Yu Xian

Chapter 493: Golden Elixir Great Perfection, Pseudo-Elixir Re-Condensed into Golden Elixir (12)

Chapter 493: Golden elixir Dzogchen realm, fake elixir condenses into golden elixir again

Four Nascent Souls and one golden elixir have already been perfected for the dozens or hundreds of pseudo-elixir disciples of the sect, and they began to deduce, trying to weaken this evil way of pseudo-elixir recondensing the golden elixir method.

But Yu Xian here is also deducing, comprehending, and practicing the third level of the happy journey to the perfect state of twilight, life, and death!

Under the closed gate, there is no one to interfere. Unless there is a major event, otherwise if you force interference, it will be tantamount to finding trouble and making enemies.

Therefore, Yu Xian naturally had no distractions and devoted himself wholeheartedly to understanding.

The secret code of Xiaoyaoyou is incomparably vast and profound.

This technique was not created by Qiu Shiwen, but was obtained by Qiu Shiwen by a great opportunity. No one knows its true origin!

In order to keep this technique secret, no one other than his direct disciples can learn it.

As for Yu Xian, although he is not his direct disciple, he is obviously very satisfied with Yu Xian. If Yu Xian's level is not too low, he would have accepted him as his direct disciple instead of registering his name.

That's why he passed on the first four levels of Xiaoyaoyou to Yu Xian.

It can help Yu Xian practice until he reaches Nascent Soul Dzogchen!

"To live and die in the morning and in the evening is the Tao; to die and live in the evening is to think about it. Those who hear the Tao would rather live and die in the evening. Those who have gained the Tao can die in the evening and live again..."

Yu Xian looked calm.

He is surrounded by purple spiritual energy, floating in the air, hazy and agile, seeming to be free and carefree, but yet bound and unable to escape...Wandering freely, from death to life...

There is no time to practice.

As time passed, Yu Xian didn't know how much time had passed.

But suddenly, he slowly opened his eyes and said to himself: "I use the inner fire to sense the state of life and death, and use my magical powers to reflect the skills. The method should be correct, but why do I always feel that something is missing... …What’s the difference…”

While thinking, Yu Xian's eyes flashed slightly, and he turned over his hand and took out the scroll that had never been opened.

This is what Qi Yu passed on to him and wanted him to understand, the method of yin deficiency and yang excess!

"Yin deficiency and yang deficiency... What is yin deficiency? What is yang deficiency?"

Yu Xian whispered, but did not directly open the scroll to read.

But first, you should understand its meaning from the literal meaning.

After all, what is in this scroll is neither a skill nor a magical power. Qi Yu himself doesn’t even understand what it is.

This is simply an inexplicable thing that Qi Yu accidentally realized, which seems to be Tao but not Tao.

Even Qi Yu himself found it difficult to understand and deduce this method, so he put it away in a high cabinet, waiting for those who are destined to understand it. Perhaps future generations can deduce it!

It was difficult for a strong person in the middle stage of divine transformation to deduce something. Yu Xian felt that his level was too low, and it would be in vain to look at it. It was just a waste of energy and energy, so he didn't look at it.

But now, this deficiency of yin and excess of yang may help him understand the shackles of life and death, as well as the fire of emptiness and reality.

Yin and Yang, virtuality and reality, life in the morning and death in the evening, death in the morning and life in the morning!

"What is empty is empty, and what is real exists. This is the most basic reality of virtuality. This is how my Xuhuo understands it. But what does it mean when yin is empty and yang is real? Why is yin empty? Why is yang real?"

Yu Xian's eyes suddenly flashed: "What is... Yin and Yang?"

The two words yin and yang are so common that they seem to be everywhere. Everyone can shake their heads and recite a sentence about yin and yang.

But in fact, most of them don’t understand what they say or what they mean!

Yin and Yang are the embodiment of a great way, the essence of power, and the embodiment of thought.

If you can master it, it is a supreme avenue!

It seems to be much stronger than Yu Xian's method of virtual fire!

"In my opinion, yin and yang, success or failure, life and death, men and women, heaven and earth, etc., all things that are opposite but consistent are yin and yang..."

Yu Xian whispered to himself, his eyes twinkling.

Only those that are opposite and ultimately consistent can be consistent with the two words yin and yang. As for the sun and moon, water and fire, cold and heat, spring and autumn, etc., they are not yin and yang, because these are only opposites, but they cannot be consistent.

"Virtue and reality, yin and yang, are two things, but Qi Yu takes into account the deficiency of yin and the reality of yang. He uses deficiency to reveal yin and reality to reveal yang. The combination of the two is really a new approach..."

Yu Xian muttered to himself, fixed his gaze, and finally slowly opened the scroll.

"The time of heaven and earth flies like a torch. I observe thousands of changes, comprehend yin and yang, and achieve my cultivation. However, yin and yang are so big that they cannot be measured, and they have no substance and are difficult to guess. So I use the virtual and the real to coincide with the way of yin and yang, which is called, Deficiency of yin and excess of yang... This Tao is so difficult to continue. Later generations may look at it and combine their own Tao, intention, ability, and spirit to deduce a new, true, deficiency of yin and yang..."

Yu Xian's eyes were bright, and as he looked down, the aura all over his body became more and more misty.

The way of virtuality and reality is death at dusk and life at the same time.

The power of yin and yang, the combination of opposites.

Yu Xian frowned. For such a vast avenue, even if he had an excellent understanding, his level was too low. He was like a small horse pulling a large cart, with more than enough ambition but not enough energy!

Therefore, he continued to meditate for several months, but he could not perceive it.

But on this day, Yu Xian, who had sweat on his forehead, opened his eyes and felt that he had entered a dead end. He suddenly changed his mind and said to himself: "It is difficult to understand the deficiency of yin and the excess of yang, but why am I not Do you want to understand it together? Let’s separate it. I don’t care about the yang and the deficiency, just understand the yin and deficiency!”

Immediately he closed his eyes again!

The path of Yin and Xu is emptiness, nothingness, and the power that exists but does not exist!

But the way of virtual fire can ignite all these powers that seem not to exist, but actually exist!

In this way, they reflect each other, and then participate in the twilight, death, and life.

It turns out that when you die in the evening, it becomes virtual, and when you live in the morning, it becomes reality!

From nothing to something, from emptiness to reality!

The mana all over Yu Xian's body suddenly became violent. The billowing mana roared, the golden elixir flashed, and his body stretched horizontally. Gold and purple merged again, turning into purple-gold aura, shining in all directions!

Even if the realm is only broken by a small amount, it will be a huge improvement in terms of mana!

That's an improvement of 30%, 50%, or even double!

It just depends on how strong your practice is and how deep your understanding is!

There are countless monks in the world, and those who have the golden elixir are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are also countless monks who have perfected the golden elixir. They look the same, but are actually very different!

If both have perfected the golden elixir, and the techniques he has comprehended are powerful, and the techniques you have comprehended are weak, then there must be a big gap in your strength.

Both have perfected the golden elixir, and you and he have understood the same exercises, but if he has a deeper understanding and a higher level of understanding, and you have a shallow level of understanding and a low level of understanding, then the gap in your strength will also be huge!

As the saying goes: Tao goes, Tao goes.

The road comes first, practice comes after.

This is why some people who have practiced Taoism for thirty years are better than others who have practiced Taoism for three hundred years, because they have attained Taoism!

With the Tao, the magic power is naturally extremely deep, and the cultivation level is naturally extremely high. This is completely incomparable to those ordinary monks who purely rely on the skills left by their predecessors and practice step by step. If they can succeed, they will succeed, and if they cannot, they will not succeed.

To put it simply, there is no superiority or inferiority in the Dharma, but there are depths in the Tao!

At this moment, the Xiaoyaoyou technique that Yu Xian practiced was extremely profound, and he did not just rely on time to grind it out step by step. Instead, he carefully understood the truth of yin and yang, and understood the life and death. Therefore, once he understood it, he would naturally gain it. Great magic blessing!

If the skill is powerful, the understanding is profound, and the Tao is practiced, it will naturally become deeper.

A qi machine from heaven and earth roars in!

Although the Nascent Soul was not condensed, he still felt something. Yu Xian looked calm and raised his hand to perform the Great Zhoutian Hand Technique, accepting the baptism of looking at the Qi of heaven and earth.

The chest is golden and purple.

Perfection of the Great Golden Elixir, Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir!


In the main hall of the Haotian Zongzong, Li Shengjiang, who was surrounded by sword breath, suddenly frowned, with a look of confusion on his face, and looked up at the location of the alchemy gate.

Just now, it seemed like a qi from heaven and earth descended?

But Qin Shizong, Hu Die, and Ye Chan, who are still in seclusion to attack the Nascent Soul, have not triggered the energy of heaven and earth to achieve the Nascent Soul.

That is how the matter?

A disciple builds a foundation and breaks through the golden elixir, leading to the energy of heaven and earth?

But it is impossible to have so many foundation-building breakthrough perfect golden elixirs.

"Could it be that who has broken through the middle stage of Yuanying? No, in the early stage of Yuanying of Haotian's authentic sect, there is only Hongshao. She cannot be practicing at the moment..."

Li Shengjiang frowned and whispered, but couldn't help it anymore and suddenly raised his hand.

A sword roared, and the billowing breath of the sword transformed into a human form, and he stepped towards the alchemy gate.

In the alchemy sect, Yu Xian had already absorbed all this "small amount" of heaven and earth energy, with a calm expression on his face, and stabilized the Dzogchen Golden Elixir.

Where the spiritual platform is, Yu Xian's golden elixir exists like a dot, emitting extremely dazzling light.

I saw it turning rapidly, and with every turn, it was swallowing twice as much spiritual power as before!

Yes, twice as much!

Now every time he swallows the golden elixir, it is the sum of the two previous golden elixirs in the later stage!

Similarly, the purity of his spiritual energy is more than 50% higher than before!

The light flickers, and this perfect golden elixir seems to be brewing a living thing, breathing and exhaling.

Every breath and every breath, every flicker, exudes terrifying power!

But at this moment, Yu Xian suddenly focused his eyes and looked forward.

The next moment, the billowing sword breath condensed and transformed into a human form.

"It's actually you? The Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir can actually induce the energy of heaven and earth to descend?"

Li Shengjiang's sword breath clone looked at Yu Xian, frowned and said, "And...you seem to have noticed my arrival in advance?"

"Disciple has met the sect leader."

Yu Xian stood up and gave a salute first, then said: "After the disciple had some insights, he seemed to have understood a great way, and then he broke through and entered the golden elixir perfection. As for the qi of heaven and earth, I don't know what's going on."

Li Shengjiang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked up and down carefully, and Yu Xian said: "Didn't I ask you, Hong Shao, Fu Ning'an and the other four Nascent Souls to comprehend and modify the method of condensing the golden elixir from the pseudo elixir you gave me? Why didn't you go and instead practiced in seclusion? It's been more than five years now."

When Yu Xian heard this, his eyes suddenly froze.

After a short moment, he shook his head and said slowly: "This disciple has not received any order, so this disciple does not know about this matter."

"It seems that Hong Shao didn't bother you since he saw you retreating to achieve the Golden Elixir."

Li Shengjiang nodded, looked at Yu Xian carefully again, nodded, and said slowly: "The speed of your cultivation is really rare, and I see that your foundation is extremely solid, and your magic power is also one of the highest in the same realm. You The achievements in the future are limitless. I have nothing else to say. I just want to say that the sect will never let you down. I hope you will never let the sect down in the future. "

After the golden elixir, there is the Nascent Soul.

If Yu Xian achieves Nascent Soul, he will be the overlord of the party, and he will be called the Nascent Soul Monster!

It is even a powerful force that can change the strength and weakness of both sects.

No sect would look down upon or despise a Nascent Soul.

Any Nascent Soul is the most important force of a sect!

Yu Xian has now reached the perfection of the Golden Elixir, and although it is difficult to step into the Nascent Soul, it may not be difficult for this person with incredible understanding. In the next hundred or hundreds of years, he may step into the Nascent Soul!

By then, all rules, etiquette, and laws will be nonsense.

The only thing that can restrain him is his friendship with the sect!

For countless years, there have been countless heartless people and white-eyed wolves in this world.

The sect trains these people, provides resources, and helps them, but after these people step into Yuanying, they will leave the sect and become casual cultivators because of trivial matters, so-called injustices, and even attack. From the sect, there are too many to mention.

If Yu Xian is also such a person, it would be so heart-wrenching!

Yu Xian bowed again and said: "Lord, don't worry, the sect will not let down the disciples. How can the disciples fail the sect!"

Li Shengjiang looked at Yu Xian for a moment and said slowly: "Okay, your words are enough. Now that you have successfully entered the golden elixir consummation and have nothing to do, go to Hongshao's place to see if we can come together." Go and deduce the method of re-condensing the golden elixir of the pseudo-elixir. If you can deduce a method that does not harm the golden elixir and allows the disciples of the pseudo-elixir to reconstitute the golden elixir, you will be worthy of the Haotian orthodox sect for countless years! A great hero who will be remembered!”

Yu Xian bowed and nodded: "Disciple, I obey."

Li Shengjiang nodded, and the figure transformed by the terrifying sword breath slowly dispersed.

Yu Xian stood there, breathing in a breath of spiritual energy, his eyes flickering slightly.

He told Chen Manman about the method of re-condensing the golden elixir with pseudo elixirs, but he never expected that even Li Shengjiang and the several Nascent Soul Daxiu would eventually know about it.

Apparently, it was Chen who slowly informed these people about this.

"Chen Manmangan, Chen Manmangan...you are so unrestrained...ah..."

But what can Yu Xian do?

After he informed Chen Manman of this method, he had this level of thinking.

After all, Chen Manman was originally a pure person, without any disguise or color. It was normal for her to tell this method for the sake of the younger disciples.

Yu Xian could only feel helpless, that's all.

Even if these four women Chen Manman, Hongshao, Su Xiaoduo, and You Xiaohua make big mistakes, besides deliberately trying to kill him, Yu Xian can only choose to forgive, just like he tolerates his own family. sister, sister.

"That's all, let's go and see!"

After exhaling, Yu Xian shook his head and took a step out of his palace, heading straight to the main hall of the alchemy sect on the mountain.

Fast forward six years.

In the main hall of the alchemy sect, four Nascent Souls and one Golden Elixir Perfection have already overturned five thoughts.

Improve this method?

Easier said than done?

Even though this method may have been created by a pseudo-alchemy monk, it was the infinite wisdom that burst out from this pseudo-alchemy monk before his death, and he created this pseudo-alchemy re-condensed golden elixir, as if changing his fate. method!

Even if the four Nascent Souls have advanced cultivation and good understanding, they are all in a safe state, not anxious or anxious, and there is no threat of death. How can they compete in creativity with a dying person?

Similarly, although Chen Manman has good qualifications and good understanding, he has not entered Yuanying, so he is not as good as these four people.

Therefore, after five years of deduction, the five people came up with five methods, but they were all overturned and could not be implemented.


Chen Manman's eyes flashed suddenly, and he said slowly: "Before, you said that the golden elixir monks should donate a small amount of their origin, blood, and combine it with the demon elixir and the best elixir to refine an elixir that can stimulate the pseudo elixir to re-condensate. The elixir was rejected by the elder on the grounds that the elixir was easy to understand and it was difficult to re-understand the energy of heaven and earth, right? "

"Yeah, that's right."

Hong Shao withdrew his gaze, looked at Chen slowly and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you agree at the time? This method is indeed useless. After all, the fake elixir to condense the golden elixir requires understanding the qi of heaven and earth. What's the use of elixir stimulation?"

The other three Nascent Souls, Funing'an, Sun Liancheng, and Cui Sheng also looked at Chen Manman and frowned.

Chen Manman's eyes were filled with light and he said: "But what if your elixir, senior sister, is combined with a method that can re-understand the qi of heaven and earth? We have gone astray. Why do we have to forcefully deduce it? We can Use several methods together!”

"What Fairy Chen said makes sense."

Funing'an looked indifferent, nodded and said: "It's just a way to understand the qi of heaven and earth. Do you have it? Re-understand the qi of heaven and earth. Haha, it's easy to say. If there is such a way, wouldn't it be perfect golden elixirs everywhere? ? What is the Heaven and Earth Qi Machine? It is a much more difficult opportunity than the fake elixir to condense the golden elixir. "

The happy expression on Chen Manman's face suddenly froze, she frowned and said: "What I mean is that we can ignore the method of re-condensing the golden elixir from the pseudo-elixir. We can change our thinking and think about how to realize it again. Heaven and Earth Qi Machine, how about it?”


At this moment, Funing'an suddenly laughed.

Sun Liancheng's expression was slightly stagnant, and then he shook his head helplessly.

Cui Sheng just rolled his eyes and was speechless.

"Okay, let's continue to deduce the method of condensing the pseudo-elixir and the golden elixir to weaken its harm."

Hong Shao also shook his head, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

For her junior sister, she really has nothing to say.

In terms of qualifications and understanding, Chen Manman is considered to be in the first rank, but she is too naive and has a straightforward personality, saying whatever she thinks.

Re-understanding the Qi of heaven and earth... Afraid of returning to the void, even the great powers of Hedao have dreamed of this method!

But the qi of heaven and earth can only come down after comprehending the Tao. It is not something you can comprehend just because you want to comprehend it!

Qi Condensation enters the perfect foundation, comprehends a little bit of Tao, and can obtain a little bit of the Qi of heaven and earth.

The foundation enters the perfect golden elixir, comprehends some Tao, and can obtain some Qi of heaven and earth.

The golden elixir enters the Nascent Soul, comprehends the Great Dao, and can be blessed by the great Qi of heaven and earth.

The Nascent Soul enters the God of Transformation, comprehends the Tao that truly belongs to him! It can be blessed by the great Qi of heaven and earth!

The God of Transformation enters the Return to Void, the embodiment of Tao, and can also be blessed by the great Qi of heaven and earth!

And all of these, all of them, are related to Tao, and only then will heaven and earth send down Qi, and the power of the prehistoric universe, as a reward for living beings!

Now she said that she wanted to find a way for the pseudo-dan cultivator to re-comprehend the Qi of heaven and earth... Isn't this just a joke?

Chen Manman showed a look of dissatisfaction on her face, but her brain was not stupid. She had come back to her senses and knew how outrageous her words were, so she didn't say anything, but in her eyes, she was still unconvinced.

I was not wrong, and my thinking was fine, but they just couldn't comprehend it...

"Disciple Yu Xian, I pay my respects to the master!"

At this moment, a voice passed through the formation and went straight into the hall!

At this moment, the five people's expressions changed, and they all stopped thinking and frowned.

Yu Xian?

Why is he here?

Hong Shao looked at Chen Manman with a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Chen Manman was also puzzled and said, "Isn't this kid in retreat? How come he came out after only six years? Senior sister, wait a minute, I'll go and see."

After saying that, he walked directly to the front of the hall, waved his hand to open the door and flew out.

Outside the hall, Yu Xian stood calmly, but saw the door open, and a plump and tall figure flew out and landed in front of him.

Chen Manman looked at Yu Xian and said, "Yu Xian, what are you doing here? You...you...hmm? Golden Core Great Perfection!?"

Chen Manman's eyes suddenly widened, and then she rushed to Yu Xian, circled around Yu Xian, stretched out her hand to pinch Yu Xian's face, patted his shoulder, and finally even wanted to grab his chest. Yu Xian couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only step back and said solemnly, "Senior Sister, I am indeed Golden Core Perfection, don't try."

"So you have been striving for Golden Core Perfection in the past five years?"

Chen Manman's eyes were full of surprise, and he looked at Yu Xian again and said, "Remember when I first met you, you seemed to be in the middle stage of foundation building? I was in the early stage of Golden Core at that time, and now it's more than a hundred years In the past, I was a perfect Jindan, and you also became a perfect Jindan? Then after a hundred years, should I call you elder or call you Senior Brother Yu? What's your aptitude? Did you eat something? Do you have any left? Give me some. "

Yu Xian said helplessly: "I didn't eat anything. As for what realm I will be in in the future, you are my senior sister. Is that okay? I came here because the master asked me to deduce the method of re-condensing the pseudo-elixir with you."

"What a good aptitude... Yu Xian is so powerful, so awesome..."

Chen Manman sighed with emotion, then turned around and said: "Come on, come on, follow me in."

Yu Xian immediately followed her into the main hall of the Alchemy Sect.

In the hall, Hong Shao, Cui Sheng, Fu Ning'an, and Sun Liancheng all cast their eyes on Chen Manman and Yu Xian who came in, and all their eyes flashed slightly.

He is... a perfect Jindan!

Yu Xian, this kid, has already reached a perfect Jindan!

How long has it been?

When he first returned to the sect, he was still in the late Jindan stage, but in less than seven years, he has entered the great perfection of the Jindan stage?

Before, with his late Jindan cultivation, he killed two Jindan perfectionists, including Hu Tong of the Blood River Sect, and forced back, or defeated, Li Chunfeng, the first saint of the Blood River Sect!

This is what Yang Lin said with a solemn oath, absolutely no falsehood!

From then on, in the minds of several Yuanyings and even the sect master, Yu Xian's strength was already the first among the Haotian Sect Jindan.

And now, he has entered the perfection of the Jindan!

A small realm, seemingly not high, but it is definitely a huge improvement for him!

Then according to the previous combat power blessing, is it possible that he... is it possible that he is the current first Jindan of the Haotian Sect? Or to put it more broadly... the first Jindan of Dongzhou?

Hong Shao's surprised look soon turned into a surprised smile.

She waved with joy on her face and said, "Yu Xian, is your golden elixir complete? Come on, come here."

The other three people also had different looks, but after all, they were all Yuanying masters, and they were either in the middle or late stages. They had lived for more than a thousand years, or even two or three thousand years. Their mental state was adjusted very quickly, and they all quickly returned to normal.

Yu Xian and Chen Manman naturally walked to stand in front of Hong Shao.

"Senior sister, Yu Xian came here on the order of the master of the sect, to comprehend with us and deduce the method of re-condensing the golden elixir with this pseudo-elixir."

Before Yu Xian could speak, Chen Manman had already spoken and explained the purpose of Yu Xian's visit clearly.

Yu Xian could only swallow what he was about to say and nodded, "Senior sister is right."

"Then you came at the right time."

Hong Shao smiled and said, "After five or six years of deduction, the five of us have reached a bottleneck. We are lacking new ideas. You can deduce with us."

Fu Ning'an also smiled and said, "Yu Xian, you are very good. You have already reached the Golden Core Perfection. Time flies. Maybe after a while, you and I will be called Taoist friends."

"You are talented and have a bright future."

Sun Liancheng stroked his beard and smiled.

Cui Sheng said lightly, "When you step into the Nascent Soul and the Heavenly Heart Divine Art, I will tell you the next four levels and repay you for saving Lin'er."

Yu Xian bowed to the three of them and replied: "Disciple, I am ashamed. Thank you three elders."

Hong Shao smiled and said: "Okay, let's understand and deduce it together."

Yu Xian nodded, stood up and looked at the scroll in front of him that showed the method of condensing the golden elixir with the pseudo elixir.

He has already memorized everything in this scroll, and there is no need to read it again.

But he never thought about deducing or improving this method.

Because Yue Pingfeng had no time to delay, within three to five years, Yue Pingfeng would be completely old and his energy and blood would be exhausted, his Dantian would be dead, and there would be no chance again.

So he could only use this method directly. No matter whether it succeeded or not, he had to give it a try.

Later, Yue Pingfeng became a golden elixir, so there was no need for him to deduce improvements. After all, what did the other pseudo-alchemy monks have to do with Yu Xian?

Although Yu Xian is not a selfish person, he really has no time to think about great merits, benevolence and righteousness. He is very busy, he is very tired...

But now that Chen Manman has leaked this method, and everyone knows it, and the sect leader has given the order, he can only come to deduce it.

But his mood now is different from before.

He had left Haotian Zhengzong before and became a wandering cultivator. He was alone. Except for Yue Pingfeng, there was no one worthy of his help.

Now that he has returned to the Haotian Authentic Sect and is an elder of the Haotian Authentic Sect, he naturally has the responsibility and obligation to help the foundation-building disciples below.

And he has a very important task in mind, which is unification!

Unify the Haotian sect first.

Then unify Dongzhou!

Only in this way can he officially become one with the Middle-Earth. Only in this way can he avoid the death of countless innocent and ordinary mortals in East Continent. Otherwise, under the forceful attack of the Middle-Earth, billions of innocent creatures will be in ruins!

Also only in this way... can he possibly find the master!

Only in this way can he possibly break through the Blood River Sect, confront Liu Qinghe, the leader of the Blood River Sect, and finally find out the whereabouts of the murderer who killed Yu Shu Niang!

And all of this is a line, he has to walk step by step!

So now he must do his best and not hold anything back.

The pseudo-elixir reconstitutes the golden elixir. Use most of the blood and most of the origin of the golden elixir to recast the pseudo-elixir and get a chance to reconstitute the golden elixir...

If this method is weakened...is it possible to use a small amount of the blood of the golden elixir, the origin of the golden elixir, and supplement it with other panaceas?

Yu Xian immediately spoke and asked about this method.

Hong Shao immediately smiled and said: "I have considered this method before. It is not difficult to refine the elixir. What is difficult is to reactivate the pseudo-elixir, but how to communicate with heaven and earth and obtain the qi of heaven and earth? Without the blessing of qi of heaven and earth, The activated pseudo elixir is still a pseudo elixir, and it is impossible to achieve a golden elixir."

"Yes, the energy of heaven and earth is the most difficult to obtain. It is much more difficult than the method of condensing the golden elixir from the pseudo elixir."

Chen slowly nodded solemnly, completely forgetting her previous proposal.

The other three Nascent Souls did not speak. They had already expected all this. Since Yu Xian was new, he would definitely bring up the methods they had previously rejected before rethinking new ones.

However, Yu Xian frowned. After thinking for a moment, he looked up at Hongshao and said, "Sect Master, can you refine this elixir that reactivates the pseudo-elixir?"

"It's okay."

Hong Shao said: "It can be refined with a small part of the blood and origin of the golden elixir monks, combined with the fifth-level demon elixir, supplemented by Lingxu grass, Wanhan water and other spiritual objects."

But after saying that, Hongshao shook his head and said: "But there is no way for me to do anything about the qi of heaven and earth. That kind of thing follows the path. The pseudo-elixir disciples have no understanding. How can they obtain it by activating the golden elixir? Unless you follow this The evil method said that only by using a large amount of the blood of the golden elixir monks to wash away the false elixir can the Tao of the golden elixir monks be understood, and then without the need for heaven and earth energy, you can be 50% sure to re-condensate the golden elixir, but such sacrifices It is of course impossible for a fake elixir monk to obtain a 50% chance of condensing elixirs with a golden elixir."

"No, no, no, that's not how I think about it."

But Yu Xian waved his hand and said: "It seems that the sect master and the elders are thinking that the qi of heaven and earth is extremely rare, and the elixir cannot be used to draw it down. This is true, but why should we let the elixir draw it down? We can absolutely Give the disciples of Pseudo-Elixir a sense of enlightenment, and let them guide the energy of heaven and earth on their own."

When the four people heard this, their eyes froze!

Chen slowly's eyes shone even more, he jumped up suddenly, and said excitedly: "Yes! Yes! That's what I thought just now! That's what I thought! They can testify for me! Yu Xian! That's what I just thought Thought!"

With that said, she reached out to hold Yu Xian's face with both hands.

Yu Xian was startled. He only moved his body at a terrifyingly fast speed. He didn't even give Chen Mianxuan a chance, and already stepped back half a foot.

"A realization..."

Hong Shao frowned, looked at Yu Xian and said slowly: "What you said is quite simple, but how can we substantiate this kind of understanding? And how can we let pseudo-alchemy disciples understand it? What they learn and understand is all their own. How can things be so easy to comprehend?”

"Well, it's difficult. Although it's more reliable than directing the energy from heaven and earth, it's still difficult!"

Sun Liancheng stroked his beard slightly, his face solemn, but his eyes were already thinking, and he was thinking along Yu Xian's path.

Give the disciples of the false elixir a sense of enlightenment, and then use the sense of enlightenment and the elixir together. With double blessing, the elixir activates the pseudo elixir, and the sense of enlightenment leads to the qi of heaven and earth...

It seems feasible!

Funingan and Cui Shengze didn't speak at all, they just frowned and thought.

Yu Xian’s words touched the four people greatly and activated their thoughts!

Yu Xian looked at Hong Shao and said, "This perception is difficult to say, but it is also simple to say. As long as we know the cultivation method of this pseudo-dan disciple, we can help him deduce the perception of breaking through the realm and then pass it on to him. I think with the strength of the Yuanying elders, it should not be difficult to deduce the cultivation method of a pseudo-dan cultivator, right? As for whether he can comprehend, whether he can be enlightened, and suddenly realize it, that is his own business. We cannot guarantee that he will succeed, right? If there is one tenth, it will be very good, Master, what do you think?"

"Great! Great, Yu Xian! Too fucking... Um, too great, Yu Xian!"

Chen Manman's face was full of surprise, his eyes were shining, and he almost couldn't help but pinch Yu Xian's face again, and he said happily: "Now that you say this, this matter is simple! Too simple!"

Hong Shao, Fu Ning'an, Cui Sheng, and Sun Liancheng were completely silent. Their eyes flickered, and they were all considering whether this method was feasible in their hearts!

Seeing Chen Manman's face full of surprise, as if he was about to rush over to hug him, Yu Xian couldn't help but take a step back.

Back in Zhongzhou, Song Jian could take a point of enlightenment and give it to Tang Wentian, so that Tang Wentian could comprehend the Heaven-cutting Finger Technique.

Then in Dongzhou, why can't the Yuanying Great Power give enlightenment to those pseudo-elixir cultivators?

As long as it can be given.

Then with the elixir refined by Hong Shao, it is not impossible for the pseudo-elixir to condense into a golden elixir!

PS: 8,000 words, two more chapters are presented, and 2,000 more chapters will be added while paying off the debt to thank the two great god certification rewards from the reader ID (知世zhishi)!

Thanks again to the great god certification reward from Zhishizhishi, I will work hard.


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