Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 403: Fellow Daoists, please stay tuned (three updates, 5000 monthly tickets plus updates)

  Chapter 403 Fellow Daoist, please stay tuned (Third update, 5000 monthly ticket plus update)

  Wanshan Icefield is an average dangerous place in the snowy and foggy territory. The unearthed treasures are not too many, but occasionally some heavy treasures will be born.

  So, the immortal cultivators who venture here are mainly immortals.

  The number of celestial beings is very small, and only occasionally encounter one.


   "It should be right, it's really him!" Wu Yuan also studied time and space, how keen is his perception of space fluctuations?

  After the soul breaks through, the sensory ability will be more qualitatively changed.

   And the person he sensed was the Immortal of the Six Tribulations that he encountered during the first time-space mission of the Sovereign Level—Zhuo Hao!

   That year.

  In order to seize the Divine Pillar of Siyuan from his hand, Wu Yuan took the risk to display the true meaning of life and attacked and killed the opponent from a high-dimensional space.

  In that battle, Wu Yuan exposed the true meaning of life and never regretted it.

  Siyuan Divine Pillar, it is worth doing.

  Zhuo Hao's ascension to immortality is just the fall of his Dharma body. From Wu Yuan's point of view, it is always a hidden danger, but Wu Yuan really can't find him.

   Can only let it go.

   Never thought about it, hundreds of years have passed.

   Actually met the other party in the snowy light and fog again?

"Shangxian, under normal circumstances, it takes tens of thousands of years to conceive a dharma body. If you want to quickly cultivate a dharma body, you need the Tribulation Eternal Immortal Life Pill worth 100,000 **** crystals." The thoughts in Wu Yuan's mind were ups and downs: "He is a six-kalpashangxian... There shouldn’t be so many treasures.”

   "However, maybe, he can have such a treasure as the Shiyuan Divine Pillar, maybe he has a lot of wealth, and maybe he has other backgrounds."

   "Normally speaking, he is a Six Tribulations Supreme Immortal, dare to use his real deity to break through the snow, light and fog environment?" Wu Yuan guessed: "There is a 50% probability that it is his real deity."

   are far apart, and have never fought against each other.

   Can't fully confirm.

   But for Wu Yuan, it is not to be missed. If he can solve the opponent's deity, it will eliminate a disaster.


   "Although the Wanshan Ice Field is not very dangerous, it suppresses space fluctuations like the Snow Demon Cave, making it impossible to enter the space debris layer." Wu Yuan secretly said.

   This is the normal state of snow and fog.

  The core area completely suppresses spatial fluctuations; while the inner domain, most dangerous areas also suppress spatial fluctuations.

   "If I can comprehend the law of space to the seventh level of true meaning (star master level), and step into the turbulent layer of space, I can traverse the entire snowy and foggy environment." Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

  It's a pity that it is extremely difficult. After the center of gravity is biased towards the law of time, Wu Yuan is still stuck in the triple space of space and true meaning and cannot break through.


  Wu Yuan restrained his breath, and his speed quickly soared to the speed of light.

  Crossed the icebergs that were millions of miles high, and rushed to the source of the energy explosion.


   "The treasure is born, very close to us!"



   "This is our chance. With such a strong fluctuation, even if it is not a fairy artifact, it is probably a treasure of the same level."

   "Kill the past."

  ...The immortal cultivators in the nearby area sensed the fluctuation one after another, and rushed over frantically one by one.

   Two of them are cultivators.

   "Hao Zhuo, let's go, rush over." The eyes of a purple-robed God shined: "Such a treasure is probably worth thousands of **** crystals."

   "Well, kill it."

  The black-robed Shangxian faintly released killing intent, and his momentum was astonishing: "We have a Six Tribulations Supreme Immortal and a Five Tribulations Supreme Immortal, as long as we don't meet a Celestial Immortal, we can take them down."

   "Kill the past."

  The black robed immortal is none other than Zhuo Hao.

   After a battle with Wu Yuan hundreds of years ago, he was afraid of retaliation, so after leaving his lair, he changed his name.

  At the same time, guided by the coordinates left by the Dark Lord, he came to the Snow Light and Fog Realm, and only after arriving did he realize that there were many dangers.

  It is very dangerous for the deity to wander here.

   But he can't help it.

   Continue to wait and slowly refine the dharma body? It would take tens of thousands of years, and he couldn't afford to wait.

   "I can only do my best!"

   "I am the true self. I am stronger than the dharma body. If I am in a desperate situation, I will activate the black magic star. Even if I face ordinary gods, I will have the power to fight." Zhuo Hao Shangxian is also quite confident.

   "Wealth and wealth are found in insurance."

   "Walking through the snowy fog for a thousand years, if you're lucky, you can gather tens of thousands of crystals." He thought so.

  If you want to seize a large number of **** crystal treasures in a short time, how can you not take risks?


  Before fully approaching, Wu Yuan already sensed the gathering of more than a dozen life breaths.

   And the energy fluctuations have not diminished at all, it seems that a melee is going on.

   Soon, Wu Yuan saw clearly.

  The treasure birth area is a wasteland with a width of over a million miles.

  The wilderness is surrounded by several high mountains.

   Around the wilderness, there are three or four teams, a total of nearly twenty Shangxian Shangshen, most of them are Shangxian.

  However, most of the immortal cultivators did not participate in the battle, but waited by the side, and among them, the real battle was fierce.

   are three figures.

One is the Black Armored High God. His aura is extremely violent, majestic, with eight arms, holding four silver spears. His marksmanship is wide open and closed. A random shot seems to pierce the void, leaving behind A series of long-lasting gun marks.

   One against two, but not afraid at all.

  The other party participated in the battle, a High God, a High Immortal, joined hands with the Black Armored High God, and faintly gained the upper hand.

   "Never seen."

   "The black-armored God should be the Six Tribulations God, and his strength is close to the first level of the Celestial Immortal." Wu Yuan made a judgment, and his eyes fell on the other party: "The Five Tribulations God? The Six Tribulations God?"

  The Six Tribulations Immortal is indeed the Immortal Zhuo Hao.

  At this moment, the Five Tribulations High God wearing a purple robe, holding nine sabers, fighting crazily, fighting head-on with the Black Armored High God.

  Shangxian Zhuohao stood in the distance, constantly casting a series of powerful spells, either assisting restraint, or attacking.

   Two against one, gaining the upper hand.

   And in the center of the battlefield, in the vortex of space that was born out of thin air, is the treasure that is slowly emerging. This is a huge spar, exuding a strong aura of heaven and earth.

   "It's all at the level of five or six kalpas, so it's really hard to win treasures."

   "One-on-one, we are not opponents."

   "The treasure has not yet been fully born, there is still a chance, wait and see." Most of the onlookers' gods and gods have limited strength, and they are generally at the level of three or four kalpas.

   This is also the norm.

   Most of the immortals, if they practice hard, it is not too difficult to reach the level of the Three Tribulations. As for being stronger? It depends on talent and opportunity.

  So, in common dangers like the Snow Light and Fog Realm, ordinary immortals are the main ones.


  With their strength, they didn't dare to get involved in a collision that was almost at the level of immortals, and they could be killed in a few rounds.


  The number of these ordinary immortals can accumulate to a certain extent, such as hundreds, and they burst out at the same time, even the heavenly immortals have to retreat.


  Shangxian Shangshen, who was on the sidelines, noticed Wu Yuan's existence and couldn't help turning his head to look over.

   "Earth Immortal?"

   "An earth immortal, dare to meddle? However, it feels a little dangerous to me."

   "I'm afraid it's not normal." These immortals and gods were stunned at first, but then they didn't care too much.

  Earth Immortal, generally speaking, it is very rare to be able to burst out the strength of a first-calamity immortal or a second-calendar immortal, and they are geniuses.

  Stronger? They have basically never met.

  It can be the next moment.


  Wu Yuan, who had just approached, rushed out with a sudden movement, and rushed straight to the three great gods who were fighting fiercely.


   "That's it?" Immediately, all the gods who watched the battle from afar and were still looking for a chance to make a move were shocked.

   What did they see?

   Instant burst speed - the speed of light!

   "It's the Sword Immortal of Time and Space, it's him." Finally someone recognized Wu Yuan.

  Walking through the snowy and foggy environment, Wu Yuan often changes his appearance and clothing.

  So, although the information about him and Zhuo Haiyue has been disseminated by the major forces in the space-time dao world, most people will not recognize it when they see it for the first time.

  The only difference is when the shot is made.

  Once it erupts, the strength cannot be concealed, but looking at the entire space-time dao world, how many earth immortals can erupt with such a strong strength?

not a single one!

  In the entire time-space island, including the space-time dao world, among the tens of billions of earth immortals, only he and Zhuo Haiyue can explode with the strength of a five-kalpa celestial being.

   At least that's the case in public information.

  So, when Wu Yuan shot out, he was immediately recognized.

   "Space-Time Sword Immortal!"

"It's him."

   "That evildoer on Time and Space Island exists." All the immortals and gods were in an uproar. Even if they were not the core of the nine major forces in the Taoist world, they had heard of Wu Yuan's legend after all these years in the snowy and foggy environment.

  Zhuo Haiyue, nicknamed 'Thunder Sword Fairy'.

  Wu Yuan, nicknamed "Sword Immortal of Time and Space", is called by the killing methods they used.

  There are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames.

  ... "Boom!" The world changed.

  From the moment he descended to show up, to the time when he approached and shot out, Wu Yuan did it almost in one go.

   has already rushed to the center of the wasteland.

   "Crash!" The hazy space-time domain emerged, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, oppressing the three great immortals and gods.

   Hoo! call! call!

   Hoo! Nine immortal swords emerged and surrounded Wu Yuan's body, instantly turning into an epee light thread, which circulated endlessly, and the sword energy was boundless, forming a powerful and unparalleled space-time sword domain.

  Hundreds of thousands of miles? Instantly.

"not good."

   "It's the Time and Space Sword Immortal."

   "He's here." The three great gods who were fighting fiercely were a little confused, but it was Wu Yuan who killed them too quickly.


  They also didn't expect that they would collide with the peerless evildoer that is legendary in the entire Taoist world—the Immortal of Time, Space and Earth.

   "It's him, he is the Immortal of Time, Space and Earth?" Especially Zhuo Hao Shangxian.

  He sensed and confirmed Wu Yuan's breath of life, and his expression changed instantly.

   This is a person he never wants to meet again in his life.


  He is very sure that the one who attacked and killed him back then was to use the ultimate move of the true meaning of life, but now he is famous in the entire Dao world with the law of time and space?

   What kind of monster is this?

  In the dark, Zhuo Hao Shangxian had a premonition that the opponent attacked suddenly, and the target was probably himself.

  Flash between fire and light.

   Zhuo Hao's immortality has only one thought—to run for his life!

   Without hesitation, he retreated towards the side of the battle between the Purple Armored High God and the Black Armored High God, and his speed jumped to the extreme.

   Wanted to use the two gods to delay Wu Yuan.

   "Escape?" Heijia Shangshen was taken aback.

   "Hao Zhuo? Are you running away now?" The purple-robed God was even more astonished. In his opinion, although Wu Yuan came fiercely, he was also capable of fighting.

   The two gods are no longer allowed to think too much.


  With a mighty sword array, Wu Yuan has already crossed hundreds of thousands of miles, rushing towards Zhuo Hao Shangxian.

   But it also means that the same direction also killed the two Gods.

   "Wow~" Four silver long spears danced, and the spears pierced through the void of a hundred thousand miles, stabbing straight at Wu Yuan.


this moment.

  The gods around the ice field all watched the battle from a distance, watching this scene, even Zhuo Hao who was fleeing.

"The black-armored **** has a strength close to that of a heavenly immortal, and with the full power of a five-kalpa high god, he is also comparable to a six-knock high god. It shouldn't be difficult to block this space-time sword fairy for a while..." Zhuo Hao was thinking like this .

   Immediately after, a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

  All the Shangxian Shangshen watching the battle also showed a dumbfounded expression.


  Wu Yuan's eyes were cold, and he pointed at a distance. There was a sudden change in the sword field. Among them, six fairy swords crossed the sky, and they attacked and killed. The sword light flickered, and the time flow began to change rapidly.

  Twice the speed of light! Three times the speed of light!

  Four times the speed of light!

"Puff!" "Puff!" The three immortal swords cut across, and the terrifying power contained in them swept across the purple-robed God in an instant, causing his body to explode, and he fell into the sword domain immediately, strangled to death by a heavy sword energy flesh.


   "Keng!" "Keng!" The Heijia Shangshen was stronger, but facing the three powerful fairy swords, he could barely parry, and the one who was bombarded flew backwards.

  Under the erosion of the terrifying sword light, his life breath is decreasing sharply.

   Simply unstoppable.

   "I am close to the strength of a fairy. According to the information, my head-to-head confrontation strength should be comparable to that of the Time Sword Immortal. I was almost crushed?" The black armor God was shocked.

   "The strength of the time-space sword fairy has definitely reached the level of a fairy."

   "Earth Immortal, bursting out the power of a Celestial Immortal?" He couldn't believe it.

  Zhuo Haiyue's power information is only available on Time and Space Island for the time being, and has not yet spread among the nine major forces in the Taoist world.

  God Heijia didn't even know.

   Over the past few decades, Wu Yuan has made great progress in the laws of time and space, and the power of using the nine swords of time and space is naturally greater.

  Without relying on the Divine Pillar of Shiyuan, the dharmakaya alone can explode the strength of the celestial being.

   This scene also caused an uproar among the many gods who watched the battle.

   "His strength is stronger?"

   "Escape! We must escape." Zhuo Hao Shangxian was anxious and fled crazily. He saw that the two high gods could not stop Wu Yuan.

   "Fellow Daoist, please stay still." Wu Yuan's voice echoed across the world with a hint of a smile.


  The speed of time flow around Wu Yuan changed, and the speed was strangely fast, several times that of Zhuo Hao Shangxian.

   He couldn't escape at all.

   "Kill!" Wu Yuan's voice was filled with a smile, but his eyes were extremely cold. He saw the nine-handed fairy sword being triggered, and it erupted instantly, sweeping across.

   "Three handles defeated the Six Tribulations God just now, let alone nine handles now?" Zhuo Hao Shangxian's pupils shrank.

  Shangshen, because of the use of heaven-level source art, his explosive ability in a short period of time is better than that of Shangshen.

   Zhuo Hao Shangxian understood that he had no choice.


   Behind Zhuo Hao Shangxian, a pitch-black sphere about a hundred feet high appeared, like a miniature star.

  The black sphere exudes endless tyranny and blood.

  It is faintly one with Zhuo Hao Shangxian.

  The moment the black sphere appeared, Zhuo Hao Shangxian's breath of life began to skyrocket, climbing to the level of a fairy almost in the blink of an eye.

   "This is... the Black Demon Star?" Wu Yuan's eyes sparkled.

   This is the lineage of the Dark Lord, a higher-level treasure than the Dark God Pillar!


  ps: 4,000 words, the third update, 5,000 monthly tickets plus updates!

   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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