At this moment, Frog was dumbfounded.

The audience in the audience were also stunned at the scene.

The body of the three dead frog was lifted up little by little.

Then, the Yubel Elf threw it back to Frog's field.

The heavy body of the three dead frog hit the ground with a bang, and Frog was frightened and trembled, and then he came back to his senses.

""Wait, wait a minute, Yujo Judai, what's up with that monster?"

Frog couldn't hold it in any longer. Yujo Judai hadn't summoned any monsters in his previous rounds.

Where on earth did this monster come from?

"Oh? Didn't you hear clearly just now?"

Yucheng Judai raised his eyebrows and looked at Frog with a little pity,"It seems that you are immersed in your own fantasy and can't extricate yourself."

"When your [Three Dead Frogs] declares an attack, the effect of [Yubel Elf] in my hand is activated."

"This card can be Special Summoned from your hand."

"Moreover, [Yubel Elf] will not be destroyed by battle, and the damage caused by battle to itself will be reduced to 0!"

Yucheng Judai's words made Frog tremble.

There was a light of disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't expect that all his attacks would have no effect on Yucheng Judai.

Yucheng Judai seemed to have completely dismantled his deck in advance.

No matter what tactics he used, it was completely meaningless in front of Yucheng Judai!

There was no flaw.

This guy's duel had no flaws at all....

"When Yubel is Special Summoned, select a magic or trap with the name of Yubel from your deck, add it to your hand, or place it on your field."

Yucheng Judai took out a card.

A cold golden light flashed in his eyes.

That look made Frog feel like he was falling into an ice cave.

His heart began to beat wildly.

"It's my turn, draw a card.

"Activate the continuous magic card in your hand, [Pain of Nightmare]】"

"Destroy the [Yubel Elf] on the field, and add a [Yubel] other than [Nightmare Pain], or a card with that card in the name from the deck to the hand."


The body of the Yubel Elf on the field gradually shattered.

However, the Yubel Elf did not disappear.

Instead, the body of the elf gradually changed from semi-transparent to a completely solid state.


【Star rating: 10】


【Attack Power: 0】


When the Yubel Pokémon is destroyed, you can Special Summon a Yubel from your hand, deck, graveyard, or banished state.

"It's over."

Slowly raising his finger, Yujo Judai pointed at the giant frog on Frog's field.

"【Yubel] Will not be destroyed in battle. Any damage inflicted on you during battle will be borne by your opponent (original effect)"

"[Nightmare Pain] can also make the opponent bear the damage caused by the battle of [Yubel] monster."

"That is to say."

Yujo Judai said.

Yubel on the field also cooperated and floated up slowly with his arms folded.

Yubel's eyes flashed blood red. The

[Three Dead Frog] on Frog's field immediately floated up uncontrollably.

""Guaqua, gua!"

The three-dead frog struggled desperately with its four legs.

However, no matter how it struggled, its body floated uncontrollably above Frog's head.

In Frog's desperate eyes, it was like a mountain pressing down heavily.


Frog's screams resounded throughout the venue.

The body of the three-dead frog shook up a cloud of dust, and the ground even cracked after it was smashed.

The counterattack with double the attack power ended the duel in an instant.

As the scoreboard on the big screen jumped,

Frog's health value also dropped to 0 like water.

【Frog Johnny: LP4000→0】

【Yuki Judai: WIN】

The images of the monsters on the field gradually faded.

The body of the three dead frogs also gradually disappeared from the field.

Only Frog, who was lying on the ground and shaking uncontrollably, was left. He was carried away by the stretcher team that arrived later.

Looking at his condition, I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of bed in the next month.

"Win......The winner is......"

""Yujo Judai!"

As Frog was carried away on a stretcher, the referee woke up from his dream and shouted out Yujo Judai's name.

At this moment, the audience on the field came back to their senses.

Cheers and applause sounded like thunder.

At this time, no one dared to question the strength of the '1 star' duelist in front of them.

Rather, they were all confused.

Why did a duelist of this strength only have a 1 star duel rating?

Isn't Kaiba's review standard a bit too ridiculous?......

In the lounge, watching Yuki Judai kill Frog in seconds on the big screen, all the professional duelists were stunned, totally unable to believe what they saw.

The ninth-ranked expert in the duel rankings.........How could he be defeated by an unknown little kid?

"It seems......We still underestimated this guy called Yuki Judai."

"Maybe he is the one in this invitational tournament......."

"The strongest, right?"

As one of the professional players expressed his opinion, a small sigh spread among the crowd.

The strongest?......

Ed, who was drinking tea silently, frowned.

I'm afraid.

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