Yu Xian

Chapter 904: Mercy (1/2)

The six people walked out, which made Lu Chang and Zou Xin's eyes fixed, revealing a strong sense of vigilance!

There were four late-stage and two middle-stage gods among these six people!

And these six people were all wearing official uniforms of the Ice Dynasty. They were the frontier officials of the Ice Dynasty, and were granted the title of Marquis. They controlled a province of nearly one million miles and were the masters of hundreds of millions of lives!

Yu Xian looked at the six people calmly.

No wonder no one blocked them along the way. It turned out that these six people had united and used the large teleportation array to teleport directly to this last province and intercepted here!

And no matter how fast the three people were, they could not match the large teleportation power of the large teleportation array.

These six people knew that no matter how they went, since Yu Xian and others came from Xiaoyao Xianzong, they must return to Xiaoyao Xianzong.

So it was much easier to intercept them here than to chase them, because if they chased them directly from behind, they would probably never catch up.

As for Yu Xian and others, if they wanted to take a detour? That would be really courting death!

Because if we delay any longer, the ministers of the Return to Void level who came from the Central Imperial City will all die!

However, a man walked out slowly from the six frontier officials and marquis in the state of transformation, looked at Yu Xian and shouted coldly: "Yu Xian! This marquis knows your reputation! But as a member of the Xiaoyao Immortal Sect, you actually committed a crime in the Ice Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of my Dinghe Marquis! Killed my Ice Dynasty cultivators! Injured my Ice Dynasty officials! Harmed my Ice Dynasty people! Do you think the laws of my Ice Dynasty are a joke!? Today, you either surrender and let me take you to the dynasty to convict you! Or, I will spare your life!"

This man was Luo Cang, the governor of Qihe Province, a frontier official, and a marquis!

The other five were also governors and frontier officials of various provinces. Under Luo Cang's message, they moved very quickly and quickly gathered in a large teleportation array to come here to intercept Yu Xian!

At this moment, facing six incarnations, Zou Xin and Lu Chang looked solemn, but they were not afraid at all, and their magic power gradually increased!

Yu Xian looked calmer, looking at Luo Cang in front of him, listening to his words, thinking that he should not have been informed by the Ice Emperor about the destruction of Duomo Pavilion.

Therefore, Yu Xian said calmly: "The person I came here to kill this time is a demon, and he has not violated the laws of the Ice Dynasty. As for the reason, I think you will know it soon. Now, please get out of the way, so that we don't fight and hurt you."

"Hehe, hehe..."

Hearing Yu Xian's words, Luo Cang was stunned for a moment. Looking at Yu Xian's serious expression, he didn't seem to be joking. He was directly angry and laughed. He sneered and said: "Killing demons? Not breaking the law? Hurting us? You are so arrogant."

"So arrogant! Yu Xian! Why don't you surrender! Do you think this is the Xiaoyao Immortal Sect, and you can do whatever you want!?"

"Kneel down! Surrender! Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!"

"What if you have your own excuses!? Go to His Majesty and explain! Now, kneel down! Surrender!"

The other five incarnation cultivators also shouted coldly. As their auras were dispersed, the world in all directions was controlled!

At this moment, unless Yu Xian and the other three turned around and walked back, it seemed impossible to break through the six of them and leave the Ice Dynasty!

Seeing this, Yu Xian had to sigh: "I didn't intend to conflict with you, but since you are unwilling to give way, I have to offend you."

When the six heard this, their eyes focused at the same time. The fighting instinct made them almost immediately use their magic power, and the rolling Yuanshen Dharma image appeared behind them!

But it was still too late!

The space on all sides was instantly stagnant at this moment!

An extremely terrifying seal, imprisonment, and suppression force was directly revealed from the space, making the Yuanshen of the six gods unable to shake, let alone the flesh!

They were like mosquitoes trapped in amber, unable to struggle, unable to shake, and even their lives were out of their control!

The six people couldn't even change their faces at this moment, but their eyes had changed from the previous fierceness, indifference, disdain, anger, etc., all instantly changed to horror!

However, Yu Xian did not intend to kill them, and forcibly controlling six people with the way of space was also a great pressure. He just shook his body and continued to move forward.

Zou Xin and Lu Chang still didn't understand what was going on at the moment, but seeing that Yu Xian had already escaped, they naturally hurried to follow.

It was only when they passed by these six people that they could clearly feel that the space around these six people had already been more solid than gold and stone. These six people were completely locked in space and could not move!

Lu Chang just quickly followed Yu Xian.

Zou Xin widened his eyes slightly and pursed his lips quickly to prevent his lips from shaking...

If this kind of space suppression power fell on me, I would probably be unable to move, and let Yu Xian kill and take whatever he wanted!

What kind of power is this...

No, at this level, it is the depth of the comprehension of the Tao, and it has nothing to do with power.

How deep is this comprehension of the way of space! ?

How did this guy... cultivate? I have been in seclusion for 550 years, why does it seem like a dream...

Zou Xin looked at Yu Xian's back, his heart was shaken, he used his magic power and quickly caught up.

The three of them traveled a thousand miles, and the space suppression force around the six governors of the transformation of spirits finally dissipated!

The six people stopped where they were, looking at the direction where Yu Xian and the other three disappeared, the shock in their eyes lasted for a long time, and they didn't dare to chase them any further!

It is said that killing is easy but difficult!

It is even more difficult to be trapped without being hurt!

But this Yu Xian, while not hurting the six people, also locked them in place for three breaths!


The six of them looked at each other. There was fear in Luo Cang's eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "No wonder this thief dares to come to our Ice Dynasty to commit murder. It turns out that his methods are so sophisticated. But although he is strong, our Ice Dynasty is not without strong people." ! Colleagues, I will go to the imperial city to report what happened today! I will give an explanation to Xiaoyao Immortal Sect!

"Okay! This thief must not be spared!"

"Brother Luo, go quickly!"

"That's right! The real strong men of our Ice Dynasty are all in the imperial city and in the inner provinces! Especially those governors of the three provinces and the governors of the four provinces. They are both transformed gods, and their strength is by no means inferior. Yu Xian!”

"Hmph, let's see how Xiaoyao Xianzong dares to protect Yu Xian! Do you really think that our Ice Dynasty can't do anything to them!? Brother Luo, go quickly!"

When the other governors heard Luo Cang's words, they nodded quickly, all angry.

"Okay! Thank you all for today! I'll go right away!"

Luo Cang nodded, swayed, and headed straight for the large teleportation array in Tianhu Province.

With the large teleportation array constantly moving provinces, even if the imperial city is tens of millions of miles away, it only takes a moment to reach it!

Seeing this, the other five people looked at each other, then each handed over their hands and left quickly.

They have no control over this matter. For strong men like Yu Xian, only the geniuses at the center of the Ice Dynasty, and even higher-level Void Return masters, can capture and kill them!

Luo Cang went to the central imperial city of the Ice Dynasty to report the matter. Needless to say, the Ice Emperor or other powerful people who knew the cause of the matter would definitely suppress the matter after learning about it.

After Yu Xian, Zou Xin, and Lu Chang left the Ice Dynasty's sphere of influence and entered the Xiaoyao Immortal Sect's sphere of influence, they just moved forward. It only took a day and a half to see the eight towering towers in front of them. mountain peak.

The three of them were like tiny streams of light, quickly falling into the Xiaoyao Immortal Sect arranged by the eight majestic peaks.

Three streams of light entered the Xiaoyao Immortal Sect and went straight to the Cloud Palace without stopping.

I saw three streams of light flying towards me, falling in front of the Cloud Palace, revealing my figure. Yu Xian was the first to speak: "Master, Duomo Pavilion in Youhe Mansion and the demons within it have been killed."

"Oh? You guys are quick, come in."

In the main hall, Qiu Shiwen's voice came calmly.

Then the palace door slowly opened, and the three of them stepped in.

In the main hall, Qiu Shiwen was still sitting high up, looking at the three people below and nodding: "It's very fast, but are you sure you can wipe out all the living creatures in Youhe Mansion?"

Lu Chang looked tense and opened her mouth to speak.

Similarly, Zou Xin looked calm and wanted to speak.

However, Yu Xian had already returned calmly: "The disciples of Youhe Mansion have not been destroyed."


Qiu Shiwen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Yu Xian, an unpleasant aura emanating from him.

However, Yu Xian looked at Qiu Shiwen calmly and did not explain.

At this moment, Qiu Shiwen withdrew his eyes, sighed and said: "I thought you didn't kill all of them, so some of them escaped, and then the information was exposed, but I didn't expect that none of you were killed, so gentle and gentle. "If the information cannot be spread, then there will be ghosts."

Yu Xian frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Zou Xin and Lu Chang also had a look of surprise on their faces, and then their eyes became solemn!

From what Master said, could it be that because he did not kill everyone within a radius of ten thousand miles, the information was exposed and all the Domo Pavilion demons in other places escaped?

If this is the case, it is especially unclear whether Yu Xian's mercy will cause the death of more people.

But Yu Xian only frowned slightly and then regained his composure.

Things have their own order, and you cannot harm the lives of innocent people first instead of the possible death or injury of innocent people later. This is your true intention!

Otherwise, there will be high-sounding excuses and reasons for anything that harms others.

Because with just one sentence, your existence may cause harm to many people, then you can, as you should, die.

Yu Xian looked at Qiu Shiwen and said calmly: "It is the disciple who insists on not killing millions of innocent creatures in Youhe Mansion. It has nothing to do with the two sisters. If the master wants to punish me, the disciple will accept it willingly. As for the information The members of Duomo Pavilion have fled due to the spread of the news. Master, rest assured that the disciples will find them all, gather them together, and exterminate them all in the world of earth and spirit."

"You are kind-hearted, but the matter has come to this, what's the use of punishing you as a teacher?"

Qiu Shiwen shook his head, looked at Yu Xian and said solemnly: "Now that the people in Duomo Pavilion have got the information, all kinds of people are scattered, and their identities are complicated and almost difficult to see through. It doesn't matter if these are teachers, they are just teachers. The people who were sent out to attack other branches of Duomo Pavilion may have fallen into the trap set by Duomo Pavilion!"

When Yu Xian heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Who else did Master send?"

"As my teacher, let Hua Yuandu, Cao An, and Youzhu go to Zhouhai Province, and let Hongshao, Li Dadao, and Qi Yu go to Mengtian Province. Although these two places are a little worse than where the three of you went, But it is also one of the powerful branches of Duomo Pavilion. If they go to raid, they should be able to kill them, but now that the information is exposed, it will be a bit dangerous for them to go. "

Qiu Shiwen shook his head and sighed: "There are only two places, and I can only save one. I am helpless, helpless..."

Yu Xian's pupils shrank, and he looked at Qiu Shiwen and said anxiously: "Master, just save one place! Please tell me the other place, I will go to save it!"

Qiu Shiwen looked at Yu Xian and said calmly: "It's too late for you to go now, after all, several days have passed."

Yu Xian spoke again and said seriously: "Master, please tell me where it is!"

"Forget it, then you go and try it. In fact, I don't want you to take risks."

Qiu Shiwen finally sighed, raised his hand, and a message thought shot out and was absorbed by Yu Xian.

"You need to remember that your kindness may harm the people you really care about. In the future, you should be less kind and more decisive."

Qiu Shiwen's words sounded again.

After Yu Xian accepted this message, he immediately said: "Disciple will remember! Disciple will go now!"

After saying that, without waiting for Qiu Shiwen to speak, he turned around and disappeared in a flash!

Yu Xian turned into a stream of light, which was extremely fast, crossing the entire Xiaoyao Xianzong like a flash of lightning, and came to the front of the teleportation array group. He stepped into the largest teleportation array in one step, and then raised his hand and pressed it!


The huge teleportation array shook in an instant, and Yu Xian inside it disappeared without a trace!

Inside the Yun Palace Hall, Qiu Shiwen looked at the door of the hall, and after a moment, he said lightly: "You all go back and practice well. A war that affects the entire earth spirit world will come soon. If you are not strong enough, your master will not be able to protect you."

Lu Chang and Zou Xin were obviously a little at a loss at this moment. After pausing for a long time, they bowed carefully and said: "Disciple... goodbye..."

After speaking, he retreated carefully, turned around and turned into a stream of light and left.

Qiu Shiwen was the only one left in the palace.

Qiu Shiwen's expression was still calm, but his eyes kept flashing, but he didn't know what he was thinking about. Perhaps some things would become clearer and clearer to him.

The light of the teleportation array flashed, and the space was distorted!

Yu Xian was calm in the distortion of the teleportation space, but his eyes were filled with anxiety and anger.

Will kindness really harm the people you care about?

Of course not!

Only idiots would think that kindness would harm their own people.

You must know that only enemies, not kindness, can harm your own people!

Only kindness to enemies is cruelty to your own people.

But how can you be kind to your enemies! ?

Yu Xian is not an idiot. He has understood this simple language trap many years ago!

Whether this matter is true, a trick, or just a test by Qiu Shiwen, it doesn't matter!

He has to rescue Li Dadao, Hong Shao, and Qi Yu first!

While he was thinking, the front of the distorted space channel suddenly lit up, and Yu Xian took a step forward.

What he saw was the vast sky and the vast wilderness!

The blue sea and the blue sky, the endless grassland!

This place was the Mengtian grassland in the past, and it is also the Mengtian Province of the Ice Dynasty today!

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