“Okay, I know, thank you Sister Yujin,” Fang Xun also politely agreed.

“If there is nothing to do, I will go back first.”


just as Fang Xun was about to leave, Yujin stopped him.

“I really thought my sister Bai let you work? Silly brother, my sister is reluctant to bully you.

Without waiting for Fang Xun to speak, Yujin threw a set of clothes towards Fang Xun.

Fang Xun subconsciously took it, looked down

, and found that what Yujin threw him was a set of clothes full of Liyue atmosphere,

but how did it look a little similar to Zhong Li’s outfit?

Is it really what it means to make him a stand-in?

At this time, Yujin slowly spoke: “Smelly brother, since you have settled in Liyue, you should have a set of Liyue clothes.”

“I didn’t measure your size either, I just made you a set of clothes.”

“You dress first to see if it fits, if the size is not suitable, we will change it at that time.”

“Okay, my sister is going to sleep for beauty sleep, you hurry back.”

After all, the two are also relatively familiar

, and Yujin is not polite to Fang Xun, and

directly closed the door of the hotel after speaking.

Fang Xun looked at the closed door, and then at the clothes in his arms, with a faint smile on his face.

Yujin this person, although he likes to drive

, but how to say,

he is quite kind.

Soon, Fang Xun also took his clothes and returned to his residence.

The first thing after Ning Guang came back was to give her

mother medicine, and in the past few days, through the conditioning of the prescription, Ning Guang’s mother’s body has gradually improved

, but there are more drowsiness problems, and after drinking the medicine,

she went back to the room to rest.

So when Fang Xun came back, he only saw Xiao Ningguang who had just taken care of his mother.

“Brother Fang Xun~

” Seeing Fang Xun come back, Xiao Ningguang immediately ran over with her little short legs

, she rushed into Fang Xun’s arms, and then asked in a milky voice: ”

I arranged for Qiqi to go to the room next to me,

is it okay?” ”

This house was obviously given to Ning Guang by

Fang Xun,

but Ning Guang will first seek Fang Xun’s consent when making all decisions.

“Of course.” Fang Xun’s face was full of pampering and rubbed his head.

“Go, go see if Qiqi likes her room.”

After Fang Xun finished speaking, he took Xiao Ningguang and went to Qiqi’s room.

“Qiqi, what do you think of this room? Do you like it? Originally

, Xiao Qiqi sat on the bed, gently shook those little short legs, and

after hearing Fang Xun’s voice,

she immediately raised her head.

“Seventy-seven… Loved the room…”

The bed was soft… Compared to amber… Much better…” Xiao

Qiqi nodded gently, looking very cute.

“But… When Fang Xun and Ning Guang weren’t here…”

“Qiqi feels… It’s very

lonely…” Fang Xun went to help Yujin move things before

, and Ning Guang had to take care of her mother, and she also couldn’t accompany Qiqi

, so when she sat here alone,

she would feel very lonely.

Fang Xun was also distressed after hearing this.

He knew that

Qiqi, who had been sealed in amber for thousands of years before

, had already cast a shadow on loneliness,

so she needed companionship very much.

Fang Xun squatted down and gently pinched Qiqi’s little face: “Qiqi, I’m sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.”

“In the future, Ning Guang and I will accompany you as much as possible to prevent you from feeling lonely.”

Ning Guang on the side also nodded, just

now Qiqi Ming spoke in a calm tone,

but Ning Guang listened to it sadly.

She secretly decided that she would accompany Qiqi more in the future.

And Fang Xun seemed to have thought of something, and immediately stood up.

He said to the two little mengwa: “You guys wait for me here, I’ll be right back.”

After Fang Xun finished speaking, he ran out directly.

When he came back, he was tired and sweaty, panting, and his hands were carrying a birdcage, which

was full of lively and cute little finches.

“Qiqi, keep two little birds in your room.”

“Having them as your friends makes you don’t feel lonely.”

This house is very large, and there are many rooms that are vacant, and

it is difficult to say that there will be new members living in it in the future

, but before that,

let the small group of birds accompany Qiqi.

It just so happens that Qiqi also likes the little group of finches.

Sure enough, when Qiqi saw the little tuanque, those big pink eyes quickly brightened,

“Xiaotuanque… Qiqi has new friends…” ”

Thank you… Fang Xun…”

In addition to being happy, Qiqi did not forget to thank Fang Xun.

She knew that at this point in time, many shops in Liyue had closed.

Fang Xun must have been running for a long time and looking for a small group of birds that he bought in many shops.

It could be seen from his soaked clothes.

In this regard, Qiqi’s heart was also a little touched.

She didn’t expect that Fang Xun would deliberately run out to buy small tuanquan finches because of her little emotions.

The little girl experienced the feeling of being cared for for the first time.

This feeling of being cared for made Qiqi’s cold heart have a touch of warmth.

“Seventy-seven… Like… Fang


At this moment, Fang Xun’s voice sounded in his mind.

“Ding, the favorability of detecting Qiqi has been increased from level 3 to level 4!”

Brother Moe,

today’s two more to send!

Can you have a small gift, today’s data is particularly bleak, is it because everyone starts school on Monday?

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