""It's my turn, draw a card!"

Draw a card from the deck.

Frog scanned the cards in his hand, and then put a card on the duel disk,"Activate the quick attack magic card, [Handbook Break Kill】"

"Both players sent two cards from their hand to the graveyard, and then drew two cards from their decks."Are you filtering out the important components?"

Yusuke raised his eyelids.

His eyes scanned the six cards in his hand.

Then, he selected two cards from his hand and sent them to the graveyard, and drew two more cards.

"Hehe."Glancing at the card he drew, Frog sneered,"What a pity, Yujo Judai"

"I drew the key card right at the start, it seems the duel is over"

"Activate the effect of [Ghost Frog] in your hand."Showing a monster in his hand, Frog sneered.

"Discard a WATER monster from your hand other than this card."

"This card is Special Summoned from the hand."

A column of water burst out from Frog's field.

A frog with brown and red tattoos appeared in front of Frog, croaking heavily.

【Ghost Frog】

【Stars: 2】


【Attack: 1000】

"It appeared! It was Frog's frog cannon tactics!"

In the audience, a spectator exclaimed

"【Ghost Frog: Activates when Summon, Special Summon, or Flip Summon is successful."

"From your deck and face-up monsters, select a Level 2 or lower Aquatic or Water monster and send it to the Graveyard."

Flogg said, picking a card from his deck.

"I choose to send [Pure Frog] from the deck to the graveyard!"

"And from the hand, Normal Summon [Swap Frog】!"

A vortex of white and black rose up behind Frog.

Then, with a frog croaking, a frog with half pink and half dark black jumped out of the vortex and crouched on Frog's field.

【Swap Frog】

【Star rating: 1】


【Attack power: 100] appeared, an important part of the frog deck.

Yuujou's eyes darkened.

"Activate the effect of [Pure Frog] in the graveyard!"

"By banishing a [Frog] monster from the graveyard, [Pure Frog] can be Special Summoned from the graveyard."

Frog said, taking out a [Yellow Spring Frog] from the graveyard,"I will banish the [Yellow Spring Frog] from the graveyard and Special Summon Pure Frog!"


The green tattooed frog finally appeared on Frog's field with a dogtail grass in its mouth.

"And activate the effect of [Exchange Frog], use [Pure Frog] as a sacrifice, and select a monster with [Frog] in its name from the deck to Special Summon!"

Frog immediately released Pure Frog and selected another Frog monster from the deck.

"I chose to special summon [Draw Card Frog】!"

Select a frog from the deck, and Frog Special Summon it to the field.

【Card drawing frog】

【Stars: 2】


【Attack: 100】

"Activate the effect of [Swap Frog] again to release [Draw Card Frog]! Special Summon a second [Draw Card Frog] from the deck.】!"

"Also, when [Draw Frog] is sent face-up from the field to the Graveyard, you can draw a card from your deck!"

Frog sneered and drew a card from his deck.


Didn't get [Mass Accelerator]?

Frog glanced at the cards in his hand, then said,"Activate the third effect of [Ghost Frog]"

"Activate this card by returning a monster on the field to your hand. During this turn, you can only Normal Summon once, and can Normal Summon a [Frog] monster other than [Ghost Frog] again."

"I return [Ghost Frog] to my hand"

"Normal Summon! [Magic Frog】!"

As the ghost frog returned to Frog's hands, the next moment, a frog with a milky white body and a doctor's hat on its head appeared on Frog's field.

"According to the effect of [Exchange Frog], [Magic Frog] is released, and the third [Draw Card Frog] is special summoned.】"

"At the same time, when [Magic Frog] is sent from the field to the Graveyard, it activates"

"From the deck or graveyard, select a [Frog] monster other than [Magic Frog] and add it to your hand."

Frog said, picking up a card from the deck.

"I added [Devil Frog] to my hand"

"And activate the effect of [Ghost Frog] to Special Summon it to the field again by sending [Demon Frog] to the Graveyard!"

"And activate the special summon effect, from the deck, send the two-star and lower water monsters to the graveyard!"

It started to cycle!

Seeing Frog's actions, many spectators in the field exclaimed

"The Frog Deck uses the effect of [Exchange Frog] to continuously send monsters on the field to the Graveyard, thereby special recruiting and stacking frog monsters in the deck one by one."

"As long as the number of frogs in the graveyard reaches 10, you can use the effect of [Pure Frog] to jump back and forth, and then use [Mass Accelerator] to cause effect damage to the opponent."In the lounge, looking at the screen where Frog is using the ability of [Exchange Frog] to jump back and forth on the monsters on the field,

Ed seems to have seen the outcome of this duel.

"It seems that it's over......."

Yujo Judai.

You were so reckless and gave up the initiative. It was a big mistake....

"Hehehe, the effect of the exchange frog continues to work!"

"Release [Ghost Frog] and Special Summon a second [Ghost Frog] from your deck】"

"Also, due to the second effect of Ghost Frog, when this card is Special Summoned successfully, send a Level 2 or lower Water-type or Water-attribute monster from your deck to the Graveyard."

"Activate the effect of [Exchange Frog] again!"

"Release the [Ghost Frog] again and Special Summon the third [Ghost Frog] from the deck.】!"

"And activate the effect of Ghost Frog to pile up the graveyard!"

Swish, swish, swish——!

A series of release, special move, release, special move.

Frog's deck began to shrink rapidly.

After just a few rounds, a large number of frog cards were piled up in Frog's graveyard.

"Activate the effect of the Swap Frog again, release the Ghost Frog, and Special Summon [Unknown Frog】!"

"At the same time, [Unknown Frog] is released and Special Summoned......"

The effect of the exchange frog was constantly activated.

By constantly releasing the frogs on the field, the next frog was special summoned from the deck.

As the deck became thinner and thinner, almost all the frog cards in Frog's deck had been piled into his graveyard!

Frog also used the effect of [Draw Card Frog] after being released to draw key cards from the deck.

【Quality Accelerator】!

"Activate the continuous magic card! [Quality Accelerator】!"

Frog was delighted and immediately placed the card in his hand on the duel disk.

"Mass Accelerator: Every time you release a monster on the field, you can inflict 400 points of damage to the opponent's health!"

"I activate the effect of [Pure Frog] in the Graveyard, banishing a [Frog] monster and Special Summoning it to the field!"

Pure Frog appeared again.

At this moment, Frog's tactics have reached their climax!

"Use the more than 20 [Frog] cards in the cemetery to continuously revive [Pure Frog】"

"Every time you revive [Pure Frog], you can use the effect of [Mass Accelerator] to liberate [Pure Frog] and deal damage to the opponent!"

"In this case, it only takes ten times to release [Pure Frog], and Yuki Judai will lose!"

In the audience, the dark blue-haired elementary school student who was watching the game clenched his fists nervously, holding his breath and staring at the scene in front of him.

What a terrible tactic.

As expected, once this tactic is deployed, the opponent will have no means of counterattack at all!


Frog opened his arms and laughed triumphantly.

"That's it! Activate the effect of [Mass Accelerator]!"

"Release the [Pure Frog] on the field and deal 400 damage to the opponent!!!"

Pure Frog's body turned into a ball of light and poured into the [Mass Accelerator].

However, just as the Mass Accelerator was about to start,

Yuki Judai, who had been listening to Frog's storytelling for a long time, finally yawned out of boredom. He slowly showed a card from his hand.

"When activating the card in hand, the effect of [Wing Cotton]"

"Discard this card from your hand to activate"

"This round, all the effect damage I received becomes 0."


Frog, who was so proud, froze in place like a petrified man, staring at the card in Yuki Judai's hand in amazement.

This round......

Effect Damage...... becomes......


At this moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them in a daze.

The way they looked at Frog was as if they were looking at a clown.

Good fellow.

You have been playing monkey tricks for half an hour, and the audience is tired of watching.

In the end, you were defeated by a card from someone else?

This is the ninth-ranked master in the Duel Points List?

This is too clown!............

(The author felt that the previous title was a bit ordinary, so he changed it to a completely new title! I would like to inform everyone in advance!)

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