, Gan Yu held the ‘Rest of the Disaster’ in both hands and handed it to

Fang Xun, “This is the master’s intention,

I hope Mr. Fang Xun will not refuse.”

Fang Xun could also see at a glance that the weapon Gan Yu was holding in his hand was Shen He’s specialized martial ‘Disaster Relief’.

On the timeline, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and did not meet Shen He at this time,

so he sent the ‘Rest of the Disaster’.

In this regard, Fang Xun couldn’t help but sigh

, this Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to really help people to the end

, not only sending apprentices,

but also sending weapons.

This thought made Fang Xun very moved.

Since Liuyun borrowed the wind true monarch is Gan Yu’s master, then to some extent, it is Fang Xun’s master,


Fang Xun also secretly decided to treat Liuyun borrowing the wind true monarch

well in the future.

Although the two had never met, it did not affect Fang Xun’s decision.

Taking back his thoughts, Fang Xun also spoke: “Since it is the intention of the immortals, then I will accept it.” ”

Trouble Miss Gan Yu to turn around and tell Liuyun to borrow the wind for me, and when I have the opportunity, I will definitely come to the door to thank you in person.”

Fang Xun paused, and then seemed to remember something

, “Miss Ganyu, the handkerchief you bandaged my wound yesterday, I have cleaned it,

and I will return it to you.”

While speaking, Fang Xun also quickly returned to the room and took out the handkerchief.

Seeing the white and flawless, brand-new handkerchief, Gan Yu showed an unexpected expression

, “Mr. Fang Xun, the handkerchief can not be returned to me in a hurry,

but what happened to your injury?”

The handkerchief is small, Gan Yu is mainly worried that

Fang Xun’s injury has not healed, “Miss Gan Yu, you can rest assured

,” “My injury was originally not a big problem, plus this night rested, now the wound is almost healed,”

As he spoke,

Fang Xun stretched out his hand and showed Gan Yu yesterday’s injury.

Gan Yu looked at Fang Xun’s arm and was relieved after making sure that there was nothing wrong.

“Mr. Fang Xun is fine, this is a good thing.”

She paused, then looked up at Fang Xun and said softly: “Mr. Fang Xun, since I have completed the things that the master has explained,”

“Then don’t bother much, leave first.”

Gan Yu said as he turned to leave.

At the beginning of a new day, Yuehai Pavilion has many more tasks waiting for her to complete.

At this time, Fang Xun stopped her behind him

, “Miss Ganyu, don’t rush to leave first,”

“Since you’re here,

why don’t you have breakfast together?”

Fang Xun also thought that Gan Yu was sending weapons again, and he had waited at the door for a long time, and he

couldn’t let Gan Yu run hard for nothing,

so he invited her to eat together.

And Fang Xun also knows

that Gan Yu has a special habit of eating, that is, only eating vegetarian dishes, and

it just so happens that

there is a dish today that can meet Gan Yu’s eating conditions.

A snack made by Lily Glass.

For a while, Gan Yu showed an unexpected expression.

“Huh? Together, breakfast together? Gan

Yugang wanted to deduce that it would be better to skip breakfast next time, she was not hungry now

, however,

Fang Xun had already come out with breakfast.

Gan Yu looked at the extremely hearty breakfast that was still all vegetarian

, she obviously wanted to shake her head,

but somehow it turned into a nod.

Speaking of which, Gan Yu looks petite and thin

, but she can really eat all the glass lilies that fill

her with a large bowl, looking at the Gan Yu who chews slowly in front of her, Fang Xun asked with a smile: “Miss Gan Yu,

what do you think of the taste?”

Gan Yu put down his chopsticks, and then nodded gently: “Mr. Fang Xun’s cooking skills are more powerful than I thought,”

“This dish reflects the aroma and sweetness of glass lilies, and it is really delicious.”

In addition to sighing, Gan Yu was a little melancholy.

“Eating too much without paying attention has exceeded today’s total.”

“It seems that I can’t eat anymore tonight, in case I gain weight, it will be troublesome.”

Listening to Gan Yu muttering softly, Fang Xun couldn’t help but laugh

, he knew why Gan Yu was so afraid of gaining weight

, because in the Demon God War a thousand years ago

, a monster swallowed Gan Yu in one mouthful, and as a result, Gan Yu’s

body was as fat as a ball, stuck in the esophagus of the monster,

and choked the monster to death.

It is precisely because of such an unbearable experience that Gan

Yu can control his figure and size so strictly.

Looking at Gan Yu’s worried and self-reproachful look, Fang Xun couldn’t help but speak: “Miss Gan Yu, in fact, I think you are

not fat at all,” “Not only is not fat, but even your body shape is a little thin,”

“You don’t need to diet at all, because if you have a sense of flesh, you may become more beautiful.”

Fang Xun did not deliberately praise Ganyu

, but felt that Ganyu should really eat more, now Ganyu

is too thin

, if you can add a little flesh,

it is the perfect body.

Do you understand the gold content of a slightly fat woman?

Seeing that Gan Yu was still sad, Fang Xun continued: “Miss Gan Yu, you really don’t have to worry about gaining weight.

“If you really gain weight, come to me when the time comes, and I’ll be in charge, right?”

Fang Xun also promised that if

he didn’t have confidence in his cooking skills, but he had confidence in the talent ‘Magic Energy Enhancement’, Gan

Yu would definitely not be fat.

When Gan Yu heard this, he shook his head slightly: “I eat fat because I am gluttonous, how can I blame Mr. Fang Xun?”

“Miss Ganyu, this is not right, where is there such a thing as gluttony.”

“If you like it, eat more, hate it, don’t eat, it’s such a simple thing.”

“Also, don’t think about the annoying things when you’re happy,”

“Otherwise, you will lose your happiness and your troubles won’t be solved, and the gains will outweigh the losses.”

“Think about it from another angle, how can you lose weight without eating?”

And Gan Yu was also amused by Fang Xun’s words,

where is there such a thing as eating enough and losing weight?

Laughing and laughing, Gan Yu’s heart is still quite warm

, because she has been trying to control her weight all this time

, but whenever she finds herself gaining weight, she will feel extremely guilty in her heart, but

until today,

Fang Xun said that she was already very thin and did not need to lose weight.

In other words, no one had ever told her like this before.

Gan Yu snorted softly, then raised his head to look at Fang Xun and said seriously: “Thank you, Mr. Fang Xun.”

“You’re right, don’t think about those worries when you’re happy.”

“Maybe I can try to gain some weight. Like you said, maybe better?

As Gan Yu’s voice fell, Fang Xun’s voice sounded in his mind.

“Ding, the favorability of detecting Gan Yu has been increased from level 2 to level 3.”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining an entanglement edge!”

This time, I didn’t get additional items, give a bad review!

Just as Fang Xun was about to open his backpack for the lottery

, Xiao Ningguang looked at the door, and then pulled the corner of Fang Xun’s clothes: “Brother Fang Xun, there are guests coming!”

“It’s a big sister!”

Fang Xun heard this, and subconsciously looked up

, it was a woman with pink hair and a red and white witch costume

, she stood at the door,

stretched out her white and slender fingers and gently buttoned the door.

“Sorry to interrupt.”

“Excuse me, is Sister Ganyu here?”

“I heard from the people of Yuehai Pavilion that she came here.”

Yae Miko!

Astringent fox!

She came to Ligetsu from Inazuma!

In the past two days, I have conceived the plot, and the update speed has slowed down, and the officials are greatly forgiven

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