A girl locked up in amber?

Hearing the blacksmith report the news, Fang Xun’s mind instantly thought of the little zombie Qiqi.

Qiqi was originally just an ordinary medicine girl

, but an accident made her involved in the fairy and demon war

, just as the so-called immortals fought mortals suffered

, Qiqi was affected, her life was in danger

, and when she was about to die, Qiqi’s fear of death, her thoughts about her family,

and her desire for survival

A powerful desire allowed her to get the Eye of God, and burst out powerful forces to end the Immortal War.

After the end of the war, all the immortals felt that Qiqi was pitiful

, so they each took out a wisp of immortal power and sealed it in Qiqi’s body,

hoping to resurrect Qiqi.

Qiqi is resurrected, but not fully resurrected, she

becomes a zombie.

Not only that, Qiqi’s petite and thin body could not withstand the power of the immortals at all

, and became out of control and crazy, and

as a last resort,

the Immortal Lishui Mountain True Monarch could only seal Qiqi in amber.

This seal is hundreds of years old.

At the moment, it seems that the girl that the villagers found is seven or seven

, but all this is still only Fang Xun’s inference

, and what the specific situation is,

it should be checked out.

Fang Xun looked at the blacksmith, and then said politely, “Where did you find the amber?” Can you show me around?

Hearing that it was the request of the immortals, where did the blacksmith dare to say a word

, “Of course it’s no problem,

of course it’s no problem!”

“Immortal, you don’t know something, the big guys don’t dare to enter that cave to find out, and they always feel that the cave is frozen!”

“Even if a young and strong young man goes in, he can’t resist for a few minutes and can’t stand the cold!”

“We came this time precisely in the hope that the immortals could lead us into the cave to check the situation.”

As for the blacksmith’s strange description of the cave, Fang

Xun guessed that it was caused by the cold aura emanating from Qiqi’s body.

You know, after Qiqi became a zombie

, the body became stiff and cold, and over time, the cave also became particularly cold, and

it is understandable that ordinary people can’t stand the cold.

Fang Xun didn’t say much, just motioned for the blacksmith to lead the way.

And Xiao Ningguang also followed Fang Xun step by step.

Now she is basically Fang Xun wherever she goes, she follows wherever she goes.

It’s like a little tail.

There were also many villagers who

heard that there was a girl in Amber and thought it was strange,

so they followed and wanted to find out.


The blacksmith took Fang Xun for a while, and finally,

the group stopped at the foot of the mountain.

The blacksmith pointed to the hole in front of him, and then said respectfully to Fang Xun: “Immortal, this is the cave we found, and the amber that holds the girl is in it.”

Fang Xun nodded, and then prepared to enter the cave.

The cave is well hidden, basically integrated into the surrounding environment, if

not for the villagers cutting down some trees,

it would be difficult to find at all.

Many villagers stopped at the entrance of the cave, not daring to take another step.

Because just standing at the entrance of the cave, everyone felt the cold breath rushing to their faces, and

the cold could not help but tremble even if it touched the skin at the slightest,

not to mention the lower temperature inside.

In the face of the chill,

Xiao Ningguang also subconsciously shivered.

However, now watching Fang Xun enter the cave, the little girl gritted her teeth and followed in.

Anyway, where Fang Xun is, she will follow.

Fang Xun also noticed this, and turned his head and instructed Ning Guang: “Little girl, the temperature in the cave is very low, it is easy to freeze you and catch a cold, don’t go in.” Hearing

this, Ning Guang pouted and showed a lost look.

However, since it was Fang Xun’s order, she would still obediently obey.

Soon, Fang Xun also entered the cave alone

, and the temperature inside was simply unknown how many degrees lower than outside,

and it was not too much to say that it was outside in summer and

inside in winter.

Fang Xun couldn’t hold back the chill,

he put his hands on his chest and used the skill ‘Center of the Earth’.


With a low drink, a rock ridge appeared in the cave, and

at the same time,

Fang Xun’s body was surrounded by Yuzhang.

Logically speaking, the shield skill cannot resist the cold,

but the skill mechanics extracted by Fang Xun are far beyond the game setting.

His Jade Zhang Shield is not only immune to the cold in this cave

, even if he goes to the Snow Mountain in the future

, as long as the Jade Zhang Shield is there,

Fang Xun does not need to look around for the source of fire.

With the shield on his body, Fang Xun immediately felt that the cold had decreased a lot.

He looked up at what the villagers called amber

, and saw a girl among the amber who had fallen asleep with her eyes closed

, a hat on her head, a purple skirt

on her body, a long string of jade beads hanging from the girl’s chest,


a bandage wrapped around her right leg to bandage her


What caught Fang Xun’s attention the most was that the girl had a large amount of talisman paper on her body,

just like he had guessed.

Sealed in the amber is the little zombie Qiqi.

At the same time, Fang Xun also noticed that there was also a sealing talisman with the immortal mark on the top of the amber

, but because of the wear and tear of a hundred years,

the sealing talisman had long been eclipsed and had no original effect.

Fang Xun strode forward to cast the ‘Center of the Earth’ again.

The amber that sealed Qiqi was also shattered at this moment.

As the amber shattered

, Fang Xun finally saw Qiqi, at

this moment the little zombie was closing her eyes, maintaining a lying posture on her side, her face was

full of tranquility,

and she looked like she had just fallen asleep.

After a while, Qiqi sensed the outside world, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Those beautiful pink eyes like peach blossoms looked at the world, like a child who had just been born.

“Here… Where is it?

“I… Who is it? ”

Ahhh… I don’t remember anything…” The

little zombie felt very strange to everything in front

of her, and although her face could not make an expression,

her beautiful eyes were full of helplessness and fear.

Although she has experienced hundreds of years of slumber, her mind is still only a few years old.

In an unfamiliar environment, her first reaction was fear.

Seeing this, Fang Xun immediately squatted down and said softly to Qiqi: “This is Liyue, return to the original.”

“And your name is Qiqi.”

Hearing the voice, Qiqi slowly raised his head, and a pair of clear and bright big eyes looked at Fang Xun.

She felt like she had a long, long dream, in which

there was nothing but endless darkness.

Qiqi hated the darkness and wanted to end the dream quickly,

but found that he couldn’t wake up.

She stayed in that darkness like that

, without any light,

without any sound,

just… Very lonely.

Qiqi is afraid of loneliness.

She hates someone.

So now seeing humans, Qiqi feels very close.

Her beautiful eyes flickered, touched by Fang Xun’s words: “Liyue… Back to the original… It seems to have been heard. ”

Seven seven… Is that my name? ”

It’s obviously a very short message, but it made the little zombie digest it for a long, long time.

After a moment, Qiqi raised his head and looked at Fang Xun: “Your name is… What name?

Fang Xun knew that Qiqi’s memory was not good, so he said very slowly and concisely: “My name is Fang Xun.”

Immediately afterwards

, Fang Xun heard Qiqi talking to himself there,

as if he was sorting out his thoughts.

“Fang Xun… Qiqi tilted

his head and said seriously: “My name is Fang Xun… Your name is Qiqi…” ”

That’s not right… My name is Xun Qi… My name is Nanahh…”

Forgot. ”

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