Chapter One Hundred and Three I said I just came to watch, do you believe it?!!

And while waiting for the great legend that the new book will bring.

Ye Ruo also met Ying and Paimon.

The two of them stayed in Mond for almost the same time, receiving a lot of commissions.

At one point, he was warmly welcomed by Catherine.


How can there be such a useful tool man.

Ah no, adventurers are right!

Let Catherine such a real tool person, are impressed.

This efficiency and motivation is also no one...

However, after earning a lot of Mora, Ying recalled that Wendy told her that it was almost time for Liyue to invite Immortal Ceremony.

Because of Mond's side, Ye Ruo helped. So the matter of the dragon plague was solved quickly.

That's a lot more time.

However, as the days passed, it was gradually approaching the time for the ceremony to be held.

The previous host was Yuheng Star as one of the seven stars of Liyue.

All of a sudden, this year's is almost here.

Time is always fast.

So after thinking of this, Ying suddenly became anxious.

Partly because of the large number of ruins guards that had been scurrying around outside Maund, some of the main roads were damaged by potholes.

The matter of the road, the Knights are still being repaired.

So the caravan slowed down.

Even if Ying set off with the caravan, the time that he could have reached Liyue within the expected time might not be enough.

It is very likely that the time when that rock god descended on Liyue was missed! Yingdu is dying.

Just at this time, they met Ye Ruo.

Paimon's eyes lit up and flew directly over.

"Wind Knight, is there any way you can let me and Ying quickly reach Liyue, or let's borrow the magic airship of your Knights."

"That kind of airship, fast coming."

This is also Ying's idea, since it can't work on the ground, then use flying.

Now, look at Mond and talk about the way flying in the sky.

No matter who will think of the Knights for the first time, not the Wings of the Wind.

And since Ying is an honorary knight, he should be able to ask the Knights for help, right? Hearing this, Ye Ruo smiled.

"Are you going to Liyue? It just so happens that I'm planning to go there too."

"Just let me take you for a ride, originally if I was alone, I could fly directly to Liyue at once."

"With your words, then I'd better call a friend over."

"Come with me."

Ying and Paimon followed Ye Ruo out of the city gate and into the wilderness in confusion.

They're also weird.

Ye Ruo's friend, what do you mean?

Could it be the knight driving the magic airship?

As a result, after Ye Ruo whistled, a familiar dragon flew from afar with its wings flapping, setting off a lot of wind.

Leaving Ying and Paimon stunned.

Recognized it at once.

"Wind, Wind Demon Dragon?!!"

"No, no, no, it's the East Wind Guardian Twalin!"

"Really fake, Ye Ruo, can you actually call Twalin directly?"

"Of course, didn't I call you last time?"

"Well, you have a point."

Whether it's Paimon, or Ying.

I was dumbfounded at the moment.

They thought it was a magic airship, but they didn't expect it to be a dragon! That's awesome.

That is, is it possible to ride a dragon next? Oooh!

It's a little exciting to think about it.

With the arrival of Twalin, Ye Ruo released the wind element and rolled them all up.

Then he also fell on Twalin's back.

"Twalin, take us to Liyue, hard work for you."

"Oh, Liyue?"

Twalin was taken aback.

"Okay, I'll give you a ride."



Twalin also flapped his wings and rushed straight out of the distance.

Go in the direction of Liyue.

While in the sky, Ying asked worriedly.

"That, Ye Ruo. If we go to Liyue in the Wind Demon Dragon, will it make that rock god have any opinions? "

"Of course not, we are not going to attack Liyue."

"Besides, that rock god is a very interesting god, so he doesn't have such a narrow mind, you will know when you meet it."

"Hey, do you know this god?"

"People will appear once a year, as long as they are present at the time, they all know each other."


She always felt that Ye Ruo was wrong about something, but she couldn't notice it for a while.

Scratch your head!

Under Twalin's flight, he soon saw the architecture and topography of Liyue, which if it was replaced by a normal caravan, it would definitely not be so fast.

It takes a lot of time to go back and forth.

Liyue side.

When Twalin flew in, the dry rock troops stationed outside were frightened.

"Look, what is that?!!?"

"My God, what a big creature, it's a dragon, it's a dragon!"

"How could a dragon fly to us, what happened?"

"Wait, it seems to be the Dragon of the East Wind over there in Mond, hey, it looks like someone on it."

"Dragon of the East Wind?"

"Yes, didn't you read the novel I bought before, Mond caused a dragon disaster before, because their Dongfeng Dragon was eroded by poisonous blood, which led to madness."

"Then with the help of their wind god and that wind knight, it was cured."

"That's so, but what does this Wind God family and the people on its back mean by coming to Liyue this time."

"It's almost the annual Immortal Ceremony, is that Wind God also coming over?"

This movement is really not small.

However, after Twalin sent Ye Ruo and Ying to Liyue, he flew back, and when Ying wanted to say something, Ye Ruo suddenly disappeared

The sound of the wind in his ears came his voice.

"Since I've arrived in Liyue, then I'll go first, you guys play slowly."

"Of course, I'm too lazy to be asked by the Thousand Rock Army."



For a while, Ying was a little gritted through her teeth.

Abominable Ye Ruo!

You asked Twalin to bring them over, so loudly, as a result, you patted your ass yourself and left.

Leave her and Paimon here.

It's outrageous! Be an individual!

Finally understood what Amber said, Ye Ruo sometimes amused.

This guy has a bit of a dark belly.

So after looking at the Qianyan Army who rushed over in the distance, Ying squeezed a smile out of her face, and then explained.

"I said, I just came here to see the Immortal Ceremony, do you believe it?"

"Don't worry, I'm a big group of good people."

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