Yu Xian

Chapter 485: Mu Ling's heart-to-heart tracking, it's difficult to explode the golden elixi

Chapter 485: The wood spirit is tracking, it’s hard to explode the golden elixir

Li Chunfeng's purpose is very obvious, that is to return to the Little Light Array!

As long as he enters the small light formation, he will be invincible.

Although Yu Xian will not be defeated, even if he turns around and walks away to end the battle, then Li Chunfeng will suffer a big loss and lose a magic weapon!

But Yang Lin was still trapped by the small light formation at this moment.

Although Yu Xian didn't have to save her, he still had to try to save Yang Lin after all.

In other words, if you can kill, try to kill Li Chunfeng!

Li Chunfeng was covered in flames.

The virtual fire and the real fire burned both internally and externally, causing him extreme pain!

Therefore, even if he was flying through the air like crazy, he would only be able to fly at 60 to 70% of his usual speed.

With virtual fire burning his heart and real fire burning his body, with internal and external blessings, how could he maintain his full power?

The fact that he can hold his own and escape shows extremely strong will and control.

Yu Xian looked coldly, raised his hand, and the Lingxu Fan flew out. He took a step forward, and the purple-gold magic power roared and blessed him. The distance of about 500 feet was quickly shortened!

Li Chunfeng's whole body was burning with green flames. Under the Yinli Divine Fire, the more urgent his spiritual energy supply, the more intense the flames burned.

But he couldn't cut off the supply of spiritual energy, so he could only run wildly, 40 to 50% became the fuel of the Yinli Divine Fire, and the other 40 to 50% turned into mana to escape.

Therefore, when he did not solve the problem of Yinli Shenhuo in a short period of time, he fell into a vicious cycle and became more and more painful.

Yu Xian was chasing after him, and the distance shortened. He endured the pain of the double flames while escaping, knowing that if he continued like this, within five breaths, Yu Xian would catch up with him!

"Damn it!"

His face was distorted, and Li Chunfeng was filled with hatred!

He is arrogant! He should have paid attention to this Yu Xian from the beginning and should have been cautious!

And the result of his arrogance was his current situation. In a short period of time, he couldn't even fight back! Those who are beaten can only run away!

In the same realm, how has he ever suffered such humiliation! ?

In the end, Yu Xian's two magical powers were too weird and powerful, beyond Li Chunfeng's understanding, and could not be cracked in a short period of time, which was why he was so embarrassed.

After all, depending on the strength of the spell, it doesn't matter if you lose the duel, but Yu Xian's two spells don't attack you at all, they directly affect you!


Li Chunfeng's thoughts turned and he endured the great pain in his heart and body. He raised his hand and shouted: "Gate of Light!"

A bright white light suddenly lit up between his eyebrows, forming a small portal in front of him!

With pain and heartache on his face, Li Chunfeng gritted his teeth and shouted: "Yu Xian! You made me waste the Gate of Light once! I, Li Chunfeng, will avenge this hatred and hatred!!"

Seeing this, Yu Xian's eyes narrowed and there was no nonsense. Standing on the Lingxu fan, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed between his eyebrows again!

Regardless of whether the cardioversion technique is continuous, rapid activation will cause mental turmoil and damage the source of the consequences, so use the cardioversion technique at full strength again!

This time, Yu Xian activated the Heart Transformation Technique to the extreme. His figure suddenly disappeared from the Lingxu Fan, and the next moment he appeared three hundred feet away, less than ten feet away from Li Chunfeng!

It suddenly spun three hundred feet away, even Yu Xian was a little dizzy and mentally shaken!

After all, his understanding of the Heart Transformation Technique is not deep enough. To force it to move like this, the first time was 200 feet, and the second time was 300 feet, it was a huge burden!

But at this moment, Li Chunfeng seems to have used some life-saving method to escape, so he cannot be allowed to escape easily!


Li Chunfeng was shocked when Yu Xian flashed over for the first time. He had to use the shining power of the pure sun mirror to move Yu Xian away together, at the expense of the precious mirror, and distanced himself.

Unexpectedly, in less than two breaths, Yu Xian flickered again, and the distance reached an astonishing three hundred feet, nearly two miles!

What kind of magical power is this! ?

If this magical power can be used all the time, wouldn't Yu Xian be in an invincible position, able to attack at will when advancing, and retreat at will?

However, although he was frightened, Li Chunfeng did not stop. The door in front of him was only a few feet away from him, and he could enter with his feet. Although Yu Xian was fast, there was nothing he could do about it!

Yu Xian came ten feet away and looked at Li Chunfeng who was about to step into the portal of light. He knew that it was too late to cast spells or use magic weapons to attack.

He only focused his gaze, raised his hand and touched Li Chunfeng's back, and shouted: "Mu Ling Xin Xi, attached!"

This method of understanding the wood spirit from the big sycamore tree is used to enlighten the grass and wood spirits. Humans cannot practice it.

However, after Yu Xian built the foundation, an elm tree appeared on the foundation, so that he could practice and refine his spirit.

It's just that this spell is no longer useful after Yu Xian stepped into the golden elixir.

But now, Yu Xian used it again!

This method has no offensive power and no defensive ability. It was originally obtained from the Nascent Soul fragment, and it seems that the big sycamore tree was simply used to civilize the surrounding vegetation elves.

After Yu Xian got it, he only used it to refine his spirit, and it had no other effect.

But in this flash of lightning, Yu Xian suddenly realized the second magical effect of this method with a thought!

The wood spirit is heartbroken.

There is a connection between the two minds!

A seemingly non-existent energy was released, and it landed on Li Chunfeng's back in an instant.

However, Li Chunfeng did not notice anything and had already stepped into the portal of light and then disappeared without a trace.

This Gate of Light is simply equivalent to a portable teleportation array, which is really unbelievable.

There was silence in all directions, and Yu Xian stood between heaven and earth, raising his hand to put away the Lingxu fan, frowning and closing his eyes, using the method of the wood spirit's heart and mind.

Yu Xian didn't believe how far Li Chunfeng could teleport.

The method of Wood Spirit Heart Reconciliation was created by the Big Sycamore Tree to enlighten the various spiritual plant elves in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Therefore, even if they are separated by dozens of miles or even hundreds of miles, they can still be connected.

Now Li Chunfeng already has a very faint power of the wood spirit's telepathy. Under that telepathy, Yu Xian can sense it with all his strength. As long as Li Chunfeng is still within a hundred miles, he will be able to detect it!

This is the greatest role of Mu Ling Xinxi!

Okay, track it!

With an unparalleled spiritual rotation, after nearly a hundred years, Yu Xian once again fully activated the Wood Spirit Heart!

But it is where the golden elixir of the heart is located, and a light ray of light is derived from it, connected with the sea of ​​consciousness.

This method is intended for use by plant elves and cannot be used by humans.

But Yu Xian was operating at this moment, simulating the overall context of the big elm tree with his early insights, thereby reactivating the wood spirit heart.

I saw him standing there, surrounded by purple-gold spiritual energy, and turned into a big elm tree, towering into the sky and blocking out the sun!

His whole body is the backbone of this elm tree, and his aura is the leaves and branches, spreading around.

When the branches are swaying, you can point up, down, left, right, front, back, and in all directions, and you can all connect them, searching for the vitality of the wood spirit.

In just two breaths, a faint breath suddenly came from a very far distance!

Yu Xian suddenly opened his eyes!

Sure enough, although the light portal has the ability to teleport, it is not an actual teleportation array, so the teleportation distance will never be far.

The weak spiritual perception is thirty miles ahead!

"It turns out that I returned to the Great Array of Light..."

Yu Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately took a step forward, heading straight towards the bright formation.

So what if it’s a small bright formation?

At this moment, Li Chunfeng's body was filled with fire and Yinli Shenhuo, and he was already in his weakest state. ,

If we don't take this opportunity to kill him, it will be very difficult to kill him when he suppresses his inner fire, extinguishes the Yinli Divine Fire, and returns to his perfect state!

After all, after he suffered a big loss with this kind of magical power, he would definitely think about how to defend himself when he returned, or he would not be upset, or his spiritual energy would not be ignited, etc.

"Although my Heavenly Star Six Element Formation has flaws and cannot keep you, your little light formation is gone, isn't it? If you use that mysterious stone to break my formation... then I will use my formation to break yours! "

Yu Xian's eyes were calm and firm!

That is, although you have a special magic weapon, you can easily break the formation, and the blessing of external objects makes you even more powerful.

But with my knowledge and abilities, I am not afraid of your external things, I am confident!

The power of external objects sometimes runs out!

Your own knowledge is endless!

Although some people use foreign objects to improve their strength quickly and achieve great results in a short period of time, they will also lose their ability to learn because of the foreign objects. Once they reach a high level and the foreign objects are no longer available, their own shortcomings will disappear. It will be exposed, and you will regret it for the rest of your life, and you will die!

Don’t cut yourself off because of external things, that’s the way to practice!

Although Yu Xian also has some foreign objects, he has never stopped his own study, understanding, feelings, hard training, etc. because of the foreign objects!

Alchemy, weapon refining, formations, spiritual pets, all without exception!

Yu Xian roared away!

On the ground below, the fourteen disciples were in shock. The battle in the sky was going on very quickly, but it was over in just three or five breaths!

The result seems, no, not like!

It is certain that Elder Yu won!

Then Li Chunfeng and Elder Yu were defeated as soon as they met each other. In the end, they used some method to teleport and escaped. Elder Yu seemed to be chasing him!

Li Chunfeng...the number one golden elixir of the Blood River Sect? Tianlinggen?

It seems like nothing more than that...

Is Elder Yu too strong, or is Li Chunfeng just a boasted master?

They...can't see...

But they knew that they were safe because Elder Yu had won!

I saw that their eyes were all shining with joy. There was no need to run away. They immediately sat cross-legged and began to heal their wounds. At the same time, they waited for Elder Yu to return from beheading Li Chunfeng!

But where the mountain peak is, the small light array is still shining brightly.

Although Li Chunfeng is not in charge of the Little Bright Formation at this moment, it is still extraordinary.

Yang Lin was trapped in it, and she felt that there was a bright light in all directions, which was so dazzling that she could not see clearly from above and below.

Yang Lin's face was solemn, and she was flying around, but she didn't know where her position was. Unfortunately, she didn't have a puppet now, so she could only use magic to try to attack from all directions, but nothing happened!

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Yang Lin felt angry, frightened, scared and regretful in her heart.

Why should I compete with Na Yu Xian for this tone? Do you have to be hundreds of feet ahead of him?

Now, it's good that he has become his pawn again!

But at this moment, he fell into Li Chunfeng's formation, with almost no hope of escaping!

Then his fate is obvious.

Either he would be captured alive by Li Chunfeng and taken back to the Blood River Sect, where his soul would be searched, or he would suffer other humiliating things!

Or be killed on the spot by Li Chunfeng and take the head back to ask for credit!

She is basically finished!

"I just escaped from the Blood River Formation, but now I have fallen into the hands of Li Chunfeng. In this trip, I am... unable to escape death..."

Yang Lin's eyes showed despair.

"Yu Xian... Yu Xian..."

Yang Lin's heart was extremely complicated. On the one hand, she hated Yu Xian and blamed Yu Xian. It was because of Yu Xian that she fell into despair twice.

On the other hand... she hoped that Yu Xian could save her again... again!

"Hehe... it's good that you can escape from Li Chunfeng. Don't let the two of you be captured together. That would be ridiculous..."

Yang Lin sneered and fixed her eyes.

"Forget it! You hurt my brother, but saved me. Our hatred is wiped out!"

She struggled for a long time in her heart and finally made up her mind. With just a deep voice, she thought about it and her magic power was about to go out of control!

She wanted to self-destruct the golden elixir!

Now there is no way to go to heaven and no door to enter the earth. If she doesn't self-destruct, what else can she do! ?

Wait to be captured alive by Li Chunfeng and brought back to the Blood River Sect to suffer endless insults! ?

She was afraid of death, but she also knew that she couldn't do it if she didn't die!

It's better to die now, and die happily.

But if he was captured alive and brought back to the Blood River Sect, he would have a hard time dying!

Even if he became a golden elixir furnace, it would be ten thousand times more terrifying than death!

"Want to self-destruct the golden elixir! Dream on!"

But before Yang Lin could gather his spiritual energy and operate the golden elixir to self-destruct, a roar of anger followed!

Yang Lin was shocked and hurriedly blessed the golden elixir to operate and self-destruct.

But there was a flash of light in all directions, which turned into dozens of real light bands in an instant, wrapping Yang Lin on the spot and sealing him. His mana was completely suppressed, and it was difficult to operate, and self-destruction was impossible!

Li Chunfeng, who was covered in fire, stepped into the formation. There was no indifference on his face, only ferocity!

He sat cross-legged, using the power of light from all directions to suppress the Yinli divine fire on his body, and at the same time tried to calm his mood and not raise any desires until the fire in his heart was completely extinguished.

Yang Lin, who was tied up by the light bands and suppressed like a twisted rice dumpling, naturally saw Li Chunfeng's miserable appearance.

Her desperate eyes suddenly froze, and after being surprised for about a breath, she suddenly burst into laughter.

"Li Chunfeng, Li Chunfeng! You were beaten by Yu Xian!? Hahaha! You were beaten into this state by him!? Hahaha!"

There was only Yu Xian, a Jindan cultivator outside. Who else could Li Chunfeng fight with except Yu Xian?

And he looked like he had suffered a great loss, so he hid in the formation.

Otherwise, if he killed Yu Xian, even if he was seriously injured at this moment, he would be proud, or talk to himself in an arrogant manner, instead of his face full of ferocious anger.

Li Chunfeng was suppressing the false fire in his heart, and his mood gradually calmed down, and the flames slowly disappeared.

But when he suddenly heard Yang Lin's words, a large amount of evil fire suddenly emerged in his heart, burning him so much that he raised his head and roared, turned his head and looked at Yang Lin with bloodshot eyes, and raised his hand and waved!

"Bitch! Shut up!!"


A beam of light whistled in, and Yang Lin flew backwards for dozens of feet, with blood gushing out of his mouth!

But Yang Lin still laughed loudly, with a look of joy in his eyes.

"Sooner or later, I will find a way to break that bastard's magic! When the time comes, I will kill him like killing a pig or a dog! As for you, this slut, I will take you back and there are countless ways to deal with you! Since you like to control puppets, I want you to be a puppet!"

Li Chunfeng's eyes were full of anger. After a scolding, he gritted his teeth again to suppress the fire in his heart.

At the same time, he raised his hand and waved, and another beam of light whistled, slapping Yang Lin's lips, which were eroded by laughing, and at the same time blocked them, so that Yang Lin could not laugh at all, and only blood kept gushing out.

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