Yu Xian

Chapter 481 The idiot brought this upon himself, but he saved her life after all (12)

Chapter 481 The idiot brought the blame on himself, but he saved her life after all

Yang Lin frowned, and immediately ignored the black tiger puppet wrapped in blood mist. She turned around suddenly, led the male and female puppets in front, and quickly went back.

Although the pursuit was in a hurry along the way, Yang Lin's memory was able to do it exactly.

As long as she returns along the original path, she will not be harmed by the dangers of the Blood River Formation.

But imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel!

Qian Zhong used his own golden elixir blood as bait to attract the attention of the surrounding demons. All the demons within a radius of ten miles would be attracted.

When the Heavenly Demon moves, the Blood River Formation will naturally move with it, and they will not be allowed to escape from the Heavenly Demon Valley.

Therefore, as the situation changes, safe places will naturally become unsafe, and unsafe places may become safe!

It doesn't matter if Yang Lin is on the edge of the formation, there won't be many changes in the formation.

But this is deep in the formation, and the formation is changing drastically!

Without the guidance of the blood order, Yang Lin ran around like a headless fly. Unless she was really lucky, how could she not hit a dangerous position?

Although Yang Lin is regarded as a proud child of heaven and has some luck, she is not able to achieve the level of defying heaven.

She had just walked less than fifty feet along the long road when the male puppet in front of her suddenly bumped into a dangerous position. The blood mist in all directions was like mosquitoes smelling blood, whizzing and moving. Just wrap the puppet!

Yang Lin's expression changed, and she hurriedly tried to control the puppet to come back, but the moment the puppet was covered in blood mist, the spiritual connection with her was severed and completely lost.

After biting her silver teeth, Yang Lin did not dare to waste time. She gave up the male puppet on the spot and continued to use the female puppet to explore the way forward.

However, the position of the formation had changed, and the female puppet could only move forward no more than thirty feet before it touched dangerous ground again and was shrouded in blood mist on the spot!

Yang Lin looked solemn and without any consideration, she immediately gave up on the female puppet. She just raised her hand and two more middle-stage golden elixir puppets flew out.

The most important thing now is time!

It also takes time for the formation to change. The faster she is, the less the formation will change on the way back, but the longer she delays, the greater the formation will change on the way back!

She still has a lot of puppets here, which were originally used for transition. Now that they are taken out, they are just in use.


"Blood!! I want blood!!"

"I'm hungry! I'm hungry!!"

Yang Lin did not hesitate to use puppets to destroy her, and kept exploring the path to escape.

But the screams and roars from all directions became increasingly clear!

Upon hearing this, I am afraid there will be no less than ten demon generals!

Yang Linxiu frowned and moved forward quickly.

However, no matter how the formation changed, every few feet or more than ten feet, the puppet would touch a danger. Although she got around it in time, it was extremely time-consuming!

Moreover, she doesn’t have many puppets anymore!

Even if she keeps the puppets that have been eliminated over the years, there are only a dozen of them. How can they withstand such use?

"When I go back this time... I must refine some more ordinary puppets to prepare for emergencies and to explore the road!"

Yang Lin thought to herself, her face slightly anxious.

Go back...can you go back? ?

The danger of the Blood River Formation is secondary. After all, the Blood River Formation will not actively hurt people.

But what to do with the ten demon generals that were attracted! ?

One, or even two demon generals, Yang Lin asked herself whether she could suppress them with her spirit, but if there were more than three, she would be killed!

And now...it's ten!

If they were to swarm her, she would immediately turn into a withered skeleton!


Yang Lin gritted her teeth, listening to the roars coming from all around, and tried her best to use her puppets to find a way to escape. In less than two breaths, all the puppets were swallowed by the blood mist because they were in danger!

She had no choice but to take out the puppet again and continue to explore the path.

But how long can more than a dozen puppets be used?

She could only go back two hundred feet, and the last puppet was swallowed by the blood mist.

After bypassing this danger, the front becomes completely unknown!

Yang Lin only paused on the spot for less than a tenth of her breath, then she looked hard and stepped forward, still pursuing Qian Zhong's route before!

There is no other way but this!

She had to rush out. Even if she resisted the formation of the Blood River Formation, she still had to rush out. Only by rushing out could she get rid of those demon generals. Otherwise, she would definitely die!


But before she could move, a very low sound suddenly came. Yang Lin's expression changed, she raised her hand, and a big black clock fell on top of her head in an instant!


There was a loud noise, the bell body shook slightly, and a ray of sword light was scattered in all directions. Yang Lin staggered, but she was not injured at all.

But Yang Lin didn't even turn her head, she just continued to move forward.

Tens of feet away, Qian Zhong followed closely, secretly cursing Hu Tong for being greedy for life and fearing death, and actually escaped by himself!

He clearly said that he would wait for this cheap servant to be trapped, so he attacked from both front and back. Due to the changes in the formation, Yang Lin had absolutely no chance to escape.

But now it's better, he ran away! I am the only one left!

Although he has the blood order in hand, which can guide him to avoid the dangers of the formation, it is still difficult to keep Yang Lin!

Moreover, at the expense of using so many puppets, Yang Lin was about to break out of the inner range and enter the outer perimeter.

There are many dangers in the peripheral positions, and even if they are violated, the backlash will not be very powerful.

So once she gets to the periphery, she has escaped!

It was a pity that the sword energy I had struck on Yang Lin was not painful at all.

I was clearly a Jindan perfect cultivator, but I actually had a gap in mana with her who was in the late Jindan stage!

What a damn talent!

And I didn't dare to get too close, otherwise Yang Lin would definitely rush towards me directly, using me as a guide, or even try her best to kill me and take my blood order!

While secretly cursing Hu Tong's ancestors for eighteen generations, Qian Zhong continued to follow Yang Lin.

With the blood order guiding the way, he was much more relaxed than Yang Lin.

Although Yang Lin knew that Qian Zhong was following her, she had no choice but to move forward, so she just flew forward!

Fortunately, Qian Zhong's mana was not deep, and he could not do anything to her with magic weapons and spells.

After walking nearly a hundred feet like this, she was actually very safe and did not touch any danger of the formation. Seeing that she was about to leave the interior of the Blood River Formation and enter the periphery, Yang Lin's eyes were shining!

Her decision was indeed right. After trying her best to buy time, she had already caught up with the speed of the formation.

So all along the way, she was in a safe position!

Yang Lin felt a faint heat in her heart. This feeling of escaping death made people excited, but also scared!

After this incident, she would definitely not be so hot-headed in the future!

But as the saying goes, happiness leads to sorrow.

Yang Lin's heart was hot. Just as she was about to step into the periphery, she suddenly trembled all over and hurriedly retracted her steps!

Unfortunately, it was too late!

When she felt the rebound force of the formation, it was too late to retract it!

But the blood mist from all directions moved in an instant and surrounded her!

Yang Lin's face changed suddenly. Without saying a word, she pinched the seal with one hand and pointed the black clock above her head with the other hand, and rushed forward suddenly!


Surrounded by blood mist, at this moment, the blood mist was no longer as harmless as before, like water mist. As soon as she touched it, Yang Lin felt a huge corrosion, pressure, and stagnant force!

With a muffled sound, the black bell was trembling. Under the suppression of the blood mist, the spiritual light on its body quickly dimmed!

Yang Lin rushed forward desperately, pinched the formula, raised his hand and pointed: "Thunder breaks the evil! Open!!"


The red fire thunder flashed, more than ten feet long, and blasted forward, and all kinds of blood mists were annihilated instantly, and a clean passage appeared.

Yang Lin's eyes showed surprise, and she rushed forward!

But her spell, if it didn't move, it would be fine. If she used a magic weapon to push it out, it would not be impossible.

But she used such a spell!

The blood mist was damaged, and the blood mist within a radius of nearly 100 feet was alarmed!

The formation is originally a matter of one hair moving the whole body.

Yang Lin attacked these special blood mists, which was equivalent to actively attacking the blood river formation. Therefore, the blood river formation was naturally not the kind of light suppression, but a direct attack!

The rolling blood mist rolled in from all directions like a cover, with extremely terrible pressure.

Before Yang Lin walked out ten feet, she was surrounded by the blood mist. The rolling blood mist condensed and turned into a terrifying blood dragon that was more than ten feet long!

Yang Lin was shocked. She raised her hand and shouted: "Cut!!"

Black light flashed, and a magic weapon that looked like a sword or a knife flew out of Yang Lin's sleeve. It suddenly became several feet larger and chopped towards the blood dragon!

"What a fool! How dare you attack!?"

But at this moment, a low shout sounded in Yang Lin's ears.

At the same moment, a green light had already shot out, like a green dragon came to the magic weapon that looked like a sword or a knife, and collided with it!

With just a loud bang, Yang Lin's mind was shocked!

The collision force of the "green dragon" almost broke her connection with the magic weapon!

What kind of magic power is this! ?

And the magic weapon was knocked away by the green dragon on the spot, and did not cut the blood dragon.

The blood dragon roared and continued to bombard Yang Lin.

Yang Lin's face changed drastically, and despair appeared in her eyes!

Was it Qian Zhong who did it! ?

But why did that voice sound so familiar?

"Don't resist! I'll help you out!"

Another hurried voice sounded, and Yang Lin finally knew who was scolding her just now!

Yu Xian! ?

The blue light whistled and instantly wrapped around her waist, and then a huge pulling force was about to lift her away!

Yang Lin now understood that it was Yu Xian who came to save her.

But for some reason, she suddenly felt a surge of anger in her heart. Not only did she not listen to Yu Xian's words, but she also used her magic power to resist Lan Tianling's capture!

"None of your business!"

Yang Lin shouted angrily, and her magic power turned into a shield to resist Lan Tianling's pull.

Dozens of feet away, Yu Xian didn't pull it at all. His eyes were shaking with anger. He suddenly flipped his hand and Lan Tianling flew back, shouting, "What an ungrateful idiot! Then you go to hell!"


The blood dragon is already roaring!

Yang Lin hurriedly raised his hand to make a gesture, controlling the magic shield and the black bell, trying to resist, but the blood dragon was so powerful that its power almost caught up with the Nascent Soul. It bit down and exploded with a huge roar!

The black bell was bitten on the spot and cracked all over, and the spiritual light disappeared. Yang Lin's magic shield only lasted for a breath before it was also bitten!

The magic weapon and the magic shield were all broken, and the huge killing power of the blood dragon fell on Yang Lin.

With one bite, Yang Lin's skin exploded all over, countless wounds appeared, and the golden body was almost broken!

This blood dragon only looks like a bite, but in fact it is still a blood mist, which only wraps Yang Lin all over. The huge corrosion, suppression, and tearing force broke Yang Lin's body!



A mouthful of blood spurted out for several feet, and Yang Lin fell to the ground with a scream, struggling non-stop.

At this moment, she looked like a water doll thrown into a thorn bush, with thorns piercing her skin everywhere and tearing her flesh everywhere!

There was no good place on her body! Blood was flowing out like water!

She struggled frantically, but the blood mist wrapped around her body layer by layer, unable to break free, dodge, or get rid of it!

"It hurts...it hurts! Am I going to die!?"

Yang Lin was pierced through the mind by the huge pain, almost knocking out all consciousness, leaving only severe pain and pain!

She rolled and struggled frantically on the ground, with great fear, fear, and regret in her heart!

Why...I could have left just now, and Yu Xian had already cast a spell to save me...

Why didn't I leave! ? What was I thinking! ?

Ah! ! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! !

Save me...Yu Xian...come and save me! I won't struggle! I'll listen to you! ! You can do whatever you want me to do! !

I'm going to die...

"This woman is such an idiot. Someone saved her, but she didn't leave? Who is that person? Is it another Jindan cultivator who came with her?"

"But the two of them seem to have a conflict... I guess that person must be angry and leave now... What a good opportunity!"

In the distance on the other side of Yang Lin, Qian Zhong hadn't left yet. At this moment, he looked at Yang Lin, who was screaming and rolling on the ground, thinking secretly in his heart, with a light in his eyes, and suddenly raised his hand to cast a magic weapon.

"You are also ignorant of life and death."

But suddenly he heard a voice, and he shuddered all over. He didn't know who it was or when it approached. He just wanted to escape with a thought.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

The voice arrived, silently, and the extremely lethal black wind breath had also arrived, or even arrived first!

Qian Zhong felt a chill on his neck. After hearing that sentence, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

After killing this Jindan Perfection, Yu Xian turned his hand to put away his storage bag, then frowned and looked forward.

Yang Lin was no longer moving. The great pain caused by the blood mist corrosion was unimaginable. She fainted completely.

At the same time, the demons from all directions were about to arrive!

If she was not saved, the blood mist would corrode her completely within ten breaths. Even if it could not corrode her, there would be some debris left, and the demons would eat her up.

"It's really stupid..."

Yu Xian's eyes condensed, and he raised his hand again and pointed!

The blue sky silk whistled out and wrapped Yang Lin who was wrapped in the blood mist.

Directly contacting the blood mist, the blue sky silk suddenly flashed with light. Yu Xian hurriedly added great magic power to resist the blood mist, and at the same time, he suddenly pulled and turned around and fled quickly.

He followed the formation to the safe direction, dragging the half-dead Yang Lin all the way to escape for several miles.

In front, the fourteen disciples stayed in place with solemn expressions and dared not move. At this moment, when they saw Yu Xian coming back, they finally let go of their tense and cautious hearts.

Yu Xian raised his hand and shook it, and the blue sky silk was taken back into his palm.

The whole body of Lantian Ling was dim, and it was seriously damaged in just a short time.

The blood mist was extremely corrosive, which showed the horror of the blood river formation.

The blood mist on Yang Lin quickly dissipated after leaving the dangerous area of ​​the formation.

But she had already fainted completely at this moment, her body was torn and tattered, how could she still have a beautiful face? She looked like a skinned blood corpse, extremely hideous.

The 14 disciples were numbed by the sight.

As foundation-building cultivators, they had seen the world to some extent, and they would not be frightened by such a miserable situation.

It was just that Yang Lin, the elder Yang, who was in the late Jindan stage, powerful, beautiful and elegant, had become like this now, which was really frightening!

"This, elder...she, she is elder Yang? She, how did she become like this?"

Zhang Ling's eyes widened, and her words were full of surprise and horror.

"It's all my own fault."

Yu Xian shook his head, turned to look at Yang Lin lying on the ground, and said lightly: "Don't worry, she won't die."

Indeed, Yang Lin won't die.

A cultivator in the late Jindan stage, with golden muscles and jade bones, is very strong. Even if she is really skinned, as long as she doesn't die, she can still recover and grow well.

Yang Lin just looks miserable at the moment, and fainted from the great pain, but she is still far from death.

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