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"Haha, first strike! It's my turn, draw a card!" Tanya's first strike indicator lights up.

"Attack Summon, Amazon Swordsman, then Ambush a card, turn ends!"

A 1500 attack, muscular female warrior holding a long sword appeared on Tanya’s field.

"Is the other person the one you chose? He looks good!"The female swordsman looked at You Wuchang with scrutiny as soon as she appeared.

"Is this a human elf?" You Wuchang asked doubtfully. Upon hearing this,

Tanya replied:"No, our Amazon tribe's reverence and worship of our ancestors, power, and totems will produce unique elves that protect our tribe."

"Huh? How confident! A monster with 1500 attack points actually attacks right away to summon it."Maruto Sho exclaimed

"Maybe it's to coordinate with the ambush trap?" Misawa Daichi speculated.

Tanya was also very honest and explained directly:"No, the effect of this card is that the damage received in the battle will be borne by the opponent!"

"What? That's too shameless!"Marufuji Sho lamented for Wuchang

"It's my turn, draw a card!"You Wuchang looked at the six cards in his hand.

"Attack Summon Electric King Cobra’!"

A cobra with electric light all over its body appeared on the You Wuchang field. Its 1000-point attack power was even more confusing.

"Oh? Was my explanation not clear? The effect of Amazon Swordsman is that when this card fights, you will bear the battle damage caused to me, but you will still have to bear the damage caused to you... If you are so stupid, I really need to think about it again!"Tanya said

"I won't make such a low-level mistake... The special effect of the Electric King Cobra is that it can attack the opponent directly! Activate the special effect of the Electric King Cobra and attack directly!"

With You Wuchang's order, the electric King Cobra swam directly towards Tanya. The Amazon female swordsman wanted to stop it, but the former twisted in a flash and dodged it. Then the snake stood up and bit down.

Most women hate snakes, but Tanya, who is from the Amazon family, has no worries at all. She just instinctively stretched out her hand to block it.

"See! We Amazon people have worked hard to train ourselves to not scream when we see a snake! What else are you dissatisfied with?……"Tanya pounded her chest after she finished speaking.

Although she was very attractive, her muscular body was a minus point... Usually, women with well-developed muscles would not develop well here due to hormones, but the Amazons, from Tanya to the elves, seemed to ignore this rule.

"……It's because your training is too redundant! Another special effect of 'Electric Cobra' is that after directly attacking the opponent, you can add an 'Electric' monster in the deck to your own card. I chose another 'Electric Cobra'’!"You Wuchang rolled his eyes.

Judging from the Amazon swordswoman and Tanya, although both of them look tough, they are also quite decent. If you like heroic girls, this is just right.

But the muscles and personality are a bit unbearable!

You Wuchang declared:"Ambush a card, the turn ends."

Although the LP was reduced by 1,000 points, Tanya was not discouraged at all and was still full of fighting spirit:"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Haha, let me show you the grace of the Amazons! Activate the field magic"Amazon Death Arena", restore 600 LP for both sides……"

The LP of both parties rose to 7600 and 8600

"Restoring both LP at the same time? What is this for?"Maruto Sho asked in confusion.

However, unlike the initial actual effect, the image effect of"Amazon's Death Arena" was obviously not so friendly. The huge duel arena was actually surrounded by iron cages rising around it.

It seemed to symbolize that the people in the arena were fighting to the death.

"This is a testimony to the Amazons fighting together with the guardian elves! Another effect of the 'Amazon Death Arena' is that whenever there is a monster battle, both parties can choose to pay 100 LP and cause 100 LP damage to the other party!"Tanya explained

"Oh? Are you so eager to fight?"You Wuchang said speechlessly.

This is also an original card from the animation, but the reason why it has not been made into a real card is not because it is too strong, but on the contrary, it is because the effect is too useless and there is no need to make it into a real card... except for slightly speeding up the duel, it has no effect.

However, in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh where real duels can be carried out, this card is the best card for Tanya to satisfy her warlike mentality.

From the origin of the card, it is also the embodiment of the Amazon clan and the guardian elves' fighting spirit together!

You Wuchang remembered that if this card is activated, after the battle between the monsters of both sides, the duelists on both sides will use virtual bodies to fight each other fist to flesh, and reduce each other's LP.……

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm a pacifist... Activate the trap card 'Intimidating Roar'! In this round, the opponent cannot declare an attack."You Wuchang revealed the trap card.

It was because he was frightened by Tanya's enthusiasm that You Wuchang specially chose this relatively"shrinking" deck.

Although he didn't know why Tanya was so discerning and recognized him as the"manliest" one among all the people present, You Wuchang still decided to use this method to dispel Tanya's inexplicable favorability!

Otherwise, even if he won the duel, he would not be able to live in peace...

This dark duel was initiated by Tanya, and the stakes were"ourselves". In other words, even if You Wuchang won, all he won was Tanya's following him in the future.

Although the"Prayer System" has the highest level of dark duel props authority that he knows, high-level duel props can only choose to increase the chips of the duel when challenged by low-level ones.

But Tanya herself is a"Seven Stars" who has no ill will towards everyone, and You Wuchang doesn't want to raise the chips and bury her because of his likes and dislikes.

"Tsk! Attack means summoning 'Amazon Saint Warrior’"Tanya was really unhappy.

The 1700 attack Amazon Saint Warrior appeared on Tanya's field. The appearance of the Saint Warrior made You Wuchang's eyes light up. This was a rare Amazon card that was not a muscle card. Although some muscles could be vaguely seen, it was still within the range of"healthy vitality".

"Amazon Saint Warrior's special effect is that for every 'Amazon' monster on the field, the attack is increased by 100 points!"

Amazon Saint Warrior's attack power has risen to 1900 points because of the two cards on the field, including himself.

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