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"It's my turn, draw a card!"

With the rising airflow, Wanzhangmu looked at the card he drew, with neither excitement nor frustration on his face.

"Activate the magic card - Angel's Charity! Draw three cards from the deck, then discard two, and draw a card!"

Seeing the three cards drawn this time, Manjomu suddenly showed a look of relief, discarded two of them into the graveyard, and showed the remaining one……

"Attack means summon Chaos Necromancer’!"

Wanzhangmu summoned a one-star monster, which looked like an evil wizard wearing a wizard robe and a mask, with an attack power of"0"

"What's going on? A card with 0 attack?"Marufuji Sho asked in confusion.

"No, that's an effect card! If I summon it now with Manjomu, the attack may be……"Asuka said solemnly

"The Chaos Necromancer's attack power increases by 300 points for each monster card in the graveyard! It's not time to rest, my warriors!"

In the Wanzhangmu graveyard, those that entered directly from the field included Masked Dragon, Armed Dragon LV3, Armed Dragon LV5, two Armed Dragon LV7, Armed Dragon LV10, and 4 that were sent in by the Armed Dragon effect, as well as the previous"Angel's Charity" effect. One of the two abandoned cards in the graveyard was also a monster card...

The Chaos Necromancer shook his hands, and countless puppet strings shook out, and the other end showed the image of eleven mini monsters.

At the same time, the Chaos Necromancer's attack power also increased to 3300 points!

"But it's still useless, right? Wu Chang still has 4700 LP. In the next round, no matter how much attack power the Chaos Necromancer has, he will be defeated by Wu Chang's"Flame King Beast" after clearing the field.……"Maeda Junto says

"Chaos Necromancer, attack 'Dark Flame Star Xiong Zhi’!"

Under Wanzhangmu's command, the puppets controlled by the Chaos Necromancer rushed towards Xiong Zhi one after another. Not only did Xiong Zhi turn into pieces of light, but You Wuchang also suffered 1,600 points of damage, and his LP was reduced to 3,100 points.

"It's a tie this time, let's leave the outcome for next time! Activate the Trap Card 'Destruction Wheel'! Destroy the 'Chaos Necromancer' on my field, and cause damage to both the enemy and me at the same time with the target monster's attack power!"Manjomu revealed the trap card that was ambushed two turns ago.

It turned out to be the OTK and forced 50-50 artifact"Destruction Wheel" from the GX era!

At this time, the Destruction Wheel does not have the target monster's attack power, which must be less than the opponent's remaining LP limit, and the damage calculation is that both sides are carried out at the same time, which can easily cause a tie effect where both sides die, instead of the revised"first yourself and then others" order calculation...

A circle of"grenade" rings was put on the Chaos Necromancer's neck, and a huge explosion sounded in an instant, and the duel field was wrapped in smoke from the explosion.

Under the smoke, it can be vaguely seen that You's field magic has disappeared, and the students in the spectator seats couldn't help but talk about it.

"Is it possible that Wuchang's"invincible" myth is about to be broken?"

"It doesn't count, right? If it's just a tie, it's considered a loss!"

"But Manjomu is really true. If it were me, I would have admitted defeat.……"


The principals of both parties looked at each other in bewilderment, not knowing what to do in this situation... How should the rewards be distributed?

But at this moment, Caesar suddenly said,"Wait! Look at the LP display!"

Only then did everyone realize that Wanzhangmu's LP had been cleared by the destruction wheel, but You Wuchang still had 1,800 LP left.……

"How is this possible? How do you still have LP?"Wanzhangmu said in astonishment.

At this moment, the effect of the big explosion gradually dissipated, and there were still cards displayed on You Wuchang's field.

The cover card that was ambushed in the first round has been revealed at this time. It is a quick-attack magic"Extraordinary Food"!

It turned out that just when Wanzhangmu's"Wheel of Destruction" was activated, You Wuchang also activated his own"Extraordinary Food" in a chain, sending the magic or trap cards on his field in addition to this card to the graveyard. Each time a card is sent in, 1000 LP will be restored... You

Wuchang chose to sacrifice his"Island of the Flame King" and"Flame Dance·Tianji", raising the LP above the kill line. Because of this effect, the field magic disappeared!

In this way, only Wanzhangmu's LP dropped to zero, and the victory or defeat was clear.

"The game is over, and the winner is the representative of the Central Campus - You Wuchang!"Chronos announced.

For Manzhangmu, it is impossible not to be frustrated. After all, he had gone through so many twists and turns to get a chance to die together, but in the end he was"ruthlessly" annihilated.

Although for You Wuchang, this is an inevitable result, because"Very Food" is a card he ambushed in the first round, after the routine of the two"Flame King Divine Beasts" cycle clearing the field came out, he had already secured the victory.

Even if he and Manzhangmu were to switch positions and get along, he couldn't do better in the last two rounds, unless he used the power of"Dimensional God Draw" to ignore the restrictions of the deck and directly"draw" the card he wanted, and he couldn't use it only once. Maybe he would have to"Pot of Greed + Pot of Desire" to expand his hand and then draw the killer card he wanted. It is estimated that his life span will be reduced to one in ten!

(You can try to imagine that in the last round, what card will Manzhangmu draw to save himself... Chaos Dragon Emperor is a banned card, and the others are up to you.)

However, just as Manzhangmu was unwillingly bowing his head, the students who were watching all stood up and gave him warm applause.

It was to celebrate You Wuchang's victory, and also to give Manzhangmu a round of applause for letting them see a wonderful duel and truly feel the spirit of duel.

Edogawa, a muscular man from the North Campus, suddenly stood up on a chair and waved a large flag that he had taken out from somewhere. On the flag was Manzhangmu's head, and there was lightning in the background.……

"One!"Edogawa took the lead and shouted

"Ten!"The students from the surrounding North Campus responded.

"Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands... Lightning, lightning, lightning……"

You Wuchang felt a chill:"Hey, hey, why do you act like you guys won? Forget it... If someone from the Central Campus celebrates for me like this, I'll probably even want to drop out!" He looked at Wanzhang Muzhun again, and was so moved that his face was filled with tears. He also shouted"Lightning, Lightning" along with everyone else.……

"Can you tell me where you were moved? Your tears are so strange.……"You Wuchang shuddered for a moment, then quietly walked off the stage.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the most noisy Tenth Generation came with a group of students from the Central Campus, surrounded You Wuchang, and then threw him high up.……


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