The addition of the Iron Beast Front instantly tipped the scales of the battle.

The Church began to lose ground.

Facing this powerful technological firepower, the power of the Stigmata suddenly seemed much smaller.


The Archbishop had no choice but to reluctantly order the believers to evacuate quickly.

If this continued, not to mention taking away the White Mark, he himself would probably have to die here!

For the final plan, in order to gain power beyond the gods, now he could only temporarily endure it!

Under the control of the Mark of He, the believers of the Church began to evacuate quickly.

On the battlefield, the people on the Iron Beast Front gradually stopped attacking and watched the retreating believers.

""Huh, it's over."

Seeing the followers begin to retreat,

Ji Te, who was driving the Blue Glow Bear, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Long Yiguo had retreated, it was still a powerful existence with the strength of an entire country.

Even if the Iron Beast Front was strong, it was obviously impossible to defeat the powerful Long Yiguo with only seven people.

"Hey, Schlegel, hurry up and take those two with you, it's time to retreat." Kit raised her head and shouted to Schlegel who was flying in the sky.

Schlegel nodded slowly.

However, just when she was about to look for Yuki Judai and Ecclesia, she found that the two had disappeared silently on the battlefield without a trace.

In this ruin that had long been stained with blood, only Fleurdelis fainted on the ground.

Her limbs were still flashing with the remaining red light of the He mark.

The seven people of the Iron Beast Front slowly gathered around Fleurdelis.

For this saint who had once made them suffer so much

, everyone on the Iron Beast Front fell into silence.



What if we don't save her?

GX generation.

In the Kaiba Hotel.

With a flash of light.

Yuki Judai and Ecclesia returned to the hotel again.

Escaped from the control of the archbishop, Ecclesia immediately fainted.

Fortunately, Yuki Judai was quick-witted and supported Ecclesia with his arms the moment she fainted.

But Judai also discovered.

The holy mark on Ecclesia's forehead has now transformed into the form of the Mark of He.

If it continues like this.

Ecclesia will probably eventually degenerate into the form of [Death Prison].

However, fortunately, in this world, without the control of the archbishop, the Mark of He will not continue to attack.

If we want to completely solve the problems caused by the Mark of He.

I'm afraid we can only go to [Da Lingfeng Xiangjianmen] and look for the [Ice Water] clan as in the original story line.


Before that.......

He put Ecclesia on the bed and covered her with the quilt.

Yucheng Judai took out his phone from beside the pillow.

He realized that his phone had been almost blown up. The numbers that were calling were mostly numbers that Yucheng Judai didn't recognize.

At this moment, another call came in.

Yucheng Judai had just answered the call.

A warm and attentive voice came from the other end.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Yujo?"

"This is the Professional Duelist Agency. Mr. Yucheng, do you have any plans to enter the professional world?"

"We are here......"

Before the other party could finish, Yucheng Judai hung up the phone.

Looking through the incoming calls and text messages, it was exactly what Yucheng Judai had imagined.

Ever since he defeated Ed yesterday.

His reputation in the duel world has been thoroughly established.

Not only are there brokerage companies that want to become his professional agent and invite him to play in the professional league.

There are even quite a few advertising companies that want to find him for various advertisements and promise him a lot of compensation.

However. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yucheng Judai is not very interested in these things.

He just returned from the Abyss Dimension and obtained a brand new [Branded Deck].

Why would he have the time to shoot commercials or find an agent?

It would be better to master this power first.

Open your hands[]

All the components of the branded deck were now spread out in front of Yuujo Judai.

Dozens of cards were arranged in several rows and appeared in front of Judai.

The components of this branded deck are quite comprehensive.

Combined with the various [Dragon Random Packs] that the system rewarded him before, and a little processing.

It is just enough to put together a complete branded deck.

As for the strength.

Yuujo Judai still needs to find someone to test it. After the deck is assembled.

Ecclesia, who was unconscious behind him, has also woken up at this moment.

"Wake up?"

Glancing at Ecclesia who sat up from the bed and said nothing, Yusuke

Judai knew that Ecclesia's heart might be quite complicated.

The archbishop of his faith suddenly revealed his true face under the temptation of the White Mark.

His dearest sister Fleurdelis was also suffering under the erosion of the mark.

Almost in an instant, Ecclesia's world changed drastically.

Such a thing, no matter who it happened to, it would be unbearable pain.

"Don't worry, before we returned to this world, I saw the Iron Beast Front's people taking Fleurdelis away.

Feeling the pain in

Ecclesia, Yuujo sighed and sat down next to Ecclesia.

"As for the stigmata......I already know how to erase it completely"

"These few days, you should stay in this world and have a good rest."

"Wait until the time......"

Yugi Judai hadn't finished speaking yet.

Ecclesia suddenly hugged Judai tightly, buried her head in his arms and burst into tears.......0When you are at your most vulnerable, you still have someone by your side.

This may be the most devastating moment.

Yuujou sighed and could only let Ecclesia hold him to vent.

However, feeling the coldness coming from his back,

Yuujouu couldn't help but shiver.

Sure enough, having too many card elves around you is not a good thing.......

After crying, Ecclesia's mood quickly stabilized.

It must be said that Ecclesia's heart is still quite pure.

Although she has been through a lot, as long as the delicious food is served, Ecclesia can quickly forget the pain, immediately turn grief and anger into appetite, and eat like crazy.

This made Yuki Judai think that this girl who ate and drank like crazy was not the same girl who cried for half an hour.

"So, having a simple mind does have its advantages."

"At least it won't be too annoying."

Supporting his face, Yuujo Judai felt for the first time that Ecclesia's gluttony had a good side.

He looked at the girl who was eating barbecue and smiling at him.

The girl's face was red.

He didn't know if it was because she had cried or something else.

Yuujo Judai raised his mouth slightly and shook his head helplessly.

He felt that since Ecclesia had just cried, the atmosphere between him and her had become a little strange.

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