Yu Xian

Chapter 738 On the eve of the founding of the religion

And not only the entire Little Kunlun Mountain is decorated into a huge bouquet of flowers.

Even other surrounding hills are decorated with lights and colorful decorations, filled with red lanterns of various sizes several feet high!

In addition, there are countless one-foot-long landscape flags with the three characters "Tianxin Jiao" written on them flying everywhere. At a glance, there are no fewer than tens of thousands of them!

Thousands of silk ribbons obtained from unknown sources were spread on the roads everywhere.

There was also a huge red carpet, covering the main road outside the mountain gate for thirty miles!

At the same time, thousands of disciples also wore bright red robes, all with the word Tianxin embroidered on them, and wore red flowers on their heads!

At this moment, the entire Little Kunlun Mountain, or Tianxin Sect, was decorated, it was... almost like a big happy event was being held!

Although the ceremony of establishing a religion is indeed a great joyous event, no matter how you look at it, you always feel that something is wrong. That feeling is really awkward and indescribable.

But Li Dadao was obviously very proud of his masterpiece. At this moment, he was standing with Yu Xian on the top of the mountain, looking down and waving his hands and laughing: "Brother Taoist, look! I have arranged the Tianxin Sect in such a spectacular manner, are you satisfied? "


Yu Xian looked at the extremely festive Little Kunlun Mountain. Due to his state of mind, he felt slightly absent-minded for a moment. He couldn't help but said: "Why do you make it look like you are going to have a wedding? Are you thinking of a place with a radius of tens of thousands of miles?" All kinds of flowers were picked for decoration?”

"Tomorrow will be much more joyful than getting married."

Li Dadao laughed, raised his hand and raised a finger and said: "I have picked all kinds of flowers within a radius of 100,000 miles! Otherwise, where can I get so many gorgeous flowers?"

"Then where did you get these brocade ribbons and red silk satin?"

Yu Xian frowned and said, "You went to rob the mortal kingdom?"

"Brother Dao, do you underestimate me? These are all bought."

Li Dadao raised his eyebrows and said: "I, Li Dadao, don't want to rob mortals' things. I just throw some spiritual stones casually to show my identity. Those emperors, kings, and monarchs of mortal countries can just kneel down and call me." God, I asked them to use the whole country to collect some silks, red lanterns and flags, and then buy them, so what’s the problem?”

"I see, I blamed you wrongly."

Yu Xian nodded, but looking at the "scenery" below, he still looked a little embarrassed and said, "It's just, isn't it a little... this... flashy?"

"Hey, Taoist brother, what you said is wrong."

Li Dadao, on the other hand, didn't feel embarrassed at all. He just said with a proud look on his face: "What's wrong with all the bells and whistles? As long as it attracts attention, our Tianxin Sect has just been established. What we want is to be remembered! Naturally, the more bells and whistles, the better. , besides, we don’t have many resources, and it’s not easy to arrange other things, so we might as well just make it a little more earthy and fancy, so that people can remember it. Brother Tao, you don’t know, in fact, this is extremely earthy, and it’s also elegant! Take a closer look, it looks pretty good."

This time, Yu Xian was stunned on the spot.

What Li Dadao said... seems to make sense!

The so-called transformation of yin and yang, the yin pole produces yang, and the yang pole produces yin!

Although the Little Kunlun Mountain is now very fancy and decorated by Li Dadao, if you look closely, it is actually quite beautiful, isn't it?

"Well... after you said it, I think it's really good when I look at it now."

Yu Xian looked around and nodded slightly.

"Really? I, Li Dadao, have a very high level of appreciation!"

When Li Dadao heard this, he laughed proudly, feeling a great sense of accomplishment after leading Yu Xian astray.

"Well, your level of appreciation is indeed very high, which is difficult for ordinary people to understand."

Yu Xian smiled and nodded, then looked down and said: "Tomorrow is the day of the ceremony for establishing a religion. Although I don't know what kind of receptions the six great Immortal Sects had in the past when establishing a religion, my Tianxin Sect cannot be too shabby when it establishes a religion. Today I will Go and refine some elixirs to entertain the cultivators who come to watch the ceremony tomorrow. In addition, you can have someone prepare one or two of the flesh and blood of these seventh-level monsters. Then go get some spiritual fruits and spiritual wine, which should be enough to support the appearance. By the way, all the things in these storage bags can be arranged in the future, either in the Sutra Storage Pavilion or in the Treasure Hall. They can be used as my Tianxin Sect's secrets for the use of my disciples and exchange for contributions. "

As he spoke, Yu Xian raised his hand, and eight storage bags appeared in front of Li Dadao.

These eight storage bags are filled with various things that Yu Xian has obtained over the years.

As for Yu Xian himself, he only kept a few things that had been streamlined before.

Li Dadao was not polite, he immediately nodded and took the storage bag and said: "Well, don't worry, Taoist brother, I will make arrangements right away!"

After saying that, he took a step forward and disappeared without a trace.

Yu Xian stood there, looking at the extremely "gorgeous" Kunlun Mountains, his eyes flashing.

I had obtained hundreds of corpses of seventh- and sixth-order monster beasts in the East China Sea.

So many monster beast corpses are countless spiritual flesh! Just cook it casually, and it will be an incredibly delicious, spiritually powerful, and extremely nourishing delicacy!

And using these things to entertain the people who came to watch the ceremony should not lose face.

But if it doesn't work, I will use many seventh-level demon pills as raw materials today to refine some seventh-level peak baby-nurturing pills. This must be enough!

Thinking in his mind, Yu Xian took one step and once again came to the alchemy peak that originally belonged to Haotian's authentic sect.

The appearance of Alchemy Peak has not changed much. Although Little Kunlun Mountain has become the branch of the Blood River Sect, those people are not stupid, and they are not idle. They will naturally not move places that do not need to be moved. They will take everything. It's most convenient to come here and use it directly.

So the Alchemy Peak is still the Alchemy Peak, but the people there are all gone.

Yu Xian looked at the Alchemy Peak for a moment, then disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he was already in the Alchemy Hall.

In the hall, the public sixth-grade lower-grade alchemy furnace was still there.

After practicing for many years, he had not made alchemy for a long time, so he did not replace the new alchemy furnace in time.

Now he has to refine the seventh-grade peak elixir, and his fifth-grade red furnace can't bear it at all. He can only come here to see if the public alchemy furnace is still there.

If the alchemy furnace is taken away, he will have to refine a sixth-grade alchemy furnace first.

But fortunately, since the alchemy furnace is there, there is no need to waste time.

Yu Xian came to the alchemy furnace, sat cross-legged, opened his mouth and spit, and the Yuanshen Divine Fire roared, instantly burning the alchemy furnace red!

With the power of Yu Xian's Yuanshen Divine Fire, if it is not controlled, this sixth-grade alchemy furnace will not be able to withstand it at all, and it can burn the alchemy furnace in a blink of an eye.

Even if Yu Xian controlled it, it was still terribly hot. If he didn't refine the pill, it would burn hard like this, and the pill furnace would be broken in at most thirty breaths.

Yu Xian's eyes flickered, but he didn't hesitate at all. He took out a seventh-level demon pill directly, and raised his hand to summon the spiritual power of heaven and earth. He didn't use any auxiliary materials at all, only the alchemy and the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and refined the seventh-level infant-raising pill with this seventh-level demon pill!

In fact, even if the Yuanying cultivator swallowed the seventh-level demon pill raw, it would be a great tonic for the Yuanying, but it would only waste 30% to 40% of the effect.

And the infant-raising pill that Yu Xian refined at this moment was to remove the miscellaneous power in the demon pill, replenish spiritual power, transform properties, and turn it into a pill that is more suitable for human cultivators to take.

It can greatly retain the power of the demon pill and be absorbed by human cultivators.

But these things are easy to say, but difficult to do. If you are not careful, it is easy to make the demon pill useless, which is a big loss, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Therefore, few alchemists will refine this thing.

Yu Xian's face was calm at the moment. With his current cultivation and alchemy skills, refining such pills was a piece of cake.

I don't know how many cultivators will come to watch the ceremony tomorrow, and I don't know how many Yuanying cultivators there are.

Then let's refine twenty pills, just in case. It's impossible for more than twenty Yuanying cultivators to come, right?

As for the small cultivators below the Yuanying, it would be a great opportunity to give them seventh-level spiritual meat to eat.

Yu Xian is refining pills here, so it's self-evident.

Li Dadao has already arranged for people to cook the corpses of monsters into spiritual meat.

At the same time, he arranged for people to go to the surrounding markets to look for and buy some spiritual fruits and spiritual wine.

Fruits and wine don't need to be too good. After all, having spiritual meat to eat is enough for those who come to watch the ceremony.

In addition, Li Dadao also arranged for several Jindan cultivators to pick out 100 handsome men and beautiful women from the 3,000 Condensation disciples to serve as maids and servants for tomorrow's reception.

Of course, they won't be in vain. They will definitely be rewarded later. After all, they are disciples, not real servants.

All aspects must be taken care of, and many arrangements are completely in place, just waiting for tomorrow, the founding ceremony!

The sky gradually darkened.

The sun set, and the moon rose.

The auspicious time for the founding of the sect tomorrow is getting closer.

At this moment, in the Alchemy Hall of Alchemy Peak, Yu Xian is already refining the sixteenth infant-raising pill.

Li Dadao has nothing to do, and is now patrolling Xiao Kunlun Mountain to see if there is anything else that can be supplemented. Anyway, the more fancy the better.

But after patrolling for half an hour, Li Dadao's eyes moved slightly and looked to the west.

"Someone came so early?"

Li Dadao said to himself, and then smiled lightly: "It's smart to know that it's better to come early. After all, the earlier you come, the better position you can grab."

You must know that the banquet and reception of the spiritual flesh and elixir of the Tianxin Sect at this founding ceremony are all empty.

Only the preaching of the leader is real, a great opportunity!

If a Yuanying cultivator can listen to the Taoist brother's preaching, the benefit he will get is unimaginable.

According to the previous rules, after a Huashen cultivator establishes a sect, he will basically preach and pass on some of his Huashen perceptions to the spectators.

Its function is to declare his own strength.

The second is to establish a good relationship with everyone.

Therefore, the cultivators who know the procedures of the founding ceremony will naturally come in advance to try to occupy a good position, so that it is easier to listen to the leader of the Tianxin Sect talk about the Huashen Avenue!

Of course, you can't come too early. If you come too early, it will not be a ceremony, but a provocation.

The cultivator that Li Dadao found came at the right time. There are less than four hours before the founding ceremony tomorrow.

Li Dadao didn't care about the late Jindan cultivator. After he inspected Xiao Kunlun Mountain, he returned to the top of the mountain.

Directly use your Huashen perception to radiate thousands of miles in all directions, sensing everything!

With the first cultivator coming, the second, third, fourth, fifth and even more cultivators began to gradually come!

However, these cultivators were about a thousand miles away from Xiao Kunlun Mountain and did not move closer. They only waited for the founding ceremony to begin, and then came formally, reported their identities and names, presented gifts, and then took their seats to watch the ceremony!

There were more and more cultivators from all directions, and all kinds of auras were overflowing.

Even if these cultivators thought they were good at hiding their auras, others might not know, but they could not escape Li Dadao's divine observation.

However, after this observation, Li Dadao's expression suddenly paused.

He raised his head and looked in a direction to the north and said in surprise: "Oh? What a natural alien sword spirit root. This is only stronger than my natural sword heart. What is the later cultivation level of Nascent Soul? Not bad, he doesn't seem to be that old. Older, probably less than five hundred years old, much stronger than me, an old guy who has been practicing hard for nearly two thousand years to reach the perfection of Nascent Soul. Dongzhou is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon! Is he much stronger than me? Is he a member of the Blood River Sect or a casual cultivator? "

PS: Thank you very much (Jin An, who likes rice dumplings) for the reward and the master certification! Thank you for your continued support and love! Thank you Qingchen!

Kavin has been so bad lately, I have a headache thinking about the plot behind it, and the updates are a bit weak, so please don’t take offense...

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