Yu Xian

Chapter 940: Heart is like a maze (1/2)

The vast sea seemed endless.

Yu Xian held Zheng Huo's headless body, his face was calm, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes, and he flew forward all the way.

He wanted to take Zheng Huo home.

Zheng Huo's hometown was naturally Dongzhou.

Yu Xian searched Zheng Huo's soul and got all of Zheng Huo's memories. Naturally, he knew where Zheng Huo was born, where he grew up, and the exact location of his hometown.

Zheng Huo, among Yu Xian's many friends, was not eye-catching, and even had no sense of existence.

But in fact, he was Yu Xian's first friend in the true sense!

That was the first friend that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy met and treated him sincerely on the way back to Baiyun Sect from Yaowang Valley.

That companionship along the way, although it seems not thrilling now, there was no life-and-death friendship.

But Yu Xian had a friend to accompany him along the way, instead of walking millions of miles alone!

So in his heart, he recognized this friend and this brother!

Now Zheng Huo is dead, and it was because of his soul search that Zheng Huo, who had no resistance, was counterattacked by Huangfu Haoran, and was forced to self-destruct and die together.

So, Zheng Huo was not killed by himself, but died because of himself!

How can I feel at ease! ?

I have been practicing till now, and I have nothing to be ashamed of, cultivating the world and the universe, and wanting to create a perfect world!

But now because of Zheng Huo's death, it has become a flaw, a guilt, and a dissatisfaction!

This is, the heart of Tao is damaged!

It can be said that Zheng Huo can die in any way, but only this way of death, it really damaged Yu Xian's heart of Tao!

And this is also the most obvious flaw of Yu Xian!

Those who value friendship will be hurt by friendship.

This is also the fundamental reason why many cultivators, the higher their cultivation, the more like a stone their personality.

Because the feelings are cultivated away, the human nature is cultivated away, and only the nature of approaching the way of heaven is left, which is the ruthless way.

Almost all practitioners will eventually use various excuses to gradually wear away their feelings and unknowingly step into the ruthless path.

If Yu Xian's Dao heart is damaged today, but it cannot be restored for a long time, and finally he forcibly distorts his original intention in a self-deceiving way, and covers up his shortcomings in selfish ways such as Zheng Huo deserves to die and does not blame himself.

Then Yu Xian will eventually slowly move towards the ruthless path.

The damage to the Dao heart is the simplest, and at the same time, the most terrible!

The simple ones seem to be able to be repaired at any time, just change the thoughts and change the original heart. There are even selfish people who think that everything is someone else's fault, and the Dao heart itself is damaged at any time and can be repaired at any time.

And the terrible ones, in order to repair the damage to the Dao heart, you change your thoughts and change your original heart... Then are you still you?

When you are not you, your Dao, your law, and your luck will leave you.

In ancient times, there were powerful people who cultivated for countless years, but broke their golden bodies because of a small matter, and lost all their cultivation for thousands of years in one day. Why?

It was because of this little thing that he suddenly realized that he was no longer the same person as before. Unconsciously, his Dao heart and his persistence were gone!

The lower Dao cultivates art, the middle Dao cultivates law, and the upper Dao cultivates the mind.

My Dao and my heart are consistent!

And now Yu Xian's "one" is a little broken!

Moving forward, Yu Xian no longer cares about Bing Sanjia's words that if he doesn't return in ten days, the teleportation array will dissipate.

After walking like this for two days, Yu Xian crossed millions of miles of sea and finally saw Dongzhou.

Gently hugging Zheng Huo's body up, Yu Xian continued to move forward.

But before Yu Xian stepped into Dongzhou, a breath suddenly descended and turned into a figure that appeared in front of him.

This figure was not someone else, but the divine clone of Qiu Shiwen who had been in Dongzhou.

He sensed Yu Xian's approach and naturally moved over. He frowned and asked in confusion: "Yu Xian, why are you back to Dongzhou?"

After saying that, he looked at the headless corpse that Yu Xian was holding, frowning even more tightly, and said slowly: "Who is this?"

Yu Xian said calmly: "Master, this is my good friend, Zheng Huo. I came back to Dongzhou to bury him in my hometown."

"Zheng Huo?"

Qiu Shiwen naturally didn't know who Zheng Huo was. After all, Zheng Huo's identity was too low. He was just an early Jindan of the Haotian Sect. Qiu Shiwen would not pay attention to such small information.

And didn't Yu Xian go somewhere to kill the evildoer of Duomo Pavilion? Why did he come back with a headless corpse and say it was his good friend?

In addition...

Why didn't this kid supplement his origin at all?

He didn't take the jade seal, just because he was open-minded and didn't want to take advantage of others' misfortune and take the luck and opportunity that Tang Wentian's parents had accumulated for Tang Wentian for ten thousand years.

But didn’t I tell the Ice Emperor that I wanted a blood pill to restore my origin for him?

Could it be that the bastard Bing Sanjia didn’t give it to him? He was simply courting death!

Thinking of this, Qiu Shiwen frowned and said, “Didn’t you ask Bing Sanjia for the blood pill to restore your origin? Or did he refuse to give it to you?”

Yu Xian shook his head and said, “He gave it to me, but I destroyed the blood pill.”


Qiu Shiwen’s eyes jumped obviously, and he looked at Yu Xian in disbelief. He opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say at all!

Incomprehensible… Incredible… Unreasonable!

What kind of disciple did I accept?

He is said to be a fool, but he looks very smart, and his comprehension is so high that I am afraid of him!

But if he is smart, some of his behaviors are stupid to the extreme!

The stupidity of stupid people is just a reflection of insufficient knowledge.

But the stubbornness of smart people is the ultimate form of stupidity!

Yu Xian, you know that your choice is not beneficial to you, but you still choose like this, you are stubborn and stupid!

After looking at Yu Xian for a long time, Qiu Shiwen finally took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, nodded and said calmly: "If you destroy it, destroy it. After a while, I will find something for you to restore your original nature. Let's go back." Dongzhou, by the way, tell me what happened along the way, and what happened to this headless corpse called Zheng Huo."

Yu Xian said calmly: "Disciple, I obey."

After that, he and Qiu Shiwen went to Dongzhou. At the same time, they started talking about leaving the Tang Dynasty and returning to Yutian Province.

Qiu Shiwen listened calmly all the way, but when he heard that Yu Xian destroyed the blood elixir, it was just because he didn't want to eat people, and he wanted the blood elixir that was fused with the essence and blood of thousands of creatures to return to dust. The thought made his eyelids jump wildly again.

He had previously thought that it was the grudge between Yu Xian and Bing Sanjia that destroyed the blood pill. After all, this boy was gentle on the surface but very proud in his heart.

But I didn't expect it to be because of this... ridiculous idea!

However, as his apprentice, there have been too many unexpected things. Qiu Shiwen's heart is not only numb, but at least he has a lot of immunity in his heart.

So he didn't say much, but his eyelids fluttered for a long time before he gradually calmed down.

Later, he continued to listen to Yu Xian's story about going to the southern sea of ​​Dongzhou, finding the Domo Pavilion's lair, killing and chasing the Domo Pavilion demon cultivator, until he chased him to a mountain peak millions of miles away, and all the events that happened next.

In addition, he also explained why Zheng Huo was Yu Xian’s friend and his origins.

After hearing this, Qiu Shiwen finally understood why Yu Xian brought Zheng Huo's headless body to Dongzhou for burial.

But Qiu Shiwen also heard and saw that Yu Xian was obviously feeling guilty because of Zheng Huo's death, his Taoist heart was a little shaken, and his mood was flawed.

For a moment, Qiu Shiwen didn't know what emotions he was feeling.

As a disciple, he is really good at valuing friendship.

Although I think this character is very bad, I actually appreciate it.

After all, everyone would hope that their friends, family, relatives, brothers, masters and disciples, etc., are people who value friendship and loyalty, rather than selfish people.

Even if you are a selfish person, you will not want your friends to be selfish. This is the most basic human nature!

But similarly, attaching importance to friendship also has shortcomings. It is easy to be deceived, easy to be fooled, easy to blame yourself, easy to take over, easy to be taken advantage of, etc. Therefore, people who attach importance to friendship, especially practitioners, rarely live a good life. long.

As for his apprentice being able to live for so long, one of the reasons is that he has good luck and the people he meets are not bad either.

The second is that his qualifications and understanding are extremely high, so his strength is naturally very strong. Therefore, even if he is used and framed by people in the same realm, he can still rely on hard power to turn the tables!

After thinking for a while, Qiu Shiwen said, "Looking at you, do you feel deeply guilty for Zheng Huo's death?"

"Zheng Huo was not killed by his disciples, but he died because of his disciples."

Yu Xian sighed: "How can I not feel guilty..."

"What you said..."

Qiu Shiwen looked at Yu Xian and said slowly: "That's not right."

Yu Xian was slightly startled and looked at Qiu Shiwen.

"If you don't go, won't he die?"

Qiu Shiwen frowned and said: "He has been taken away. Even if you don't go, he will most likely die. How can a golden elixir monk's spiritual thoughts compete with the divine thoughts of a perfect god? And this matter will never happen again. From my teacher's point of view, this is extremely strange. Maybe it was a trap deliberately set by Huangfu Haoran to trap your Taoist mind. Under such a trap, once you can't figure it out, you won't make any progress in your realm for many years! , only a few hundred years old, too young!”

When Yu Xian heard Qiu Shiwen's words, he smiled bitterly and did not answer.

How could he not understand this idea?

But you can’t just think about things casually and treat them as having nothing to do with yourself.

When Qiu Shiwen encounters this kind of thing, of course he can think like this and do it.

But he couldn't do it, couldn't pass the heart test!

Half of it may not die, half of it may be a trap, but in the end it is still half of the chance!

Then there is still half a possibility that he caused Zheng Huo's death.

I feel sad and the guilt is hard to get rid of!

Seeing Yu Xian's appearance, Qiu Shiwen knew that he didn't listen to her words.

But yes, if Yu Xian listened to his words casually, it would be out of Yu Xian's character.

"You feel guilty now, but it's just in vain, hurting your mind, and damaging your Taoist heart!"

Qiu Shiwen said again: "I think you might as well keep this matter deep in your heart. When you catch Huangfu Haoran and search his soul, you will understand that all this is a conspiracy against you. , or was it really you who accidentally caused Zheng Huo to lose his soul and be killed by Huangfu Haoran? It would not be too late to feel guilty at that time! Furthermore, if you really thought Zheng Huo was your brother, he was killed by Huangfu Haoran! If you kill him, you should seek revenge from Huangfu Haoran. What’s the use of feeling guilty here? Can you make Huangfu Haoran feel guilty to death?”

Hearing this, Yu Xian's eyes flashed with light, and he looked at Qiu Shiwen and said, "Thank you, Master, for clarifying my doubts..."

"Resolving doubts? What kind of solution is this?"

Qiu Shiwen waved his hand and said, "These are just the most superficial truths. It's just that you feel guilty now and can't think of this for the time being. After a while, you will figure it out yourself. It's just that I don't want to see you depressed for so long. You have lost your spirit and even your state of mind. It will take years to make up for it! This kind of thing is only a problem for you. If it were me... hehe..."

Qiu Shiwen shook his head and didn't say more. It would be embarrassing to say more.

After all, people like him always feel guilty in front of people like Yu Xian.

A gentleman is like a mirror, and a villain is ashamed to see him.

Even if Qiu Shiwen thinks he is not a pure villain, he has definitely done despicable and shameless things, and used any means to achieve his goals!

So he has a complicated feeling about Yu Xian's character.

I think this kind of person is good, but I think it's not good.

I think this kind of person should last long, but I think this kind of person can't last long.


The heart is like a maze with thousands of turns, and it is difficult to advance or retreat with many worries.

I don’t see ordinary people’s thousands of thoughts, entangled over and over again.

It’s said that everyone is like this.

As the two talked, Yu Xian gradually slowed down, looked at the ground below for a long time, and sighed softly, "Brother... we’re home."

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