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"Forget about blood, what about body fluids?"

"You can try it!"

Camilla said disdainfully, and at the same time her body turned into mist and floated to the high platform on the second floor.

You Wuchang looked at Nini with a pleading look, not losing the battle.

Seeing this, the black magician girl raised her wand, and You Wuchang's body was immediately wrapped in a faint blue light, and also floated up, standing on the high platform opposite Camilla.

For the black magician girl who has not yet fully awakened to the fourth stage, it is okay to fly by herself, but using levitation on others obviously consumes a lot of physical strength.

Since Camilla can use duel props, she can obviously see the duel elves. Seeing this, she snorted disdainfully.

"Hundreds of years have passed, and humans are still the same. They can only use the power of duel elves, but they are still jealous of other races that can communicate with elves!"

"Oh? Can vampires communicate with elves?"Wu Chang asked doubtfully.

"Of course! Isn't it because our people all have the potential to become duelists and can build elves based on themselves to increase their strength that the shameless humans slaughtered us!"Camilla said angrily

"I see... I'm deeply sorry about this, but as a human being... or a vampire, you should still look forward." Wu Chang said

"That's right! I'm just looking forward! That gentleman has already said that as long as you can help him get the key, he will use the power of the Three Phantoms to revive the vampire clan!" Camilla said excitedly. You Wuchang was speechless for a while and then said:"Before, you said that you were the only one left in the vampire clan, right? Could it be that... So the 'power of the Three Phantoms' is this kind of thing?……"

It goes without saying that Hentai anime is running rampant in You Wuchang's mind now!

"Shut up! Bastard, what are you thinking about? I'll tell you, don't worry about being sealed in the doll, I will use your souls to create new vampires, and you will be reborn as noble vampires! But you bastard... I will definitely make you the most humble and lowest vampire servant!"Camilla explained You Wuchang's previous doubts.

"Okay, I, You Wuchang, will submit an application for a dark duel to the supreme"Duel Rules". The loser will be sealed in a puppet!" You Wuchang said

"I, Camilla, accept your challenge!" Camilla said.

Because the other party accepted it directly, there was no need to compare chips in the duel rules, and the dark duel began for them directly!



Camilla's first attack indicator lighted up, and he raised his hand and said,"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"As expected, my warrior... Attack Mode Summoning Undead Werewolf’!"

A werewolf monster with 1200 attack points appeared on Camilla's field.

This monster only exists in the animation and has not been turned into a real card. Although its attack power is not high, its special effect is very difficult to deal with. Because when it is destroyed in battle, it will be special summoned from the deck, and its attack power will increase by 500 points!

If it is put on the field in the first round, it can be regarded as a first-hand monster.

Camilla used this card in the duel with Professor Chronos before, so everyone knows its special effects.

However, You Wuchang still wants to ask:"It was very strange when I saw it last time... Isn't it said that the relationship between vampires and werewolves is very bad? Why does the vampire deck have a werewolf card?

"Humph, in front of more hateful and despicable people, even rude werewolves, we can unite! Although the werewolves have been completely exterminated by you now, the glory of the undead will guide me to revive the blood race!"Camilla said enthusiastically

"……"You Wuchang was speechless.

This is the"charm" of the dark duel. Chronos was right to criticize the"dark duel" for the sake of the young duelists.

But it was too biased. As a means to replace the elven war, the"dark duel" reduced countless casualties for ancient humans and elves.

In Wuchang's view, the real"duelist", which is now called the"dark duelist", is not only not a representative of darkness, but a real hero!

To bear the casualties of a war, or even a battle, on oneself alone...

Just like now, the battle that determines the fate of the vampire clan and humans is entrusted to Camilla and Wuchang.

"Ambush a card, the turn ends!" Camilla declared.

"My turn, draw a card!"

The onlookers couldn't help but get nervous, both because of what Camilla said before and because this was You Wuchang's"first round""……

For others, in the first round, they just have to guess what cards they have drawn, but for You Wuchang, he has to guess what deck is used!

"Attack indication summon……‘Ancient Mechanical Knight’!"

A mechanical monster with a spear and a single shield, similar to Professor Chronos's"Ancient Mechanical" monster, appeared on the field. Its attack power is higher than Chronos's"Ancient Mechanical Soldier", with an attack power of 1800 points.

"What? The same ancient mechanical card deck as Professor Chronos?"Tenth Generation was surprised.

You Wuchang hesitated for a long time between several card decks, and suddenly saw Chronos's doll, so he made such a decision, not to let Chronos pretend to be handsome in vain this time!

"Ancient Mechanical Knight, attack the Undead Werewolf!"You Wuchang directly made a declaration for the battle stage.

"Huh? Do I have to destroy that card in battle? But the effect……"Marufuji Sho said worriedly

"It doesn't matter. The attack power of the ancient mechanical cavalry is 1800. Even if the undead werewolf is summoned again, it will only have 1700 attacks!" Judai explained.

The undead werewolf was pierced through the heart by the spear of the ancient mechanical knight, wailing and shattered and disappeared. At the same time, Camilla also received 600 points of damage.

However……"It's useless! The Undead Warrior will not be unlocked, and the Undead Werewolf special effect will be activated to special summon the Undead Werewolf from the deck, and the attack power will be increased by 500 points!"Camilla declared.

Immediately, a 1700 attack werewolf appeared on Camilla's field again.

"Ambush two cards, turn ends!"

"My turn, draw a card……"

Camilla looked at the card he had drawn and couldn't help but sneer:"Do you think you're safe with an attack power 100 points higher? Attack means summoning 'Little Vampire’!"

Another original card from the anime. A bat monster appeared on Camilla's field. Although it only has 800 basic attacks, it has a special effect that increases the attack of undead monsters on the field by 200, reaching 1000 attacks.

The special effect is also annoying. When it is destroyed, you can discard the same card in the deck to the graveyard to invalidate the destruction!

Like the undead werewolf, it has the difficult effect of"undead".

And with the blessing of the little vampire, the attack power of the undead werewolf has reached 1900 points!

"Undead werewolf, attack the ancient mechanical knight!"

The battle between the werewolf and the ancient mechanical knight started again, but this time it was the ancient mechanical knight that was shattered under the werewolf's sharp teeth, and at the same time, 100 points of damage was caused to You Wuchang.

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