Of course,

Judai could also sense that his current strength could not sustain this function for too long.

If he wanted to use this ability without any constraints, it seemed that he could only continuously improve his domineering power in duels.

Looking at the invitation letter of the competition on the bedside,

Judai Yucheng raised an arc at the corner of his mouth.

And this invitational competition was just a good place for him to"brush experience".

That guy, Bekas, really gave him a"big gift"....

After breakfast,

Yuujiro, with his backpack on his back, walked towards Kaiba Corporation.

From now on, although this competition was held by Bekas himself and was a"private" duel event, it was held in Kaiba Paradise and promoted by Kaiba Corporation.

Therefore, contestants must first take an invitation letter to Kaiba Corporation to register before they can officially enter the competition.

Entering the lobby of Kaiba Corporation,

Yuujiro was still thinking about where to go to register.

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded in Yuujiro's ears.

""Oh! She's actually here!"

Upon hearing this voice, Judai Yuu couldn't help but frown.

Turning his head, he saw a woman wearing a burgundy Kaiba Company front desk uniform skirt and short green apple hair, pointing at him with an exaggerated look on her face.

It was indeed her.

Shimizu Yuka!

When Judai Yuu felt a little noisy in his ears when he saw this woman.

He wanted to pretend that he didn't see it and walked aside.

Unexpectedly, Yuka actually left the guest who wanted to take the duelist rating assessment in front of him and ran directly towards Judai Yuu.

"Hello! I haven't filled out my registration form yet!"

"Sorry, you just fill it out yourself first!"

Ignoring the angry shouts of the customer behind her,

Yuka ran to Yucheng Judai and stretched out her arm to block Yucheng Judai's way.

"Hey, where did you go last night? You left me alone on the street!"

Yuka's voice seemed as strong as her personality.

This was a bit ambiguous. It immediately attracted the attention of a group of passers-by.

"I said, we just met yesterday, right?......And I've already said that the assessment has nothing to do with you......."

"That won't do! I have already reported yesterday's assessment to the company's top management for you. There will definitely be good results! You must believe me!"

Looking at Yuuka's serious face,

Yuki Judai felt a little speechless.

This woman is just like a door-to-door insurance salesperson.

Once you get entangled with her, it will be endless torture.

"By the way, Judai, what are you doing here this time? Do you need to take the assessment again?"

Yuuka blinked and looked at Yuki Judai with a little curiosity.

Yuki Judai was about to ignore Yuuka.

Suddenly, he thought that instead of looking around in Kaiba Company like a headless fly, it would be better to ask this noisy woman.

"Do you know where the registration for the 11th World Class Duel Invitational Tournament is?"

"Eh? World-class Duel Invitational Tournament?"

Yuka's eyes suddenly widened.

"Are you talking about the duel event that has been hyped up online recently?"

"Hmm? Did you know?"Yujo Judai was stunned for a moment.

He was not the kind of person who liked to surf the Internet.

In addition, he had been traveling around the world before, and spent most of his time in various dense forest ruins.

He did not pay attention to the recent hot topics on the Internet.

"There's no way that no one knows about this!"

Yuka suddenly became excited,"This Duel Invitational Tournament is sponsored and hosted by the legendary father of Duel Monsters, Mr. Bekas!"

"Moreover, Mr. Becas has only invited sixteen duelists from all over the world to participate in this invitational tournament!"

Sixteen duelists?

Yucheng Judai was slightly stunned.

Speaking of which, he seemed to have no idea who Becas had invited.

"The identities of two of the duelists are unknown, and it seems that they will only be revealed on the day of the main competition."

Yuuka touched her chin and said thoughtfully,"But the identities of the other fourteen have been completely confirmed."

"The first one is the talented duelist who made his mark in the world-class competitions a few years ago, Frog Johnny, who is currently ranked ninth on the duel points list."

"The second one is the professional duelist known as the King of Strength, Musashi Kayama! He is also the current duelist ranking 13th."

"the third......"

"Fourth Place......"

Yujo Tendai:"......"

Watching Yuuka rattling off a bunch of names he had never heard of,

Yuki Judai suddenly felt that his question seemed a bit redundant.

However, Yuki Judai was very confused.

These people might be professional-level powerhouses in the dueling world of the GX world.

But to those real legendary duelists, these professional duelists are actually just so-so.

Among these people, are there really opponents that Bekas said he was interested in?

Yuki Judai shook his head and prepared to leave with his backpack.

It seemed that he could see that Yuki Judai was not interested in listening any more.

Yuuka hurried over and grabbed Judai.

"Wait, wait, I haven't finished yet!"

"Thirteenth, thirteenth, that's my idol!"

Yuuka said, her eyes immediately twinkled like stars.

Anyway, it's another guy she has never heard of.

Yuki Judai rolled his eyes and was about to ignore him.

However, Yuuka suddenly said a name that made Yuki Judai stunned.

"That person is the youngest professional duelist in the professional duel world."

"Ed Phoenix, known as the 'noble prince'!"

"Isn't that amazing! In terms of age, Ed is one year younger than Judai."


Ed Phoenix?

When Judai Yuu heard this name, something flashed through his mind like lightning.

So that's it.

The person that Bekas was talking about, the one he would be interested in.

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