Yu Xian

Chapter 952 Qiankun Flesh Body (1/2)

Hua La La! Hua La La!

The pain was like the rising tide, and the suffering was like the waves piled up!

Yu Xian was like being in the legendary hell, enduring poison torture, water torture, and the torture of time corrosion!

The flesh and blood were ground and reborn, and reborn and ground again, full of endless pain.

But at the same time, in this endless pain, the body was gradually getting stronger.

Whether it was a mortal or a cultivator, if the body wanted to become stronger, it needed to be achieved in pain!

Because even the strong physique of a mortal was not born, and it had to go through the pain of training before it could gradually become!

This is the way that everyone must follow!

Yu Xian was under the full force of these three returning to the virtual demon cultivators, which was already comparable to the baptism of thunder tribulation. His flesh and blood were being tempered, and gradually revealed a purple-gold color.

A wave of tyrannical aura emanated from the flesh and blood, and the power from all directions, I don’t know when, suddenly couldn’t do anything to these flesh and blood!

These powers can no longer use poison to destroy, Yin water to corrode, and time to tear, to hurt even an inch or a bit of flesh and blood!

Because the flesh and blood that regenerated later finally broke through the limit and reached the ninth level!

The whole body, all of it, the ninth level!

Qiankun flesh, flesh and Qiankun, it's done!

And since it's called Qiankun flesh realm, it naturally has Qiankun inside.

At this moment, Yu Xian has closed his eyes and looked inward.

I saw that his abdomen, chest, internal organs, including the heart, are gone!

It's empty inside, I don't know how big, how deep, how wide, like a vast space.

And looking at it with spiritual consciousness, there is nothing in this space, only some blood-red and purple-gold light flashing, it looks like the starry sky at night, endless and endless, and some light spots and stars flashing.

When Yu Xian's spiritual consciousness looked inward, he was also secretly surprised to see this scene.

This is the physical Qiankun realm!

It turns out to be the literal meaning.

There is also heaven and earth in the flesh!

With such a heaven and earth in the body, Yu Xian only felt that his flesh seemed to be able to become bigger!

Because as long as the heaven and earth in the body grows big enough, the flesh can also change big enough.

And this change is not false, not an illusion, but a real growth!

Therefore, after this enlargement, the strength of the flesh will increase exponentially. At that time, with a punch and a kick, you can hold up the sky and the earth and control the stars!

Of course, this growth is not unlimited. As long as the heaven and earth power in the body is consumed, the enlarged flesh will shrink and continue to accumulate the heaven and earth power in the body.

Therefore, this can also be said to be a kind of magical power!

An extremely powerful and great magical power!

"Heaven and earth... Dharma... Heaven and earth... Flesh..."

Yu Xian seemed to feel a little bit of the mystery of this change, but he couldn't find it.

This feeling is like a sneeze stuck in the nasal cavity, and it's uncomfortable to be able to sneeze out no matter what!

It's really uncomfortable to have a feeling but not be able to catch it!

Even with Yu Xian's temperament, he was a little crazy at this moment.

But in the end, he suddenly withdrew his consciousness and stopped looking inward.

This kind of great magical secret method that can make the body bigger and stronger at the same time involves too many mysteries, involving the true mystery of the body, and is a mysterious and profound way of the great Dao.

It is normal that I can't feel it at this moment.

If I have free time in the future, I will concentrate on comprehending and thinking about this method. Maybe I can find a hint of the meaning of the mystery and finally find the real great magical power.

And now, this matter is temporarily put on hold!

In the outside world, Yu Xian's struggle against the three magical powers, roaring and roaring, suddenly stopped, stopped in place, and even seemed to have no sound.

Qin Yan, Changming Wang, and Shui Jiao saw this, and their expressions moved at the same time.

It seems that this body cultivator was finally worn to death?

"Brothers, don't be careless."

The water dragon said slowly: "The flesh of the human body can be said to be extremely durable, even more durable than those monsters among our demons who can be exhausted to death! Brothers, don't be greedy for his flesh. Don't relax until his flesh is destroyed and reduced to ashes!"

Hearing what the water dragon said, Qin Yan and the King of Longevity's eyes flashed.

They both really wanted to keep the flesh of the human body in front of them and then devour it.

You must know that the human race can eat the powerful demon flesh to improve their strength.

Then the demon race can also eat the human race to improve their strength.

Even from the beginning of the ancient times, the human race was devoured by the demon race, used as food to nourish and become stronger.

Eating one person is equivalent to eating ten demons.

This is the law of the jungle that has always existed in ancient times, ancient times, recent times, and even now.

So the flesh and blood of the human cultivator in front of him who has a body of the Return to Void level is probably supplemented to the extreme!

Eating him might allow his own bloodline to go a step further and comprehend deeper mysteries!

Especially the Long Life King, he originally had hidden injuries and lost a lot of his origin, he really wanted to eat the body of this Return to Void human race.

Not to mention Qin Yan, he dreamed of going a step further and stepping into the peak realm of Return to Void Great Perfection, sitting on an equal footing with the old turtle, the general manager, the sea Taoist, and the wood Taoist, and even having the opportunity to merge with the Tao!

And now, the water dragon asked the two to destroy the body of the dead body cultivator in front of them?

This is just like destroying a rare treasure.

How could they be willing?

Therefore, Qin Yan and the King of Longevity looked at each other, and the light in their eyes flashed, and they immediately understood each other's thoughts.

The two sides had fought many times and cooperated several times, and at this moment, the two had the same purpose, so they naturally "had a tacit understanding".

"It would be a pity to destroy such a body."

Qin Yan spoke first, and at the same time raised his hand and said: "Let's cut him into pieces, and then you and I will share it!"

"That's right!"

The King of Longevity also raised his hand hurriedly, and shouted at the same time: "Even if he is a thousand-segmented insect in the sea, he can be cut into dozens of pieces and not die, but we will cut him into hundreds of pieces. No matter how strong his body is, he will never come back to life!"

The two raised their hands and each flew out their own weapons, wanting to cut Yu Xian into pieces with weapons.

When the water dragon saw that the two had put away their magical powers and were going to cut Yu Xian into pieces with weapons, he immediately showed a hint of anxiety in his eyes, and said hurriedly: "You can't be careless! This person is not trivial!"

But how could the King of Longevity and Qin Yan listen to this water dragon? Blood and flesh are in front of you, and the benefits are in front of you. Whoever grabs more first will get the benefits!

Qin Yan's spear and the long-lived king's sword shot out and arrived in front of Yu Xian!

The eyes of the long-lived king and Qin Yan glowed, and the weapons slashed down, one for the head and the other for the heart!

Only these two places are the most essential positions, and other places will be divided later!


A loud noise rose, but the spear and the sword did not cut Yu Xian's neck and dig out Yu Xian's heart!

The two hands had grasped the spear head and the sword tip without knowing when!

No matter how sharp the spear head and the sword were, they could not cut the palm of the hand!


The long-lived king and Qin Yan almost looked at each other at the same time, showing shock!

But the water dragon changed his face, and at the same time he turned around, and was about to break through the space and move away!


But he was not allowed to leave. The sky and the earth in all directions showed rolling light. A great formation suddenly appeared, reaching the sky and the earth. Thirty-eight stars of light fell from the sky and blessed the formation!

The Heavenly Star Thirty-six Yuan Formation can now be called the Heavenly Star Thirty-eight Yuan Formation!

"Where are you going, you dragon? You know me, right?"

A voice sounded calmly.

Yu Xian's eyes suddenly opened, and two red-gold lights shot out, turning into dazzling light, shooting for hundreds of miles!

At the same time, Yu Xian's injuries recovered rapidly, and the speed was so fast that it was just like running water filling a pit. In less than two breaths, all the injuries were completely healed!

And similarly, Yu Xian's appearance also recovered, his true original appearance!


At this moment, the faces of the King of Longevity and Qin Yan changed completely, turning into a strong disbelief and horror!

"This formation!?"

"Are you Yu Xian!?"

The two of them let out a scream and retreated in a hurry!

They never expected that this human body cultivator was actually Yu Xian!

When this human body cultivator was undergoing the tribulation, they didn't see it at all!

They even guessed that it was Yu Xian who was undergoing the tribulation.

But they really couldn't see it!

Because that was the change that Yu Xian made under the flesh and blood, it was impossible to detect the difference.

So at that time, they determined that this person was not Yu Xian.

But some things are so wonderful, sometimes the first feeling is right, correct, and other thoughts are "misguided".

Now, this body cultivator turned around and it turned out to be Yu Xian!

But now Yu Xian is a real returning to the void body cultivator.

There is no possibility for the two to chase Yu Xian, or even kill him!

They knew Yu Xian's qualifications and potential very well, so after Yu Xian truly entered the Return to Void stage, he could be said to be a man of many years, ten years of changes, and his offense and defense would change from then on!

When they saw Yu Xian, they could only flee!

They would not be like fools, knowing that Yu Xian was already strong, and still wanted to touch him unconvinced!

But at this moment, Yu Xian ignored the King of Longevity and Qin Yan, allowing them to attack the Tianxing Thirty-Eight Yuan Formation and try to rush out.

Now, he just looked at the big man transformed by the water dragon, blocking all space and not giving the big man a chance to escape!

He didn't see any difference from the big man before.

But later, from the various conversations between the big man and the King of Longevity and Qin Yan, Yu Xian could almost conclude that the big man definitely knew him!

So the big man strongly asked the King of Longevity and Qin Yan to ignore everything else and use magic to grind him to death first, without giving him any chance of a comeback.

But unfortunately, even if Qin Yan and the King of Longevity listened to him, he had no chance since his body had already returned to the Void Realm!

Yu Xian was surprised that this person could recognize him!

Under the transformation of the Return to the Void Realm, the flesh and blood accumulated, and the facial features changed. Even Qiu Shiwen and Linglong could not recognize him!

This water dragon was only in the middle stage of the Return to the Void Realm. How could he recognize him?

Besides, he had never seen him before. Even if he showed his true face, how could he recognize him?

So, who is he?

With this question in mind, the King of Longevity and Qin Yan were nothing. Let them make a fuss in the formation first. The water dragon in front of him must be captured!

At this moment, the water dragon showed a solemn look in his eyes. He looked at Yu Xian and the Tianxing Thirty-Eight Yuan Formation that enveloped him from all directions. His eyes just turned, and he suddenly roared: "Two Taoist brothers, I will help you escape! The information about this person must be passed on to several seniors!"

As he spoke, the big man suddenly revealed his figure, and a dragon measuring several thousand feet appeared!

And after he manifested, he didn't hesitate at all, and his whole body immediately emitted a billowing light!

When Yu Xian saw this, he also frowned and his eyes narrowed!

When King Changming and Qin Yan saw this, they were overjoyed on the spot and shouted anxiously: "I will definitely tell you about this!"

boom! !

At this moment, before Yu Xian could even stop him, the water dragon decisively exploded!

A demon cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void, his flesh and blood, cultivation, mana, origin, soul, everything, all burst out at this moment!

This level of power is truly unimaginable!

Yu Xian's eyes were fixed, and he raised his hand to try to use his magic power to strengthen the formation and stabilize it so that it would not be blown away.

However, although he is in the physical body of Qiankun at this moment, it is called the returning physical body.

But his magic power is still the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation.

Therefore, even if he exerted all his strength, he could not control the formation to stop the self-destruction of a demon cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void!

The billowing power exploded. From the outside, the thirty-eight-yuan array of stars that reached the sky and the earth suddenly bulged into a bag. Then the bag became bigger and bigger, and finally reached the limit and exploded with infinite light and power. out!

The Tianxing Thirty-eight Yuan Formation was exploded by the water dragon, and a big hole was opened!

King Longevity, Qin Yan's eyes flashed with excitement when he saw this, and their instinct to escape made them move forward quickly without any hesitation!

Yu Xian controlled the formation to be stable and not to be destroyed by the self-destruction of the water dragon. At this moment, it was completely impossible to keep them.

Seeing the two people flying out of the formation, Yu Xian had a stern look in his eyes. He waved his hand suddenly and let the formation turmoil. He took one step forward, folded the space, and chased after the two of them.

If the formation is broken, let it be broken. It doesn't matter if the formation flag is damaged a little. We can just re-sacrifice it later.

But these two people cannot be allowed to escape!

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