Yu Xian

Chapter 825: Eye of the East China Sea (12)

Yu Xian's eyes froze!

It turns out that Duomo Pavilion is not a local force in the Earth Spirit Realm!

It is left by some force outside the Earth Spirit Realm! It is even possible that it was left by the Qin Dynasty, which destroyed the unified Earth Spirit Realm!

Si Yang's father is a Return to the Void Great Power in Duomo Pavilion!

As for the real purpose of Duomo Pavilion in the Earth Spirit Realm, Si Yang is not qualified to get it, after all, he is just an early stage of the Spiritualization Cultivator.

He was ordered by his father to support many puppets in Dongzhou, collect Dongzhou's luck, and suppress or subdue Dongzhou's genius creatures!

And over the years, Si Yang has indeed gathered many Dongzhou geniuses to join Duomo Pavilion, including both humans and demons, and among them, the subdued human geniuses include Liu Qinghe, Li Chunfeng and others!

But in the end, he still missed a real big fish.

That is Yu Xian!

After all, Yu Xian's early root bone qualifications were too ordinary, and it was really not eye-catching.

However, Yu Xian later cultivated to the Golden Core, his root bones merged into the Golden Core, and the five elements were perfect and complete. After he was no longer bound by his root bones, his talent for understanding gradually emerged.

After his talent for understanding was revealed, he left Dongzhou without waiting for Duomo Pavilion to pay attention to him, went to Zhongtu to join the Xiaoyao Xianzong, and then returned to Dongzhou again because of the matter of luck, and returned to the Haotian Sect again.

Then when Duomo Pavilion really paid attention to him and felt that this person would cause endless troubles, Yu Xian had already stepped into the Nascent Soul, soaring into the sky, and it was difficult to restrain him!

"Duomo Pavilion..."

Yu Xian thought secretly in his heart, if this happened, then Duomo Pavilion would be the real public enemy of the four major forces in Zhongtu!

Because if Duomo Pavilion is not eliminated, the four major forces cannot attack each other, otherwise it will become a situation of fighting between the snipe and the clam, and Duomo Pavilion will benefit!

I just don’t know if the kings, leaders, and clan leaders of the four major forces in Zhongtu have already known about this matter.

After all, they are all powerful Return to the Void, old monsters with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years of history.

It is impossible for them to be fooled by others and played with at their will.

And if they had known about the existence of a hidden foreign power like Duomo Pavilion.

How could they allow a foreign power to call the shots in the earthly spirit world?

They could not fail to act...

Perhaps the unification of the four continents is a signal and a beginning for the four major forces...

Yu Xian's eyes were confused again, and he continued to search!

Huangfu Haoran's memory appeared with a bang!

This is a middle-aged man, who looks extremely ordinary, and Yu Xian has never seen him before!

But this middle-aged man may be Huangfu Haoran himself!

Of course, it is not ruled out that Huangfu Haoran has been deceiving Si Yang from beginning to end! The so-called original body is just a clone!

In Si Yang's memory, Huangfu Haoran has known him since he came to Dongzhou, and he was saved from crisis by Huangfu Haoran several times, so the two sides have a deep "friendship".

However, Huangfu Haoran is a man with deep scheming. This so-called friendship may just be Si Yang's own idea!

As for Huangfu Haoran's purpose of approaching Si Yang, Yu Xian could not know, because Si Yang himself did not know.

In Si Yang's memory, Huangfu Haoran's real residence was on an island outside the South China Sea.

Yu Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Si Yang did not know Huangfu Haoran's specific origins. It seemed that the two had been getting along for thousands of years and helped each other, but in fact, they only knew the surface and only knew that Huangfu Haoran had a method of splitting!

As for Huangfu Haoran's so-called original body in the South China Sea, whether it was true or false was still under discussion!

Yu Xian did not believe that Huangfu Haoran would tell the truth to Si Yang.

Even Si Yang might be one of the targets of Huangfu Haoran's body-snatching clone, but he was always busy or unsure!

Yu Xian had already remembered the location of the South China Sea clearly, and then continued to search.

Yu Xian didn't care about the various mixed memories behind. The only thing that concerned him was all the secrets of the Great Yi Deduction Art.

Yu Xian didn't want Si Yang's understanding of the Great Yi Deduction Art at this moment. He just discarded all the layers of mysteries of cultivation and didn't even look at them.

He only wanted the complete version of the Great Yi Deduction Art!

As for how to understand and practice the Great Yi Deduction Art, he would practice it with his own ideas, his own will, and his own understanding, and break the mirror layer by layer.

Fortunately, he has only comprehended the first level of the Great Yi Deduction Art now.

Otherwise, if he comprehended it too deeply, it would be troublesome. He would either abandon the later realms that he had deduced and comprehended, or give up the complete version of the Great Yi Deduction Art.

And now, he can continue without comprehending new skills. He can directly comprehend the second level of the Great Yi Deduction Art.

At the same time, Yu Xian also got everything about the Way of Light!

No wonder Li Chunfeng was so arrogant and arrogant back then.

It turns out that this person actually got the inheritance of the Great Light from a powerful person called Guangming Xianzun outside the domain!


If this title is not false, and he is really a powerful person at the level of Xianzun, then even in the four major fairy domains outside the domain, he is probably an extremely powerful person and famous!

But Yu Xian knew in his heart that most of these predecessors who left behind inheritances would brag.

What they are invincible.

What they are unparalleled in the world.

What their Taoism is boundless, etc.

But their actual cultivation and combat power are probably not that high.


Because if a real, living, invincible strong man wants to pass on his legacy, he only needs to accept disciples. Why leave any secret realms and relics for future generations to obtain?

A powerful and powerful man who can live forever does not need to leave any legacy at all. He will have countless disciples and will create infinite power, radiating the heavens and the worlds, and will never decline!

And there is only one possibility for these to leave behind inheritance and secret realm inheritance, that is, his strength is not good, he is about to die after being beaten by others, or his life span is about to end, so he left the inheritance to the younger generation, and he did not want his own Taoism to be cut off, and he bet on a younger generation who is destined to help him get up from the endless reincarnation and wake him up.

So this Guangming Xianzun, at most, can be compared with the immortal king of the power of death, or even worse than the Huangfeng Daxian.

Yu Xian has seen a lot of this kind of "boasting", so he will not be shocked or shocked.

No matter how nice it sounds, it is useless.

The real way, in the end, depends on oneself.

The law is the same, but the user is different.

Others have comprehended deeply, and can comprehend the origin of fire even in the most common fireball technique.

But you have comprehended shallowly, and you can't use the power of the immortal technique created by the immortal family!

This is the difference.

Yu Xian's eyes flickered. Li Chunfeng's inheritance from the Immortal Lord Guangmang was first stolen by Si Yang, and now he got it again. It can be said that it has changed hands three times!

Will this inheritance belong to one person in the future, or there will be another one? Time will verify!

The way of light is also mysterious and unusual. In the future, you can comprehend it and supplement your own heaven and earth.

Yu Xian's eyes converged and continued to explore, but his expression moved, and finally saw the location of Hong Shao that Si Yang said!

It turns out that what happened back then was far from that simple!

When Fu Ning'an was impacting the transformation of the spirit, Hong Shao, Su Xiaoduo, You Xiaohua, Bu Mi and others were guarding on the side.

However, when their position was exposed, the Blood River Sect sent people to disturb them. In the end, after a series of attacks, Su Xiaoduo, You Xiaohua, and Bu Mi were driven away and separated.

Hong Shao fought three Nascent Souls alone.

In the end, Fu Ning'an, who was halfway through the transformation of the spirit, failed to break through the realm. He endured the pain of failure and killed several Nascent Souls with Hong Shao before quickly escaping.

But in the end, it was Si Yang who chased them!

Si Yang chased them all the way and naturally saw Fu Ning'an burning his half-completed spirit and escaping to the depths of the East China Sea with Hong Shao.

Then Fu Ning'an passed the spirit of transformation to Hong Shao, and then his spirit exploded to block Si Yang, leaving Hong Shao with a glimmer of hope.

But the power of the half-completed spirit explosion was far from enough to hurt Si Yang. After blocking Si Yang for less than two breaths, Si Yang continued to chase Hong Shao.

Although Hong Shao was at the Nascent Soul Great Perfection, she was extremely weak to Si Yang at the level of God Transformation. He caught up with Hong Shao after only a dozen breaths!

Hong Shao was naturally desperate at that time. She wanted her Nascent Soul to self-destruct, and she would not let Si Yang catch her alive.

But at that moment, the world changed drastically!

The so-called natural force spanned the sky, and the world moved, and all things were shocked!

Even a God Transformation cultivator, facing the real great changes in the world, such as the earth dragon turning over, volcanic eruption, tsunami and strong winds, it was difficult to stop, and could only retreat!

Only when you reach the level of returning to the void can you control the celestial phenomena of thousands of miles. The sky follows the earth, the earth follows people, and people follow nature, and nature is controlled!

But controlling nature is not possible with the cultivation of God Transformation!

And what suddenly appeared was the natural force of heaven and earth!

Suddenly, the tsunami peaks and the waves were surging!

It seemed that an earthquake and landslide had occurred on the entire seabed, which caused a tornado and tsunami, forming something like an eye of the sea. Thousands of feet of huge waves threw Hong Shao down on the spot and rolled her into the eye of the sea!

Si Yang would not just stand by and watch, and immediately jumped up to catch Hong Shao.

But despite his fast speed and high magic power, he still could not resist the power of nature, and could not capture Hong Shao who was still struggling desperately. He could only watch her being sucked into the terrible sea eye that cracked on the seabed!

That sea eye was a thousand miles in radius, swallowing endless sea water. All creatures within tens of thousands of miles could not escape the suction force and were taken back to be swallowed!

Even Si Yang, a god of transformation, could hardly resist the huge suction force. He burst out his cultivation and magic power with all his strength, and then broke free and flew out of the sea!

As for Hong Shao, she naturally disappeared completely in the sea eye, and there was no trace of her.

Si Yang had no choice but to return after seeing this.

"Seeing" here, Yu Xian's eyes suddenly condensed!

East China Sea... Sea Eye! ?

What kind of place is that?

How could Hong Shao survive if she was sucked into such a place?

However, it is said that the sea eye is so thorough that when one sea eye absorbs, another sea eye will erupt!

Perhaps this sea eye took Hong Shao to another place?

It's hard to say... hard to say!

It's still hard to guess whether Hong Shao will live or die! She has a lot of blessings, so she won't die easily!

Yu Xian frowned.

After a long time, he only got the last place where Hong Shao disappeared, not where Hong Shao is!

This Si Yang is really good at playing word games!

Yu Xian's eyes turned cold, and after a quick search of the remaining hundreds of years of memory, there was nothing special, so he slowly raised his palm.

Si Yang's eyelids trembled, but he didn't dare to open his eyes. He could feel that Yu Xian had stopped searching, and his voice was a little hoarse and trembling: "Yu... Yu Jiaozhu, you have completely searched my soul, and you know everything about me, so can I... go?"

Yu Xian's eyes were cold, but the raised palm suddenly slapped down!


Si Yang's whole body trembled on the spot, and various colorful lights spurted out from his seven orifices, followed by blood arrows spraying all over the sky!


The next moment, Si Yang let out a painful scream.

Yu Xian said indifferently: "I will not break my promise to kill you, and I will abide by my promise to let you go, but I will destroy 90% of your soul source today. Get out! Never appear in front of me again, otherwise, you will die!"

Scarlet blood flowed out of Si Yang's seven orifices, with a strong glow. Those were all broken soul sources!

His face turned ashen at this moment!

But he didn't even dare to open his eyes, for fear that Yu Xian would see the hatred and anger in his eyes!

He only whispered: "Thank you... Thank you, Master Yu, for not killing me... I will never appear in front of you in the future..."

This time, being able to survive is already the greatest chance of survival! If you dare to say more, you will die!

Si Yang was extremely sad, angry, and hateful, but he was also extremely relieved!

After integrating the information about Yu Xian that Duomo Pavilion had searched for for many years, it turned out to be correct!

This Yu Xian was indeed a man of temperament, and he would stick to his words. If he said he would not kill him, then he would not kill him!

And now, although he had wasted 90% of his source, that was already a special favor!

He, who valued his word and kept his promise, gave himself a way out!

If it were someone else, even if it was anyone he had met in his life, he would not have a chance to survive!

Yu Xian... He was worthy of the four words "upright gentleman"...

This was a way to survive in a desperate situation, and to play a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation!

But Si Yang also knew that Yu Xian knew his psychological activities and the idea of ​​gambling his life clearly!

But Yu Xian knew it clearly, but still did it! He still gave himself a way out!

This is really a... perfect heart of Tao, fearless of everything in heaven and earth, all the great ways cannot go against his heart, cannot change his intention, cannot move his will... What a terrifying... guy!

If he could cultivate to the level of returning to the void, or even the unity of Tao, what a great man he would be...

Say it, do it, this is such a simple sentence...

But in the vast universe, billions of time and space, infinite world, how many people have done it?

Si Yang felt cold in his heart, and his whole body was cold. After he finished speaking, he desperately used the remaining spiritual energy to fly forward.

Yu Xian stood in place, watching Si Yang, who was seriously injured and had lost 90% of his soul source, and it was basically impossible for him to recover, leave. His eyes were indifferent, and he moved his body. He did not go to the South China Sea, but went to the distance of the Eastern Sea!

The sea eye that swallowed the red peony was far away in the depths of the East China Sea. Although it has not yet reached the outer sea area of ​​the East China Sea, it is not far from the outer sea area!

After all, it was Si Yang who was at the level of God Transformation, chasing Fu Ning'an who was at the level of Half-Step God Transformation!

Fu Ning'an burned the essence of his soul all the way, so his speed was naturally very fast. After escaping for millions of miles, he had almost reached the East China Sea!

And that sea eye is now probably filled up by countless debris, rocks, and creatures in the sea.

After all, no matter how big the sea eye is, unless it is the legendary deep sea eye of the four seas, it is impossible to absorb all the time, and it will always be filled up.

But Yu Xian still wants to see it. Even if the sea eye is filled up, Yu Xian will slowly open it up bit by bit.

He wants to see where this sea eye leads to in the end!

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