Yu Xian

Chapter 804 Must-see (12)

Yu Xian saw this, his eyes lit up, and he nodded and said: "Since everyone is united, we don't need to waste time. Now that the foundation-building disciples of all the major branches are here, let's go directly to the Wanli Bamboo Sea!"

After that, Yu Xian shouted: "Li Dadao, Feng Xue, Hua Yuandu, Yunlu listen to my order!"


Li Dadao, Hua Yuandu, Feng Xue, and Yunlu responded at the same time.

"You four, bring many Yuanying, Jindan, and foundation-building disciples, and follow me to the Wanli Bamboo Sea!"


The four responded in unison, and four spirit-transforming auras soared into the sky!

Yu Xian nodded slightly, took a step forward, and soared into the sky with his hands behind his back, turning into a stream of light, heading straight to the Wanli Bamboo Sea in the south.

Then there were four spirit-transforming streams, leading more than a dozen Yuanying streams, dozens of Jindan streams, and more than 20,000 foundation-building streams, like meteors in the sky, and flew into the sky with Yu Xian!

The brilliant light that rolled across the sky like a meteor shower attracted the attention of countless creatures.

Countless human beings, whether mortals or cultivators, all looked up at the sky at this moment, their faces full of shock. It can be said that they had never seen such a magnificent scene in their lives!

This... how many gods are there...

Yu Xian took the lead in the front, showing his cultivation and mana fluctuations to bless the back, which was equivalent to him pulling Li Dadao, Hua Yuandu, Feng Xue, and Yun Lu, four gods.

Then the four gods continued to use their mana to pull the Yuanying behind them, and the Yuanying then pulled the Jindan and built the foundation, making everyone's speed extremely fast!

All the way forward, more than 20,000 people were silent. Under the fluctuation of mana, the escape lasted for several hours, and a vast sea of ​​bamboo appeared in front of them!

Yu Xian's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice: "Everyone listen to my orders, let Li Dadao be the leader, and everyone will control the Daluo Kaitian Sword Formation together! If Youzhu insists on resisting, we will suppress him with the formation!"

"Follow the leader's order!"

Li Dadao immediately responded with a shout, and sixteen giant swords flew out of his body in an instant, and the sixteen giant swords then turned into sixteen big swords, and then each of them turned into sixteen long swords!

More than four thousand swords roared in the sky, and the sword energy spread in all directions, quickly forming a huge, ten thousand feet high, and a thousand feet thick sword phantom!

This is the Daluo Kaitian Sword Formation that Li Dadao has been comprehending for many years! The power is extremely good!

Of course, if we talk about the power of the formation, Yu Xian's Tianxing Liuyuan Formation is naturally the most powerful.

But that formation is still on Gusha Island, protecting the mortals on the island.

Yu Xian said that the Tianxing Liuyuan Formation would protect the mortals on the island for thousands of years. Even if he didn't swear any oath when he said this, Yu Xian would not go back on his words.

However, the Daluo Kaitian Sword Formation is also quite powerful.

It is the Kaitian Sword Formation that Li Dadao has practiced since he obtained the Kaitian Sword Classic when he was building his foundation and practiced the Kaitian Sword Intent.

After thousands of years of meditation, the power of the sword formation is extremely extraordinary. Now, with the Daluo Sword Intent passed down by Yu Xian, they complement each other and become the Daluo Kaitian Sword Formation, which is even more powerful and is enough to attack the Wanli Bamboo Sea.

The formation consists of Li Dadao as the tip of the sword, Hua Yuandu, Yunlu, and Fengxue as the blade, and a group of Yuanying, Jindan, and even more than 20,000 foundation builders as the sword body and hilt!

The mana of more than 20,000 people roared and blessed together, and the momentum was boundless!

This "sword" can be said to be the strongest sword of the Incarnation!

Under the Return to Void, no one can stop it!

Even if Yu Xian came, I'm afraid he would be chopped off by a sword!


Li Dadao's eyes were filled with blazing sword light, and he said in a low voice: "The formation is formed, should we charge directly now? I expect that with one sword, I will surely break her Wanzhu formation!"

But Yu Xian shook his head slightly and said: "No hurry, you wait here first, I will go and see, if Youzhu is willing to surrender, there is no need to fight this battle, and there will be casualties."

"Brother Dao is right, if there is no war, it will be the best."

Li Dadao nodded and said: "I just hope that woman doesn't know how to advance and retreat!"

Yu Xian's eyes also showed a trace of deep thought, and he turned his head to look at the Wanli Bamboo Sea in front of him.

He and four gods, a group of Yuanying, Jindan, and even more than 20,000 foundation-building disciples are coming, which can be said to be a dark cloud pressing down on the city and a mountain wind full of the building!

Under such momentum, even if it is thousands of miles away, how can Youzhu in Wanli Bamboo Sea not know?

But at this moment, Wanli Bamboo Sea is still calm, without any breath, as if Youzhu doesn't care about Yu Xian's attack at all, and conquer!

This Youzhu...she has someone to rely on, and is not afraid of my coming this time.

Or...she has already left?

You can tell at a glance!

Yu Xian made up his mind, took a step forward, and in just a few flashes, he had already arrived above the Wanli Bamboo Sea.

There are tens of millions of people living in the Wanli Bamboo Sea.

These people are all mortals, so naturally they can't see or sense the magnificent aura and sword intent thousands of miles away.

Yu Xian looked at these tens of millions of people and frowned slightly.

If Youzhu insisted on resisting, the two sides would fight against each other with great power. These mortals would probably die cleanly in a few breaths under such power!

"Could it be that she intends to rely on these mortals? After all, no matter what, I can't let these tens of millions of lives die in vain in the conquest. That would be a great evil and would ruin my Tao heart."

Yu Xian muttered to himself, and then a cold color appeared in his eyes.

If Youzhu really did so, then he might as well spend a hundred years with her to dig out the vast bamboo sea bit by bit. As for the human beings in it, they can be transferred to other places little by little.

Thinking of this, Yu Xian calmly said: "Fairy Youzhu, why haven't you come out to see me now?"

Yu Xian's voice was not loud, but it was like a breeze blowing across the entire Bamboo Sea. Everyone, whether it was a mortal, a monk, or the deep bamboos in the Bamboo Sea, could hear his words.

For a moment, everyone in the entire Wanli Bamboo Sea looked stunned, no matter what they were doing, and couldn't help but look at the sky.

It's just that Yu Xian, who is thousands of feet high in the sky, is smaller than a black dot and cannot be seen by ordinary mortals.

Only some monks can see that there is an extremely terrifying power standing high in the sky above the bamboo sea for thousands of miles!

For a moment, all the monks felt a chill in their hearts!

The Thousand Miles of Bamboo Sea has been peaceful for more than a thousand years since the Qingzhu Empress established it, and the people in it have multiplied from hundreds of thousands at the beginning to tens of millions today. But now, there must be powerful people coming to attack and occupy this place! ?

If so, what should those innocent people do? What should they do, the monks who rely on thousands of miles of bamboo sea?

"Master Yu, please don't get angry."

But the next moment, a calm voice sounded, and a figure flew out and quickly rushed into the sky.

After not seeing each other for a hundred years, Youzhu remains the same.

Wearing a purple Taoist robe, she looked at Yu Xian in front of her and said with a faint smile: "Because I was practicing in seclusion, I didn't hear that the leader was coming, so I didn't greet him in person in time. I asked the leader not to blame him."

After saying that, Youzhu smiled and raised his hand to salute: "In addition, I would like to congratulate Master Yu for annihilating the Blood River Sect. From now on, the East Continent will be unified and Tianxin will be the only one."

Yu Xian said calmly: "Youzhu, why do you have to talk so much? You should know exactly why I came here today. I only ask you, is it surrender or war?"


Youzhu nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Surrender, I surrender, I am a weak woman, how dare I start a war with Master Yu."

Youzhu was so straightforward that Yu Xian was slightly startled for a moment.

With his brows furrowed, Yu Xian looked at Youzhu for a moment and said slowly, "Are you willing to surrender?"

"Yes, I am willing to surrender."

Youzhu nodded and said seriously: "From today on, Wanli Bamboo Sea will be one of the branches of Tianxin Sect. If the leader believes in me, I will still practice in Wanli Bamboo Sea and guard Wanli Bamboo Sea. If you don't believe in me, then I will go It’s okay to practice in Xiaokunlun Mountain, as long as the leader sends someone to guard it.”

Yu Xian's eyes narrowed slightly.

How could this trip go so smoothly?

Could it be that Liu Qinghe, Si Yang, Qing Luo, Huangfu Haoran and others were not hiding in the sea of ​​bamboos?

So where can they hide?

Could it be that he left Dongzhou and went overseas?


Yu Xian's eyes flashed slightly and he said in a different voice: "In that case, I want to explore the entire Wanli Bamboo Sea. Does Fairy Youzhu mind?"

A guess is just a guess.

Maybe they really left Dongzhou and went overseas to plan something.

But thousands of miles of bamboo sea, we have to check it!

Hearing Yu Xian's words, You Zhu's eyes froze for a moment, but then he smiled and nodded: "Now that the Ten Thousand Miles of Bamboo Sea is under the control of the Tianxin Sect, it is natural for the leader to patrol the entire Thousand Miles of Bamboo Sea. I don't care about that, but I have a boudoir deep in the bamboo sea, where some women live in privacy all year round. I hope the leader won't look at it and leave me some privacy, how about it?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian frowned again.

Logically speaking, Youzhu's request is fine.

After all, she surrendered the entire Ten Thousand Miles of Bamboo Sea, so the last boudoir that belonged to her naturally shouldn't be explored. After all, who doesn't have any secrets?


Most of the purpose of my visit was to find Liu Qinghe, Si Yang, Qing Luo, Huang Fu Haoran and others. Conquering the Ten Thousand Miles of Bamboo Sea was secondary.

So once these four people are hiding in the so-called boudoir, and you don't check it out, won't it become a dark joke under the light?

In the final analysis... I still don't trust it.

If Hua Yuandu, Li Dadao, or other disciples said they had privacy or secrets, then I would not know or have the interest to find out other people's secrets.

But this Youzhu alone cannot do it.

Yu Xian said slowly: "If I say no, what will you do?"

Youzhu's eyes were obviously condensed, the smile on her face disappeared, she looked at Yu Xian and said solemnly: "Master Yu, I sincerely join you, but I really don't want to fight with you, leader, so as not to harm Chi Yu and kill the people below. There are thousands of living beings, but are you, the leader, a bit unreasonable? Is it possible that if I surrender to the Tianxin Sect, I won’t have any secrets of my own?”

"Others can naturally have privacy if they join the Tianxin Sect."

Yu Xian shook his head slightly and said slowly: "But you, I can't believe it. Liu Qinghe and others may be hiding in your so-called boudoir."

"How can this be?"

Youzhu had a surprised look on her face. Apparently she had never thought that Yu Xian would think this way. She said seriously: "Master, you should know that I originally planned to help you, master, to help the Tianxin Sect unify Dongzhou. It's just that Leader, you are too stubborn and insist on taking risks, but I think that Leader, you will be defeated if you take risks, so I left and became a wandering cultivator in the Bamboo Sea, but I didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​joining forces with the Blood River Sect. Otherwise, if I had joined the Blood River Sect in the early years, how could I have waited until now? How could they be here with me?"

What You Zhu said was quite reasonable.

But Yu Xian still said calmly: "I told you, I can't trust you."

Youzhu opened his mouth to speak, but upon hearing these words, he shut his mouth completely!

Distrust means distrust.

When I left, I had already torn the weak trust between the two.

And now, how could Yu Xian change his mind just because of her words?

In order to be absolutely sure, Yu Xian must search the entire Wanli Bamboo Sea. Only in this way can he be sure that Liu Qinghe and others have indeed left Dongzhou.

So now, no one can change his mind!

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Youzhu said slowly: "If you insist on seeing it, you should be conceited if something happens."

Yu Xian saw the cold light in Youzhu's eyes clearly.

This woman... has someone to rely on?

Is there a great danger in the so-called boudoir?

Or, after I saw the boudoir, this woman will bear a grudge and will turn against me and take revenge when she has the chance in the future?

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Xian calmed down.

What danger can there be under the divine mind scan?

As for the hatred in Youzhu's heart after her secret was seen, she might turn the tables in the future, so he is not afraid.

I will guard the entire East Continent until it borders the Middle Earth. By then, the earth, spirit world, and heaven and earth will merge, and she will not be able to make any waves.

So I must see this boudoir! If I don't see it, I will feel uneasy!

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