Listening to Yujin’s ridiculous words, Fang Xun involuntarily raised his eyebrows,

this woman’s sultry level is too high….

I’m afraid that only the astringent fox on Inazuma’s side can compete with

her, and Xiao Ningguang, who is not deeply involved in the world, can’t understand Aunt Yujin’s car

, and her magnificent and translucent beautiful eyes keep blinking, sometimes looking at Fang Xun, sometimes looking at Yujin,

adults are talking so strangely? ?

(。 ・ω・。

Yujin also did not continue to tease Fang Xun, and began to get busy with the drawings.

Because Fang Xun designed a lite version of the yarn orchid

, it did not take months to make

, and coupled with the superb tailoring skills of Yujin, around


this yarn yarn was also successfully produced.

Fang Xun glanced at the yarn in the yarn made by Yujin

, which was not much different from what he imagined,


also showed that Yujin’s craftsmanship was indeed very good.

And when Ning Guang saw the orchid in the yarn, his eyes flashed, revealing an expression like a treasure.


, she fell in love with this dress at a glance

, “Brother Fang Xun is so powerful,

he can design such a beautiful dress!”

“Aunt Yujin is also skillful, this dress really looks good!”

Ning Guang involuntarily sighed

, children always think of whatever they say,

she really thinks this dress is very beautiful.

Yujin handed the clothes to Ning Guang, and at the same time spoke softly: “Little Ning Guang, quickly put on new clothes, let Auntie see if it fits, and if it needs to be changed.”


expression was very gentle, perhaps because she also had a daughter,

so she was also full of compassion in the face of Xiao Ningguang.

Fang Xun also gently patted Ning Guang’s little head, and then said softly: “Go change into new clothes and see how the effect goes.” Ning

Guang nodded obediently, nervously and carefully took the yarn in the orchid into the fitting room.

Not long after

, the gazing light in the yarn slowly walked out

, Fang Xun heard the movement and looked up

, the small condensation in front of him already had the feeling of judging the two when they first met, they

all said that people rely on clothing, this sentence is not false at all, the

condensation itself looks white and clean,

But the rough cloth covered her light with a thick dust

, and now in this set of yarn

, the beauty of the little girl is immediately reflected, anyone who sees the current condensation will be amazed by this girl

, the little condensation is white and clean, quiet and well-behaved,

and her body has a unique temperament

That’s an innate temperament, just

one look at it will be unforgettable for a lifetime!

Yujin looked at the effect of Condensing Guang and nodded with satisfaction, Condensing Guang

is a little beauty embryo, and when he grows up,

he will definitely be peerless.

Immediately afterwards, Yujin took the mirror over for Ning Guang to see.

When Ning Guang saw herself

in the mirror, the whole person was stunned,


couldn’t believe that the girl in the mirror was herself!

All along, Ning Guang felt that she was the kind of inconspicuous child, the kind of

person who, if he put her in the crowd,

might soon forget what she looked like.

But right now, the self in the mirror is very characteristic, and

even Ning Guang himself is amazed.

She knew very well in her heart that this was the change brought to her by the yarn Youlan.

Xiao Ningguang subconsciously thought that

such exquisite and good-looking clothes must be cared for,

otherwise it would be a pity to break them.

This also made her look a little restrained, a little nervous

, and even she was so careful to walk

, you know

, Ning Guang had always worn rough cloth, and

now wearing such exquisite clothes,

her first reaction was worry

Worried that I would spoil the orchid in the yarn.

Fang Xun was also amused by Ning Guang’s cute appearance

, in addition to being happy, he was more sad in his heart, the

little girl’s family life was too difficult,

so he would cherish it so much when he wore new clothes now.

Fang Xun squatted down and rubbed his head, his face full of pampering.

“Little girl, you can walk boldly, the quality of the clothes made by your Aunt Yujin is not so bad.”

“Besides, even if the clothes are worn out in the future, it will be good to re-order them at that time, don’t worry so much, you know?”

Listening to Fang Xun’s comfort, Ning Guang was a little natural

, she looked at Fang Xun gratefully, and then thanked her seriously: “I know,

thank you Brother Fang Xun!”

“This dress, I really like it, I like it.”

Xiao Ningguang didn’t know how to express his joy and gratitude,

and only kept thanking him.

“You’re my little secretary, shouldn’t you be nice to you?” Fang Xun reached out and scratched Condensing Light’s nose, and then said easily.

These words made Ning Guang feel a little moist in her

eyes, in fact, she is a person who is easily moved, and

may be just a casual warm gesture in the eyes of others,

but Ning Guang can remember it for a long time.

Fang Xun was really good to her, and

Ning Guang could feel it clearly.

Besides, Fang Xun found

Yujin and wanted to pay for the tailor’s clothes.

But he didn’t think that Yujin directly refused.

“Forget it, this dress should be given to Ning Guang by me, the little girl is quite pitiful, I won’t accept money.”

“Besides, being able to make the orchid with my own hands is also a pleasant experience for me, and it should be offset by Mora.”

When Fang Xun heard that Yujin did not collect money, he was immediately unhappy, Yujin did not collect money,

how could he trigger talent to make money?

“One thing is one thing, I can understand that you want to help Ning Guang, but the material money for making clothes can’t let you out, right?”

“Well, I’ll give you two hundred thousand mora, is that enough? Not enough I’ll add more. Fang

Xun also didn’t understand the price of the jade brocade tailor, so he casually quoted the price.

When Yujin heard Fang Xun’s words, he was first stunned, and then said in surprise: “Silly brother, where do you get 100,000 Mora for the material fee?” It’s too much to go beyond!

“Wait, you give so much money, do you want me to be an eagle??”

Yujin stretched out his hands and made a crossed gesture,

“This is a word I learned from Inazuma Shin to express my attitude.”

“Whoa, whoa, da, whoa, da

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