Yu Xian

Chapter 58: Plant spirits are difficult to cultivate, and it takes a lot of effort to get them (12)

Chapter 58: Plants and trees are difficult to repair, and all kinds of troubles can be solved

With three times the spiritual energy, Yu Xian's whole body was steaming again, and a little bit of impurities were squeezed out.

At this moment, Yu Xian wasn't quite sure how strong his physical body was.

After all, he is not a physical practitioner, nor has he learned any martial arts or martial arts.

But Yu Xian knew that his strength had increased a lot.

And the most important thing is that under the influence of three times the spiritual energy, the power of his various spells will increase, and the power will be at least doubled!

This is the biggest benefit of breaking through the realm!

This is the difference between the late stage of Qi Condensation and the middle stage of Qi Condensation!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to beat the mid-stage Qi Condensation stage past the late stage.

Of course, I'm talking about a normal fair fight.

Yu Xian killed the enemy several times, but it was a calculation, a sneak attack, a preemptive strike, not a hero...

Slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air, Yu Xian felt refreshed and got up from the bed.

He smiled, but there was no hint of arrogance.

Although he has broken through the late stage of Qi Condensation, there is still perfection, even foundation building, and a higher realm waiting for him!

10,000 spirit stones were spent to buy wood spirit liquid to help him break through the late stage of Qi Condensation. Next, it was time to get down to business.

They tried their best to make the third floor of Wanbao Tower look like that.

Presumably, the third floor of Wanbao Building has begun to be renovated.

As for that big beam, if it's early tonight, if it's late, it will be replaced tomorrow.

Because they have to do it quickly and cannot delay doing business.

Calmly walking to the door, Yu Xian opened the door and saw two heads that hurriedly shrank and hid behind a cabinet in the distance.

As if they didn't exist, Yu Xian went downstairs and continued shopping.

The two followed him and conveyed Yu Xian's latest news to the person who sent them.

Go shopping, pick up things, or go into a restaurant to eat some delicacies and drink a few glasses of spiritual wine.

It seemed that Yu Xian had no intention of leaving Heishanfang City.

And as long as he doesn't leave Heishanfang City, the rules of no fighting in the city can always protect him.

In a spacious and luxurious courtyard in Heishanfang City, Feng Chang and Song Laodao sat across from each other, with cold expressions on their faces, listening to their subordinates report on Yu Xian's situation.

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Feng Chang said bitterly: "Senior Song, it seems that that bitch knows well that he won't leave Fangshi for a while. What should we do?" "

Old Taoist Song thought for a while, and said with a cold look in his eyes: "It doesn't matter, we will just spend time with him. I want to see how many days this kid can endure! Can he never return to Baiyun Sect? Fellow Daoist Feng, everything ,be patient."

"Patience? I can't wait to skin that bitch right now!"

Feng Chang gritted his teeth, and in the end he could only suppress his words: "Forget it! Just let that bitch live for a few more days! I'll see when he leaves!"

Yu Xian walked around the streets all afternoon, eating and drinking when it was time to eat and drink. When he saw something cheap, he went to pick it up.

At the same time, he naturally passed by Wanbao Tower three times.

Until the evening, when Yu Xian passed by Wanbao for the fourth time, he saw various pieces of broken wood, messy, and burnt tables, chairs, and benches from the third floor that had begun to be transported out.

It seems that the inside has been mostly demolished and is being renovated below.

Seeing this, Yu Xian went directly to a restaurant very close to Wanbao Building, found a seat by the window, casually ordered some delicious dishes, and asked for a bottle of wine. While eating and drinking, he looked out the window lightly, seeming to be sizing up the passers-by. , but in fact, he always keeps his eyes on the entrance of Wanbao Tower.

After a while, it was getting dark, and in the distance, a dozen strong men came to Wanbao Tower carrying a new red-painted beam and walked in.

Yu Xian's eyes flashed.

Sure enough, the beams and pillars were replaced.

However, replacing the main beams and columns is very troublesome.

In the past, when the beams at home cracked, seven or eight people in the village, including uncles and uncles, had to spend an entire afternoon to replace them.

Therefore, the old one will definitely not be shipped out for a while, so Yu Xian is not in a hurry.

An hour later, a muffled sound suddenly came from the Wanbao Building. The whole building shook slightly, and then returned to normal.

After another stick of incense, I saw that the old beam was finally carried out by a dozen strong men!

Yu Xian's eyes flickered, he squeezed the wine glass in his hand, raised his head and drank, threw three spiritual stones on the table, got up and went downstairs.

This large beam and column, which was more than half broken, was most likely sent to be used as lumber and made into other furniture. What Yu Xian had to do now was to buy it.

Although Heishanfang City is a place for trading, living and survival established by casual cultivators.

But there are also many mortals living among them.

After all, if there are no mortals to provide the most basic things.

It is impossible for the monks to conjure up houses, furniture, and all kinds of labor, servants, and slaves.

Enjoyment, after all, still requires people.

And these seventeen strong men are the people in the lumberyard who make furniture and build houses for many immortals.

Seventeen people, covered in sweat, carried the beams and walked for more than ten miles, and finally arrived at the edge of Fangshi.

A large lumber yard filled with various types of wood and the sound of making furniture could be heard constantly appeared in front of him.

Liu's wood farm.

It is certainly impossible for mortals to have any power.

This wood shop must have been built by one or several monks. Mortal carpenters can only be slaves to them.

Yu Xian followed these seventeen men into the woodyard.

"Oh, Brother Tao is here. Do you want to buy furniture or build a house?"

As soon as Yu Xian walked in, a middle-aged woman came to Yu Xian with a smile and said: "My carpenters are all master craftsmen. No matter whether it is a large attic or a small courtyard, they can build it to your satisfaction!"

This middle-aged woman's cultivation level is only in the early stage of Qi Condensation. Although this level is rubbish in the world of immortality, in the eyes of mortals, she is an immortal girl who cannot be offended!

Yu Xian smiled and said, "I'm here to buy a big beam. I wonder if I can find the right one?"

"Big beam?"

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment and said to herself: "Why are you buying big beams again..."

"What did fellow Taoist say?"

Yu Xian asked doubtfully: "No?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The middle-aged woman smiled quickly and said: "From the beams in the small courtyard to the large beams in the high-rise buildings, we have them all here. Brother Taoist, please!"

With that said, she led Yu Xian inside.

As Yu Xian walked in, he looked around indifferently, as if he accidentally saw the beams on the shoulders of the seventeen people in the distance. He stopped, raised his finger, pointed and smiled: "Huh? That big beam is poor." It looks good, just right for that tall building.”

"Ah? Brother Dao, you like that one?"

The middle-aged woman was stunned on the spot and shook her head quickly: "That one won't work. I heard that it was half damaged and was just replaced. If Brother Taoist uses it, it will be crushed one day if it is not intact."

But Yu Xian twitched his brows, looked at the middle-aged woman, and said a little treacherously: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it hurts, the price will be less, right?"

"Uh? Oh, oh hehehe..."

The middle-aged woman laughed and showed an expression of understanding.

It seems that this Taoist brother is helping to buy it!

She smiled and said: "Okay, okay! Since Brother Tao likes it, then follow Brother Tao. This huge beam is made from a whole eight thousand-year-old tree. It's not expensive, it's just a matter of transportation." Trouble, a strong laborer died for this. The original price was eighty spirit stones. Now, take away eighteen spirit stones, brother Taoist! But let’s talk about it. If anything happens in the future, I, Liu’s Wood Factory, won’t do it! Be responsible.”

"Eight thousand years old tree..."

Yu Xian's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but said: "Have you not become a spirit after eight thousand years?"

"Becoming a sperm?"

The middle-aged woman suddenly became happy and said with a smile: "It seems that Taoist brother doesn't care much about strange stories and strange stories? In this world, it is not that there are plants and trees that turn into spirits and finally turn into demon cultivators, it's just that they are very rare! Such as, born without a soul, only a trace of spiritual consciousness. If you want to become a spirit, you must first give birth to an ignorant consciousness from the spiritual consciousness. This will take an unknown number of years, and then it will take an unknown number of years to turn the consciousness into a soul. It takes countless years of wind, rain, and spiritual energy irrigation to become a spirit. But in the end, once the body of vegetation is twisted and turned into a human form, the lowest is the legendary god-transforming venerable, who can move mountains and fill seas easily! "

Yu Xian's smile gradually disappeared.

The middle-aged woman did not notice it and just continued to laugh: "As for this tree, it is just an ordinary eight thousand year old tree. There are tens of thousands of years old trees in the deep mountains and old forests. How can there be so many spiritual beings turned into spirits? ? You have to be a beast of flesh and blood, born with a soul, to become a spirit easily, such as a monster..."

Yu Xian couldn't hear the middle-aged woman's words clearly, and all he felt was a buzzing noise.

Plants and trees take shape...the venerable god...

"Xiao Xian, listen to me, I was supposed to transform today...but I was tricked..."

"Shut up!!"

An angry shout was like thunder!

The aura all over Yu Xian's body exploded with a bang, and the spiritual power in the late stage of condensation rushed towards the chirping middle-aged woman. She took a few steps back and fell to the ground, her face turned pale with fright.

All kinds of carpenters, movers, pruners and organizers were busy around.

They were all startled and turned to look in Yu Xian's direction.

"Tao, brother Tao, what's wrong with you?"

The middle-aged woman swallowed and was so shocked that she didn't even dare to get up.

Just now, the murderous intent that erupted from Yu Xian almost made her liver and gallbladder burst!

"Who is acting wild in my Kiba!?"

But at this moment, there was another loud shout, and four monks escaped from the tall attic in the distance!

Seeing the four people approaching, the middle-aged woman suddenly gained a backbone and quickly got up.

He quickly ran over and said, "Mr. Field Manager, this man is yelling inexplicably, as if he is going to kill someone. It scares me to death!"

Two of the four are in the middle stage of Qi Condensation, one is in the late stage, and the other is in perfection, so they can be regarded as a force.

I saw the middle-aged man who had perfect Qi concentration, frowning at Yu Xian and said: "Ignorant Taoist Liu Xu, I wonder why this Taoist friend suddenly yelled like this? If it causes a misunderstanding, it will be a big trouble!"

After all, Yu Xian didn't hurt anyone, he just yelled, and Liu Xu wouldn't fall out with him.

Yu Xian clenched his fists and made a clicking sound. After a while, he took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Pindao's technique was a bit confusing just now, but now he has suppressed it."

"I see."

Seeing Yu Xian's attitude, Liu Xu also smiled and said meaningfully: "There are many different techniques in the world. Some of them seem to be quick, but in fact there are many hidden dangers. Fellow Taoists, you should pay more attention."

The middle-aged woman curled her lips, snorted, and secretly scolded Yu Xian for being crazy. She was so scared that I almost peed...

Yu Xian nodded and said, "I will pay more attention to this."

After that, he looked at the middle-aged woman and said, "Fellow Taoist, please don't be offended because I've frightened you. We just agreed to continue the transaction. In addition, I will compensate you with five souls." Shi, you should give fellow Taoists a shock."

The middle-aged woman was full of resentment. When she heard that there was a compensation of five spirit stones, her eyes suddenly lit up. She covered her mouth and smiled, "Oh, this, this is so sorry. Brother Dao's skills are confused and I can't help it. It's not Brother Dao's fault. I don't blame Brother Dao.

Seeing this, Liu Xu smiled and asked, "What does this Taoist want to buy?"

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "Brother Dao wants to buy a beam. We have already negotiated it."

"Is that so."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "In this case, then I will go back. Xiaolu, you can treat fellow Daoist well."

After that, Liu Xu and the three cultivators returned to the attic in the distance and continued to practice.

Yu Xian didn't say any more nonsense here. He just raised his hand and took 23 spirit stones and said, "Eighteen for the beams and five for compensation."

"Brother Dao is happy. "

Xiao Lu was full of joy. After receiving the spirit stone, she raised her hand and shouted: "You guys, don't send it inside. Carry this beam and follow me! If you dare to neglect it, I will peel off your skin!"

The seventeen men were sweating all over. They thought they could take a break after putting the big beam in the warehouse.

Unexpectedly, they had to send it to another place without even putting it down. Their faces were full of sorrow.

But they dared not disobey the fairy lady's order, because those who disobeyed would die!

Trembling, they slowly turned back and forth, carrying the huge beam, and came to Yu Xian and Xiao Lu.

Yu Xian nodded and turned to go out.

After Xiao Lu put away the spirit stone, he hurriedly shouted again: "Brother, don't forget, if anything happens, my wood yard will not be responsible!"

"Don't worry."

Yu Xian didn't even look back and strode out of the wood yard.

"Fool, scapegoat, humph. "

Seeing Yu Xian walk out of the lumberyard, Xiao Lu sneered and turned to the pavilion where a maid was standing and prepared fruit and sweet juice.

Seventeen people followed Yu Xian, sweating all over.

Yu Xian's pace was too fast. They carried the huge wood and gritted their teeth to barely keep up with Yu Xian's pace.

After walking for a mile, the seventeen people couldn't stand it anymore. Their legs were trembling and their faces were pale. They wanted to ask the immortal to let them rest, but they didn't dare!

But it seemed that the immortal heard their wishes and prayers in their hearts.

He stopped, turned around and pointed to the side of the road and said: "Put the beams here, and you go back."


The seventeen people were stunned in place, not knowing what was going on.

Isn't this a remote path?

Yu Xian frowned and waved his hand: "What? Can't you hear what I say? Put it down and go. "

"Yes, yes, yes! "

The seventeen people immediately confirmed Yu Xian's words, and worked together to put down the beam. They bowed respectfully to Yu Xian, and then turned around and walked away quickly.

It was the order of the immortal anyway, and they didn't care where it was placed.

Seeing the seventeen people running away, Yu Xian didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand and put it on the beam, and searched quickly.

After only two breaths, his eyes flashed, and he raised his hand and waved!

The Green Spirit Sword whistled out and slashed down!

With the power of the fourth-level Green Spirit Sword, let alone ordinary trees, even ordinary third-level defensive magic weapons could not withstand a blow.

With just one sword, the huge beam was broken.

Then Yu Xian used another sword to cut off a three-foot thick wooden block, put it into the storage bag, turned around and strode away.

In less than three breaths, he had disappeared from this path.

The item that made the jade pendant hot.

It was hidden in the three-foot thick wooden block!

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