
Fang Xun accepted Condensing Guang, this little pitiful definitely made a lot of money!

You know

, in twenty years, if merchants want to buy a meal of Condensing Light, they will have to spend tens of millions of Mora

, that is only the time to buy Condensing Guang dinner, if they want to buy Condensation

for a day,

the price will only be higher!

And the current Xun only used 50,000 Mora, and he collected the little condensation into a small tail,

and this investment is definitely not a loss!

Anyway, there is something for the secretary to do….

It was at this time that Ning Guang spoke: “That Fang Xun brother… Oh no, Mr. Fang Xun, let me take you around Liyue next.

Xiao Ningguang felt that since he was now Fang Xun’s secretary

, it was better to be formal in terms of title

, but Fang Xun felt very awkward when he heard it, and he

said helplessly: “Ningguang, you better continue to call me brother,

I am really not used to hearing this gentleman.” Ning

Guang also stuck out his tongue, playfully spoke: “I’m also a little unaccustomed, then since that’s the case, I’ll still call it brother, brother Fang Xun~”

The little girl paused, and then looked down at the itinerary and said: “That brother Fang Xun, our first stop today is to listen to Tian Tiezui…”

Before her words were finished, Fang Xun interrupted

first”Xiao Ningguang, I think it is necessary to change the location of our first stop,”

“Change the itinerary?” Ning Guang blinked his big clear and bright eyes, and asked in surprise,

didn’t Fang Xun say that the itinerary was okay before?

She didn’t understand why

she had changed, but Fang Xun was now her boss,

and she had to follow the arrangement.

Xiao Ningguang took out the letter paper and prepared to record

Fang Xun’s words, although Ning Guang had no experience as a secretary, but she thought of doing everything the best, and she looked like it

, looking at Ning Guang’s somewhat confused expression, Fang Xun nodded gently: “Yes,

our first stop is changed.”

As he spoke, Fang Xun’s gaze swept over the rough cloth clothes that Ning Guang was wearing, as well as the feet that wore nothing.

“I’ll buy you clothes and shoes instead.”

Hearing this, Ning Guang opened his mouth in surprise: “Huh?? The

little girl looked a little stunned

, she hadn’t figured out what the situation was, and

when she came back to her senses,

Fang Xun had already taken her to the shoe store.

Ning Guang looked up at Fang Xun beside him, and then shook his head and begged: “Brother Fang Xun, it costs a lot of money to buy these things, let’s forget it.”

“I think it’s good not to wear shoes, I’ve gotten used to it after all these years.”

“Besides, you’re good enough for me, I can’t let you spend any more money!”

Ning Guang kept shaking her head, wanting to drag Fang Xun’s arm and go outside

, but after all, she was just a little girl who had not yet developed,

how could she drag Fang Xun who was an adult?

Seeing that Fang Xun was indifferent

, the little girl’s tears swirled in her eyes,


she felt like she was about to cry out in minutes.

Looking at Xiao Ningguang’s pitiful appearance

, Fang Xun was also crying and laughing, he knew that Ning Guang wanted to save money for him

, so he was reluctant to buy these things

, all this Fang Xun had long expected

, in this regard, he also squatted down and said to Ning Guang seriously: “Xiao Ningguang, you as my secretary,

More or less represents my image. ”

If you dress like this to go out with me, it will definitely not work, so I will transform you.”

Fang Xun paused and continued: “Don’t put too much pressure on your heart, I didn’t give you these things for nothing, and I don’t need you to repay the favor.”

“What do you think of the cost of buying something today in advance from your next month’s paycheck?”

Other people’s children are crying and arguing to buy clothes and shoes, this little ancestor can be good

, crying and arguing not to buy, but also pulling Fang Xun away,

it is really silly and cute.

Listening to Fang Xun’s big truth, Ning Guang’s emotions slowly calmed down

, and if the cost of buying things was deducted from her next month’s salary,

then it was not unacceptable.

The most important thing is that

Fang Xun is right, now Ning Guang’s identity is Fang Xun’s secretary, he wants to follow Fang Xun out,


is impossible to go out dressed like this.

Seeing that Xiao Ningguang did not speak, Fang Xun knew that this was a compromise

, he smiled and pinched Ning Guang’s face,

and then led the little girl into the shoe store.

“Welcome two, what do you need to buy?”

The manager of the shoe store is a woman dressed in a traditional blue cheongsam in Liyue.

Fang Xun said naturally: “Help my sister choose a pair of shoes that suits her.” The

store manager looked at Fang Xun’s appearance of not being short of money, and immediately stepped forward to choose shoes with Condensing Light.

The first thing

the little girl looks at when she looks at the shoes is not the appearance, nor is it comfortable to wear, she looks at the price

, because she is used to living a poor life, the little girl will buy cheap when she buys things,


shoes are no exception.

In the end, Fang Xun really had no choice, let the store manager put away the price of the shoes first, and

only let Ning Guang pick the appearance and comfort of the shoes.

With the clean and beautiful shoes on her feet, Ning Guang had an indescribable taste in her heart

, since she could remember, she had not worn shoes

, and for so many years,

she had come barefoot.

It turns out that wearing shoes is such a feeling, stepping on the ground is very soft, and there is no need to worry about those stones.

Ning Guangmei’s eyes casually looked at Fang Xun, and her eyes were full of gratitude.

She knew that

these changes were all brought to her by Fang Xun.


The first time a newcomer writes a Genshin doujin

, there may be problems in some places

, I hope you can make more suggestions, I will take a small book to write it down, and correct it in the future.

At the same time, thank you very much for your love and support,

your liking is my motivation to update every day!

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