The old man was so angry that he was forced to play.

Chen Xinxin glanced at the cards in her hand, and said after a pause under Zhou Gu's instructions: "Uh... well... I summon this [Broken Armor Boy. Luo Guisha]."

After glancing back and forth at the cards in her hand, she slapped a monster card on the duel disk.

A projection of a white-clothed evil ghost holding a lantern appeared.

"Broken Armor... quite strange." Luo Bai said secretly.

Few people have played this series of decks. He only remembered that his eldest brother [Broken Armor Double King God. Laiying] would occasionally be on business in other decks.

"Set a card in the backfield." Chen Xinxin said after setting a magic card trap, "Target the set card, activate the effect of the hand card [Hagi Boy. Arhat], destroy the set card and special summon..."

Destroy your own set card?

Self-destruction in Yu-Gi-Oh is never a good thing, like [Dragon God Formation. Sketch], [Island of the Flame King], [Crystal Artifact. Lemon Dragon]...

Must interrupt!

Luo Bai frowned and shouted righteously: "How can you hurt yourself!"

"Chain with C2 [Ode to the Virgin Mary to Save the Purified Girls], remove an Xyz material to activate, select a card on the field and banish it, no target."

What a terrifying effect!

Zhou Gu was shocked and hurriedly said to Chen Xinxin: "Follow the chain, the face card cannot be excluded!"

Chen Xinxin was a little confused and repeated word by word: "Follow the chain, C3 [Broken Arms Boy. Luo Guisha] effect is activated, destroying my face card."

"It also blows itself up." Luo Bai sighed.

"Follow the chain, C4 [Hymn of the Virgin to Save the Purification Girls] has another effect, which returns the Xyz material to the Extra Deck and stacks it on this card for Xyz Summon."

The duel field was silent for eight seconds.

No C5, the effect is processed.

C4 Xyz Summon [Save the Purification Girl. Mika Elise].

C3 The opponent's Luo Guisha self-explodes the face card.

C2 [Hymn of the Virgin to Save the Purification Girls] effect is processed. Since it is an effect that does not take a target, it originally wanted to exclude the face card, but now the face card is forced to self-explode by the opponent, but the opponent's [Broken Arms Boy. Luo Guisha] can still be excluded.

C1 Since the face-up card is not destroyed by the effect of [Hagi Douji. Arhat] itself, [Hagi Douji. Arhat] fails to be Special Summoned.

"Just then!" Chen Xinxin said excitedly.

"I activate the effect of the destroyed face-up card [Hagi Bipolar]. When this face-up card is destroyed by the effect, you can Special Summon a [Hagi] monster from the deck!"

Ignore the level and call the family monster directly from the deck.

It's a very powerful effect, no wonder you have to blow up this face-up card.

"Special Summon [Hagi Douji Salama]!"

"Face a card and activate Salama..."

"Wait a minute." Luo Bai recognized this monster, and he couldn't let it activate its effect.

"I activate the effect of [Saving the Purification Girl. Mika Elise]. This card can be activated on the turn when it successfully uses [Saving the Purification Girl] monster as material. You can choose a card on the opponent's field or graveyard to activate and banish it."

"The banishment target I choose is, of course, [Sharoma, the Broken Armament Boy]!"

"What?!" Zhou Gu cursed.

After the transformation, it can still interfere. Isn't this equivalent to [Savior of the Purification Girls] banishing two opponent cards with one card, and blocking the special summon of the Arhat in the hand.

One card destroyed three of his cards!

"Is this an epic card..." Zhou Gu murmured in a low voice, his eyes lost.

"Exorcism time!" Luo Bai gave an order.

Mika Elise gritted her teeth, and with a firm look in her eyes, she quickly swung the holy sword, and the sword light cut through the air, slashing at the evil ghost like lightning.

The interweaving of sword and magic made a harsh tearing sound.

The black smoke was cut off, and the evil ghost [Sharam, the Weapon-Breaking Boy] let out a painful howl, his body shattered and dissipated into the air.

"That's enough." Chen Wencheng patted Zhou Gu on the shoulder and said.

"Give me a thank you gift."

Zhou Gu turned around and pushed Chen Xinxin awkwardly.

It was her image in the game, and she had to give me a thank you gift.

"You obviously lost, but you still want me to give you a thank you gift." Chen Xinxin complained, with a sullen look in her stomach.

But she still turned to Luo Bai obediently, squeezed out a light polite smile, and bowed deeply: "Thank you for your advice."

After the ceremony, press the surrender button.

Don't waste the precious time of the seniors.

"You guys go out for a while." After the game, Chen Wencheng suddenly said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong?" Deputy Captain Zhuo Jitong frowned, looking a little confused, and the other two were even more confused, not understanding the captain.

/What does dad mean.

"Didn't you notice?" Chen Wencheng sighed.

"He used none of his four backcourt cards."

"He has hidden a lot more."

"We didn't even use one tenth of his strength."

"I want to play a game with him."

"You play with him?! Shouldn't we watch the game?" Zhuo Jitong was shocked and asked in confusion.

The other two also nodded in agreement: "Yes, it would be a pity to miss such a valuable game."

"No." Chen Wencheng looked more nervous than ever.

"My intuition tells me."

"His full strength is not suitable for public disclosure."

"You guys go out."

Seeing that he insisted on doing so, the three did not argue much and left the room with a solemn look.

Then, Chen Wencheng cleared all the Cangyuange team members in the room, leaving only him and Luo Bai.

He put on the VR helmet and sent a message to Luo Bai:

"Hello, senior, is it convenient for you to play another game with me?"

On the other side, Luo Bai did not check out. He was still reviewing the game with Po Xie just now, thinking about whether there was a better way to play. Would it be more ruthless to let the opponent link2 first and then exclude?

At this time, a message popped up in the upper right corner.

"Come again?"

"Her again?"

"Not convinced?"

Change the deck, and go for the target?

Don't be timid when playing, don't play if you are timid.

[Yes] Luo Bai simply replied.

Duelists can't escape from the battlefield!

But at this time, the opponent said strangely: "I hope to see your full strength, your peak."


"My peak?"

Luo Bai slowly lost his mind in these four words.

[Have you seen my peak period? ]

After he replied, his eyes couldn't help but glance at the [Pearl Tears Elegy Tribe] deck beside him.

Peak period...

"No, I just want to see it." Chen Wencheng replied.

"Hehe." Seeing the other side cooperate so well, Luo Bai laughed dumbly and suddenly wanted to play a bad joke.

[Do you want to dance too? ]

After a message, the other side fell into silence, as if unable to pick up the joke.

After a while, it felt that the other side was very serious and didn't seem to be joking.

Luo Bai thought for a while and simply replied:


[Come on]

"Thank you." Chen Wencheng replied immediately.

"No one will watch this duel."

"The duel video will also be cleared."

"No third person will know."

"Don't worry."

"Hiss, this person..." Luo Bai took a breath and felt that the other side seemed to have changed.

A calm smell of a middle-aged uncle came to his face.

Until entering the duel field, he found out.

The other side did change. The student girl before disappeared and really became an uncle.

"Hello." Chen Wencheng spoke first.

"It was my beloved daughter and her team members who were dueling just now. We have no ill intentions."

"I am Chen Wencheng, the captain of the Cangyuange Fortress Team."

"It is an honor to stand on the same duel field with you."

"On behalf of all members of the Cangyuange Fortress Team, I salute you."

He bowed his head and touched his chest to salute.

After all.

The strong are respected.

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