Yu Xian

Chapter 25 Foundation Building Pill Treasure Map, Judicial Bureau Comes to Investigate the Case

Sun Bingcheng is the weakest among the three, although he is also in the middle stage of Qi Condensation.

But his belongings are really pitiful.

In the storage bag, there are a hundred or so spirit stones, two first-level magic weapons, a few bottles of healing pills, a few basic spells, and nothing else.

Really poor...

Yu Xian shook his head. The most expensive thing on Sun Bingcheng is precisely this storage bag itself, which can be sold for six or seven hundred spirit stones.

After putting all the things into his own storage bag, Yu Xian took out Liu Xue's storage bag.

There are quite a few things in Liu Xue's storage bag, more than six hundred spirit stones, a second-level magic armor, a few bottles of small spirit pills, a bottle of soul-returning pills, and some basic spell scrolls.

There are no surprises in the two storage bags. What they have, Yu Xian also has.

Only the second-level armor is good. Yu Xian refined it casually, erased Liu Xue's mark, and turned it into his own magic weapon. As long as he thinks about it, he can summon it and wear it on his body.

It was also Liu Xue's bad luck. He didn't even see Yu Xian's move. He just walked into the mine cave and suffered the collision power of the Jindan early stage spell. He was seriously injured and unconscious on the spot. How could he have time to summon the treasure armor to protect himself?

So this second-level magic treasure armor can only be cheapened by Yu Xian.

Still moving the things into his storage bag, Yu Xian looked at the third storage bag.

Huang Hanxiao's storage bag!

As a veteran Qi Condensation Perfection, Huang Hanxiao's net worth must not be low.

Yu Xian sent out the spiritual energy and looked inside.

Yu Xian's eyes flashed on the spot!

The storage bag was full.

Thirty medium-grade spirit stones were neatly stacked.

Eighteen bottles of pills were a little scattered. It was obvious that Huang Hanxiao was very anxious when he took the pills to heal his injuries, so he knocked them over.

Among these pills, there was a bottle that was particularly eye-catching.

There were three big words written on the white jade bottle.

Foundation Building Pill!

Obviously, Huang Hanxiao kept this foundation-building pill for himself.

When he feels that he has achieved perfection, or accumulates a few more foundation-building pills, he will try to break through.

But now, all of this is for Yu Xian!

Two second-level magic weapons, a long sword, all green, sharper than the one Yu Xian got from Zhao Mulin, with a strong aura, almost up to the third level.

A jade mirror, which can also directly catch up to the third-level magic weapon.

Two magic weapons of good quality, obviously not mass-produced goods from the forging workshop, are engraved with their own names.

Bamboo sword, broken illusion mirror.

There are also two spell scrolls.

Fire dragon magic.

Water tornado.

These two spells are powerful. As for other garbage spells, Huang Hanxiao doesn't care about them at all and threw them away long ago.

There is also a sheepskin.

Yu Xian took a look and found that it was a map with a complex route engraved crookedly, and a few words on the edge.

Master Zhenling, the map of the secret treasure, the lucky ones can get it and pass it on.

"Treasure map?"

Yu Xian's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but take out the sheepskin and put it in front of his eyes to examine it carefully.

This is indeed a map, the route is very complicated, and many cities and counties, the names of mountains are marked, leading all the way to a city called Da Kui Villa.

According to the instructions of this treasure map, the secret treasure of the Master Zhenling should be in Da Kui Villa.

But even if it is a secret treasure, Yu Xian has no ability to go there now.

Perhaps, even Huang Hanxiao is waiting for his foundation to be established before going to see the secret treasure of the Master Zhenling, otherwise it would not be useless all the time, because he has not established a foundation and has no confidence.

Shaking his head, Yu Xian put the sheepskin away.

This thing, it is not important, it is indeed not important.

But if it is important, then no one knows how big the secret treasure of the Master Zhenling will be, and how good the inheritance will be!

To be called a master... at least he must be a Jindan strongman!

When the time is right and I feel I have enough strength, I will go and find out!

Yu Xian thought so and began to put things into his storage bag one by one, but soon he found out...

Both of his storage bags were full!

After all, it was just a low-grade storage bag with limited space.

Normally, a low-grade storage bag is enough for a cultivator who has condensed Qi.

But Yu Xian was obviously abnormal.

"I have to find a chance to change to a medium-grade storage bag, otherwise it will be crowded with several storage bags in my arms, and it is very easy to take the wrong things. Once I fight with others and want to take magic weapons, elixirs, and spirit stones, but I find the wrong storage bag, I will die unjustly..."

Yu Xian shook his head, put away the five storage bags, and whispered to himself.

It's just that the value of a medium-grade storage bag is extremely high. With Yu Xian's current wealth, it would take three times more to exchange for a medium-grade storage bag.

The internal space of a medium-grade storage bag is ten times that of a low-grade storage bag.

This matter is still a long way off, so there is no need to think too much.

Yu Xian emptied his mind, calmed down, and began to practice and recuperate.

Unknowingly, three days passed.

Liu Xue and Sun Bingcheng's disappearance was not a big deal.

But Huang Hanxiao's death caused a huge shock!

As for why Huang Hanxiao was dead, not missing?

Because his life card was broken!

Although Huang Hanxiao was an outer disciple, he was deeply loved by the owner of Baikuangfang and had a great chance to enter the foundation building in the future, so he also enjoyed one of the treatments that only inner disciples had.

Soul engraved life card!

This life card represents Huang Hanxiao. If the life card is intact, Huang Hanxiao will still be alive even if he disappears. He may have suddenly left the sect for something.

But since the fate card is broken, Huang Hanxiao is naturally dead!

The owner of Baikuangfang was furious and wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly, and the Judicial Workshop finally got serious!

Because Huang Hanxiao does not belong to the ordinary low-level disciples!

There are both internal and external doors in the Judiciary Square, which is the most mysterious place in the entire Baiyun Sect. It specializes in dealing with various violations of the rules, legal matters and other matters involving the Baiyun Sect's disciples.

At this moment, the Baiyun Sect's outer sect's Judiciary Office has sent three people to investigate Huang Hanxiao's death.

If he died outside and was killed by rogue cultivators, the Baiyun Sect would naturally want to find out and take revenge.

If he dies in the hands of his fellow disciples, the laws of the Baiyun Sect will not spare him!

After some investigation, according to the last witness, Huang Hanxiao went to Lieyang Mining Area with Sun Bingcheng.

So in the early morning of the fourth day, the teleportation array in Lieyang Mining Area lit up, and three middle-aged men walked out indifferently, all in their forties or fifties.

They are disciples of the outer sect’s Judiciary Workshop, and they are Qi Condensation Dzogchen!

Similarly, they are also disciples who have failed to build the foundation several times. The foundation has been broken and there is no hope of building the foundation anymore.

So they are also very... cool!

If Xu Haoming fails to build a foundation in the future, it will most likely be like this.

"All mining disciples from Lieyang Mining Area, come out!"

The three of them looked at the row of houses in front of them with indifferent expressions. One of them suddenly shouted loudly, like a thunder explosion, regardless of whether there were any disciples practicing in the house.

At this moment, most of the disciples in Lieyang Mining Area were indeed practicing, preparing for the selection in three and a half months. When they were suddenly shouted at by this voice, they were so shocked that they turned pale and their spiritual energy was disordered!

There was even one person who vomited blood on the spot, his face full of anger!

The house opened, and many disciples came out angrily. However, when they saw clearly the clothes of the people in front of them, they were like deflated rubber balls. They could only lower their heads and walked carefully in front of the three of them.

They are actually Judicial Workshop disciples...

These are evil stars that cannot be messed with!

How did they come here?

Yu Xian naturally walked out as well, with a calm expression and a puzzled look on his face, and stood with this group of people, a total of seventy-three people, waiting for the questions from the three disciples of the Judicial Workshop.

However, the three disciples of the Judicial Workshop did not ask any questions, but kept scanning the crowd for a full stick of incense!

During this period, they could see all the expressions on everyone's faces!

Doubtful, surprised, frightened, puzzled, and scared all kinds of ways!

It's just that these expressions are all normal and nothing can be seen at all.

Finally, the older man in the middle said calmly: "We have nothing to do here this time. We just want to ask you, who has seen Huang Hanxiao? Oh, it's your manager Huang."

Everyone looked confused. They devoted themselves to practice and tried to break through. How could they know the traces of Huang Hanxiao?

The elder frowned slightly when he saw no one spoke.

"Then among you, who has seen Sun Bingcheng!?"

Sun Bingcheng?

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Everyone knew him and had naturally seen him before, but how should they answer this?

No one dared to speak first.

Anger brewed in the elder's eyes.

Could it be said that when Sun Bingcheng came with Huang Hanxiao, he was directly lured away and killed? Is that why no one discovered it?

Or is there someone in this group of people who is deliberately hiding it?

"Whoever has seen it, tell me, don't be afraid. I am Liang Hucheng of the Judiciary. As long as you provide clues, I will report it to the boss and give you a big reward! I will help you practice. I, Liang Hucheng, will do what I say. "

Liang Hucheng's voice was calm, with a hint of temptation.

But he underestimated these disciples.

Don't say they don't know, even if they do know or have seen it, they don't dare to speak at the moment.

They don’t want to become the first suspect!

It is said that these evil gods of the Judicial Center, if they really can't find the real criminal, then whoever provides evidence will be regarded as a criminal, taken to the Judicial Center, and beaten into submission!

Who dares to say more?

Looking at the silent seventy-three people in front of him, Liang Hucheng gradually became unable to hold himself tight.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a cold voice: "Those who provide clues will be heavily rewarded, but those who know and fail to report will be punished ten times. That will not only mean expulsion from the Baiyun Sect! It will be a life and death dilemma!"

But everyone remained silent.


Seeing that everyone was silent, Liang Hucheng finally couldn't help it anymore and sneered: "Very good! I know there must be someone who knows the truth among you, but you don't tell me! Very good! I don't need you to tell me, just the same. It can be traced. At worst, I will ask the inner sect elder Qin Tianjian! By then, the whole story will be clear to Qin Tian Prison! Anyone who knows and fails to report will be punished with the same crime!"

But everyone was still speechless.

Among them, except for Yu Xian, no one really knew the ins and outs of all this. If they didn't know, then what the hell was that?

"Brother, maybe they really don't know?"

One of the two people behind Liang Hucheng couldn't help but step forward and said softly: "If you can't find anything out from their mouths, why don't you just investigate directly?"

Liang Hucheng frowned, then calmed down after a moment, and said calmly: "That's right, these trash, rubbish mouths, naturally can't ask anything, and they can't even take advantage of them! Let's investigate directly!"

After saying that, he waved to the group of angry-looking Lieyang Mining District disciples and said, "Since you don't know anything, then get out!"

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