Yu Xian

Chapter 309: Harvest of a year of retreat, opening the storage bag again (12)

Chapter 309: Harvest of a year of retreat, opening the storage bag again

Yu Xian returned to the courtyard quickly without any incidents along the way, and first put away the little phoenix cat and the heron in the clouds.

Then he left a message in the courtyard protection formation.

This message explained that he had gone to the sect's retreat room for retreat and practice.

If there is an emergency, you can come to find it. If it is not an emergency, please do not disturb.

After leaving the message, Yu Xian raised his hand and the formation was restored.

Later, as long as someone touched the formation and called him, the words would be heard calmly.

After clapping his hands, Yu Xian smiled faintly, turned around and went to the upper peak of Haotian Sect.

Ordinary foundation-building disciples can't afford the retreat place of Haotian Sect.

Only the Jindan elders, those saints, or the extremely wealthy foundation-building disciples, such as Yu Xian, can afford it.

Because its location is close to the top of the mountain, it is blessed by the main spiritual vein of Xiao Kunlun Mountain, which can only be practiced and absorbed by Yuanying strongmen!

Even Jindan cultivators, unless they are Jindan Great Perfection or have special status, are not allowed to enjoy such a position. If they want to come here for cultivation and retreat, they have to pay contribution points.

Here, there are more than one handful of cultivation treasures in the entire Dongzhou land!

Yu Xian walked up the mountain road. The higher he went, the colder the air became, and the more rich and pure the spiritual energy became.

Until he reached the ridge of the back mountain, the spiritual energy around was already 50% richer than that on the mountainside.

In front of him, there was a huge formation on a sloping peak, and a half-sized palace stood in it.

And behind the palace, there were thirteen retreat places scattered around, enjoying the blessings of the main spiritual vein of Xiao Kunlun Mountain!

This retreat room is only slightly worse than the caves of the Yuanying Supreme Elders. No other place can compare to it. It is an excellent treasure place for cultivation!

Similarly, this place is extremely expensive, requiring two contribution points a day.

One day, two points!

How could ordinary disciples afford it? After all, no one can use it for a few days in seclusion. Even if they come to seclusion, they need at least one month, which means 60 contribution points!

However, Yu Xian still has more than 3,000 contribution points, so it is okay to rent 1,000 points first.

Thinking in his heart, Yu Xian took a step in the air and flew to the huge slanting peak.

It is said to be a slanting peak derived from Xiao Kunlun Mountain, but the volume of Xiao Kunlun Mountain is too large, so this slanting peak is also larger than ordinary mountains, with a height of a thousand feet.

In order to avoid being disturbed by outsiders, the place of seclusion is independent of the main peak and covered by the formation, which is extremely quiet inside.

Yu Xian came in the air, stood outside the formation, and said loudly: "Disciple Yu Xian of the Alchemy Sect, I come to rent the seclusion room to practice, please open the formation."

As Yu Xian spoke, the formation shook slightly and a crack appeared.

Yu Xian followed him in and fell into the mountain. It took him a short while to reach the door of the hall. He did not go in directly, but bowed respectfully and said, "Disciple Yu Xian from the Alchemy Sect, I pay my respects to the elder."

"Hmm? Haha..."

The man in the hall obviously did not expect Yu Xian to be so polite. He did not go in directly, but bowed to him at the door of the hall first. Therefore, he couldn't help but laugh in surprise, and then said, "Come in."

Only after hearing this did Yu Xian get up and walk in.

The retreat place is extremely quiet, and few people come.

After all, Jindan masters rarely retreat, and only come here to retreat when they have an epiphany.

Usually they practice in their own caves and halls, so it doesn't matter if there is less spiritual energy.

The Yuanying Supreme Elder will not come here.

As for the foundation-building disciples, there are even fewer who can come, and they don't have so many contribution points to squander.

The hall is empty and quiet, with only a counter in front, and no one around.

Yu Xian took a few steps forward, not looking around. Regardless of whether there was anyone there or not, he took out the black jade token and bowed, saying, "Disciple wants to rent a retreat room for a year. This is the disciple's contribution token."

"One year?"

The voice said with a faint smile, "That's 730 contribution points. How long did it take you to save up for a great perfection in foundation building? Are you planning to attack the golden elixir?"

Obviously, Yu Xian's behavior of bowing at the door of the hall made the manager of this mysterious retreat place more favorable.

And because the manager was here, he obviously didn't know that Yu Xian killed Mu Hanling and got 5,000 contribution points.

After all, it was only a month after the incident, and no one would deliberately tell him such ordinary news.

Yu Xian naturally wouldn't pretend to be big-headed, and smiled bitterly, "Contribution points are rare, but for the sake of cultivation, I can only spend them with pain."

"That's right. Isn't it for cultivation to earn contribution points with hard work?"

The words sounded again, but I saw a person standing at the counter at some point.

Wearing purple gauze, covering her face with a mask, and with a graceful figure, it was actually a woman.

Yu Xian was slightly stunned for a moment, but then he came back to his senses.

The previous voice was neutral, it could be male or female, and if it was a female, there would be no problem.

He just subconsciously thought that the owner of the voice was a man.

Yu Xian didn't know the name of this woman. The retreat place was too quiet and remote. The cultivators who could be here were obviously extremely tolerant of loneliness, or liked loneliness.

Therefore, few people knew her name, and those who knew it would not spread it everywhere.

But the fluctuation of the aura of the Golden Core Great Perfection in her body was no worse than that of Hong Shao and Zhuo Lin, the two Golden Core Great Perfections!

Obviously, she was also an extremely powerful person.

Yu Xian bowed slightly again and said, "Disciple greets the elder."

"Okay, no need to be polite. You have already performed three rituals in a row. There is no need to do so."

The woman, whose face was hidden by the mask, smiled faintly and said, then raised her hand and the black jade contribution token in Yu Xian's hand flew into her hand.

She looked around a little, and the only beautiful eyes that were exposed were obviously surprised: "Oh? There are so many? Could it be that those Yuanying old guys have accepted disciples again? Your master is that supreme elder?"

More than 3,000 contribution points are not something that a foundation-building cultivator can earn.

The woman knew it well, so she was confused.

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "I have not taken the Supreme Elder as my master. I earned these contribution points by completing tasks."

"You are really amazing. You can accumulate so many contribution points. You must have completed major tasks between life and death."

The woman did not ask any more questions. She nodded and praised. Then she turned her hand and transferred 700 contribution points. She raised her hand again and a token appeared in her hand.

"Since you are so polite, I will only charge you 700 points. You can go to the retreat room No. 3. It's the same anyway. There is no difference in ranking. The term is one year."

The woman smiled faintly and threw the contribution token and the retreat room token to Yu Xian.

Yu Xian reached out to take it and bowed again, saying, "Thank you, Elder. I will take my leave."

After that, he turned around and quickly left the hall and went straight to the mountain.

The woman in the hall watched Yu Xian leave and said to herself: "More than 3,000 contribution points, not given by the Yuanying elder, but earned by doing tasks by myself... I haven't seen such a ruthless person in many years. Although this boy is not talented, he will either not grow up and spend his whole life to build a great foundation. Once the five elements are perfect, he will achieve the great golden elixir of heaven and earth and grow up... Hehe, there is no limit to his potential."


Yu Xian came up the mountain and flew all the way. With the token guiding him, he soon came to a cave.

The stone door of the cave was closed, with some patterns carved on it, simple and natural.

This is the retreat room No. 3.

And the surrounding rocks are rugged. Even if you haven't entered the retreat room, the spiritual energy is 60% to 70% denser than when you were on the mountainside. Even if you practice at the door of this retreat room, it will be of great benefit!

Yu Xian showed a happy expression and waved his hand.

The token flew out and stuck to the groove of the stone door. With a flash of light, the stone door opened with a bang.

Yu Xian raised his hand to put away the token, stepped in, and the stone door closed again.

As soon as he stepped into the retreat room, a strong, pure aura that was three times purer than the top-grade spirit stone and only inferior to the aura of the best spirit stone came to his face!

It was like a thick fog in the eyes, and it had completely enveloped Yu Xian.

Yu Xian couldn't help but look up and take a deep breath. He was really refreshed and walked inside with a smile on his face.

The retreat room was not small, at least forty or fifty feet, but the things were very simple.

A cushion fell in the center.

There were three spirit-testing stone stakes in the distance to the east, which were obviously used by the retreatants to test the power of their spells. These spirit-testing stones were very tough, and it was difficult for the late Jindan to destroy them.

There was also a mechanism located in the southwest corner.

If the retreatant was obsessed with practicing, he could cast a spell or pounce on it and the woman in the hall would immediately notice it and rescue him.

It was a great place!

Although it cost two contribution points a day, it was worth it.

Yu Xian came to the center, sat cross-legged, exhaled heavily, and felt extremely relaxed.

Long before being invited by Hua Yuandu to the inheritance secret realm, after sitting in the hall to refine the elixir, he planned to retreat and practice well.

But later, there was the sect competition, Hua Yuandu invited him to the inheritance secret realm, and Zheng Huo borrowed contribution points, so he had no free time.

Until now, he finally settled down and had a whole year of free time.

It is expected that there will be no more things in this year.

If there is, Yu Xian only hopes that it is the master who comes to find him.

Otherwise, if other things are not disturbing him, they must be a big deal.

"The eighth and ninth vines should appear."

Yu Xian exhaled lightly, his expression was calm, he muttered to himself, raised his hands and pinched the seal.

The Wanshou Wood Spring Art was activated, and the Wood Vine Art was performed.

Seven vines whistled out, like seven dragons swimming in the retreat room, and the eighth one appeared faintly and slowly took shape...


As the saying goes, there is no time for cultivation, and the cold does not stop for years.

Yu Xian has many spells to comprehend, including the late stage of the small elixir body, and he also wants to try to break through the great perfection.

Now he is practicing in this retreat room surrounded by spiritual energy, and even the power of the rules of heaven and earth has become much stronger, and he has benefited a lot.

In the first month, the vine method directly broke through to the ninth root, which can be said to be a natural result.

In the second month, the wood spirit heart method has a breakthrough. The power that constantly gathers from the sea of ​​qi to the sea of ​​consciousness is obviously a little more, but Yu Xian still doesn't understand what kind of power this is. Perhaps after the golden elixir, he can understand the heart formula left by the big sycamore tree.

In the third month, Mu Yang's light spirit technique is completely perfect, and when it is running, it can bless 30% of the speed of escaping into the air.

In the fourth month, the big five elements handprint has a little comprehension, and the power has increased by about 10%.

In the fifth month, Xue Linglong has a little comprehension, and the power has increased by about 10%.

From the sixth to the eighth month, the Three Treasures Divine Thunder Technique finally made a breakthrough. It only took thirty breaths to fuse the three thunder balls! However, it was still a very long time constraint, and it was difficult to use it easily during a duel!

In the ninth month, both the Mirror Image Body Technique and the Mysterious Heaven Soul Slashing Technique had breakthroughs. One increased the casting speed by 30%, and the other increased the power by 20%, reaching the limit that Yu Xian could reach at the present moment of his foundation building.

From the tenth to the twelfth month, both the Mountain and Forest Techniques of Fenghuoshan Forest had breakthroughs. The power of the Mountain Technique on the physical body increased by 0.5%, and the speed of the Forest Technique increased by 10%!

Without waiting for Yu Xian to continue to practice the Wind Technique, the Six Elements Formation of the Heavenly Star, the Green Spirit Sword Technique of the Green Spirit Sword, and even the most difficult Great Pill Body Refining Technique, a year had already passed.

Not to mention the study of the Lingxu Fan, the Mysterious Ruler, the Flying Sand Soul Gourd, and other scattered things.

Time passed so quickly, as if he had just entered this retreat room yesterday!

Slowly finishing the exercise, the mystery of Lin Dong's swiftness gradually dissipated, and Yu Xian opened his eyes.

The time has come, and the token has already given a reminder. If I am reluctant to leave and deliberately delay time, and the female elder casts a spell to drag me out, it will not look good.

So just go out, no need to drag it out.

As for spending another 730 contribution points to buy a year?

It is no longer necessary. The various insights that follow can be carried out in the courtyard by myself, without spending such a large price.

Contribution points are really hard to come by.

After all, how can there be so many Mu Hanlings for him to kill?

The remaining more than 2,000 points should be kept for emergencies. This thing is more useful than spirit stones.

Yu Xian exhaled, and a satisfied look appeared in his eyes.

This retreat has yielded a lot, and many spells have reached their current limits.

If you want to increase power, speed, defense, etc., you can only break through the Jindan realm, not to have a deeper understanding.

This is like a mortal using a knife. The knife is already sharp to the limit. If you want to have greater killing power, you can only break through from your own strength, instead of continuing to sharpen the knife.

Yu Xian stood up and planned to go out.

However, after taking two steps, his eyes moved and he stopped.

Today is not over yet, and there are still a few hours left. It doesn't matter if you go out early. After all, it will only make people feel ridiculous if you go on time. There is no need to do so.

The reason why he stopped was that he suddenly remembered something!

The top-grade storage bag absorbs spiritual energy fiercely, and every time it is opened, it will suck out his own sea of ​​qi.

Last time, I used a lot of top-grade spiritual stones to barely maintain it. In the end, I opened the top-grade storage bag for two breaths and took out three top-grade spiritual stones.

And now in this retreat room, the spiritual energy around is like liquefaction, which is more concentrated than the top-grade spiritual stones!

Why not use this spiritual energy to try to open the top-grade storage bag again?

If you can take out a few top-grade spiritual stones again, it will be a big profit.

After all, there are still a few hours, enough time.

Thinking of this, Yu Xian turned back, sat cross-legged again, stretched his hand into his arms, and his palm was attached to the top-grade storage bag.

"Top-grade storage bag, although it is a treasure that can only be used by the Nascent Soul, it is difficult to open, but today I am in this spiritual energy ocean, with an endless supply of spiritual energy. Can you still suck my sea of ​​qi dry? I don't believe it."

It has been nearly ten years since I was almost sucked dry last time.

Yu Xian has also gone from the middle stage of foundation building to the great perfection of foundation building, and the capacity of the sea of ​​qi has increased by more than ten times.

In addition, the spiritual energy here is rich, and the breath is pure spiritual energy. I think it should be enough to open this top-grade storage bag again.

After whispering to himself, Yu Xian's eyes flashed, and the spiritual energy had already flowed into the top-grade storage through his palm!

The third time, open!

PS: Thank you to the Beiyun Zun for the explosive flowers, thank you for your reward support! ^.^

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