Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt

Chapter 401: Because Of Saving The Man Who Reappeared In This World Line

"Look again."

After all, he was puzzled, and picked up the picture book that Fang Ye had stuffed back.

Exactly, the game highlights video.

Cheers came from the scene like a tsunami.

ah, this

After all, I took a closer look, but my eyes were slightly irritated.

The magnificent venue probably could seat 100,000 people.

The camera sweeps away.

Surrounded by black and black human heads.

It has an unspeakable sense of oppression.

It is conceivable that the scene of hundreds of thousands of people cheering together.

The video is just a part of it.

But still shocking after all.

"What building is this?"

"There are so many people sitting there! Okay, so many people!"

"It's so lively!"

After all, pay attention to a lot of details.

Inside the venue, everyone looked healthy and their spirits were bright.

There is no decadence, no failure.

There is only hope for future life.

Obviously, this is a magnificent era.

It is fundamentally different from the Demon God War at this time.

How rich and healthy the people are.

"That's great~~"

After only a few seconds of the scene of the venue, after all, he repeatedly paused to savor, and then sighed reluctantly.

Still, this exclamation.

It was quickly replaced by stunned, puzzled and shocked.


The camera quickly advances to the time when the gorgeous contest is in progress.

The first duel, the opening game.

Liyue's Yuheng Xingkeqing vs. Inazuma's shrine princess Kamisato Ayaka.

It is also a big showdown between Shanaido VS Koga Ninja Frog.

Both of them are open and hanging elves.

In the arena, do your best to express yourself.

After all, I was dumbfounded.

"What is this?!"

"Pokemon? Pokémon?"

After all, he was first attracted by Keqing's Xanadu.

This Shanaido is elegant, so elegant.

Every move, every move.

Even if he is a demon god in the end, he can't help feeling amazed.

The combination skill of Moon Power + Shadow Ball.

Simply amazing!


Aya Kamisato's Koga Ninja Frog can be called a dragon hanging on the wall.

This hanging, it's too far open!

Layer upon layer of water waves, such a thick wave of water elements.

Compressed and condensed into a shuriken of more than ten meters.

What is the situation.


Pause the screen at the progress of the Koga Ninja Frog condensing a ten-meter-long giant sword.

After all, he was dumbfounded and said: "What's the situation with this elf?"!"

"Why is its painting style so violent? I think its opponents are also stupid."

Fang Ye suppressed a smile and said: "Because it's just a wall hanging. Its full name is Zhiye version. Jiaga Ninja Frog has a god-level template for the protagonist."

"You can think of it as a mythical beast."

"Divine beast?"


"Yes, as for the 'divine beast' how to explain it.

Fang Ye said with a leisurely smile: "You can refer to my Dialga and Palkia. They are collectively called 'Twin Dragons of Time and Space'. One is the dragon of time and the other is the dragon of space."

"Just now, you saw how Palkia used the space skill Subspace Cleave to imprison the house-stealing demon god in the space rift."

"Then, the time barrier we are in now is what I ordered Dialga to create.

After all, he could not help but take a deep breath, and murmured:

"This, isn't this the rule of time and space?"

"It's incredible!"

"Time and space are powers close to the level of creation and chaos. As far as I know, in the Tivat continent, these two rulers have disappeared for a long time."

Finally, let’s go to see Kaga Ninja of Ayaka Kamisato [face full of envy:


"This little girl seems to be very lucky, did she actually raise a beast?"

The video advances rapidly.

Seeing Kamisato Ayaka and her Koga Ninja, winning the opening match, they clicked tut after all.

Afterwards, it was the match between Traveler Yingmei VS Xingqiu.

Xingqiu, that Menus.

Once again, Gui Mo sighed in astonishment.


This compilation video.

The screen of Mikri's stocktaking video officially announced on the entire network by the Age of Elves.

Merge clips in the same frame.

Xingqiu and Menus.

Mikri and Menus.

this moment.

The champion of the Fengyuan region in the elf world, his figure gradually layered on Xingqiu's body.

"Hoen area?"

"In later generations, the people of Tivat can already set foot in foreign lands and different worlds without being punished by God's nails?"

After all, this time it was shock and gaffe.

Ever since Tianli became the second Sky Throne, he has dropped the God's Nail of Retaliation many times.

The reason, after all, is known, and even some secrets can be found out from Zhongli.

Isn't it because the ancient dragon Nibelungen gained taboo power outside the territory, and then returned to the Tivat continent to challenge the law of heaven.

That battle was earth-shattering.

Although Tianli still won, the disaster caused by Gulong Nibelungen inevitably affected the entire Tivat.

For the next few years.

The power of the outer domain and the outer domain is like the inverse scale of the law of heaven.

Snow Mountain Ancient Country, Sumeru Desert

One by one civilizations were strangled by the God's Nail of Punishment mercilessly dropped by heaven.

Because of knowing these secrets.

In the end, we will know that the era of the law of heaven will never tolerate the appearance of a second Nibelungen.


This Fang Ye store manager.

But it is bright and grandiose, promoting exotic life in Tivat?

And the trainer system??

"""Did something go wrong, and the laws of heaven in later generations have become tolerant of Tevat residents exploring the outer space?"

In the end. (good Lee good)

Fang Ye smiled mysteriously: "Guess why Tianli tolerates my promotion of elves?"

In the end:......

She looked at Fang Ye.

He also thought of Palkia who had easily imprisoned the Three Demon Gods just now.

And Dialga who sealed her in the time barrier.

Kua, the man who controls the dragon of time and space.

Uh...Could it be that God is afraid?

"Also, let me tell you.

Fang Ye smiled and said: "The three ancient gods of Sumeru, among them, the King of Thousand Trees, I have saved her fate from countless world lines."

"And, Sumeru's first thunder god Baal, and several of her dependents, I also saved their fate from a certain catastrophe node in later generations.

"Well, Demon God of Dust, don't stare at me with surprised eyes..."

"So, do you know the reason why I am here and meeting you now?".

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