“Thank you Brother Fang Xun…” Xiao

Ningguang quietly wiped away her tears,

it would be too humiliating if Brother Fang Xun

found out that she was crying again.

“Come, let me see, our little condensation light with this jade hairpin is good.”

With a faint smile on his face and indescribable pampering, Fang Xun

squatted down and carefully combed his hair for Condensing Light,

and then put the hairpin on.

Fang Xun took a few steps back, looked at Condensing Light for a moment, and then nodded with satisfaction: “Well, it looks good.”

Xiao Qiqi also said slowly next to him: “Condensing light… Looks good…” Qiqi

originally wanted a hairpin

, but he thought that he was wearing a hat on his head, and the hat

was used to prevent the talisman from falling,

but he couldn’t take it off.

Qiqi can only give up on this.

And Xiao Ning looked at himself in the mirror, his beautiful eyes flickered.

She is still the same her

, but after adding the jade hairpin as embellishment, the little one looks more white and clean,

cute and agile.

Ning Guang really liked this jade hairpin and couldn’t put it down.

However, when he was happy, Xiao Ningguang took off the jade hairpin and carefully put it in his pocket for safekeeping.

This move, naturally, let Fang Xun see everything

, he felt very strange

, the jade hairpin was wearing well,

how could the little girl put it away again?

“Little Condensation, don’t you like the jade hairpin?”

“No, Ning Guang likes this jade hairpin very much!”

“Then why didn’t you put the jade hairpin on it, but put it away?”

Xiao Ningguang blinked his big watery eyes and replied seriously: “Because Ning Guang feels that this jade hairpin is too valuable,”

“Not only is it expensive, but the most important thing is that this is a gift from Fang Xun’s brother.”

“In case the jade hairpin is worn out, Condensation Light will be distressed.”

When Fang Xun heard this, he suddenly realized that no

wonder Ning Guang would put away the jade hairpin, it turned out that he felt that the thing was too precious and was afraid of breaking it.

Fang Xun recalled the clothes he gave to Ning Guang, or the magic weapon to ask Long Jie Yingtan, and

Xiao Ning Guang seemed to be carefully and carefully kept.

Xiao Ningguang paused and continued: “Ning Guang will secretly tell Fang Xun’s brother a secret,”

“Ning Guang will put everything he likes in a small box, and then treasure it.”

“Looking at the things you like put together, Ning Guang will feel very satisfied, and there is an indescribable joy.”

“Ning Guang still thinks about vacating a room in the future, or even building a room specifically for placing things he likes~” ”

Ning Guang even thought of the name of the room, it is called Qunyu Pavilion!”

The little girl’s pretty face was a little blushing,

because these were secrets that she hid in her heart and never told anyone.

Fang Xun was the first to know.

Hearing Xiao Ningguang’s words, Fang Xun’s heart was a little touched.

Because in the game, Condensing Light is precisely to store favorite objects, so the Jade Pavilion is established.

It is consistent with the secret that Ning Guang is saying now.

Unexpectedly, the little girl already had the preliminary idea of establishing the Qunyu Pavilion now.

This surprised Fang Xun a little.

Seeing that Fang Xun did not speak,

Xiao Ningguang thought that Fang Xun thought that her idea was unrealistic.

The little girl stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, and quickly said: “Brother Fang Xun, in fact, what Ning Guang just said about the group of jade pavilions is just imaginary,”

“Ning Guang knows that he doesn’t have that ability…” Ning

Guang wanted to continue speaking, but Fang Xun interrupted her first.

“Why is it impractical? I think this idea is very good,”

“And I also think that Condensing Light will definitely be able to build the Jade Pavilion,”

Hearing that her dream was recognized, Xiao Ningguang’s beautiful eyes became particularly transparent

, all this time, the little girl did not dare to tell others this secret hidden in her heart,

because she was afraid of being ridiculed.

Afraid that others will ridicule her as just a poor girl who can’t eat enough or sleep well, and can’t even get by, laughing

at her for building a room dedicated to collecting things is wishful thinking.

But until today, Ning Guang plucked up the courage to tell her secret, Fang

Xun did not laugh at her, on the contrary,

Fang Xun gave full affirmation to her dream.

This made Ning Guang very moved.

“Brother Fang Xun really thinks that Condensing Light can build the Jade Pavilion?” The little girl was not confident in her heart, so she subconsciously asked again.

“Of course.” Fang Xun’s answer this time was more firm than before.

“Maybe, the Jade Pavilion built by Xiao Ningguang at that time can still be suspended in the air, covering the sky and the sun, so that the entire people of Liyue will look up!”

Fang Xun painted the future scene for Condensing Light.

“Huh? Jade Pavilion suspended in the air? Xiao

Ningguang blinked his big watery eyes, revealing a surprised look.

“Sounds great, but… Can Condensation really do it?

Fang Xun reached out and gently scraped the tip of Ning Guang’s nose, and then said softly: “Of course, my little secretary is the best.”

He paused and continued, “Take ten thousand steps back and say, even if Ning Guang fails to realize this dream, then I will help realize it.” ”

Since Ning Guang wants the Qunyu Pavilion, then it doesn’t hurt for me to create a Qunyu Pavilion for Condensing Guang.”

Hearing Fang Xun’s words, Xiao Ningguang felt that her eyes were a little moist

, she threw herself into Fang Xun’s arms, and then said movingly: “Thank you, brother

Fang Xun…”

The little girl didn’t know what to say, she just buried her head in Fang Xun’s arms,

wanting to hold Fang Xun tighter.

Fang Xun also couldn’t help it, gently pinched Xiao Ningguang’s

face, that is, this behavior, let Fang Xun find that Ning Guang was wrong

, the little girl’s face was a little ugly, and there was some cold sweat on her back, Fang

Xun immediately reacted,

Xiao Ningguang was sick.

No wonder Xiao Ningguang was a little wrong when he first started visiting the night market

, sometimes distracted, sometimes a little depressed, and didn’t talk much,

the original reason is here.

The little girl was busy all day without rest, working against the big sun.

And at night, in order to wait for Fang Xun to return, she stood at the entrance of the village to blow a cool breeze and freeze,

and this cold and

heat could easily make her sick.

The little girl was obviously uncomfortable, but she didn’t show anything unusual all night

, in order not to let Fang Xun worry,

so she lasted all night?

Fang Xun was a little remorseful, he didn’t find out about Ning Guang at the first time, and

he really had no experience with the baby.

The most urgent task now is to buy medicine for Xiao Ningguang.


Fang Xun did not go to Bu Lu for the

simple reason that Fang

Xun was a little disgusted with Bu Lu’s white art.

Bai Shu took in Qiqi just to use Qiqi

, a person who can make up his mind about innocent children,

Fang Xun is really disgusted.

But fortunately, Liyue is not only a pharmacy in Bu Bulu

, there are still many other pharmacies

, soon, Fang Xun found a pharmacy

nearby, and the doctor directly took out a bottle of medicine after checking the situation of Ning Guang, telling Ning Guang

that as long as he drank the medicine and rested for one night,

he could recover the next day.

It was just a very simple thing in itself, but Xiao Ningguang shook his head repeatedly, and

his childish face was full of rejection.


, Ning Guang don’t take medicine,”

“Even if the medicine is not bitter, Ning Guang doesn’t want to take it, Ning Guang doesn’t like the smell of medicine…”

Xiao Ningguang raised his head and looked at Fang Xun with grievances: “Brother Fang Xun, can Ning Guang not take medicine?” Please…” Looking

at Xiao Ningguang with a resistant expression, Fang Xun was really crying and laughing

, Xiao Ningguang came over on such a hard day before, didn’t see her frown and say bitter

, but right now,

the little guy is afraid to take medicine?

The most important thing is that the medicine prescribed by the doctor is not bitter, but a little sweet,

at most it is only a relatively strong smell.

I didn’t expect to make the little girl so resistant.

Speaking of which, what is the situation of these two little cute babies?

Qiqi chopping rock dragon lizard did not even blink his eyes, but did not dare to set off fireworks

, condensed the light silently endured the wind and rain without shedding a single tear, but did not dare to drink medicine,

it turned out that the two little mengwa still had such an unknown side.

And at the moment, Condensing Light can’t do this situation without taking medicine, you

must take medicine to get better.

But Fang Xun can’t deliberately order Condensing Light with a

face, because the little girl herself is very uncomfortable, and her mood is definitely not good

, if Fang Xun deliberately puts on her face again,

the little guy will definitely cry out in minutes.

In that case, there is no other way to do it.

Fang Xun first calmed Ning Guang’s emotions, he gently took Ning Guang’s hand, and then said: “Okay, let’s not drink medicine.”

“Then there’s no problem drinking juice, right?”

“I’ve just been walking for so long, I think you guys are also thirsty, and Ning Guang is sick now, so you need to drink more water.”

“Well, I’ll go buy you juice.”

In order to make Xiaomengwa get better quickly,

Fang Xun also broke his heart.

It’s not easy to raise children.

You can only use a little routine.

He left the juice package and replaced it with a doctor’s prescription.


I stayed up late and worked overtime to write a chapter in the early hours of last night, originally thinking that my body was resistant and I would be fine after sleeping, but I didn’t expect that my head was groggy all day today, and I didn’t even have an appetite to eat.

To add insult to injury, the 100,000-word debut of this book is not ideal, and the income is pitiful.

The author has also written several books before, and honestly, this book has the lowest yield, and I kind of want to cry.

I still hope that you can give more free gifts

, whether a book can be written long really depends on the readers

, Genshin is a good game, but the characters in it have more or less regrets, I hope to be able to make up for the regrets of those characters,

so that everyone can have a happy ending.

I won’t add more today, adjust my mood, sorry.

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