To be honest, Gan Yu’s mood was a little complicated at the moment

, because she couldn’t figure out why

Fang Xun, who was a foreigner,

had this skill?

In addition to this, in fact, Gan Yu has many questions that she wants to ask Fang

Xun, but now is not a suitable occasion to ask

, after a short loss of concentration, Gan Yu also quickly remembered where her responsibilities were

, she looked at Fang Xun in front of her and Condensing Light,

and then asked softly: “Are you okay?” Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?

Gan Yu was a little worried that Fang Xun and Ning Guang would be harmed.

After all, the power of that lotus flower just now was too great

, even a well-equipped fool officer could instantly burn to ashes

, “Miss Ganyu, thank you for your concern,

I feel good now.” Fang Xun replied very easily

, this is not Fang Xun’s intentional support, the Mountain Ze Lin Trace will cause great lethality to the enemy, but it is completely immune to damage for itself

, so although Fang Xun

is close,

he can also be safe under the explosion.

The innocent little condensation also shook his head, and then said in a milky and serious voice: “Lord Ganyu

, Condensing Light is fine, Brother Fang Xun protected Condensing Light very well,”

“When it exploded just now, Brother Fang Xun tightly protected Condensing Light in his arms, so Condensing Light was not in danger.”

As he spoke, Ning Guang raised his pretty face to look at Fang Xun, and his beautiful eyes shone brightly.

Fang Xun is really a very warm big brother

, because the first time he encountered danger,

Fang Xun’s first reaction was to protect her.

That was completely Fang Xun’s unthinking, subconscious behavior

, facing a big brother who could fight to protect himself,

Xiao Ningguang was very moved in his heart.

Seeing Ning Guang in such a state of high spirits

, Gan Yu was slightly relieved, fortunately, this lively and cute little girl was not injured

, otherwise Gan Yu would think that this was his work failure

, after making sure that the two people were okay, Gan Yu went to check the injuries of those Thousand Rock Army

, fortunately, those Thousand Rock Army was well-trained on weekdays,

The physical fitness is excellent

, so it is not life-threatening,

and it only takes a period of time to recover.

Soon, the rest of the Thousand Rock Army also quickly arrived and began to clean up the scene and seize the treasure thief group.

These things don’t need Gan Yu to do it himself

, Gan Yu raised her beautiful eyes to look at Fang Xun in front of her, she bit her lips lightly, looking like she wanted to talk and stop, very entangled

, although Purr rolled down the mountain Zhenjun is good at handling work, Liyue big and small matters can be handled in an orderly manner,

but she is really not good at dealing with people

The so-called social fear, Gan Yu is absolutely well deserved.

In the end, Fang Xun discovered Gan Yu’s abnormality and took the initiative to ask: “Miss Gan Yu, do you have anything to tell me?” Gan

Yu was stunned at first, and then nodded seriously

, maybe nodding too hard, and the wisp of dull hair on Gan Yu’s head also swayed up and down,

looking very cute.

Fang Xun is also enduring

, Wang Xiaomei has also been Liyue’s secretary for thousands of years,

why is he nervous at every turn when chatting?

Gan Yu plucked up the courage to speak, “Mr. Fang Xun, do you have time?” I, I want to talk to you about the lotus.

“Okay.” Fang Xun chuckled and nodded, Fang Xun

thought that Gan Yu was looking for him for something,

it turned out to be for the Mountain Zelin.

For Gan Yu to come to talk, Fang Xun did not feel strange

, after all, he had studied hard for many years, and he did not have the unique skills that the second person knew

, and suddenly one day he saw another person using it, saying that he

was not surprised or confused,

it must be fake.

In this regard,

Fang Xun also foresaw this situation in advance and prepared the corresponding words.

“Miss Ganyu, let’s talk while we go?”

It can be seen that Gan Yu is very nervous now, so that he bumps when he speaks, so

it is not okay to chat.

Coupled with Fang Xun’s notice that Xiao Ningguang had been staring at the sea of neon flowers over at the Wangshu Inn

, although the little girl obediently held Fang Xun’s hand, her mind was estimated to have floated past long

ago, in this regard, Fang Xun simply proposed to chat while walking

, which could not only relieve Ganyu’s nervousness, but also take Xiao Ningguang to see the sea of flowers,

which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Gan Yu also knew that Fang Xun was considering her emotions, so he nodded lightly and said softly: “Okay, Mr. Fang Xun.”

During the walk

, Gan Yu kept his head down, squeezed his hands nervously,

and looked like he wanted to say nothing.

On the contrary, Fang Xun and Ning Guang seemed not so restrained

, especially Ning Guang

, after she saw the sea of neon flowers, she happily rushed into the sea

of flowers, the little girl had no money to buy beautiful and fun toys before,

so this sea of flowers is her favorite and most precious thing.

However, Xiao Ningguang was young after all

, and she began to yawn after a little play

, plus she was too frightened by the treasure robbers and the fools before

, so that now her expression was slightly relaxed,


sleepiness immediately surged up like a tide.

Xiao Ningguang’s eyelids fought fiercely, but he forcibly opened it to prevent himself from falling asleep

, this look made Fang Xun endure

, he squatted down and held Xiao Ningguang in his arms, and at the same time spoke softly: “Little girl,

go to sleep if you are really sleepy.”

“Just go back when my brother carries you.”

Fang Xun’s words seemed to have a kind of magic

, Xiao Ningguang was originally still struggling with sleepiness

, but when she heard Fang Xun’s words, she immediately felt an indescribable reassurance

, the little girl lay in Fang Xun’s arms, gradually closed her eyes, and

after a while,

her breathing became even, The slender eyelashes are also gently fluttering,

quiet and cute.

After a while, Xiao Ningguang seemed to feel that his sleeping position was uncomfortable, and he drilled into Fang Xun’s arms vigorously, and subconsciously rubbed Fang Xun’s chin.

Fang Xun felt a little itchy, but he didn’t dare to move, for fear of waking up Condensing Light.

What made Fang Xun cry and laugh the most was that

even if Ning Guang fell asleep, she hugged Fang Xun tightly, for fear that others would snatch it away.

What about the cold rich woman who said good,

how did it become a clingy little bun?

While holding Ning Guang, Fang Xun looked up at Gan Yu and said a little apologetically: “I’m sorry, the little girl fell asleep, I held her to sit on the bench for a while, don’t you mind?”

When he spoke, Fang Xun also deliberately lowered his voice,

afraid to wake up the condensation in his arms.

Gan Yu can also understand, after all, children feel more, this is normal.

“Mr. Fang Xun, it’s okay, let’s go over.”

Soon, Gan Yu followed Fang Xun to sit on the bench.

From a distance, it looks like a young couple taking their children out for a walk, and

it looks warm and harmonious.

“Miss Ganyu, what do you want to tell me?” Fang Xun looked up and asked Gan Yu.

Before he finished speaking, Fang Xun felt his shoulders sink, and

then a faint fragrance came to his face,

and he subconsciously looked up and

found that Gan Yu was also asleep.

Ganyu has always had a habit of taking a nap

, and as long as it is time for lunch break, Ganyu will fall asleep regardless of the occasion and place,


now it seems that it should be Ganyu’s bedtime time.

Looking at the gan rain that was curled up and slept quietly like a deer

, Fang Xun set his eyes on the pair of sheep’s horns

, all this time, Fang Xun was very curious about what it was like to touch the horns

, after all, that thing was only available to immortal beasts

, and more importantly,

He heard that when Gan Yu was young, he needed to touch the horns to fall asleep, and

the special mechanism of the horns seemed to affect Gan Yu.

Is it really that amazing?

Fang Xun stretched out his hand and gently held Ganyu’s horns

, which were a little cool, and the touch was not very hard,

but it felt a little smooth.

It’s good that this is not held

, after a shake, Gan Yu let out a snort,

and then changed his posture to curl up and hug Fang Xun’s arm.

For a while

, Fang Xun was a little crying and laughing, now

he was holding Ning Guang in his left

hand, and his right hand was held by Gan Yu,


now he couldn’t free his hand at all.

Most importantly,

how can Gan Yu sleep like a child?

One drill into the arms ??

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