Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 362: The first place in Shenting, the ten-year period expires

  Chapter 362 Shenting first, ten years expire

  The 100th floor is located in the dark void.

   "Beat me? It seems that you are very confident."

  The white-robed old man has an extraordinary bearing, and seems to be absolutely sure that he can block Wu Yuan: "Your name is Ming Jian? Regardless of success or failure, your name is destined to leave a name in the history of the fairy world."

   "If you succeed, you will be eligible to be listed on the list of the Tianjiao at the headquarters of Shenting. However, I will not hold back. It will not be easy to win me." The old man in white robe smiled.

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

  Shenting Headquarters's Proud List?

   "Then let's start." Wu Yuan smiled, and his thoughts moved instantly, and he saw flying swords, first-grade spiritual weapons, appearing all over his body.

   A total of seven hundred and twenty-nine handles!

   This is the first time Wu Yuan used the Thousand Swords Formation since breaking into the Yixing Pagoda with the identity of 'Singing Sword'.

  Before, even if he broke through the ninety-ninth floor, Wu Yuan only used the Hundred Swords Formation.

  Crossing the star tower is a battle between the gods and the virtual, and the first-class immortal foundation, nine-handed flying swords, etc. are useless.

  But what is the biggest advantage of Wu Yuan's qi refining deity? Extreme Primordial Spirit!

   This has a natural advantage in manipulating magic weapons.

  Although Wu Yuan's current body is at the first level of the Purple Mansion, and he hasn't exerted too much spiritual power, but even at the most ordinary level of primordial spirit, it is already extremely terrifying.

  If Wu Yuan is willing, the qi-refining deity in this star tower can form multiple thousand-sword formations with one thought.

   "Haha, good time." The white-robed old man smiled, and with a wave of his hand, overwhelming sword lights emerged, and flying swords roared and converged.

  The battle also broke out at this moment.

   "Boom~" Like a heavy hammer, a tyrannical and extremely sudden wave of spirit suddenly swept towards Wu Yuan.

  But like a breeze shaking a big tree, Wu Yuan's expression didn't change at all.

   Obviously, this kind of attack can't shake him at all.

   "Spirit attack?" Wu Yuan shook his head lightly, followed by his eyes suddenly fixed!

   Out of thin air, the three true meanings of stars, true realm, and longevity were activated at the same time, and they merged into one. A huge and incomparably huge realm with Wu Yuan as the center descended!

  The power of the domain suddenly soared to an extremely terrifying level.

   It is comparable to the seventh level of the lower Dao domain.

"Boom~" The fluctuation of Tao in the dark is triggered, and seven hundred and twenty-nine flying swords are intertwined, forming a terrifying divine sword in an instant. The moment the divine sword is formed, the terrifying sword intent sweeps across the void for thousands of miles, and there is a continuous flow. The intent is mighty and heavy, and it seems that the sword intent is everywhere... the rudimentary form of life, the Excalibur!

  The combination of the three true meanings forms the embryonic form of the way of life.

   Not to mention that Wu Yuan has stepped into the threshold of the law of life, even if he didn't use it deliberately, there is still a trace of the charm of life in this divine sword.

  Speak slowly.

  In fact, at the moment when the Excalibur of Life was formed, Wu Yuan pointed at it from a distance: "Kill!"

  The divine sword howled, tore through the void, and killed the old man in white robe.


When the old man in white robe saw this terrifying sword, his expression was no longer relaxed, and his eyes also became stern. He saw layers of sword intent gathering around him, countless lines connecting with each other, and finally formed a miniature sword with a diameter of a hundred miles. stars.

   "Peng~" "Peng~"

  The Divine Sword of Life and the miniature stars collided terrifyingly again and again in the void.

   Wu Yuan only had a slight advantage.

   "Seven layers of true meaning in the stars? Is this the difficulty of a hundred floors? No wonder no one has been able to break through for hundreds of millions of years." Wu Yuan secretly sighed in his heart.

  Like some monstrous geniuses in the Zifu Mountain and River level in history, it is extremely rare to reach the sixth level of the median true meaning after practicing for hundreds of years.

   What's more, before the age of a hundred, you have reached the seventh level of median true meaning?

  Wu Yuan was able to get to where he is today because of many opportunities.

   "If you continue to fight like this, you won't be able to defeat me." The white-robed old man was calm and calm. He stepped on the void, and the countless sword lights wrapped around him, forming this miniature star that seemed unshakable.

  He seems to be at a disadvantage, but in fact it is the characteristic of the 'Xingxu Sword Formation'.

   "Can't beat you?"

   "One divine sword is not enough, let's use two divine swords." Wu Yuan suddenly grinned.

  哗啦啦~ I saw the overwhelming flying swords reappeared, and quickly condensed to form another illusory sword.

   directly killed the past.

   "What?" The white-robed old man, who was quite calm at first, suddenly changed his face: "How old are you, and you can control two powerful Thousand Sword Formation? How is it possible!"

   This is not an ordinary sword array, but all formed by first-grade spirit weapon flying swords.

  And Wu Yuan's current body is only at the first level of Zifu.

   Want to operate two seats? How strong is this spirit?

  However, the white-robed old man cannot be allowed to think too much, because two powerful swords have already arrived.

  Interweave attack and kill.

   "Boom~" "Boom~"

"Boom~" Horrible collisions again and again, the defense of the Star Market Sword Array is indeed against the sky, and the white-robed old man is defending to the extreme, but the two "Life God Swords" that have just taken shape are strangled together, and the power of the three just now more than double

  Hundreds of collisions literally tore apart the Xingxu Sword Formation.

  In the end, with a sword of life cutting through the sky, it seemed that the starry sky was faintly divided, and the old man in white robe was directly killed.

   This lightning-like collision and fight.

  It's not that the old man in white robe didn't try to struggle, he manipulated the miniature stars to try to get close to Wu Yuan.

   It's just that Wu Yuan, who has comprehended the "Law of the True Realm" to the level of true meaning, has strange and unpredictable movements.

  The old man in white robe couldn't even touch it.

   In this battle, when Wu Yuan unleashed the second life sword, there was no suspense.

   "Congratulations, Mingjian."

  A gentle voice sounded in the void: "Break through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower, create the history of the One Star Tower in Hengyang Immortal Realm, and reward the Temple of Dao with 100 points."

   "Looking at the endless years of the great worlds ruled by Taiyuan Shenting, you can be regarded as one of the most peerless evildoers and the strongest genius at this stage."

   "Your name will be left on the one-star talent list of Shenting headquarters."

  Wu Yuan stood in the void, listening quietly.

  The strongest genius?

  The road to the strongest genius is what Kuachi Wujun once said to Wu Yuan.

  Looking at the vast and endless river of time and space, one can be called the strongest genius if one understands a superior law within a million years.

   So far, no one has passed through the entire Qingling world.

  Most of the monarchs of the seven top powers first became star monarchs, and then practiced step by step to become monarchs.

   Directly become the monarch?

  Too heaven-defying, too incredible.

"The Tower of the Witch God in the Witch Realm has the highest forty floors. You must understand a median law to pass through it. It is the benchmark for the top geniuses in the Witch World." The benchmark of the greatest genius."

   But, compared to the Cangfeng witch world.

  The Seven Star Pagodas of Hengyang Immortal Realm originated from Taiyuan Shenting, and the division is more detailed. Seven star pagodas are divided according to age.

  Actually, in the description of Taiyuan Shenting, if you practice step by step, you can break through one hundred floors from the one-star tower to the seven-star tower, and you can be called the strongest genius at different stages.

   "Slow step by step, slow step by step."

"Fast step by step, fast step by step, there may be late bloomers, but the sooner you make progress, the probability of finally standing at the peak will be much higher." Wu Yuan calmed down in his heart: "One star tower has a hundred floors, that is, under the age of a hundred, The benchmark of the greatest genius."

   And this benchmark.

   So far, no one has successfully broken through the Hengyang Immortal Realm.

"That's right, Senior Brother Jiang Huan's first-level math genius is already the top in the history of the Great Realm. At the same age, he probably only broke through the 80th floor. In the entire history of Hengyang Immortal Realm, there should be only a handful of people who have broken through the 90th floor. "Wu Yuan felt extremely peaceful in his heart.

  Come today to verify the results of my years of practice.

  Wu Yuan is very clear that he can get to this point, thanks to his own efforts to form two deities, and the help of the Black Tower.

   With the help of the two great immortals, there is also the unpredictable opportunity of the Immortal Land.

It can be said.

  Whether it is to comprehend the upper law within a million years, or break through the 100th floor of any star tower in the Seven Star Tower, most of such peerless evildoers have heaven-defying chances and a lot of acquired experiences.

  Only relying on one's own talent? It's hard to get to this point.

   "Nowadays, only breaking through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower can only be regarded as the first step on the road to the strongest genius." Wu Yuan was full of pride in his heart.

  Comprehension of the superior law is the ultimate goal, but now, I can only say that I have completed the first stage of this goal.

   There are still many difficulties waiting for me in the future.

   "Let's go step by step."

   "One-star tower with one hundred floors, in the future, step by step to break through the two-star tower with one hundred floors and the three-star tower with one hundred floors..."

   Wu Yuan disappeared in this void.

  In addition to the 50th floor, 60th floor, and up to the 100th floor, the most basic six points, one extra point for breaking through the 80th floor, 10 points for breaking through the 90th floor, and 100 points for breaking through the 100th floor.

  So, during this trip, Wu Yuan got a total of 117 points from the Temple of the Divine Court.

   "Go to the Temple of Dao first, and accept the two median laws of Zhenyu and Qiankun each as an inheritance." Wu Yuan is now rich and powerful.

   I don't care about the consumption of the Temple of Tao points.

   This is the treatment of the strongest genius.

  Other cultivators, even if they are disciples of the master Xianjun, it is impossible to get so many temple points of Taoism.


  In the records of the Seven Star Pagoda in Hengyang Wonderland, information above the 'eighty-fifth floor' will not be disclosed.

  Like the records of the one-star pagodas in the major fairy kingdoms, they are basically seventy or eighty stories high, and none of them have more than eighty-five floors.


   This news could not be concealed from the high-level officials of Hengyang Immortal Realm. Many star monarchs at the core level and the most peak monarchs quickly received the news.

  Of course, with the exception of a very small number of existences, others only know that 'Singing Sword broke through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower', and they don't know the specific battle situation.


  The first one to know is naturally Beiyou Xianjun. Although he is not the core of Shenting, he is the pinnacle of Hengyang Immortal Realm, and as the space monarch, his status is extremely special.

  Beiyou Realm, Beiyou Mountain Range, inside the magnificent temple.

   "One star tower with one hundred floors?"

   "Just broke through so easily?" Xianjun Beiyou looked at the battle image in front of him.

   What is revealed above is the scene of Wu Yuan's self-refining Qi breaking through.

  Two swords of life, invincible vertically and horizontally, easily strangled the gatekeepers.

   "It already contains a trace of the charm of life, and I am afraid that it has stepped into the gate of the law of life." Beiyou Xianjun secretly sighed.

  He had to admit that Wu Yuan seemed to be better at the way of life.


"In just over twenty years, I have gathered the true meaning of the real realm in Linxian Pavilion, and I have a very high level of understanding of the universe. Although I am much weaker in the law of splitting space, I have also started." Beiyou Xianjun knew it at a thought Wu Yuan's specific cultivation situation.

  The speed of progress was beyond his imagination.

  Of course, with the help of "General Outline of Space Law", "Zhenyu Code" and Vulcan Jianyao, there is also the special environment of Linxian Pavilion.

  Beiyou Xianjun even thought it was Wu Yuan's peerless talent.

   "The external environment is only part of it."

   "The most important thing is yourself." Beiyou Xianjun secretly sighed: "Looking at the whole world, there are so many monarchs, how many disciples have been cultivated by endless years? How many peerless evildoers? But who can catch up with Mingjian?"

  Don't say that the Hengyang Immortal Realm never gave birth to a peerless genius on the 100th floor of the One Star Tower.

  Even if other forces combined, no one was born in the entire Qingling world.

   Under a hundred years old.

  Wu Yuan has become the first in the history of the world!

   "Those few, finally couldn't sit still and came to look for me." Beiyou Xianjun smiled slightly.

  An ordinary genius, the other monarchs of Hengyang Immortal Realm don't care.

  But can you break through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower?

   This is the first, naturally different.


   This is a very special plane of Hengyang Fairyland, with nothingness and vastness, below is endless tumbling black mist, and above the black mist, there are several thrones suspended.

  Under normal circumstances, this aspect is not open.

  Today, those great beings have descended, each of them has a vast aura, and the mist is hazy, making it difficult to see each other's specific faces.

   "I think you all know the reason why you are summoned today." One of the figures on the throne was extraordinarily majestic, and his voice was indifferent: "Beiyou, I want you to tell the story."

   "That's right! Beiyou, tsk tsk, such a peerless evildoer was born in your hands without knowing it, but we are envious."

   "Shenting Headquarters, an order has come to make an inquiry..."

   "What is the charter?"

   "According to the information I found, why, this Mingjian didn't even enter the shrine? He has been practicing in the Beiyou Realm?" asked the other great beings on several thrones. They are the pinnacle existences of the entire fairy world.


  Sitting on one of the thrones, Beiyou Xianjun said in a calm voice: "First, there is another reason for the sound of the sword, and it is impossible to go to the Shenting headquarters. There is no need to argue about this."


   "Then the order from Shenting headquarters?"

"what reason?"

"Beiyou doesn't want to say it, so you don't have to ask. We just refuse the order from the Shenting headquarters." The most majestic figure said lightly: "We are standing on the side of the Shenting, and we are not slaves. This Mingjian is Beiyou's hand. Those who are cultivated are naturally decided by Beiyou, and the headquarters of Shenting will not say anything."

   "After all, he's just a little guy."

  The figures on the throne couldn't help nodding.

"Secondly, he has special reasons. It's just that I belong to the Beiyou Realm and won't join the core of the Immortal Realm. If he has great achievements in the future, his status in the Immortal Realm may be more alienated than me." Beiyou Xianjun said lightly: "However, in the future, if there are difficulties in the fairy world, he will help as much as possible."

   "You guys, just treat him as a peripheral member of the fairy world."

  As soon as these words came out, the other great beings on the throne immediately thought deeply.

  They are not idiots, how can they not understand the deep meaning of these words.

"As for all the extra gifts he got from the divine court and the fairy world, such as the temple points of the Tao... I will bear all the causes and effects and the extra resources consumed." Beiyou Xianjun said lightly: "Everyone, you can Any comments?"

  The figures on the other thrones looked at each other, and they had some thoughts at first.

  But when Beiyou Xianjun talked about this, they were inconvenient to speak.

  They all knew that Beiyou's temper was extremely aloof, and even Shenting headquarters had no choice but to let it go.

   Mastering the complete laws of space, coupled with some special means that he has learned, made the status of Beiyou Xianjun extremely high...

   "Okay, that's it."

   "Beiyou, we won't interfere with Mingjian's cultivation. If you need something, you can tell us." The most majestic figure had the highest status, and he said with a final word: "The meeting ends here."

   "I will communicate directly with Shenting headquarters."


  The highest level of Hengyang Immortal Realm made a decision, and did not disclose some secret information, but the public information alone was enough to cause a sensation in the entire Hengyang Immortal Realm.


   "Break through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower? My God! In the endless years, I haven't heard of anyone breaking through."


   "One star pagoda has one hundred floors, and the perception of Taoism is comparable to the peak of the immortal."

   "The first one." These high-level officials in the fairy world were shocked.

  They all came out of the weak step by step, so they naturally understand the difficulty of one hundred floors of the One Star Tower.

  With less than a hundred years of practice, the perception of Dao is comparable to the peak of the immortal?

  You must know that normally speaking, as the primordial spirit becomes stronger and your understanding of the Tao deepens, the speed of enlightenment will gradually increase as you go.

   At such a young age, he is so evil, what about the future?

  However, someone paid attention to another matter.

   "Now Ming Jian is less than a hundred years old. How old was Ming Jian when he was invincible in the battlefield of low-level fairy witches decades ago?"


  Many people tried to find out the detailed information of Ming Jian, but unfortunately, apart from knowing that Ming Jian is from the lineage of Beiyou Xianjun, they couldn't find out anything else, which seemed extremely mysterious.

  ...The seven top forces in the great world, except for the hostile Wuxian, the superpowers of other forces will actually communicate more or less.

   Such explosive news naturally spread quickly in secret.

   "Singing sword, one star tower with one hundred floors?"

   "I remember that the difficulty of the 100th floor of the Seven Star Tower in Hengyang Immortal Realm is actually divided according to the road of the strongest genius."

   "Being able to break through a hundred floors, this Mingjian, if he grows up in the future, he will at least be a peak Xingjun powerhouse."

   "It's against the sky."

   "I heard that he is from the Beiyou lineage, and he should be good at the way of space." Most of the super existences of other forces have written down Ming Jian's name.

  Ordinary geniuses, they disdain to remember.

  Even if the Mingjian low-level battlefield was king at the beginning, most of the super existences of other forces didn't care.

  You can face a peerless evildoer who is almost destined to become the peak of the star king, and even has a certain probability of becoming the king.

   At most millions of years, it will be juxtaposed with them.

   million years? For these super existences, it is only a short period of time, how can they not pay attention? don't remember?

It can be said.

   At this time, the word Mingjian really left a name among countless top experts in the great world, and the name was truly passed down to the entire great world.


  When the name of Mingjian really resounded throughout the Qingling Great Realm, it was in a mysterious and remote place far away from the time and space of the Great Realm.

  In a rather simple cave.

   "Sister Haiyue." An anxious voice suddenly sounded, followed by a white-robed figure rushing into the cave, shouting loudly.


  The closed stone door opens.

   "What's the matter? Sister, what makes you so anxious?" A figure in silver armor flew out of it. Her appearance was flawless, her voice was cold, and there was a faint flash of thunder on the armor, just like a god.

  If Wu Yuan were here, he would definitely find that Zhuo Haiyue's aura had a special change compared with decades ago.

   "Sister Haiyue, I really admire your temperament. You are always so calm and relaxed. That's right. You have broken through the 80th floor of the Two-Star Tower, but you are qualified to be indifferent." The white-robed girl who hurried over couldn't help it.

   "Sister, tell me." Zhuo Haiyue smiled indifferently, but this smile eliminated the chilling aura on her body.

   "Have you heard of Mingjian?" the white-robed girl asked.

   "Mingjian? Who?" A trace of surprise flashed in Zhuo Haiyue's eyes, and she shook her head slightly: "I haven't heard of it."

  She came to the headquarters of Shenting. For decades, she has been spending time in penance, and she has not made many friends.

   is also very low-key.

   After all, there are so many talents here, and there are countless people with great backgrounds. Although she is a disciple of Xingjun, she is also very inconspicuous.

   "This one named Ming Jian has left a name on the One-Star Tianjiao List."

  The white-robed girl said, she looked at Zhuo Haiyue: "The most important thing is that he is a member of Hengyang Immortal Realm in Qingling Great Realm, haven't you heard of it?"

   "One star list?" Zhuo Haiyue's eyes flashed with shock.

  She has practiced in the court of God for decades.

   naturally knows what this means.

  Shen Ting's Tianjiao list is divided into one star to seven stars, and only those who have broken through the 100th floor of their respective star towers are eligible to be named.

   The list with the highest gold content is the seven-star talent list, which represents the strongest genius in the vastness of time and space.

  However, the one-star talent list is also extremely dazzling.

   "Before, my sister, in your hometown, Dajie, no one was able to leave a name on the Tianjiao list." The white-robed girl sighed: "No one in hundreds of millions of years has been able to leave a name. This Mingjian is the first."

   "His name is estimated to have spread to most of the Shenting headquarters."

   "After all, the Tianjiao list has left its name. Such a peerless evildoer, even in the headquarters of the Shenting, has not been born for millions of years." The white-robed girl sighed: "It's all talking now."

   "This Mingjian is the number one genius in Shenting today."

   "However, I don't know when this Mingjian will come to Shenting headquarters." The white-robed girl chirped.

   Zhuo Haiyue smiled.

  She and this white-robed girl come from different worlds, but their personalities are relatively compatible.

   "When the time comes, wait for this Mingjian to come. You are from the same Great Realm hometown, so you have to introduce him to me." The white-robed girl said with a smile.


   "Such a peerless genius, when he comes to the headquarters of Shenting, we should get to know him immediately." Zhuo Haiyue laughed.

Shortly after.

  Zhuo Haiyue sent the white-robed girl away, returned to her quiet room, and quickly inquired about the information about the 'Singing Sword'.

   "The number one in the court?"

   "Leave a name on the Tianjiao list? I didn't expect that in my hometown, Dajie, besides me, such a peerless monster could be born in this era." Zhuo Haiyue secretly sighed.

  She was also shocked by the deeds of 'Singing Sword'.

   "Don't worry, Haiyue." An immature voice sounded like a child: "It's just a star."

   "There is still a long way to go."

   "You have the complete mark of Lei Sheng. With my teaching, your progress will only become faster and faster. Step by step, you can still fight for the 90th floor of the two-star tower."

   "Your goal is to hit the final 100th floor of the Seven Star Tower and become the Thunder King in one step."

"At that time, go back to the Qingling Great Realm and hammer the rotten bones left by Xue Lian's bastard." The immature voice babbled: "Fortunately, I am a chicken thief, and I have never been exposed, and Xue Lian has not noticed. arrive."

   "Otherwise, before I find you, I am afraid that I will be refined into **** by blood refining."

   "The origin of your soul is 100% compatible with Lei Sheng. This is incredible, so don't belittle yourself."

   "Yes." Zhuo Haiyue nodded slightly.

  Booming~ There were bursts of unfathomable thunder coming out of her body. The key to her rapid rise lies in the two blood battles.

   "Crying sword?"

   "Well, in this era, if there is a competitor, it would be interesting." Zhuo Haiyue gently closed her eyes and continued to practice.

Do not know why.

  A figure appeared in her mind, muttering to herself: "Li Xia, I wonder if it's okay?"


  When the news spread in the great world, the Kua Chi Wu Lord, who was far away in the witch world, naturally knew about it quickly.

   "Singing the sword, breaking through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower?" Kuachi Wujun was secretly shocked when he saw the information presented by the Blood Shadow Star Lord.

   "My disciple?"

  The degree of shock in his heart was no less than that of Beiyou Xianjun, and even more shocked.

  Because he knows how much Wu Yuan has improved.

"too fast."

   "So quickly, you can reach a hundred floors of a star tower. Is it because you have realized the law of the true realm to the level of true meaning?" Kuachi Wujun can only come to this kind of conclusion.

  The three median principles unite in true meaning, bursting out with great strength.

   "How can it be so fast when it transforms into a growth rate?"

   "Is it an incredible talent in the law of space? Or did you get a great opportunity in the Immortal Land?" Kuachi Wujun shook his head slightly, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

  Because, Wu Yuan's growth trajectory is already beyond his comprehension.

  Just joined his sect, he is not as good as many of his past disciples, and can only be regarded as the bottom existence. In just a decade or two, he will soon catch up with Jiang Huan and Chang Hong.

   Now only twenty years have passed.

  In terms of dazzling degree, he is already the first among thousands of disciples under his sect.

   "Even among the countless geniuses under Wu Ting's command, in terms of talent performance, I am afraid it is enough to rank in the top ten." Kuachi Wujun secretly sighed.

  The countless geniuses here refer to all the immortal cultivators under Wuting Tianxian Tianwu, and the gold content is as high as one can imagine.

   As for the Cangfeng witch world?

   Already the undisputed first talent.

   "My disciple is still very immature, and now he is just showing his talents. After tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, I am afraid that he will attract the attention of countless powerful people in the entire witch court." Kuachi Wujun was quite emotional.

  A little guy recruited back then, was so powerful?

   "Heaven-sent witch pattern, ancestral witch's vision is really unfathomable, beyond my reach." Kuachi Wujun remembered that order back then.

  If it wasn't for that order, he would never have accepted Wu Yuan as his apprentice.

   Time also, life also.

   "But I received a peerless evildoer." Kuachi Wujun smiled slightly, but he was quite looking forward to it in his heart.

  If Wu Yuan can cultivate all the way to become a monarch in the future, that is something worth celebrating.

  The monarch will be of great help to him.

  The master-student relationship is an extremely reliable relationship, second only to Taoist couples.

   After all, in the endless years, most of the close relatives of the super strong will die.

   Only masters and apprentices, Taoist companions, etc., who are similar in strength and eternal life, can support each other and go on.

   "For the time being, there is no need to see Wu Yuan."

  Kuachi Wujun understood after a little thought: "Let's wait for his body-refining deity to come out of the Immortal Land."

   "As for the qi refining deity?"

   "If you need my help, I would like to come to see me." Kuachi Wujun secretly said.

  The method of cultivating peerless monsters is different from cultivating ordinary disciples.


  The name of 'Singing Sword' is being spread in the entire Qingling world, and even in the headquarters of Taiyuan Shenting.

  But it didn't affect Wu Yuan's qi refining deity too much.

   Those who know the two identities of Ming Jian and Li Xia are very few.

   As for now? Even if the age is similar, almost no one will guess.

  The gap is too big.

  A top genius in the Immortal Kingdom, and a genius who is almost number one in the endless history of the entire world? It's like a cloud and mud.

  In Linxian Pavilion.

   "Crossing through the 100th floor of the One Star Pagoda caused quite a shock, even Master Huo Cang sent a congratulatory message." Wu Yuan thought to himself, after accepting the inheritance, he stayed in the quiet room to practice.

   These two days.

  He has received many messages of congratulations in Hengyang Immortal Territory, most of them are star kings of the Beiyou lineage.

   More than thirty people!

  Most of them are uncles, and there are also several third-generation disciples.

  It should be noted that before he was officially listed as a disciple of the third generation, these super existences of the Beiyou lineage did not express anything, obviously they didn't care much.

   After all, there is too much difference in strength between Wu Yuan and these star lords.

   Available now? But they seem to be more polite.

   "My strength is far from enough."

   "However, the potential shown is enough to make these eternal star kings humbled." Wu Yuan smiled slightly.

   But Wu Yuan was not carried away.

  Compared with before, there is no essential difference in myself, and these star kings from the Beiyou lineage are only more polite.


   "Nephew Ming Jian, are you here?" A voice came from outside the courtyard, the tone was very gentle.

   "Huh?" Wu Yuan opened his eyes.

   With a dodge, he left the quiet room and went outside.

   "Uncle Gu Lai." Wu Yuan bowed and saluted.

"Ha ha."

The chubby Mr. Gu Laixing smiled, his eyes seemed to be narrowed into a slit: "Nephew Mingjian, you are really amazing, congratulations, you broke through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower and created a record in my Hengyang Immortal Realm .”

   "Master Xie praised you." Wu Yuan smiled slightly.

   "I came to see you, in addition to congratulating you, I also took you to meet Xianjun." Gu Laixing said.

   "Master?" Wu Yuan was slightly surprised.

"Well, you have condensed the true meaning of the median law, and the fairy already knows it, so I have specially ordered me to pick you up." Gu Laixing Jun said, "Nephew, to be summoned by the fairy in a short period of time, even if we Disciple, not many can do it."

   Wu Yuan smiled.

  There was something in his mind that he didn't say, in terms of the speed of progress, among the many disciples of Immortal Beiyou, I am afraid that few of them can catch up with him.

   "Let's go." Mr. Gu Laixing waved his hand and led Wu Yuan away from Linxian Pavilion quickly.

   All the way forward in the mountains, and soon came to the temple.

   "Go in." Gu Laixing Jun said: "I won't go in until Xianjun summons me."

   Wu Yuan nodded.

   Flying, quickly entered the temple.

   "Sing the sword, and pay homage to the master." Wu Yuan saluted respectfully, and the figure at the end of the temple remained the same, as if the whole world descended, eternally.

   Both are monarchs.

  Being able to control different superior laws makes Kuachi Wujun and Beiyou Xianjun have completely different temperaments.

   "Singing sword."

"It's good to be able to break through the 100th floor of the One Star Tower. Your progress is faster than I imagined." Beiyou Xianjun looked down at Wu Yuan below, and smiled: "However, if you can break through, I'm afraid , it must be because of stepping into the threshold of the law of life."

   Wu Yuan was secretly surprised.

  When he was fighting in the world of the Seven Star Pagoda, he didn't reveal the mystery of the law of life at all, but he was still seen through.

   As expected of a monarch.

   "Master Zu Mingjian."

  Wu Yuan was very respectful, and said carefully: "The disciple has made great progress in the two paths of the true realm and the universe, but in the law of splitting space... the progress is really pitiful."

  Wu Yuan was worried that Xianjun Beiyou would be dissatisfied because of this.

"It doesn't matter, I said long ago that whether it is the law of space or the law of life, it is up to you to choose, and I will not be annoyed by it." Beiyou Xianjun said: "I see you because you have reached my first level. Phase one requirement."

   "I gave you a hundred years to condense the true meaning of the space median law, but you only used it for twenty-three years, which is very good."

  Wu Yuan's qi refining deity listened.

   Hundred years?

  If there is no special change in the Immortal Land, I am afraid it will take decades if I want to condense the true meaning of the real domain.

   "As a reward for completing your goals ahead of schedule, I will give you one hundred thousand divine crystals."

   "I have two requests for your second phase."

   "First, break through the 100th floor of the Two-Star Tower and the 100th Floor of the Three-Star Tower. Their difficulty is lower than that of the 100-story One-Star Tower." Beiyou Xianjun said.

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

   That's right.

  According to the information I know, in the Seven Star Tower world, the 100th floor of the Seven Star Tower is the most difficult, because it is frighteningly difficult to master a complete upper law.

  The second is the 100th floor of the One Star Tower, because the 100-year-old age is too young, and normally, it is impossible to reach it.

   Next is the six-star tower with one hundred floors, the five-star tower with one hundred floors, and the four-star tower with one hundred floors...

   On the contrary, if one can break through the 100th floor of the one-star tower, with such a terrifying speed of practice, then, as long as one practices step by step, one can almost pass through the hundredth floor of the two-star and three-star towers.

   "The second requirement is to deduce the three median laws of the way of space to the level of true meaning within a thousand years." Beiyou Immortal Jundao looked at Wu Yuan.

   Wu Yuan's face changed slightly.

   The first requirement is not difficult for me, but the second requirement? That's totally different!

  The three median laws of space, and the other two are nothing more than that. Want to deduce the way of splitting space to the level of true meaning? Disaster!

   You must know that Wu Yuan has just realized the first level of the realm.

  The speed of comprehension is slow, coupled with the lack of inner interest and motivation, so comprehend it.

  The time and energy it will take will be dozens of times more, which is absolutely half the result with twice the effort.

   After a little thought, Wu Yuan understood that the Beiyou Immortal might still not give up the idea of ​​allowing himself to comprehend the complete law of space.

   "Ming Jian, I will not make things difficult for you." Beiyou Xianjun said: "If you meet the first requirement, I will give you millions of crystals."

  Wu Yuan listened.

  Millions of divine crystals? This is a wealth comparable to that of ordinary celestial beings. However, if you want to break through the 100th floor of the Samsung Tower, you will at least have completed the refining process by then.

   It is even possible to have become an Earth Immortal.

"If you have not fulfilled the second requirement, after completing the years of Linxian Pavilion cultivation, you can leave Beiyou Realm and wander freely, just like the other three generations of disciples." Beiyou Xianjun said: "However, if you can complete the two ask for it."

   "Then, you can proceed to the third stage of practice."

  Beiyou Xianjun said: "There are only a handful of disciples under my command who can enter the third stage. This is also the greatest opportunity I have prepared for you."

   "The way is given to you, how to choose, you decide."

   "Whether you can get through depends on your own efforts."

   "Let's go back first." Immortal Beiyou didn't let Wu Yuan make a decision immediately, and directly issued an order to expel the guest.

   "Yes, master." Wu Yuan saluted respectfully, and retreated slowly.

  ... Wu Yuan's qi-refining deity returned to Linxiange's mansion.

   "The two requirements of the second phase?"

   "Thousands of years, have you comprehended all of Likong, Zhenyu, and Qiankun to the level of true meaning?" Wu Yuan sat cross-legged on the jade platform.

   he thought.

  Although I don't understand what the "biggest opportunity" is in Beiyou Xianjun's mouth, but it can make a Xianjun pay so much attention to it.

   It is extremely extraordinary to think about it.

   "Master Kua Chi, I want to train another life monarch." Wu Yuan secretly said: "Master Beiyou, I am afraid he also wants to train another space monarch... But, do I want to go two ways at the same time?"

  The purpose of Beiyou Xianjun is fully revealed, that is, he feels that Wu Yuan is extremely talented in space, and wants to guide him to comprehend the laws of space.

  The right to decide is in Wu Yuan's hands.

  If it is said that Wu Yuan has no idea, it is certainly a lie.

  Space monarchs are somewhat rarer, nobler, and more powerful than life monarchs.

  But after only a moment, Wu Yuan calmed down.


   "My heart is actually shaken? As expected of a monarch, a few simple words have unknowingly influenced my inner choice?" Wu Yuan shook his head slightly, and his eyes became firm again: "You can't chew too much."

   "My two true deities have worked together to understand and work hard, and only then have I a little hope to get through the law of life. I am also the most suitable for this path."

   "The law of space is good, but at least for now, it doesn't fit my heart."

   "If you practice both ways? I'm afraid that in the end, neither path will work." Wu Yuan's qi refining deity has already thought clearly in his heart, and his Taoist heart has become more and more pure.

  Constantly questioning yourself can make your heart stronger, purer and unshakable.


   "We still have to work hard to get those one million divine crystals." Wu Yuan secretly said: "Next, let's first try to deduce the 'Way of the Universe' to the level of true meaning."

  Although I don't plan to comprehend the laws of space.

   But Wu Yuan is still unwilling to give up on the way of the universe that is best at saving his life.

"The remaining."

   "Wait until the body-refining deity comes out of the Immortal Land." Wu Yuan's qi-refining deity closed his eyes lightly: "I don't know, what exactly is the body-refining deity going through?"


  Wu Yuan's body-refining deity didn't know anything about what the deity of qi refining had experienced.

  In the mysterious barren land.

  Wu Yuan's body-refining deity has been cultivating in the Tianwu Temple all the time.

   In the blink of an eye, another four years have passed.

  Expiry of ten years.

  Before he knew it, Wu Yuan had also turned 100 years old.

   "Has ten years come?" Wu Yuan gently opened his eyes, and he could feel that the efficacy of Tianwuyuan was rapidly weakening.

  At the same time, the special auxiliary enlightenment effect of the witch room is also rapidly declining.


  ps: 4D, 3 in 1, except for two guaranteed chapters, add more 4/39

  The next chapter will be Sanctuary Realm, there will be no delay, thank you brothers for your monthly pass! awesome!

   Ask for a monthly pass

  (end of this chapter)

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