In order to deal with the sudden Dadalia incident, Ning Guang ordered Baizhi to postpone all today’s itinerary, and there were originally several meetings, all postponed to tomorrow.

“That’s just the right time to go back early and rest.” Wang Xu casually took the stubble, but in his heart he was constantly shaking his head and sighing, self-reflecting.

What does Wang Xu reflect? Of course, he reflected on his three views, and before crossing over, he was extremely disgusted with the bad atmosphere of having meetings only after work.

But Sanguan ran with his five senses, and when Ning Guang mentioned the original point and there was a meeting that needed to be held, he actually felt that this was nothing, a slight double standard.

Ning Guang smiled shallowly: “Well, the combination of work and rest will make tomorrow’s work efficiency higher, I still understand this.” ”

“It’s just a kind of…” Speaking of this, Condensing Light deflected his head and looked at the lively Tiger Rock: “Suddenly stopped, confused about what to do.” ”

Ning Guang is actually quite busy, even if he occasionally had leisure last time, shopping with Keqing, it was also to mention this Yuheng colleague, not a real rest.

Moreover, Ning Guang himself is quite strong, and he will hardly show such a dazed posture in front of people, if he does not feel that Wang Xuan is qualified and capable of guiding her, Ning Guang will definitely not say the word ‘confused’.

Wang Xuan glanced at the gaze in surprise, good guy, I don’t know what to do when I stop? Usually condense such a cow and horse?

Perhaps it was the experience of working as a worker in his previous life that made Wang Xu want to help this pure cow and horse: “It’s very simple, do something, interested but usually don’t have time to do, or what you want to do.” ”

“What do you want to do?” Ning Guang hesitated for a while, as if remembering something: “Speaking of which, I actually miss the days before I became the seven stars of Liyue.” ”

“Let’s go to Nangang and take a look, sir, do you want to come together?”

Since Liyue Port is called a port, it naturally has a port, or two ports in the north and south, Wang Xu didn’t think much, agreed, casually put the strange stones of the stall into Cuixinyan, and left with Ning Guang.

Anyway, it’s not interesting to go back to the house, it’s better to spend a short time with Ning Guang to relieve the loneliness in your heart.

The two left together, which made the surrounding merchants completely unable to sit still.

“Isn’t it? Brother Wang Xu, left with Lord Ning Guang? This fortune is destined to soar into the sky! ”

“Mother-in-law, this, this person is gone, inquire about the supply of ore, you have to wait for tomorrow!”

“That man, who is that man? Do you all know each other? How did you get so close to Lord Ning Guang? I had never seen Lord Ning Guang so close to any man before! ”

Even Chef Yu, who was busy entertaining diners next to him, couldn’t help but wipe the sweat from his forehead and showed a gratifying smile: “This kid, it’s good to know more people.” ”

Thanks to Ning Guang’s fame, along the way, Wang Xuan has personally experienced what is called a return rate of two hundred percent.

Whether it was adults and children, or pedestrian vendors, seeing him and Ning Guang walking side by side, they frequently looked back and paid attention, and the whole Wang Xuan’s back felt a little strange.

Speaking of which, Wang Xu also observed an interesting little detail, Ning Guang seemed to deliberately lag behind him by half a position, always keeping Wang Xu in front, and Wang Xu had to deliberately slow down the rhythm to keep pace with Ning Guang.

Ning Guang did not deliberately lag behind, but felt that the distance between her and Wang Xu was much closer: “When I was a child, I often caught fish in Nangang to sell, which was the first start-up capital I saved. ”

“At that time, the bitterness was a little bitter, but every day was very fulfilling, and watching Mora increase one by one, the joy in my heart is still unforgettable.”

“Later, the business became bigger and bigger, and I was even selected as a celestial power star, and occasionally dreamed a few times that I was still catching fish in Nangang.”

The two slowly walked to the beach east of Nangang, and Wang Xu gradually understood why Ning Guang wanted to come here, this is to remember the past, remember bitter and sweet.

Wang Xuan overlooked the magnificent landscape of the sea and sky, felt the gentle caresses of the sea breeze, and rolled the waves and sand: “Childhood does have a lot of influence on a person, if there is no previous experience, there would be no condensation today.” ”

“Sir, this is reasonable.” The smile on Ning Guangqiao’s face became more and more obvious, and she found that Wang Xu really understood her more and more.

Perhaps the sea breeze is too gentle, or perhaps the sea surface reflected by the setting sun is too magnificent, and it is rare to relax the contemplation, and there is obviously less restraint between words: “But Sir’s sleeping stone, the effect is too good.” ”

“I used to dream occasionally, but since I used my husband’s sleeping stone, my spirit has indeed become better, but I sleep too peacefully to find the dream of the past.”

Ah this, it turns out that Condensing Light came to Nangang here, there is such a layer of factors?

Wang Xu did not go to his heart, and he could hear from his tone that this was a joke about Ning Guang’s relaxation, not that there was a problem with his goods: “Fishing in dreams, fishing in reality, which is more nostalgic?” ”

Condensing light will care, she has dreamed several times, but after becoming a heavenly power, the reality of fishing, not once.

Being proposed by Wang Xuan, Ning Guang also came to his mind, bending over and bending his knees, the hem of the birdtail cheongsam was instantly tightened by the bent thighs, and the right hand was so little upper.

Take off the shoes to reveal the perfect feet, delicate little feet can be grasped, soft and shiny jade feet, delicate pink soles, round and cute toes neatly arranged.

Hissing, Wang Xuan’s Adam’s apple slid up and down, and suddenly he wanted to use his shoulder to measure the weight of Ning Guang’s leg.

Then Ning Guang didn’t care whether his clothes would be stained with sand and wet by the waves, picked up a branch, hurried into the sea, and as soon as he copied it, there was a black-backed sea bass that was thrown ashore.

This fishing technique, sigh, breathtaking.

The appearance of blackback quotes leaving the sea and hurriedly patting their tails on the beach made Wang Xu and Ning Guang laugh together.

The tacit laughter reduced the respect in Ning Guang’s heart, and between the two, the atmosphere of a confidant suddenly lingered: “Whether it is a dream or reality, it is worth my nostalgia.” ”

Wang Xu was a little surprised, dreaming nostalgia, and reality nostalgia, is different, for example, in his previous life, it was inevitable to have a dream, dreaming back to the fun of catching crickets when he was a child.

But when Wang Xu grew up, he was not happy to give him a chance in reality to go into the grass to catch crickets and relive his childhood.

Ning Guang’s such a crisp slippers went into the water to fish, which was beyond Wang Xuan’s expectations, but it also made Wang Xu know Ning Guang better.

“Sir, wait a moment, I’ll grill fish for you to eat.” With a simple operation, the fire is set up, and as the night falls, the afterglow of the orange-red flame reflects on the staring face.

Wang Xuan couldn’t help but look at it a few more times, I don’t know if the flame temperature was too high, and he concentrated on the condensation of the grilled fish, and the roots of his ears became a little redder.

It is rare that Wang Xuan understands her and understands her so well, and relaxes with her, it seems to be quite good, staring at the aroma of grilled fish that gradually wafts out, and came to such a conclusion in her heart.

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