And so on and so forth.

For these people, it’s especially obvious.

Because the most popular in Yoshiwara Yukaku, the first flower leader, most likely this ghost.

It can only be said.

Really can play.

A female ghost, addicted to being the number one of prostitutes, for so many years.

Su Bai also nodded and took out some talismans.

“You can also punch my talisman into them while they are not paying attention.”

“So that I can lock the location of Infinite City and kill it directly.”

“For this kind of alien space, our Liyue Immortal Art is also very good, and we can build a cave sky and a small world.”

“Nature is sensitive to this kind of space, or there are spatial fluctuations in front of me, and I can also detect and track the past.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up.

Came interest.

“Yes, you are equivalent to the new rock god, and you will definitely have the ability to exterior.”

“Can you help us make a dust song pot too.”


“That, that, me, I…”

All of a sudden, the enthusiastic everyone surrounded Su Bai, and the fragrance on the woman’s body kept coming.

After all, they remembered it, the power of the heavens.

Isn’t it just saying.

Su Bai can make dust song pots!

As a small world in the game, they have all played well, how can they not know what a fairy thing this is!

With this, it is equivalent to having a home carried by one party.

You can do whatever you want, which is very convenient.


It’s much more powerful than the space ring.

But everyone naturally knows that such a good thing cannot be prostituted in vain.

“Su Bai, what do you want, tell me.”

“As long as I have it in that world, I will find a way to give it to you.”

“Uh-huh, or when we get up later, we will take good things and exchange them with you then.”

“Anyway, it’s not urgent, as long as you help us refine it in the future, if there is any help, call us.”

Looking at everyone like this, Su Bai also smiled heartily.

“You are all Su Bai, I will help you just by looking at this.”

“But it takes time to refine that, and after this matter passes, I will go back to Liyue to prepare.”

Of course, he also knows that everyone is proud.

Definitely not willing to take their own things for nothing.

This kindness will inevitably be remembered.


Anyway, it will be a long time to come.

So they got into action.


The wandering ghosts suffered and suffered a devastating blow.

Many of those ordinary ghosts have been discovered and ushered in their demise.

Stop talking about them.

Even the lower string ghosts have been found, such as the lower string team that is playing the “family game” on the side of Nada Spider Mountain-spider ghost tired.

He’s in this place, playing family games for decades.

Keep catching people and turning them into ghosts.

As your own family.

If you are not satisfied, kill it!

There is also the drum ghost who is the owner of the haunted house, and the Hibiki who acts as the land of the lower string.

However, with his potential, he will soon be unable to continue to become stronger.

At that time, it is also a matter of time before you are kicked out of the Twelve Ghost Moon.

But now he had to be grateful.

Because there is no need to be kicked, there is no future anymore.

At the haunted house, there was a terrified scream of Hibiki.

“No, Xiao Sheng, how can Xiao Sheng lose as soon as they meet” ?!!”

“What the hell are you!”


In an instant, the houses there were reduced to pieces.

The blowing snow that was full of cyan wind elements flew out proudly.

After snorting coldly, he left here.

Nada Spider Mountain, and You Bean, holding the long sword of fire, also came down from the mountain flatly.

On the mountain, there is no longer any ghost breath.

The ghosts of the lower strings, one by one were found.

Everyone who has developed a lot of abilities has launched a technique similar to elemental perception, as long as the ghost passes by, it will be similar to the blood-colored energy left.

Easy to find.

Even at Yoshiwara Yukaku, houses exploded, destroying large areas of buildings at once.

The gravel is flying everywhere, and the movement is extremely quiet.

It caused countless screams and shocks from people, most of them women.

It was accompanied by a haughty and brutal female voice.

“Find death! Dare to take the initiative to attack me? ”

“Is it also from the Ghost Killing Team, hmph, I ate your 7 pillars in the past!”

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead!”

Then the beautiful girl opposite her, who was cold and indifferent in a black sailor suit, just raised her long sword.


“Tiantong style sword pulling technique!”

“Water drips into ice.”


The station where the Ghost Slayer is located.

At this point, the columns were all summoned.

Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoshiro, Otoju Ulu Tengen, Wind Pillar Immortal Kawamiya, Insect Pillar Butterfly Shinobu, Water Pillar Tomioka Yoshiyuki, Kasumigumi Toki Tono Ichiro, Love Pillar Ganluji Honey Glass, Rock Pillar Sorrowful Song Yuyu Xingyu.

Here they are waiting for the Lord.

That is as the head of the Ghost Killing Team, and also the backer behind the Ghost Killing Team, the Isayashiki clan.

Isayashiki Yaoya.

And now, they are also curious to talk about it.

“What happened, the movement is so big, who is hunting ghosts?”

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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