26XX, Beautiful Country, L City

"Dear viewers, fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! from all over the world, after three months of intense competition, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel World Cup has finally reached this exciting final moment!"

"Standing on the red side is Li Youfeng, the strongest duel king from China who has won four world-class Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments. Standing opposite him is Takuto Funado, the strongest dark horse player from the Sakura Country who has defeated powerful enemies from various countries and risen like a rising star!"

"Now the game has entered the final round, and the two players are currently tied at 2-2. This most crucial round will determine who will be the final world champion!"

"Judging from the current situation on the field, player Li Youfeng, who has only 50 LP left, is obviously on the brink of crisis. With only one card left in his hand, can he block this wave of attacks from Funado Takuto, turn defeat into victory, and win the world-class championship for the fifth consecutive time?"

"Let’s wait and see together!"


Due to the advancement of science and technology, three-dimensional electronic technology has long been popularized in this era. Therefore, after a series of fermentations, Duel Monsters has also entered a new era of electronic technology!

The advancement and development of science and technology have completely revived the already popular Duel Monsters game, and at the same time, it has set off a new duel craze around the world.

In the largest electronic duel competition center in L City, hundreds of thousands of Yu-Gi-Oh fans gathered here to enjoy this tense and exciting offensive and defensive battle.

On the largest battle platform in the center of the arena, Li Youfeng, dressed in black casual clothes, tapped a card covering the electronic instrument with his right index finger, looking at Funado Takuto opposite with a sinister smile on his face.

"Hey, what's wrong, Seaweed Head, there's only this one visible monster on my field, you wouldn't dare to attack even with this, right? Or is it that the Bushido spirit of your country of Sakura is just to bully the weak and fear the strong?"

"You Chinese who only know how to fight in the underworld, your nonsense is just as much as your despicable fighting style. What's more, I have the obvious advantage with only 1700 LP left. Add on that Divine Declaration you just used, and your life has already been like a candle in the wind!"

"Haha, I only have 100 LP left, so what's wrong with using 50 LP to exchange for a Miracle Fusion?

Looking at the Atlas Worm with only 1800 attack power on the opposite side, Takuto Funado's mental state was obviously not as relaxed as it seemed, and a drop of cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead.

"Although my LP is relatively high, I don't have any monsters on my field.

Li Youfeng has a face-up card and an Atlas Worm with 1800 attack power on his field.

Moreover, this damn worm has the effect of making the trap activation ineffective and activating the Red Pit from the hand.

The reason why he left this card on the field must be that he wanted to counter my monsters during my turn and launch a fatal blow to me.

Therefore, for me who has no cards in hand, the next card I draw will be the key to determining the outcome of this duel!


After taking a deep breath, Takuto Funado placed his right hand on his deck.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"What! It's the elemental hero Savage?"

"Damn, this card came too late, otherwise I would have just fused Wildman and killed people indiscriminately?"

Looking up at Li Youfeng who still had a calm face, Zhou Du Takuto secretly calculated in his heart:"Wildman's attack power is only 1500 points.

He is no match for Atlas Worm Demon in a head-on fight, but fortunately I still have a Phoenix Demon in my graveyard.

Even if he has a card that destroys monsters on the field, as long as I can activate the chain, I can still forcefully replace that damn bug.

As long as the effect of Red Pit is gone, then with the effect that Wildman is not affected by Trap Cards, I will definitely be the final winner!


"Li Youfeng, I'll bet on the card in your hand, success or failure depends on this!" He suddenly made up his mind, and a sharp light flashed in Takuto Funado's eyes. At this moment, Takuto Funado seemed to be possessed by President Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! He suddenly exuded a powerful aura from his whole body!

He waved his hand and suddenly shouted at the top of his voice:"Li Youfeng! Your good luck ends here, and victory can only belong to us Sakura people! Strong! Invincible! The strongest! I hereby declare to activate the special effect of the destiny hero Phoenix Magic Man in the cemetery.……"

"This moment!" Before Funado Takuto could finish his words, Li Youfeng shouted with a sly smile,"When Atlas Worm Demon is on my field, I can activate Normal Trap Cards with Hole, Cave, and Void characters from my hand!"

"Therefore, I activate a Normal Trap Card from my hand, Dig My Hole, negating the special effect of Phoenix Magician in the Graveyard and inflicting 2000 damage to my opponent!"

"Nani!!! What the hell!!!

As an electronic sound rang out, Funado Takuto pinched his face with both hands, and with a shrill scream, his LP dropped from 1700 to 0 in an instant.

"Why? Why is it like this!"

Looking at the dazzling red hole in Li Youfeng's hand with an incredible look, Zhou Du Takuto's eyes almost popped out!

"How dare you, a despicable person, hide such a card in your hand? Normally, shouldn't you have Worm or Inferno? You never used this card in the previous two duels, and I didn't even think you had this card in your deck!"

"No, could it be that your previous two games were all designed to deceive me, just for this moment? Answer me! Shameless trickster—Li Youfeng!"

"Maybe, I used the improved Atlas card deck for two consecutive games, and I never activated this card even if I drew it. Of course, I have my reasons!"

Shaking his head indifferently, Li Youfeng picked up the Atlas on the game table, kissed the card lightly, and snapped his fingers with a smile.

"After all, people will always fall into inertial thinking when they are nervous! Besides, a duel is always about bringing surprises to the opponent. Victory or defeat is sometimes just a matter of a thought, don’t you think?!"

"You shameless and despicable villain! I won't accept this!"

The terrifying momentum was instantly lost, and Funado Takuto suddenly felt that his performance just now was simply a severe late-stage patient of the second-year disease. A tear of regret could not help but fall slowly from the corner of his eye.……


"Alas, this handsome guy worked very hard for three months and maintained his undefeated record of winning the world-class Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Tournament for five consecutive years, but the prize money was only 500,000 US dollars. This is too stingy!"

On the plane back to China, Li Youfeng wore large sunglasses and a mask. After glancing at the mobile phone notification message that had just arrived, he put it back in his pocket. He frowned and looked at the blank Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Card in his hand with a depressed look.

"They also said that this card appeared out of thin air, and it has not been printed or displayed so far. Isn't this funny? Do you really think this is a dark game, a duel world or something? How can such an imaginary world really exist? Oh~ They actually used this kind of thing to fool me. It seems that the Duelist Alliance is deliberately making things difficult for me."

"Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore. Anyway, the prize money from the competition is enough for me to spend for a long time."

""Brother, are you Li Youfeng?"

Just as Li Youfeng was putting the card back into his chest pocket with great interest, a little blonde girl who looked about seven or eight years old sitting next to him seemed to have discovered his disguise.

"No, you got the wrong person, I am not you!" In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Li Youfeng shook his head and replied directly

"This voice, this unkempt head, you are Li Youfeng himself!"

Hearing Li Youfeng's voice, the little girl was more certain of her guess. With stars in her eyes, she said with admiration:"Brother Youfeng, I am your loyal fan. Since you participated in the Yu-Gi-Oh qualifiers in the Asia region, I have watched all your games without missing a single one, especially your despicable tactics and the deck construction that messes with people's mentality. They have always been my role models!"

"Uh~Is that so? Haha, as long as you like it! But then again, are you really praising me? Why do I feel so uncomfortable?"

Since he was recognized, Li Youfeng shook his head helplessly and simply stopped pretending, especially in front of this little fan who had always admired him, Li Youfeng couldn't continue pretending.

"Brother You Feng, can you take a photo with me? Please, I just want a photo! Oh, by the way, if possible, can you sign my name on the chest of my skirt? Just write it to my favorite fan Lina! It would be better to draw two hearts, hehe~!"

"Oh, okay!"

Looking at the cute expression of the little girl, Li Youfeng couldn't bear to refuse. He sighed in his heart and took off his mask and sunglasses.

"Hehe, Brother Youfeng, come a little closer, Yeah!"

Seeing Li Youfeng approaching, Lina excitedly took out her phone and happily took a photo with Li Youfeng.

"Brother You Feng, thank you. I will keep this photo as my most precious treasure! The next step is signing. I will give you my watercolor pen. Just write in my……"

""Don't move! We have hijacked this plane. If you want to live, just sit still. Otherwise, don't blame me for my bullets not having eyes!"

Just as Li Youfeng was about to take the watercolor pen, something unexpected happened. Three burly men wearing masks suddenly rushed out from the other side of the cabin. Lina trembled all over due to the sudden shock, and even the colored pen in her hand fell to the ground.

"Ah~ my watercolor pen!"

"Don't move!" Seeing Lina trying to bend down, Li Youfeng quickly held her down,"These people are not good people, I'm afraid they will really shoot and kill people! Lina, don't worry, when we are out of danger, brother will definitely give you an autograph."

"Really? Thank you, Brother Youfeng!"

Hearing Li Youfeng's promise, Lina simply huddled in Li Youfeng's arms. However, just when she thought everything was fine, a masked strong man dressed as a mercenary took out a photo from his pocket and slowly walked towards Li Youfeng.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect the news to be true, it’s really easy to get it!" After carefully comparing the photos, the sturdy man reached out and grabbed Lina,"Lina Jinx, the only daughter of Charlie Jinx, the largest arms dealer in the United States, come with me!"

"Brother You Feng!"


Just when the sturdy man was about to grab Lina, Li Youfeng stood up from his seat and blocked Lina's body. However, in just a moment, Li Youfeng regretted his impulsiveness.

"Boy, you are very brave, right?" In the blink of an eye, the sturdy man stuffed his pistol into Li Youfeng's mouth,"You want to eat lotus seed soup, right? Do you really think I have never killed anyone? Do you look down on me?"

"Da Guo!! Biao Cong Dong!"Li Youfeng was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat and almost peed himself,"Wo~Wo~……"

"Damn it, talk to me nicely!" After pulling the pistol out of Li Youfeng's mouth, the sturdy man pressed it against his forehead with an impatient look on his face,"If you can't satisfy me, you'll report to God!"

""Boss! This guy looks like a Chinese." Just as Li Youfeng was hesitating and was too scared to speak, another robber came over and said,"I heard that everyone in China seems to know Kung Fu, and China is also well-known in the international community as a country that is not easy to mess with. Otherwise, why don't we not cause trouble?"

"Yes, yes! That's right, I am indeed Chinese. If you don't believe me, you can look at my passport!"

The other robber's words made Li Youfeng feel like he had been pardoned. He nodded quickly, as if he was afraid that the big boss would change his mind.

""Tsk! You troublesome boy, get out of my way!"

After kicking Li Youfeng to the ground in the aisle of the cabin, the robber boss once again stretched out his big hand to the trembling Lina. However, just when his hand was about to grab Lina, there was a sudden explosion!

""Bang, bang!"

With a few gunshots, the two robbers in the cabin fell to the ground. Even the robber leader next to Li Youfeng was hit by a bullet in his hand because he was unable to react in time.

"Don't move! We are federal agents, Joseph, your plan has failed, surrender if you want to live!"

"Damn it, how could I surrender!"

Holding back the pain in his right wrist, the robber leader named Joseph stretched out his left hand and pulled out a sharp saber from his waist.

"Since I can't live anymore, I'll let Charlie, the arms dealer, also have a taste of losing his loved ones! Haha~!"

Ignoring the federal agent behind him, Yosem raised his hand and stabbed Lina who was sitting in the seat. However, at this critical moment, a figure suddenly blocked Lina's way again.


With the sound of a sharp blade entering flesh, the sharp saber sank directly into Li Youfeng's heart. With a few gunshots, Joseph was shot dead by the federal agent in front of an incredible look on his face, and slowly fell in a pool of blood.


Unable to help but spit out a large mouthful of blood, Li Youfeng fell backwards slowly with a smile on his face. Before he lost consciousness, what came into his sight was Lina's tearful face and heart-wrenching scream.

"Damn it~ I finally got this fan, how could you kill him? I just don’t know if my hair is messy. Oh, I’m so unlucky. If there is a next life, I will never be so brave again."Just when Li Youfeng completely lost consciousness, no one noticed that the nameless card he put in his chest pocket, after being stained with his blood, suddenly emitted bursts of golden light.

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