Gan Yu came in a hurry and left in a hurry, and

Fang Xun was not surprised by this

, after all, Gan Yu, as the first secretary of Liyue,

was always busy.

In this comparison, Fang Xun looks like an idler, and his

idle work is only to bring a baby.

Fang Xun glanced down at the little condensation lying in his arms, and

could see that the little girl had not rested properly for a long time

, so this nap was particularly sweet, and

even Fang Xun had just talked to Gan Yu,

but he didn’t wake her up.

At this moment, Fang Xun noticed that the little girl seemed to be muttering something in her mouth, and he stepped forward to listen.

“Condensing light, condensing light will earn a lot of Mora,”

“So many that there are stars in the sky, how can I not count them!”

The little girl’s childish voice was particularly serious

, which made Fang Xun couldn’t help

laughing, even dreaming about making money, the little girl is really a small wealth fan

, but this can’t be blamed on staring at Mora

, after all, she has lived a tight life since she was a child,

and eating the last meal is a common thing.

Therefore, her desire to make money, Fang Xun can also understand.

Ning Guang in his sleep paused, and then continued: “When the time comes, buy a big house that does not leak air, and take my mother in to live.”

“So that Mom won’t wake up in the middle of the night, and we won’t get rain on rainy days.”

“And Brother Fang Xun, Ning Guang will also take Brother Fang Xun to the big house!”

“In this way, you can see Brother Fang Xun every day when you wake up~ hehe…” The

little girl laughed blandly, and her words were full of yearning for the future.

Fang Xun couldn’t help but laugh along with it.

Who would have thought that that cold and dignified Lord Tianquan Star turned out to be so cute when he was a child.

Xiao Ningguang wants to buy a new house and take his mother to live in

, which is understandable to Fang Xun

, after all, the mother and daughter have a deep relationship,

and they have been relying on each other for so many years.

However, Xiao Ningguang said that he wanted to take Fang Xun into the house, which made Fang Xun a little surprised, and

it can be seen from the side that Ning Guang treats Fang Xun as a relative.

Comparing his heart to his heart

, Fang Xun also liked Ning Guang’s little pitiful,


he was extremely doting on this little secretary.

He knew that Xiao Ningguang often didn’t even have enough to eat, so

how much better would the living environment be?

In this case,

it is better to buy a house and improve the conditions of Ningguang’s home.

Because he has the talent to return after thousands of gold scattered

, Fang Xun does not lose money in buying things for Ning Guang,

and he can also make money.

This can also be regarded as a surprise for Xiao Ningguang

, while the little girl is asleep, secretly prepare a suite for her,

and when she wakes up,

her expression will be wonderful.

Just do what he said, Fang Xun left the Wangshu Inn with the little girl in his arms and returned to Liyue Port

, because the little guide of Condensing Light fell asleep, and Fang Xun didn’t know where to choose a lot, so he could only find others to help recommend.

Soon, a relatively reliable person subconsciously appeared in his mind, Ying’er’s

mother Yujin.

Previously, Fang Xun learned from the mouth of the Thousand Rock Army that the reason why they were able to appear in time before the treasure thief group started was entirely because of Yujin’s help, and it was Yujin who was

worried that something would happen to Fang Xun,

so he contacted the Qianyan Army.

It can be seen that Yujin’s beautiful is quite good in addition to liking to drive.

Not long after, Fang Xun came to the door of Yujin’s hotel with Ning Guang

, Yujin sat on the chair, his slender and slender hand gently shook the fan

, looking very temperamental,

indescribably mature charm.

Yujin raised her beautiful eyes to look at Fang Xun, and said first: “Stinky brother, shouldn’t you want to toss your sister again tonight?” ”

What are these words?

The reason why Ying’er is so skillful in driving must be because she inherited the genes of Yujin!

He was also acquaintance with Yujin, and Fang Xun said straight to the point: “Sister Yujin, I plan to buy a house in Liyue, do you have any recommended places?”

Yujin shook the fan and pouted: “I know that this little wrongdoer of yours has nothing good to do every time he looks for me, and his feelings are that he wants me to take you to find a house.”

“Want to buy a house, it’s not easy? Oh, just buy this suite next to my sister’s hotel.

“In the future, we will be neighbors, and when we are idle, we can let you come over and help repair the water pipe.”

“Our two are close, and it will be convenient to get in and out when the time comes.”

Don’t look at Yujin driving at every turn,

but she still seriously gave Fang Xun advice.

When Fang Xun heard this, he looked up at the two-story small house next to the hotel

, it looked very well decorated, and the location was good

, looking at the whole Liyue,

it was indeed a relatively good house.

“That suite is indeed okay, Sister Yujin, do you know the owner of that house? I want to talk about the price. ”

Fang Xun is not short of money at all now, so just ask the price directly to buy it.

Yujin said nonchalantly: “Oh, that house is mine.”

“If you want, send it to you directly.”

When Fang Xun heard this, he subconsciously raised his eyebrows, and was very surprised: “Send me for free?” Sister Yujin, you’re not kidding me, are you?

Yujin shook the fan, and then said with disgust: “Who is joking with you?” Stinky brother, you’re still pretending to be with me here,”

“Okay, I’ve heard that you and Lord Ganyu have been talking to someone recently, haven’t you?”

“Lord Ganyu has done a lot for Liyue, and he has helped me a lot before, and he has been a great favor to me,”

“Now, what does it matter if I give you two a suite?”

Fang Xun’s head grew big when he listened

, he really wanted to take Gan Yu as his secretary

, but he hadn’t started to act yet,


rumors did Yujin seem to have heard here??

“Sister Yujin, you misunderstood, Miss Gan Yu and I are still just ordinary friends.”

“So this house, it’s impossible for you to give it away for nothing.”

Fang Xun said with a righteous face

, Yujin can’t do it if he doesn’t accept his money,

otherwise how can he trigger the talent of Qianjin to scatter and return? ?

“Sister Yujin, how about two million Mora in this house, it’s so decided!”

Yujin: “??? ”

That house is not worth two million Mora at all, one million Mora is up to the sky,

how could Fang Xun give so much money?

What does Fang Xun want to do with this smelly boy? ?

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