Yu Xian

Chapter 429 Thirty-seven years on, heading to Mengtian Grassland (12)

Chapter 429 Thirty-seven years passed, heading to Mengtian Grassland

Yu Xian was stunned on the spot.

He wanted Qi Yu to help recommend a great magical spell.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yu wanted to teach him his own spell directly?

After thinking for a while, Yu Xian said: "The elder's spells are all-powerful, and I am stupid. I am afraid I can't learn it well..."

"It doesn't matter if I can't learn it well. Anyway, I haven't studied this method very deeply. I just got it by chance. Maybe you can be more innovative and study it more deeply."

Qi Yu said lightly: "It depends on you, are you willing to learn?"

"I dare not refuse the elder's gift, and I am willing to learn."

Yu Xian had no choice but to nod and bow slightly.

"My method is on the fourteenth place in the sixty-third row. You can take it to study it." After Qi Yu said this, there was no movement.

"Disciple obeys your order."

Yu Xian nodded, first took the Heaven and Earth Tongshou Dafa, then took the Heaven-cutting Finger Technique, and finally went to the fourteenth place in the sixty-third row.

It was a remote place, and few people came. There was a scroll of secret method lying quietly on it, with a layer of fine dust, and it looked like no one had touched it for many years.

Perhaps Qi Yu felt that no one had touched this method for a long time, and secretly regretted that no one liked the method he created.

And today, by chance, Yu Xian asked him to recommend a magical secret method, so he also recommended the secret method he had realized.

After all, he thought Yu Xian was a good boy with good comprehension. Learning his accidental comprehension, which was considered an incomplete spell, might really make a breakthrough in the future and create something new.

"Yin deficiency and Yang excess..."

There were four very simple words written on the scroll.

Yu Xian looked at the scroll, reached out and took it down, bowed slightly and said: "Disciple will go back to practice now."

"Go ahead, if there is anything you don't understand, you don't have to ask me, just figure it out yourself. If you ask me, I don't understand either. This magical secret method is not attack, defense, or speed, but Yin deficiency and Yang excess."

Qi Yu's voice came, with indifference, as if Yu Xian's practice of this Yin deficiency and Yang excess method had nothing to do with him.

Yu Xian's expression moved slightly, nodded and said: "Disciple understands."

After speaking, Yu Xian bowed again and turned to leave the Sutra Hall.

The puppet was made, the five pills were obtained, and finally the two great magical secrets of Tiandi Tongshou and Jie Tian Finger Method were obtained.

Then the rest is to practice well!

Yu Xian is going to have the longest retreat since he started practicing.

As for Yin deficiency and Yang excess...

Although Yu Xian promised Qi Yu to learn it, he didn't want to learn it for the time being.

Something that can make the great power of the spirit transformation feel difficult to comprehend.

Yu Xian asked himself that he did not have such a heaven-defying understanding.

If he spent a lot of time to comprehend it, it would definitely be more trouble than gain.

It would be better to keep it for now and wait until his realm is higher, for example, the Nascent Soul stage.

Then it might be much easier to comprehend the method of Yin deficiency and Yang excess.

After leaving the Sutra Hall, Yu Xian went straight back to the Tianling Beast Court, his guest elder cave.

After more than half a month, Yunlu and Fengxue were still practicing and had not woken up yet, but the aura of the two beasts was much stronger, and it was obvious that they had some understanding.

Yu Xian checked the two beasts, nodded slightly, and then found a hilltop at random, sat cross-legged, and exhaled slowly.

After calming down for a moment, Yu Xian raised his hand to take out the puppet.

The puppet has been refined, and the puppet at the Jindan Perfection level can record five spells.

Only after recording five spells and then integrating them with the spirit, this Jindan Perfection puppet can have combat power.

Yu Xian looked at the puppet without facial features in front of him, thought for a moment, and then took out a mask from the storage bag and put it on it.

No facial features, then no facial features, anyway, it is not a human, and does not need a face.

It is just five kinds of magic, what should be recorded?

Wind, fire, mountain and forest, wind and forest must be recorded.

Thunder method... Thunder method must also be recorded.

For defense, the wood god armor must also be recorded.

The last spell...

"After I practice the Heaven and Earth Same Life, the Sky-cutting Finger, and the Netherworld God Claw, I will choose one from them."

Yu Xian thought secretly.

In fact, Yu Xian has another very powerful magic, and it can even be said to be the strongest among Yu Xian's current means, that is, the Yinli Divine Fire!

The Yinli Divine Fire, burning the enemy's aura to exist, directly acts on the enemy's body, magic weapons, magic shields cannot block it, it is simply overbearing.

However, this spell is Qiu Shiwen's method, and he will not use it easily.

Once it is used, it must be done in a way that no one knows about it, and the enemy must be killed at the same time.

Otherwise, once others know that I have this magical power, if it is spread to Qiu Shiwen's enemies.

Then I... I am afraid I will be in danger!

The means of the Return to Void Great Power are beyond all imagination, and even the things of cursing Qiu Shiwen's disciples from a distance can be done.

Yu Xian is not confident that he can withstand the remote curse of the Return to Void Great Power.

So this method cannot be recorded in the puppet, just know it yourself.

Thinking of this, Yu Xian began to record the spell mark.

This continued for three days, and all four spells were recorded.

Yu Xian exhaled, turned his hand to put away the puppet, and then took out the magical scroll of the Nether God Claw that he had obtained when he broke through the trial left by Qiu Shiwen in Dongzhou.

Opening the scroll, Yu Xian began to practice the Nether God Claw.

The Claw of the Netherworld is extremely powerful. When cultivated to a deep level, it can mobilize the power of the Netherworld and tear apart everything. Once the Netherworld ghost general extends a claw, ghosts and gods cannot escape.

As expected, this skill matches perfectly with Xiaoyaoyou. It is obviously the magical power born out of Xiaoyaoyou.

After Yu Xian participated in the practice, he felt like a fish in water. He was very happy. It only took him a few months to master the first two levels.

But the third level is extremely complicated, and it is expected that it will be impossible to understand it for a while.

Yu Xian didn't waste any more time on this, he would just start practicing slowly later.

With another flip of his hand, Yu Xian took out the Jie Tian Finger Technique.

Jie Tianzhi, Yu Xian has seen it twice.

And it was Tang Wentian who used it both times.

Just once to myself and once to Liu Ling.

I remember when Tang Wentian fought with him, with that one finger, he really forced himself to use all his methods!

Even though I was only in the early stage of the Golden Elixir at that time, it was enough to prove that the power of this Heaven-cutting Finger Technique was extremely magnificent!

Now, you can practice this fingering yourself.

Jie Tian, ​​Jie Tian!

Cut the sky with one finger!

Although this method was not born out of Xiaoyaoyou, it was definitely created by a powerful person.

Yu Xian frowned slightly as he took part in the practice, and used his Heaven-cutting Finger for two years!

On this day, Yu Xian closed his eyes and remained still, but slowly raised one hand, stretched out one finger, and pressed forward gently.

The spiritual energy in the sky gathered suddenly, and in an instant it turned into a giant finger, dozens of feet long, and pressed down suddenly!

But before the giant finger could press down, Yu Xian waved his hand and the giant finger disappeared without a trace.

Cut off the sky finger!

"In two years, I have only comprehended about 30% of it... No wonder Tang Wentian asked Song Jian for a piece of Heaven-cutting Finger enlightenment... This magical power is extremely powerful, but it is also difficult to comprehend... If he wants to comprehend more Powerful, difficult..."

Yu Xian whispered secretly, his eyes flickering slightly.

Finally, he turned his hand again and took out the Heaven and Earth Tongshou.

Heaven and earth have the same longevity.

One of the great secret methods of Xiaoyao Sect!

Only Li Zhu, Wei Shenjun, Wen Haoran and other geniuses can understand and learn to use the great magical powers and secret techniques!

"Heaven and earth live together..."

Yu Xian muttered to himself and opened the scroll.

"The time of heaven and earth, the long years, I don't know the time limit, I don't know the past, I don't know the future."

"At this time, everything in heaven and earth is vain. Only when you are free and easy can you be eternal."

"However, although heaven and earth are long-lasting, they will also have an end. When the end of the life span of heaven and earth comes, all things will be damaged and everything will disappear. This is because heaven and earth have the same life span!"

"Everything in heaven and earth has the same life span!"

Yu Xian thought silently in his heart, the Xiaoyaoyou Kung Fu all over his body was already in action, and billowing air machines appeared between the heaven and the earth!

It is invisible and intangible, but it actually exists and is full of powerful Qi!

This energy seems to be able to destroy the world and everything in the world will live and die together!

"Heaven and earth live together, everything returns to ruins... returns to ruins..."

Yu Xian turned around and immersed himself in it.

Time passes, and there is no rotation of the sun and moon in the blessed land cave. Once you meditate, it is like eternity, and nothing will change.

In the blink of an eye, nearly eight years have passed since Yu Xian went into seclusion to meditate.

In the seventh year, the two beasts Yunlu and Fengxue finally understood the way of spiritual pets left by Yu Xian, and their realms increased and stabilized at the fifth level of lower perfection.

After the two beasts woke up and saw Yu Xian meditating, they knew that their master was in retreat, so they did not dare to disturb him.

However, Feng Xue couldn't bear her temper, so she ran out and started playing in the entire Tianling Beast Academy and even Xiaoyao Sect.

Yun Lu still stayed in the blessed land cave, slowly accompanying his master to practice.

In the sixth year of practicing Heaven and Earth, Yu Xian suddenly opened his eyes and said to himself: "Heaven and Earth have the same life span, live and die together... When the power of this method is at its greatest, the caster will also be greatly affected. It seems that Wei Shenjun, Wen Haoran and others held back their hands when they were competing with those female cultivators, not wanting to be harmed and using their maximum power. "

Thinking of this, Yu Xian shook his head and smiled and said: "That's right, it's just a competition, why bother to get hurt?"

After letting out a breath, Yu Xian glanced around and saw Yun Lu lying on the top of a mountain, inhaling spiritual energy and practicing, while Feng Xue disappeared, and he frowned slightly.

With a thought, the formation appeared, and Yu Xian immediately knew the reason.

"Hey, you really have an out-of-touch temper. That's all. You can play outside for a while."

Yu Xian muttered to himself, then looked at Yun Lu and said, "Lu'er, come here."

When Yun Lu heard Yu Xian's voice, his eyelids suddenly twitched, he opened his eyes suddenly, raised his long neck, let out a long cry of surprise, then spread his giant wings, roared and flew to Yu Xian, stretched out his head, and got intimate Rubbing against Yu Xian's chest.

Yu Xian stretched out his hand to stroke Yun Lu's big head and said with a slight smile: "Yes, your understanding has improved a lot after you became wise. You have understood all the ways of spiritual pets that I taught you, so I will teach you some more."

Yunlu raised his head and barked a few times, full of joy, but then he barked twice more.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian smiled and said, "Are you still thinking about Feng Xue? It went out to play, so don't worry about it. When it comes back from playing enough, I will pass it on to it."

Yu Xian and Feng Xue sensed that Feng Xue was not in danger at the moment, and Xiaoyao Xianzong was tens of thousands of miles away, the sky was vast and the earth was vast, and there were many spiritual beasts, so Yu Xian did not recruit it back, and just let it play as much as it wanted. Bar.

Only then did Yun Lu yell, and then he was seriously preparing to listen to Yu Xian talk about the way of spiritual pets again.

Yu Xian let out a breath, closed his eyes for a while, and then began to speak.

The way of spiritual pets he summarized at the beginning was enough for Yun Lu and Feng Mao to reach the fifth level of cultivation. Now he will just continue it, so there is no difficulty.

Yunlu was so engrossed in listening that he listened for three days. Yuxian saw that its eyes were beginning to become confused, so he let it continue to comprehend and practice.

This is a small episode.

Yuxian let out a long breath and closed his eyes to meditate. After a month and a half, he had fully mastered the three magical powers he had comprehended.

"Linglong Yangxin Technique... I will spend the rest of my time comprehending you! I will only wait for the opportunity to come... and restore my perfect golden elixir!"

Yuxian opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, raised his hands to make a spell, slowly closed his eyes, and slowly immersed himself.

There is no time in practice, and no years in the cold.

It was only seven days in the cave, but a thousand years in the world.

During this great practice, Yuxian practiced Xiaoyaoyou to stabilize the middle stage of the golden elixir and gradually approached the perfection of the middle stage of the golden elixir, while practicing Linglong Yangxin Technique with all his strength. All his mental and spiritual insights were tied to it.

In this way, another twenty-nine years passed in the blink of an eye.

Yuxian also officially entered the age of one hundred.

A hundred years old, in the mortal world, is a centenarian, a birthday star, and a manifestation of fortune.

But for Yu Xian, it is meaningless.

Yu Xian is still as young as ever, handsome and tall, and time cannot leave a mark on him for the time being.

One day, Yu Xian's eyebrows moved slightly.

A voice came to his ears.

"Yu Xian, why don't you come out? Your opportunity has come, and the energy of heaven and earth can't wait for you."

This voice sounded directly in his mind, ignoring the formation and the space of the blessed land and cave. It was Song Jian's words.

Yu Xian's heart suddenly jumped, and he suddenly opened his eyes, with a gleam in his eyes!

He stood up without saying a word, raised his hand, and Feng Xue, who had returned long ago and was already practicing, and Yun Lu, who had been practicing, were put into his spirit beast bag.

Then he flew to the door, opened the door and went out, and went straight to the central treasure building of Xiaoyao Sect.

Thirty-seven years.

With the huge influence of Xiaoyao Xianzong in the Central Plains, it took such a long time to find a place where the energy of heaven and earth exists.

If I were to find it alone, I would never find it in my lifetime.

So this opportunity must not be missed, otherwise it will be impossible.

Flying all the way to the treasure building, Yu Xian quickly went up to the third floor.

On the third floor, Song Jian was still sitting there, with his energy flashing all over his body.

"Disciple greets the second elder!"

Yu Xian bowed and said: "I wonder where the energy of heaven and earth is?"

Song Jian glanced at Yu Xian and frowned and said: "Yu Xian, Elder Zou is talking about alchemy, why don't you go to listen?"


Yu Xian didn't expect Song Jian to suddenly bring up such a topic.

He was surprised for a moment, then said: "I am immersed in cultivation, so I don't have time to listen. I have also talked about this matter with the Fifth Elder."

"You have talked about it? Why is she so angry after talking about it?"

Song Jian showed a hint of helplessness and said: "Why did you make her angry? I'm afraid you will have a hard time in the future."


Yu Xian opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, he straightened his face and said, "Elder, I am not here to discuss this issue with you. The Qi of Heaven and Earth..."

"Oh, the Qi of Heaven and Earth."

Song Jian nodded and said calmly, "The outer sect elders sent a message that a baby is about to be born in the Mengtian tribe deep in the Mengtian grassland of the Ice Dynasty. The baby has a Qi of Heaven and Earth on him. You can go and take it, but there are many people who covet the Qi of the baby. After all, the Qi of Heaven and Earth is not only used to restore the perfect golden elixir, but also has many other wonderful uses. So whether you can fight for it this time depends on your own ability. If you can't get it, I will not use resources to help you search."


Yu Xian's eyes condensed.

The arrival of the Qi of Heaven and Earth is random. It can be a grass, a tree, a spiritual fruit, a spiritual medicine, a spiritual beast, or a person.

"May I ask, elder, will taking the Qi have any effect on the baby?"

Yu Xian paused and couldn't help asking.


Song Jian's indifferent expression raised his eyebrows when he heard Yu Xian's words.

He looked up at Yu Xian and frowned, "Are you kind?"

"It's not kindness, I just don't want to hurt innocent people because of my needs."

Yu Xian shook his head.

Song Jian frowned and said, "If you don't hurt, won't others be hurt? How can a cultivator have such petty kindness? If you don't go astray and harm sentient beings, no one will blame you."

Yu Xian shook his head again and said, "That's not the truth. I have my own persistence. I still dare to ask the elder, will taking the qi have any effect on the baby?"

"Qi is born, there will definitely be an impact, but it won't hurt, but this is slow, and it has to be taken out bit by bit. If it is taken out quickly and forcibly, the baby will be disabled if not dead."

Song Jian said indifferently Then, he looked at Yu Xian and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be so kind? It's interesting. Then, will you take the energy of heaven and earth?"

"Of course."

Yu Xian looked calm and said loudly: "Wait for me to save the baby, and then slowly take out the energy of heaven and earth without hurting the baby. If I don't go, the baby's life will be in danger if others fight for it. I saved it, and it gave me the energy of heaven and earth. It's fair."

Song Jian looked at Yu Xian's calm eyes, nodded after a moment and said: "You are quite frank."

After saying that, Song Jian waved his hand and said: "Go to the big teleportation formation and teleport to Mengtian Grassland. Otherwise, if you escape and rush, by the time you arrive, the baby will die of old age even if he is fine."

"Disciple, thank you, Elder."

Yu Xian nodded, gave a salute, turned around and walked quickly downstairs.

"Are you so evil as to be good, and so false as to be true...or do you really have a clear mind and innocent thoughts..."

Song Jian frowned slightly, looked at the direction where Yu Xian disappeared, and whispered to himself.

Yu Xian left the treasure building and flew quickly towards the teleportation array.

When he and Li Xing came, they came out of the teleportation array.

There are dozens of teleportation arrays there, leading to all parts of Central Continent. The largest teleportation array can even teleport as far as half of Central Continent.

Yu Xian came quickly, showed his inner sect Jindan disciple token, and shouted: "I want to go to Mengtian Grassland, take me to the teleportation array quickly."

The tokens of inner sect golden elixir disciples are more noble than ordinary Nascent Soul tokens.

Therefore, a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core hurriedly ran over, took a look at the token, and said respectfully: "It turns out to be Senior Brother Yu Xianyu of the Inner Sect! Senior Brother Yu is coming with me!"

Yu Xian followed him quickly to a large teleportation array. The early-stage golden elixir monk said, "This teleportation array can teleport you, senior brother, to Mengtian Grassland."

With that said, the cultivator in the early stage of the golden elixir took out a piece of jade talisman from his arms and handed it to Yu Xian: "Senior brother, holding this jade talisman, you can summon the power of a teleportation array and move it back. This jade talisman has the power of space and cannot be released. Put it in the storage bag, senior brother, remember not to damage it, otherwise it will take decades for senior brother to come back after being hundreds of millions of miles away. "

Yu Xian took the jade talisman, nodded and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist."

With that said, he stepped into the large teleportation array that penetrated the sky and the earth.

The next moment, the large teleportation array flashed with light, and Yu Xian disappeared into the teleportation array.

PS: 6,000 words, which is half of yesterday’s chapter.

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