Hearing Li Youfeng's confident declaration of victory, the people watching the duel in the arena were also shocked, especially the duelists Kong Que Wu, Jonouchi and Muto Yugi, who kept thinking about what they should do to make a comeback if they were in this situation.

"In the game, there is nothing on You Feng's field. Does he really have the ability to defeat Kajiki Yuta in this round?"

"I don’t know, at least I can’t do it!" Wang Yang shook his head solemnly,"But I believe in You Fengjun’s strength, let’s wait and see!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I can guarantee that this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to do. You know, due to the terrain, You Feng can't attack Kajiki Yuta at all, and don't forget that in that sea area, Kajiki Yuta has a monster in defense mode. Even if You Feng can attack, he can't cause any damage to him!"Peacock Dance, who is also a duelist, looked at Wang Yang and gave a negative attitude.

Skill: Magic Trap Affinity Activation, 1 time left in this game

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the magic card that was just drawn by activating Magic Trap Affinity, Li Youfeng couldn't help but smile at Kajiki Yuta.

""Tsk, stop scaring me, you bluffing guy! Dahai's defense is perfect, your attack is ineffective!"

Although he was very unconvinced, Li Youfeng's ordinary smile was extremely terrifying in Kajiki Yuta's eyes. A drop of cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead.

"At this moment, the effect of the fallen angel Mary in the cemetery is activated, and I recover 200 health points."

Li Youfeng LP1200>1400

"Next, I activate the magic card! Hieroglyphic Slate. By paying 1000 LP points, my hand limit becomes 7 cards!"

Li Youfeng LP1400>400

"You Feng?! Do you want to commit suicide?"

"What exactly is You Feng doing? Is he planning to give up?"

"Oh my god, why would Li Youfeng reduce his LP for no reason? Is he crazy?"

Wang Yang and others couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat at Li Youfeng's actions!

After all, Li Youfeng, who had sacrificed a lot of life points, actually activated a magic card that seemed so meaningless at this stage. Even a man of destiny like Yugi Muto, who had a high duel talent, couldn't understand what he meant by doing this.

"Next, I activate the magic card from my hand, Friendship!"

"Come on! Kajiki-kun, let's shake hands!"(^_−)☆

Seeing Li Youfeng extending his right hand towards him with a smirk on his face, Kajiki Yuta, who didn't understand what was going on, was a little upset at the moment.

"Get the hell out of here! Are you sick? Who the hell wants to shake hands with a despicable person like you!"

"Alas, what a pity, Kajiki-kun, you are really ruthless. I thought we would become good friends!"

Yes, all duelists of the Hades Flow often feel that they can become good friends with their opponents at any time and in any place.

Suppose, if not, then force him to be your friend!

Retracting his right hand with some regret, Li Youfeng spread his hands and shook his head. On his seemingly helpless face, there was a smile that could not be concealed no matter what.

"But it doesn't matter (broken voice)! Since you don't want to drink my toast, I will immediately show another magic card from my hand, and it's over!"

(Li Youfeng: Don't get me wrong, I just want you to relax!)

"By showing this card to your opponent, you can force the effect of friendship to apply!"

"Reduce the LP of both parties to half of the total value!"

"Because our total LP is now 1400, the split is 700."

(Really! Death Grip!)

Li Youfeng 700LP.

Kajiki Yuta 700LP


Seeing himself become"friends" with Li Youfeng and share his health points against his will, and seeing the latter being smug after reducing his health points, Kajiki Yuta's eyes almost popped out of his head. He grabbed his hair tightly with both hands, with a look of disbelief on his face.


(2 notes, you know what I mean! )


Not only Kajiki Yuta went crazy, but even Yugi and his crew couldn't stand it anymore.

Is this the legendary power of"friendship"?

Is there any inexplicable misunderstanding between Li Youfeng and us in his understanding of the word friendship?

Let's not talk about the outcome of this duel. At least~, Li Youfeng is really talented in messing with people's mentality. However, what Li Youfeng didn't know was that during his duel with Kajiki Yuta, Pegasus, who had been secretly monitoring him, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of wine when he saw Li Youfeng asking for a handshake and forcibly fulfilling his wish.

"Ahem~! You Feng Boy, I have to praise you, you are really a genius!"

He swore. Even a cultured man like Pegasus couldn't help but swear!

As if he didn't see Kajiki Yuta's face gradually twisted due to excessive anger, Li Youfeng continued his storytelling

"I put a monster face-down on the field."

"My turn!"

"Eh? Kajiki-kun, why are you so anxious? My turn isn't over yet!"

"But haven’t you already built and placed the monster?"

"I did put it away, but did I say it was over?"

"Okay, I'll let you continue. I want to see how you can still struggle to the death!"

"Next I activate the Spell Card Book of the Sun, select a face-down monster on the field, and change it to face-up Attack Position!"

"Hahaha! Li Youfeng, you coward finally face me! Wait, I will definitely...……"Seeing that Li Youfeng finally attacked the monster that showed his power, Kajiki Yuta was overjoyed.

"I said, why are you in such a hurry? Do you think you will have another round?"

"Activate the reverse summon effect of the Flame Assassin!"

"Remove the top three cards from your deck and activate, dealing 800 LP damage to your opponent."

Kajiki Yuta LP700 > 0

"No~!!! No, this is not true!" This sudden ups and downs has completely driven Kajiki Yuta crazy,"Li Youfeng! You fucking played dirty on me, didn't you? ? ?"


"Anyone can say I'm dirty, but you, a bastard, are not qualified to do so!"

In response to Kajiki Yuta's questioning, Li Youfeng said, I will never be wronged by this!

"You put the monster in attack mode into the water. After this battle, I don’t even know what the monster you summoned looks like. And you still have the nerve to call me dirty?"

"This is my tactic within the rules of the game! You can't afford to play this game!"

"You can't afford to play! If you lose, you lose. What excuses are there? Hurry up and give me the two star pieces!"

"You dirty bastard! Get out of here after taking the star piece. I don't want to see you again in my life!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng and Kajiki Yuta were spraying each other in the duel arena, and there was a tendency for a real-life PK if they disagreed, Xiaobiao and others who were watching the fight below the arena immediately tried to smooth things over!

This was also thanks to the timely intervention of everyone, otherwise, Kajiki Yuta, who had lost his mind, would definitely use his harpoon to poke Li Youfeng ten thousand transparent holes.

After Xiaobiao and others patiently persuaded, the cursing Li Youfeng was still carried away by Jonouchi and Honda. This duel ended with Kajiki Yuta's defeat.

The only thing worth mentioning is that since this duel, Kajiki Yuta has suffered from a rare card-covering rage disorder. In layman's terms, he can't stand seeing others cover their cards. Of course, this is a later story.

Duel Castle

"Beautiful, very beautiful!"

Seeing Li Youfeng's final victory, Pegasus, who was sitting in front of the monitor, couldn't help but applaud.

"You Feng Boy, you are truly an amazing duelist all the time!"

"But through this Duel, you also made me realize that the current game rules do have big problems."

"But it doesn't matter! When you enter this castle, I will treat you well with new dueling rules!"

"Huh~, you are not the holder of the Millennium Artifact, but you still have such power. You Feng Boy, you claim to be from China but you are nowhere to be found. It seems that you appeared out of thin air. I am really looking forward to you more and more."

"Notify me immediately of any duels involving You Feng Boy."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot! Go and help me investigate what You Feng Boy said.���There is a school called Hell Style. If possible, I hope all the descendants of this school can be used by me!"

"As you command, Master Pegasus!"


"What kind of person is this? Oh, he is the only one who can play dirty and he doesn't allow me to fight back. When he has all those unreasonable advantages in terrain, why doesn't he say that he is dirty? Oh, he swears when he can't win? He actually has the nerve to say that I am dirty? How dare he say these words!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, You Fengjun! It's all over."

"That's right, Youfeng, Youxi is right! In fact, you should also understand that he had such a big advantage but you still overturned the situation. No one would feel comfortable."

Seeing that Li Youfeng was still cursing along the way, Xiaobiao and Jonouchi tried their best to comfort him. As for Peacock Dance, who had already seen the strength of Li Youfeng and others, she parted ways with everyone halfway.

After all, Peacock Dance, who was only 4 stars away from advancing, still had enough time. There were still many cannon fodders on the island. She didn't need to fight Li Youfeng and others to the death now.

Just as everyone was walking aimlessly, a masked dwarf in a red shirt suddenly jumped out of the bushes.

"Li Youfeng, I want to duel with you!"

"Go play with the mud. I'm in a bad mood and don't have time to mess around with you. If you don't want to cause trouble for your brother, you'd better leave this island as soon as possible. Don't stand there like an idiot. I'm talking about you, Kaiba Keipi!"


Hearing what Li Youfeng said, not only Yugi and others were stunned, but even Kaiba Keipi himself was stunned and at a loss.

"You~How do you know it's mine?"Surprised that Li Youfeng recognized him at the first sight, Kaiba Keiping took off his mask a little depressed.

"Nonsense, you haven’t worn the same clothes for years and you’ve changed into new ones. Plus with your spiky hair, it’s hard not to recognize you!"

"Eh~? How could this happen? I always thought my disguise was perfect."

"I'm afraid you're the only one who thinks so!" Li Youfeng, who was too lazy to complain, shrugged helplessly.

""Keipi-kun, why are you here? Are you also a contestant?" Seeing that Kaiba Keipi seemed a little embarrassed, the gentle cousin immediately came up to change the subject.

Feeling that the cousin's concern was not fake, Kaiba Keipi finally couldn't bear it anymore. He burst into tears, tightly grasped the cousin's sleeves and cried:"Brother Youxi, Brother Youfeng, please help me, my brother is in trouble!"

Hearing Kaiba Keipi's words, Li Youfeng, who was already familiar with the plot, said that with Kaiba Seto's amazing skills that even Newton couldn't hold down the coffin lid, who could force him to get into trouble? He might have already touched the island at this moment, and who knows where he is looking for Pegasus's D disk!

Although he didn't have a good impression of Kaiba Seto, seeing Kaiba Keipi's appearance at this time, Jonouchi, who was always hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, immediately came up.��

"Guiping, don't be nervous. If you have any questions, just tell us slowly. We will definitely help you."

"Well, Jonouchi-kun is right!" The gentle cousin smiled,"As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers. As long as you speak up, we will definitely find a way, right, You Feng-kun!"

(Li You Feng: So you guys just made the decision for me without permission?)


Sighing softly, Li Youfeng slowly asked:"So, what do you want to do? Duel with me? Even if you beat me, what can I do? Will your brother come back? Will your company be okay? Since he dared to kidnap you, do you think Pegasus will really let you run away so easily? If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid your every move is now under his surveillance. After all, this island is his home court!"


"Brother You Feng, why do you know so much? Could it be that?"

"You Feng, you, are you in the same group as Pegasus? Otherwise, why do you know so much about it?"As if he had thought of something, Jonouchi grabbed Li Youfeng by the collar.

"Jonouchi-kun, don't be impulsive. I believe Youfeng-kun will never betray us. There must be some misunderstanding here!"

Looking at Jonouchi helplessly, Li Youfeng pointed at the hand that was grabbing his collar and said,"The duel gloves and two star pieces on your hand originally belonged to my boss. I think it might be because of some reasons that Pegasus did not catch my boss. I think you should understand what I mean!"

"I understand!" Without waiting for Jonouchi to speak, Kaiba Keihei spoke first,"The Izayoi family where Sister Xiaoxun belongs is the largest joint consortium in Sakura Country. They operate and integrate all the medical and health care institutions in Sakura Country. Since this duel glove and star piece belong to Sister Xiaoxun, it means that Pegasus not only attacked the Kaiba Group, but also the Izayoi Consortium!"

"Did you hear that? Jonouchi, even a kid like Keipi knows more than you!"

"Eh? Is that so?"Hearing Kaiba Keipi's words, Jonouchi was suddenly embarrassed,"You Feng, I'm sorry, I was impulsive, you, you hit me! I'm sorry for you!"

"Come on, I don't have the habit of attacking my friends!" Li Youfeng straightened his collar and turned around and said,"After all, the real trouble has already come to me!"

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